Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #43

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So much new information.

So BM was on the road out of Salida at 4am.

SM was seen at a sandwich shop (could it have been Poncha Market & DELI?????) at 4 pm ON SATURDAY????? For real??? I thought that was FRIDAY.... is it possible, if Saturday, it wasn't her, but a stand in? Similar stature, wig, sunglasses, bike helmet? Did BM have a pretty, little helper from noon to 4? Someone we haven't as yet heard about? Did BM and SMM go on an actual make-the-wife happy bike and hike ride, in lieu of her messaging plans, at his urging? Culminating in well-earned sandwiches at 4? (Could BM have been searching for a confirming receipt, in the trash, three days later?)

Once back home, did things implode? Where does meeting with JP in Salida that afternoon fit in?????

Really hard to sort out what did happen, what was supposed to happen.... for example, at what point did BM and SM independently realize things were about to get bad, very bad? Was SM still alive when BM pulled JP into his crew? Was BM trying desperately to save his marriage, pulling back from his original crew of two (BM and MG), adding CC and JP to get the job done so he could spend the second half of Mother's Day with his wife and daughters? If there was fresh talk of divorce, perhaps BM thought he could still smooth her over (tragic irony noted). Maybe he was frantic Saturday morning because he was afraid she'd leave him... and he was desperate for that not to happen.

But why did her messaging stop at 8 am? Or is THAT the bad data point? 12:30 makes more sense...

Especially if she really was alive at 4.

Which would align with LE's rare statement about her last known contact being LATER than previously thought.

Murdered between 5 pm and ....?

Why the Facebook actions at midnight? Just men? That doesn't sound like an algorithm... was he first going to tell a tale that she must've run off with an Indiana man friend? Had second thoughts and settled on the bike-meets-ravine story?

I've been in the pre-planned camp but now I'm not so sure. BM may have felt he could successfully manipulate SM into not leaving him.... up until a moment when he realized this time he couldn't -- so.... was that after 8 am? after 12:30 pm? or after 4 pm?

If someone who looked a lot like Suzanne bought sandwiches in Salida on Saturday, I sure hope it wasn't captured on lost video.

Big question, did the jobsite neighbor sleep through a 4 am event? When a Bobcat bobbed back?

We need a white board.

Wow! So, that would explain why BM bought the pink bike .... if SM's bike wasn't in working order at that point as has been speculated, or if it was already down the ravine, the lookalike was riding with BM ..... h'mm, that would mean there's an accomplice. Completely interesting.
Why would the usual suspect "meet and hire" anybody especially a friend of a"meth head " female employee with no skills for a fake wall job in Broomfield? Did the new Hire take a polygraph? I don't know if this is a fact or a fabrication ... Think about it- Megan, no job, a stranger......why? ....why this particular guy...maybe a patsy ? Wheres Megan? Wheres the other employee? I think unraveling the truth on this is key. IMO

I am SO confused. :oops:
I've been working on it, but caught up? Not yet. Will do more today though.
I am not sure how well the site will work, it has undergone drastic (and frustrating) changes.
Anyways, give it a try and see how it goes. It ought to be more user-friendly for cellphones now,
but I work on a PC and man oh man I have almost punched my monitor.

Suzanne Morphew Case Archive:
Suzanne Morphew -CO-

HUGE Thank You! to oviedo and Seattle1 for keeping the timeline thread up.
I have made good use of it.
Excellent job Amanda! Very easy to follow! I'm using my phone now.
Updated Timeline. (Based on latest information as of 10/2/20)
Please correct/add/delete as necessary.

Friday 5/8/20

Evening, exact time unknown:

BM works at “beach area” at Salida dig site (MG)

Saturday 5/9/20


BM & MG at Salida dig site. MG states BM was acting unusual. MG is supposed to rake out beach area that BM had worked on the night before. (MG). BM picked up MG (unverified) to bring her there.

11:00 a.m.:

BM tells MG to go home. He tells her he has to go home to make wife “happy” and take her hiking or biking. MG had expected to work all day. (Did BM drop off MG?)

12:30 p.m. : (conflicting information, time not verified, could be later in the day, or even earlier)

SM is talking with BFF on a message app or FB when suddenly she stops replying.

4:00 p.m.: New Info

SM & BM are seen in a sandwich shop in Salida

Afternoon, exact time unknown:

BM makes contact with JP and hires him for a Broomfield job on Sunday. According to JP, this was an in person meeting in Salida. Was this before or after SM and BM were in the sandwich shop?

