Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #23

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It's also possible it's not really extraordinary discipline at all, but that her family members back in IN just aren't close to her.
Given that she (from all accounts we've all read so far) is a devout Christian, if her relatives are not, that can often create a distance, for both parties.
Just sort of thinking out loud about past cases were the family doesn't step up or make noise or anything, and there really aren't that many reasons.

1. asked by LE not to speak to the media (although I don't recall if I've never seen a case where LE said family cannot plea for their loved one's safe return, or tell the media what a wonderful person they are, and how much they're loved and missed)
2. aren't close to the victim and decline any media interviews, if/when asked
3. have something to do with the victim's disappearance, so decline all interviews

That's my short list. Anyone have any more to add?
4. The family knows Suzanne is deceased and they likely already know the identity of the perpetrator.

Are there any other people who have left Salida due to no work, self isolating, business closings, etc during the time SM went missing? You know, 'well, Joe worked for *advertiser censored* but with Covid he went back home till this thing blows over' kind of scenario.
Writing from overseas ( as obvious from my nick here), I'd like to thank you all, guys, for being so united, determined and devoted to the main goal of the forum - looking for the missing ones and justice the victims deserve.
The case of SM made me register in here, as it sounds just unbelievable how can a beloved mother, friend and so disappeared and all her people just keep silent...
Hopefully, LE will get clues enough to punish those in charge of SM's disappearance.
Welcome to WS!
It's also possible it's not really extraordinary discipline at all, but that her family members back in IN just aren't close to her.
Given that she (from all accounts we've all read so far) is a devout Christian, if her relatives are not, that can often create a distance, for both parties.
Just sort of thinking out loud about past cases were the family doesn't step up or make noise or anything, and there really aren't that many reasons.

1. asked by LE not to speak to the media (although I don't recall if I've never seen a case where LE said family cannot plea for their loved one's safe return, or tell the media what a wonderful person they are, and how much they're loved and missed)
2. aren't close to the victim and decline any media interviews, if/when asked
3. have something to do with the victim's disappearance, so decline all interviews

That's my short list. Anyone have any more to add?

How about these two possibilities.

*Maybe the children are just plain scared.
It has to be one of the worst things that can happen to a family and they may be frightened of the whole situation.

Scared of media, scared of who did this, scared of even LE to an extent. Just plain scared and do not want to expose themselves to anything more than what has already happened.

*Or since they moved to Colorado not too awful long ago maybe there really is no other family members present in Colorado. That doesnt explain why any family members in Indiana would not make a statement but the media in Indiana is not necessarily pursuing it there either. The local Colorado media would be the main media that would have an interest in this case.
4. The family knows Suzanne is deceased and they likely already know the identity of the perpetrator.

I think this is definitely possible.

IMO, it’s like the saying, “if you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say it at all”

We’ve only heard from BM’s friends that they were a “model” family. Seems SM’s side aren’t jumping to support that. Perhaps family still talked with SM, but maybe not BM.

How about these two possibilities.

*Maybe the children are just plain scared.
It has to be one of the worst things that can happen to a family and they may be frightened of the whole situation.

Scared of media, scared of who did this, scared of even LE to an extent. Just plain scared and do not want to expose themselves to anything more than what has already happened.

*Or since they moved to Colorado not too awful long ago maybe there really is no other family members present in Colorado. That doesnt explain why any family members in Indiana would not make a statement but the media in Indiana is not necessarily pursuing it there either. The local Colorado media would be the main media that would have an interest in this case.
I agree. Also, I didn’t (and don’t) expect the girls to speak with the media.

They will take their dad’s lead here. If he doesn’t want to talk, then he definitely wouldn’t want his daughters to talk.

And that’s assuming they aren’t too scared or emotional to do that in the first place.
I'm curious when you say "scented SM" do they give the dogs something of hers with her scent on it and have them try to find that scent? How would LE get the scent of a mountain lion?

I believe there are dogs that are trained to track mountain lions. The dogs from the prison are more likely to have been used to track human scent, but I do wonder if they had a tracking dog for lions.

Maybe some of our dog experts can weigh in.

Our own dogs freak out at the scent of bears, even though they've never been around one or even seen one.

I do think that something else triggered LE's certainty that Suzanne was not taken by a non-human predator. Some of the hypotheses yesterday, here on this forum, were thought-provoking.
I just gotta ask this again. Is L.E. required by law, to notify Child Protective Services if a minor child's parent is strongly suspected of killing the other parent, and they have some evidence but can't prove a case yet and if not, why not?
for whoever is interested, TD has a new video up on YT. it's an invitation to BM to join him and profiling evil on aug 5, the day of suzanne and his anniversary.

