CANADA Canada - Mekayla Bali, aka M Niebergall, 16, Yorkton, Saskatchewan, 12 April 2016

Mekayla was trying to pawn a ring, but it was of very little value, she had wanted a friend to take her to the bank, she mentioned that she was expecting $5000. She withdrew $55 and whilst she was in a cafe she asked a lady if she would give her money for a hotel room. Is it possible someone was going to use her to buy a large quantity of drugs? She texted a friend “I am in trouble” when she was in the cafe. She seemed desperate for money, did she owe somebody, was she being blackmailed over maybe nude photos she may have sent, all just theories but somebody had her running all over town that day!!

I think those are the right questions in this case. Texting a friend that she's "in trouble" and then not much later saying that she "figured it out"; pacing around a Tim Hortons and asking a stranger for help getting a hotel room; then exiting and entering different entrances and watching cars pulling up while checking her phone. There seem three possible circumstances: 1) She was waiting for someone who promised to help her and failed to arrive; 2) someone planned to collect from her and she didn't have all the money; or 3) Tim Horton's is a red herring and she was just there trying to "figure things out" while nervously looking around to see if her mother or neighbor came in. #IMO

Then there's the angle of whether her social media accounts had attracted attention from someone online who victimized her. It's interesting that this news item suggests Mekayla took apart her phone in the Tim Horton's. If the phone was paid for by her mother, then her phone records would show who she was making calls with. But from my understanding, there were no records of phone calls during that time at the Tim Horton's. This fact coupled with video footage makes me think she replaced the SIM card for the phone with one provided by the POI in order to communicate. This would explain why the mom kept trying to call her and only got voicemail. If the SIM was taken out and replaced with another, Mekayla's phone would likely be direct-to-voicemail. What I find really interesting is the police claims that her phone was "shut off" the next morning. I don't understand the context of that. Do they mean it wasn't working anymore? In that case, wouldn't that be a phone service provider issue rather than the phone itself?

My guess, based on the evidence, is that she planned to leave town based on the visits to the bus stop and alleged comments from a school friend about her backpack being uncommon for her. (I'd like to know more from the mother about what clothing or personal items may have been missing from her room that could have been in the backpack.) She asked about bus tickets but didn't have enough, so she tried to pawn stuff, but that didn't work. Then she tried to ask for help getting a hotel room, which could have been an attempt to get money from the woman, rather than help setting up a booking; it's not really clear how that conversation transpired. Given that she previously wanted to go to the bank and claimed to a friend she had a lot of money, I wonder if a kidnapper said he could send her money, but knowing that would be traceable, came up with a bogus excuse for not sending it? Perhaps the person made promises and then just offered to come pick her up later in the day, so she wandered town until they showed up. (This is grooming the kid to think it's her idea to leave, and then put her in a bind where she's desperate for their assistance and is willing to give away her location in a remote town rather than a larger city with cameras.)

So with that in mind, I would look at her movement from the Tim Horton's to the Trail Stop restaurant. Witnesses said she was at the restaurant from noon until 1:45 and identified the male with the cross tattoo there at the same time, though it's unclear if they interacted. For the girl to wait in that restaurant for almost two hours, she was certainly using it as a likely meet-up location. Since she went there directly and waited the whole time, I assume she didn't know how long it would take this person to get to her. To me this indicates three possible conclusions: 1) the person she was waiting for was local but had to get out of what they were doing to come to her; 2) the person was not local and had to drive to her from a distance; or 3) the person was local but she wanted to meet them in Regina, then allowed a pick-up thinking they were going to Regina.