MG states that BM was seen shopping around town. (Unverified)

Evening, exact time unknown:

SM’s bff receives texts that seem “unusual” from SM

Friends of BM receive FB friend requests from SM (@Hoosierfan72 )

New Info: Friends of AM receive friend requests from SM

11:30 p.m.:

A neighbor of a home being built in Salida hears heavy machinery running for about a half hour. BM has been hired to do prep work for a foundation pour at this site. This is the same site where he is also prepping the “beach area”.

Sunday 5/10/20

4:00 a.m. New Info

BM is driving towards Broomfield texting workers

According to MG, BM contacts her and asks her to get a crew together to head to Broomfield for the job. MG stated that BM sounded like he had the worst night of his life. ?

5:00 a.m.: Conflicting Info

BM told LE that he leaves SM sleeping and heads to a job in Broomfield, CO approximately 3 hours from his home in Maysville. The job allegedly consists of a repair to a wall that BM had completed the previous September and that had structural problems.

A.M. Exact time unknown:

BM checks into the HIE in Broomfield.

5:46 p.m.:

SM is reported missing by a neighbor. SM’s daughters allegedly contacted her and said they were worried because they hadn’t been able to reach their mother. Exact details are unclear, but neighbor checked the house and did not find SM but noted her car was there. ETA THE FOLLOWING INFO SHOULD BE ATTRIBUTED TO PE NOT TD: The neighbor then allegedly contacted BM and he asked her to go back and check if her bike was there. The neighbor checked, returned home, and called BM on her landline and told him the bike was gone. BM asked her to call LE.

Approximately 6:00 p.m.:

BM started home to Maysville. (TD)

After 6:00 exact time unknown:

JP, MG, and a third worker arrived at the HIE in Broomfield. It is not clear if all 3 travelled together. JP and MG both report that there was an intense smell of chlorine in the room and several wet towels on the floor. JP stated that it looked like someone had laid down on the bed, on top of the bedspread. MG stated that the bed looked like it had been slept in and remade.

BM let workers know that he had left for a family emergency and that they were on their own. Workers allegedly found some of BM’s tools in a “hotel cart”. MG stated they looked like a bunch of tools from the back of BM’s truck. Both JP and MG indicated they had neither the correct tools nor the materials to do the job.

Approximately 6:00 p.m.:

LE arrives at the Morphew home where they are met by the neighbor who reportedly told them that SM had not returned from a bike ride.

LE begins a search. Dog teams from the prison and County SAR teams are called in. (CCSO)

Sometime before 9:00 p.m. :

LE allegedly finds SM’s bike down a hill about a quarter of a mile from her home. (Never verified by LE). There is no sign of SM. The Morphew home is allegedly sealed off.

Friend(s) of BM arrive at search area (unverified)

Approximately 9:00 p.m.:

BM arrives home.

Friend(s) tell BM that SM’s bike was found and that LE mishandled the scene/evidence. (BM to TD)

(At some point, either Sunday night or Monday, volunteer firefighters were told not to participate in the official searches. BM told TD in a later video that his friend tried to stop LE from mishandling the evidence, which may have been the reason that they were not allowed to participate further.)

Monday 5/11/20

Time unknown:

Concrete foundation is poured at the Salida dig site.


Search resumes after overnight break. Over 100 LE are eventually involved including LE on foot, drones, divers, aircraft, SAR, Swift Water Rescue units, and various canines.

BM calls MG crying and tells her SM is missing and that either a mountain lion got her or she was abducted. He stated they were going up the mountain to search. He tells MG and JP to stay in Broomfield and wait for supplies to be delivered for the job.


AM arrives in town to help look for his sister, meets with BM and some friends, and they formulate a plan to search for SM the following day.

Tuesday 5/12/2020


LE continue their search. No request for volunteers was made.

BM, AM, and friends divide into teams to search. They were not allowed to search where LE was actively searching, but could cover area already searched. AM and BM we’re on separate teams. At one point, a member of AM’s team separated from the group. They backtracked to try to find him. He was later located back at the home where BM was staying. (On the following Thursday, 5/14/2020, a personal article belong to SM, was found about 20 yards from the trail where AM’s team was searching. Were they meant to find it? Was it placed there by the disappearing team member?)

Exact time unknown:

MG, JP, and possibly one other person arrived back in Salida after no supplies were delivered to complete the job in Broomfield.

MG was allegedly approached by two individuals connected to BM, TN and GD, who told her she would not be paid for her time in Broomfield because it would look like hush, hush, money. MG also implied that she was asked not to cooperate with LE or turn over her phone.

8:00 p.m.:

BM was observed by an employee of the Poncha Market digging in a trash can. (The market had closed at 7:00 p.m.) Upon being questioned, BM states he is looking for a bike helmet.