The PE guys invited BM to join their podcast and they want to ask BM how Suzanne is doing?
Would anyone accept that invite with such a loaded question?
Pretty sure they knew that he would decline the invite no matter how it was worded. Moo
Ha! Of course.

A guy who won’t even use the news media to make an appeal for his missing wife, isn’t about to go on a YouTube show with a couple of guys who have a lot of questions.

He released that video for a reason, and it was probably because he didn’t want to answer any questions from the media.
It's also possible it's not really extraordinary discipline at all, but that her family members back in IN just aren't close to her.
Given that she (from all accounts we've all read so far) is a devout Christian, if her relatives are not, that can often create a distance, for both parties.
Just sort of thinking out loud about past cases were the family doesn't step up or make noise or anything, and there really aren't that many reasons.

1. asked by LE not to speak to the media (although I don't recall if I've never seen a case where LE said family cannot plea for their loved one's safe return, or tell the media what a wonderful person they are, and how much they're loved and missed)
2. aren't close to the victim and decline any media interviews, if/when asked
3. have something to do with the victim's disappearance, so decline all interviews

That's my short list. Anyone have any more to add?


Fear of reprisal/retaliation against either themselves or their missing loved one if they speak out.

i get that but don't invite a guy to your podcast on your anniversary with a loaded question like that and then complain if he doesn't accept
ITA! I like TD a lot and the way he interacts with people. But if he wanted BM to accept his invitation he should have apologized for “secretly” taping him. If it was secret. IMO
Writing from overseas ( as obvious from my nick here), I'd like to thank you all, guys, for being so united, determined and devoted to the main goal of the forum - looking for the missing ones and justice the victims deserve.
The case of SM made me register in here, as it sounds just unbelievable how can a beloved mother, friend and so disappeared and all her people just keep silent...
Hopefully, LE will get clues enough to punish those in charge of SM's disappearance.

Privyet! (Excuse my spelling). Welcome to WS. It is a really crazy case (and your English is exceptionally good).

I think we're all very hopeful that this case will lead to justice. The whole situation is tragic.
I just gotta ask this again. Is L.E. required by law, to notify Child Protective Services if a minor child's parent is strongly suspected of killing the other parent, and they have some evidence but can't prove a case yet and if not, why not?

I don’t know what CPS is required to do, and it may vary by state. But Mark Sievers was granted custody of his young children in 12/2015 after a challenge from DCF. Teresa, his wife, was murdered on 6/29/2015, so this was more than 5 months after her murder, and soon after the husband had been formally named as a suspect.

Judge: Mark Sievers retains custody of his children

“A Lee County judge ruled Monday that the two daughters of Dr. Teresa Sievers, who was bludgeoned to death this summer, should stay in the care of their father, who has recently been implicated in the killing.

Despite suggestions from the Florida Department of Children and Families that the couple’s two daughters, ages 11 and 8, are in danger, Lee Circuit Judge Lee Schreiber found the department did not present enough evidence to show that Mark Sievers is a threat to the children. In denying the petition, Schreiber said the possibility that Mark Sievers would harm his daughters “is just that: it’s a possibility.”

He did lose custody soon afterward.
I just want justice for Suzanne. Does anyone think it’s too much of a coincidence that everyone: LS, TD, and PE guys are asking for BM to speak up and come forward recently? It seems like a coordinated request. Is it just me? o_O
I just want justice for Suzanne. Does anyone think it’s too much of a coincidence that everyone: LS, TD, and PE guys are asking for BM to speak up and come forward recently? It seems like a coordinated request. Is it just me? o_O
I think it’s a coincidence.

First, they are merely a reflection of us, in that we want more information. With law enforcement remaining silent, the only real hope of new information is via her “loving husband.”

Secondly, they have a vested interest in BM talking. Lauren wants new information to report, the “Profiling Evil” guys don’t want to keep rehashing the same thing, and TD has a similar interest.
The PE guys invited BM to join their podcast and they want to ask BM how Suzanne is doing?
Would anyone accept that invite with such a loaded question?

Okay I watched the video, but now I have to ask, what the actual heck?

How Suzanne is doing?? :confused:

She's been missing for over 2 months, what in the world kind of question is that anyway?
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