Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #41

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So, CM says tonight, if the police walk away from the scene, it’s free game. Chain of custody is lost, the police have basically said we’re done with it.

CM notes that no one “should” do it, but further searching around on the property is trespassing, a misdemeanor.

What is happening here? Is Andy Moorman literally going to have to try to dig up his own sister?

CM states that this was a certified cadaver dog that hit, and because certified that gives probable cause for a warrant.

Now come on! Act on this probable cause, get that warrant, and start digging!

Is CM actually subliminally inviting civilians to commit a crime by trespassing and sloughing it off as a misdemeanor? Really?
Remember a couple of days ago they mentioned that AM was in the dog house with LE for doing something on the wrong property. I don't think we ever heard anymore, could this be the lot the tree is on? BTW, ppl put rocks around those young or transplanted trees to conserve moisture. But it looks like a very new planting to me.
I'm not at all into conspiracies either, however I can't help but feel there's a sort of sinister undercurrent in this case. Something unspoken.

LS's sudden withdrawal and "I can't talk about it"
MG taking off to another state, being afraid, and detaching herself
Locals saying things about the secrets the mountains hold and getting burned if you get too close to the fire, and people with money do dangerous things.
Now today's developments.
what the heck?
Sounds like a mystery crime novel.....improbable, but it's all a bit too weird ..

Poor Andy, he just wants to find his little sister and get to the truth.
Suzanne Morphew: No new evidence - Chaffee County Sheriff
Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office
September 28, 2020

Contrary to some media reports, there have been no remains found in the Suzanne Morphew case. There have been a handful of potential leads that have been pursued as a result of the volunteer search; however, nothing has been identified as related to Suzanne’s disappearance. Investigators will not comment on specific leads being investigated or other information connected with this case.

Sheriff John Spezze
Knowing what we now know thoughts on his statement?
Of course remains aren’t found because you aren’t even trying to find them or eliminate the alerts JMO

Agree. You have to look to find.
This just feels like it all fell to pieces this week. So sad. It could have been a spotlight for Suzanne, a search by so many caring souls, a vigil to show she mattered, covered by press that knew all about her. I guess it’s time to press on and make sure evil doesn’t win.
Obviously, the press does not care. At all. BM doesn’t care at all. LE doesn’t care. MG left town.
The searchers cared. The 500 plus souls who spent their time and money to help Andy Moorman. And tonight I am guessing they are angry. I think the people of Salida should be angry. I am angry. Tonight it feels like evil won.

I believe that is exactly what's happened. I think that's what happened at the riverside building site when the FBI dug up the concrete slab and the same thing is happening here. No body, no body parts, just a residual scent of corrupted earth probably from the earth equipment that did the job. JMO

An excruciatingly detailed timeline needs to be created to plot BM's location with those machines from the last time anyone saw Suzanne alive and up to him checking into the hotel in Broomfield. We don't even know what vehicle he drove to Salida in when he met up with MG or what he drove to Broomfield.

LE should have impounded the bobcat and processed it for evidence. He told them he messed with it. Maybe they did and we don’t know.
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I'm not at all into conspiracies either, however I can't help but feel there's a sort of sinister undercurrent in this case. Something unspoken.

LS's sudden withdrawal and "I can't talk about it"
MG taking off to another state, being afraid, and detaching herself
Locals saying things about the secrets the mountains hold and getting burned if you get too close to the fire, and people with money do dangerous things.
Now today's developments.
what the heck?
Sounds like a mystery crime novel.....improbable, but it's all a bit too weird ..

Poor Andy, he just wants to find his little sister and get to the truth.

And the retired Sherriff from a neighboring county commenting early on that his gut tells him this is more than a domestic violence type of murder.

The more I revisit that quote, the more it rings true.
And PE didn't address how that could be at all?

Ok WS'ers what are the possibilities?
Some have suggested the dogs are picking up a scent from machinery used on those sites, such as the bobcat. If a body came into contact with the blade or whatever it is, the scent might be detected wherever it was used after that. That's one possibility.
It's not hope.

It's logic.

What the PE guys just presented doesn't make logical sense when you really scrutinize their statements and claims.

There were numerous contradictions and inconsistencies in their show.

I think that was intentional.

If somebody was watching tonight, that someone is going to be feeling extremely bumfuzzled right now.

Keeping your opponent off balance is always a good tactic.


I so want to believe this.

But PE is simply a YouTube channel that is helping Andy and also trying to draw attention to their show. I don’t doubt that they are great guys.

But It seems pretty clear to me that PE is not working with LE in any way.

They were very earnestly questioning/criticizing LE, as LS has.

I’m just not sure everyone is working in Cahoots and this is some grand scheme.

If they wanted to keep BM off balance It just kind of feels like there would be other ways to do if besides blasting an entire police department.
I'm wondering if there's any significance to hving those rocks around the tree?
Just as an indicator...that's the tree where she's buried?

So BM can keep an eye on it........jmo
Or perhaps to keep it firmly planted.

ETA: i see others are asking the same thing..

You know what that looks like to me? A pet that may have been buried a couple of years ago, when that little tree was no more than a foot tall. And those rocks were put around as a marker to identify the site and to keep predators from digging it up.
And the retired Sherriff from a neighboring county commenting early on that his gut tells him this is more than a domestic violence type of murder.

The more I revisit that quote, the more it rings true.
What are the chances some small time contractor is involved with something criminally big?
I'm having a hard time buying into it.
Imo the DV stuff seems the most likely and then a scrambled cover up from there.
I think the simplest answer is the most likely.
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