Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #43

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IMO I believe she abused Gannon on Sunday and set out a plan to kill him, but I don't think he wasn't deathly wounded when he got into the truck that morning or they would've found some DNA showing that. I think she gave him something to try to kill him and tried to make it look like he was on drugs when he "supposedly" ran away. So she spent two hours driving around hoping he would die so she could dispose of him, but he didn't die so she had to do things differently.
That's my gut reaction too.

I'll be comparing my and Knox's compilations tomorrow. Meanwhile, a quick question. In the AA, we see that LE used the raw data from the Tiguan and the data from the GPS Tracker they placed on the Nissan to locate her in the Hwy 105 area on both the 28th and the 31st. Does anyone recall any information collected about the location of the truck on the 27th during the two hours they can't account for? They got the raw data from the Tiguan by pulling the chip. I'm certain I read somewhere that they also took the truck. Do we know if they pulled a similar chip from the truck (I'm assuming there was one there as well?) to identify where she was during those two hours?
I'll be comparing my and Knox's compilations tomorrow. Meanwhile, a quick question. In the AA, we see that LE used the raw data from the Tiguan and the data from the GPS Tracker they placed on the Nissan to locate her in the Hwy 105 area on both the 28th and the 31st. Does anyone recall any information collected about the location of the truck on the 27th during the two hours they can't account for? They got the raw data from the Tiguan by pulling the chip. I'm certain I read somewhere that they also took the truck. Do we know if they pulled a similar chip from the truck (I'm assuming there was one there as well?) to identify where she was during those two hours?
It wasn’t mentioned in the affidavit, but I think it’s a safe bet that they do not have any location data for the truck.

It’s incredibly important to know where she went, but the truck couldn’t have told them that.
It wasn’t mentioned in the affidavit, but I think it’s a safe bet that they do not have any location data for the truck.

It’s incredibly important to know where she went, but the truck couldn’t have told them that.
Right. The affidavit specifically mentions that her whereabouts from 11:22am to 1:22pm.

So, the truck doesn't provide info. Her phone was turned off and at home. So, that brings us back to Gannon's phone. It was either left at Petco or was disabled while still in the car.

You'd think there would be video from the Petco parking lot area to at least show what direction she headed??

Has anyone else wondered if LS used the switch to strike the killing blow to Gannon? I have been wondering if she did and if Gannon got on his switch after he grounded from it and LS blew her top over it, picking it up to strike him with it.

GS wasn't on his switch playing. It was planted so TS could take a picture.

"See Al, I told you he goes behind our backs to play his switch when he's grounded. This is that I put up with all the time."
5:13 PM

Sunday, January 26, 2020 (MST)
Sunset in Colorado Springs, CO

The hike the evening before will play a part in this. It’s not a habit of hers to hike, much less bring 2 or 3 kids along 1.5 hours before sundown when the low temp was 27. There are no SM postings of her ever hiking except the evening before he died and 1 or 2 years prior HH posted a hiking pic.

“I saw boy and stepmom standing together on cliff at 3:30.” Says man in blue coat nearby.
If she assaulted him on Sunday, she had all of Sunday night/early Monday morning to do some cleaning.
There's a gap in those google searches she did between around 1 am and 4:40 am.
Methinks she was spending a good chunk of that time cleaning.



Anyone remember seeing the time stamps on the nighttime stills from RD's camera?
It wasn’t mentioned in the affidavit, but I think it’s a safe bet that they do not have any location data for the truck.

It’s incredibly important to know where she went, but the truck couldn’t have told them that.
Anddddd that's why she took it to begin with. She knew her car would track her (or at least she googled that).
And why she locked her phone and left it at home.
And why she hid GS's phone for 2 hours.
I'm not sure if the device is heavy enough to inflict a fatal injury?
ETA: the screenshot shows the device with the controllers attached. They basically slide off/on (red/blue "things" on each side).
I'm too cheap to buy a Switch but I have friends who own one. It's not particularly heavy but then again even a lightweight object can cause serious injury.

Years back when I was in training for counseling abusive parents one of the materials was an old textbook on child abuse. One of the cases cited was an infant dying after his mother threw a filled baby bottle at him. It was thrown with enough force to cause internal bleeding and ultimately death. :(

So what I took from it was that many everyday objects can become lethal weapons when thrown with enough force. MOO is that Gannon's Switch was not involved but then again anything is on the table right now.

Since nothing was mentioned in the AA about possible blunt force objects being found by LE we have no idea of what LS used to cause Gannon's injuries.

Damn her to hell. :mad:
As @windrower suggested, here are the known lies that TS told that are part of the affidavit. (There are other lies she told, but this list isolates those specifically mentioned in the affidavit.)

The numbers indicate the paragraph numbers in the affidavit for eference back to the source document for original text. SEE IT: Full affidavit against stepmom Letecia Stauch, accused of brutally murdering young boy in bedroom

Any of these lies are ripe for analysis, imo. What I find fascinating is she claims Gannon's abductor was still in the house when LE showed up. There was no abductor, but Gannon was still at the house. Creepy, right?

14b. May 11, 2016. Letecia lost teaching certificate for filling unsubstantiated claims of harassment and retaliation.