I'm leaning toward Possibility 2 or 3. Why was a bus depot involved if not for her to leave town? While it appears in the video that Tim Horton's was a pick-up spot, it could also be that she was killing time to figure out how to get to Regina and get money for this trip, and she was only watching entrances and cars in the parking lot because she was concerned someone would recognize her. (It's a small town, right?) It doesn't make sense that she would go to a Tim Horton's for a pick-up minutes after inquiring about bus tickets nearby and then also phone friends for help if she was already waiting for someone. It seems to me more like she was trying to leave the town on her own and then settled for a pick-up later. It's possible she wanted to leave on her own and be careful about her decisions, but was so dedicated to leaving that she was willing to accept the pick-up. But once you put yourself into someone else's hands, you have no control.
Feb 4 2019
Huge interactive article.
February 3, 2019
''Bali's known social media accounts went silent, but they remain live. One Instagram account under her name has hundreds of followers but no photos, indicating there may have been pictures that have since been deleted. The “about me” section simply says “Goodbye.”

''Bali’s friends said she communicated with people through social media: Instagram, Snapchat and possibly an anonymous app called Kik.

Police in Canada have warned parents that the Kik is used by predators to groom young women, adding that it has fewer parental controls and allows strangers to contact strangers without any initial approval such as agreeing to be “friends.” The FBI is looking at what role Kik may have played in the kidnapping and killing of a 13-year-old girl from Virginia.

Zawislak said police have to go through U.S. legal processes to get information protected by social media companies under U.S. privacy laws.''
Last edited:
Feb 4 2019
Huge interactive article.
February 3, 2019
''Bali's known social media accounts went silent, but they remain live. One Instagram account under her name has hundreds of followers but no photos, indicating there may have been pictures that have since been deleted. The “about me” section simply says “Goodbye.”

''Bali’s friends said she communicated with people through social media: Instagram, Snapchat and possibly an anonymous app called Kik.

Police in Canada have warned parents that the Kik is used by predators to groom young women, adding that it has fewer parental controls and allows strangers to contact strangers without any initial approval such as agreeing to be “friends.” The FBI is looking at what role Kik may have played in the kidnapping and killing of a 13-year-old girl from Virginia.

Zawislak said police have to go through U.S. legal processes to get information protected by social media companies under U.S. privacy laws.''
late to the conversation but in this article, her friend says that THREE MONTHS after Mekayla’s disappearance that a message she sent through snapchat was opened. she sent another and it hasn’t been opened after all these years... if it was Mekayla or her possible abductor, why wait three months to open it? why open it at all? this is a detail i haven’t heard about until now.
late to the conversation but in this article, her friend says that THREE MONTHS after Mekayla’s disappearance that a message she sent through snapchat was opened. she sent another and it hasn’t been opened after all these years... if it was Mekayla or her possible abductor, why wait three months to open it? why open it at all? this is a detail i haven’t heard about until now.


Maybe Mekayla got another Snapchat account and/or stopped looking at her social media for a while. Or, she didn't have access to the first one anymore. It's not uncommon to abandon social media accounts and open new ones for various reasons (lost password, forgotten username, don't want to be in touch with certain people, fresh start, etc.). It's also possible that she doesn't really use Snapchat anymore, preferring another app these days.

For what it's worth, a while back I rediscovered a social media account I'd opened years ago and forgotten about. I'd just run across my old login information and decided to see what was there. There were some old messages there which I didn't bother to respond to, because it had been so long since they were sent.
Some people say that if a person does not open a message for a long period of time, it opens automatically. Again, this is just a hearsay, I do not use Snapchat but I had heard this assumption multiple times.
Some people say that if a person does not open a message for a long period of time, it opens automatically. Again, this is just a hearsay, I do not use Snapchat but I had heard this assumption multiple times.
I’m willing to test this and find out! I’ve had messages on snapchat that I went weeks without checking so I’ll see if this could be plausible.

Maybe Mekayla got another Snapchat account and/or stopped looking at her social media for a while. Or, she didn't have access to the first one anymore. It's not uncommon to abandon social media accounts and open new ones for various reasons (lost password, forgotten username, don't want to be in touch with certain people, fresh start, etc.). It's also possible that she doesn't really use Snapchat anymore, preferring another app these days.