18. Jan 27 6:55pm, Letecia reported Gannon missing. Said Gannon was supposed to be home approx 1 hour ago and she was unable to locate him at his friend’s home.

19. LE doesn’t believe Letecia went to any neighboring house. She could not give addresses nor names of friends.

21. Two ransom notes received via email on LE tip line. They were deemed fraudulent. (MY NOTE: there is no indication that Letecia was behind the ransom notes but I’m including as they are untruthful items listed in affidavit.)

22. Letecia said she last saw Gannon at 3:15pm when he left to play with friends. She says she looked for him and sent her daughter HH to look for him at a park.

27. Jan 27. Letecia texted at 4:37am to employer that she would be absent because her stepdad was killed after being hit by a car. (MY NOTE: Her stepdad actually was killed after being hit by a car, but years prior.)

85. Letecia said she was held at gunpoint and raped by a Hispanic man named Eguardo. That man abducted Gannon after the rape.

86. Eguardo was in the home at 2:30pm when she and Gannon arrived home, attacked her, and pointed gun. He allowed her to go upstairs to greet stepdaughter when she arrived home from school. Letecia sent stepdaughter outside to ride bike and then returned to basement where Eguardo vaginally penetrated her against her will between 3:30-4:30pm. She believed she hit her head and might have blacked out.

87. Gannon jumped on Eguardo’s back during the rap and Eguardo threw Gannon across the room. Eguardo held gun to Gannon and demanded suitcase and cardboard box. He attempted to sexually assault her again but she hit her head and blacked out again.

88. She tried unsuccessfully to fight off Eguardo. She didn’t report rape until two days later.

89. Letecia cleaned up area of attack in Gannon’s room and cleaned utility room.

92. Letecia said she met Eguardo Sun, Jan 26, day before murder. After Gannon burned carpet, she drove to a nearby construction site and met Eguardo who was working on a house. She asked him to repair the carpet and gave him the garage door code so he could fix the carpet on Monday while she went shopping.

99. During LE interview, Letecia claimed chest pain and shortness of breath. Recovered when arrived at hospital. She refused sexual assault exam.

132. Jan 28, 5:14am. Text conversation with babysitter - said Gannon went to doctor for his stomach. No evidence this happened.

133. Jan 29, 2:14am. Text (to whom? I can’t tell) about smokey basement and that both she and Gannon had blood on them. LE said basement smelled nice, like coconut.

146, Letecia texted AS she thinks LE hiding something regarding taking Gannon’s toothbrush for DNA.

147. Letecia texted LE: “I did nothing and/or am being set up.” (MY NOTE: have to chuckle that she actually texted “and/or.”) Regarding HH at the house with LE, Letecia texted LE, ‘“She was forced to stay there not even leave for food.”

161. Letecia told AS on Feb 13 that Gannon was burned by candle and his skin bubbled. He peeled burns off and wiped blood on bedroom wall. She provided this info without being asked about blood on the wal, indicating her knowledge of murder scene.

162. Letecia told AS abductor was still in the house when LE arrived and she tried to signal LE. Quincy Brown raped her in the home and he abducted Gannon. She knows his name because she saw a paper and his ID card fell out of his pocket. She texted photo of Quincy Brown to AS. Photo is a Most Wanted photo. She said Quincy Brown followed her from Petco, laid in middle of road in front of her car. When she stopped, he jumped into her car and made her take him home, then raped her. She said she and Gannon were near Cty Line Road/Hwy 105 on Jan 27. Gannon was riding bike, fell off, hit his head. Then Quincy Brown abducted him. Brown was driven by a man named Terence.

163. It was public knowledge that LE was searching Hwy 105/S. Perry Park Road area.

167. Letecia stated blood in Gannon’s room was a combo of hers and his. The abductor anally penetrated both her and Gannon with an object. She was tied up at some point. Abductor was in the house when LE arrived that night.

168. Quincy Brown’s photo was on KKTV’s website, described as black. (Eguardo was Hispanic.)

Great summation, thank you!! Powerful to see them all in one post.
RD has the original footage and he is “absolutely positive she returned home alone.”
That's true but RD is not an investigator and he could not have known at that time that Gannon's bedroom was the murder scene, or that no blood was found in the truck, or that TS later loaded the body into her SUV and left it at the airport.

That's true but RD is not an investigator and he could not have known at that time that Gannon's bedroom was the murder scene, or that no blood was found in the truck, or that TS later loaded the body into her SUV and left it at the airport.


They don’t “know” that TS loaded the body into her SUV from that house.

They do know she drove out to the spot where she probably dumped him between 11-1 and my guess is she retrieved his body at that point and put it into the SUV at that point.

And there being a lot of blood in bedroom does not rule out an earlier injury there. Just bc there is a lot of blood there doesn’t mean he died in that room between 2:30 and 3:30, in fact imo every other bit of evidence would suggest that is not the case.

Anyone remember seeing the time stamps on the nighttime stills from RD's camera?
I've been looking for that screenshot for days!! If you find it please post. That was from Sunday night, IIRC the screenshots were before midnight? Per the AA, she's googling from 12:09 am to 1:03 am Monday; my son burned the carpet, humidifier, kid staying home from school.

I just can't let go of the feeling she hurt him badly that night, and things were going on that we don't know about yet.
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