For what it's worth, a while back I rediscovered a social media account I'd opened years ago and forgotten about. I'd just run across my old login information and decided to see what was there. There were some old messages there which I didn't bother to respond to, because it had been so long since they were sent.
I understand and I’d like this theory as it would imply she left on her own will or managed to escape her abductor and decided to start a new life. but it still doesn’t add up in the end, as to why if she is fine why she wouldn’t want to let everyone know. this case has stuck with me.
I understand and I’d like this theory as it would imply she left on her own will or managed to escape her abductor and decided to start a new life. but it still doesn’t add up in the end, as to why if she is fine why she wouldn’t want to let everyone know. this case has stuck with me.
I have a lot of curiosity about runaways and not just their planning, their expectations for what will happen, but how many actually succeed at running away and making it on their own. Has anyone heard of so-called success stories of kids who left home at 16 but were able to make a living and lead somewhat normal lives? I went to high school with a kid who went left town with his girlfriend at age 16 to go to California. I think she made it to about Vegas or so before calling her mother to come get her. Because of that he ended up getting tracked down by the police and the parents came for them. I always wondered what his big plan was once he got there.
I hope she is found, and safe! her mother has made an ig account and puts out post almost every other day about Mekayla.

i think she was most likely talking to someone she met online and he persuaded her to meet with him and leave - the “vacation” she was mentioning to her friends that she was about to go on.

whats odd is that she asked a woman at that diner can she book a hotel room for her and the lady declined. To me that means whoever she was meeting didnt want to be tracked so asked her to book a room instead or try to get someone to do it.

❤️ Where are you Mekayla ❤️
Hi everyone, has anybody found any info regarding her LoL account? Username? Friends list on there? If she did plan on meeting someone was this person from this game?

Is LoL a game? And where did it say she was on “LoL” i want to check it out, if u have a ref. Thx
Hi everyone, has anybody found any info regarding her LoL account? Username? Friends list on there? If she did plan on meeting someone was this person from this game?

WELCOME Kalypsoh! Excellent questions. Hopefully the police have explored that avenue.
Was the Kik App Used to Abduct Teen? The Disappearance of Mekayla Bali

Was the Kik App Used to Abduct Teen? The Disappearance of Mekayla Bali

"April 16, 2016, was an ordinary day for Mekayla Bali, 16, who went to high school in the little prairie town of Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada. The teen got up, put her makeup on, and got ready for school — just like any other morning. However, that day will remain etched in the minds of her family who continue to search for Mekayla after she mysteriously vanished..."
Mekayla is listed in this missing in Washington link.
Missing Persons - WSP
''All missing persons need to be reported to the primary law enforcement agency where the person was last seen FIRST before any assistance from the MUPU can begin.

Call 1-800-543-5678 or email to request assistance with a missing child case.''
Huh. I wonder how common it is for Canadian missing persons, especially that far afield, to get added to a specific state's list of MPs? It would be really great if they have suspicion that she's actually in the States. That says maybe she's still alive.
Bumping. Just skimmed the thread so forgive me if this was brought up...

Has anyone else suggested that Mekayla was pretending to be on her phone at certain times? I read that she could have been using apps to hide her call history but she could have been acting too.
Sorry to triple post but I have a lot of questions...

Does a phone need Wifi/data to access Snapchat? Her friend sent a Snapchat the day Mekayla went missing but the message wasn't opened until 3 months later. Her phone was turned off at some point on the day she disappeared but 3 months later, her phone still had power, was turned on and unlocked. Can a phone hold a charge for 3 months if it's not in use? Wouldn't it "ping" if someone turned it on, charged it or opened an app?

Also read that she was possibly using a second SIM card. I think the service provider can see when someone removes the SIM (creating a possible timestamp). If she was using a second card and ran away purposefully, she could continue using the phone almost undetected. Wonder if anything pings when the card is taken out?

Just MOO, she wasn't acting like a nervous teenager meeting someone new for the first time. She wasn't acting like she was being followed or in distress (compared to the Emma Fillipoff video for example). When she approached the older woman in Tim Hortons it was to ask about a hotel room, she wasn't asking for help. Was she lured or "catfished"?

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