Shortly thereafter, BM taps on market window and when they let him in he stated that his wife was missing. When asked for a description he wrote a note on a crumbled receipt. The note said:

Baby Blue bike

Biking clothes

(No further description)

By Tuesday or Wednesday, CCSO has asked CBI and FBI for assistance.
Thank you OldCop for all the work you've put into your timeline! It makes it easy to follow the case.
"Jeff Puckett, 49, of Salida, Colorado, said he was ordered to Denver by Barry that morning but didn’t see him because he had already left ‘due to a family emergency’." Husband of missing Colorado mom spent the night before her disappearance at cheap Denver hotel | Daily Mail Online

This has bugged me all along, him being "ordered" to Denver, so I thought I'd bring it back up in light of this new info about BM being on his phone at 4am, Mother's Day Sunday, trying to get people together for this Broomfield story.

Now it makes a lot more sense that he'd say he was "ordered", considering the way MG described his tone. o_O
MOO, but let’s say that LS in her interviews with BM, MG, and JP has gathered a lot more info than she has released in her stories. Is there a possibility that she could be called as a witness in a trial and thus has been asked to step away from this case as not to taint any reputation she may have as a witness?

That could explain the immediate silence and not being allowed to talk about it. And it seemed to happen right on the heels of her last BM interview.
That's a great possibility. Makes a lot of sense.
Boxing him into his timeline.
So Barry, when did you leave on Mother’s Day to head up to Broomfield? I left at 5 am. And my wife was sleeping in bed.
So Barry, how come your truck GPS and cell phone places you on the road at least an hour earlier, calling your workers? Oh I must be confused, my wife is missing and I’m so upset.
How many lies did they catch him in? The mechanical bobcat thing, which he knew he screwed up. Timing. Was there a job in Broomfield? When was it planned?
I this this is more BM's style:
So Barry, when did you leave on Mother's Day? I left at 5AM.
So Barry, how come your truck GPS and cell phones shows you on the road at 4AM? I'm sorry, did I say 5AM? I keep thinking I'm in Indiana, Central Time, I keep forgetting. You're right 4AM, next question?
What Did BM Ask SM's Father to Sign? Gdn'ship Dox or ??? When?
Maybe this one will work I hope.
IN Gdn'ship statute sec 1. (a)(4)(A)* requires petitioner (BM) to serve notice to ppl in red text, including
spouse, adult children, or if none, the alleged incap persons' parents. Obviously BM did not have to give notice to self. Next to receive notice is adult dau. (older dau, MM#1), who signed & filed a waiver of further notice, per court docket info. BM is required to serve notice of alleged incap'ed person's (only surviving) parent (Gene M) only if there is no spouse or adult children.
Sooo, azz-uming the above interp is accurate (Welcoming clarification, correction, esp'ly from legal pro's)----
Q1. Did the dox BM asked SM's Father to sign actually relate to gdnship? If so, was GM's siggy required?
Q2. If not re gdnship, did dox relate to a new or old (hypo?) trust SM's parents estab'ed to benefit SM Or?
Q3. Was phone convo, described in Dr Phil clip below** before or after BM consulted IN atty re IN guardianship?
If after, then seems BM would already have been advised GM was not required to be served notice. So why ask?

Q4. And does above conflict directly w MSM stating early June that a relative of SM said the damily was not aware of the guardianship filing? Was MSM's contact w Father GM, Brother AM, or other relative?
Q5. If so, regardless of the relative's identity, was there misinterpretation, miscommunication. or flawed memory on anyone's part?

* IC 29-3-6-1 Notice of petition and hearing; persons to whom notice must be given; waiver of notice
Sec. 1. (a) When a petition for appointment of a guardian or for the issuance of a protective order is filed with the court, notice of the petition and the hearing on the petition shall be given by first class postage prepaid mail as follows: [for minors, so n/a]
(4) If it is alleged that the person is an incapacitated person, notice of the petition and the hearing on the petition shall be given to the following persons whose whereabouts can be determined upon reasonable inquiry:
(A) The alleged incapacitated person, the alleged incapacitated person's spouse, and the alleged incapacitated person's adult children, or if none, the alleged incapacitated person's parents.
(B) Any person who is serving as a guardian for, or who has the care and custody of, the alleged incapacitated person.
(C) In case no person other than the incapacitated person is notified under clause (A), at least one (1) of the persons most closely related by blood or marriage to the alleged incapacitated person.
(D) Any person known to the petitioner to be serving as the alleged incapacitated person's attorney-in-fact under a durable power of attorney.

(E) Any other person that the court directs. bbm

** From today's promo vid clip, Dr Phil w P/Evil hosts (at three dots... 'open transcript' starting at 04:03)
"One of the most disturbing things
I think that we uncovered pretty early
was this conversation that her husband had had
with Andy's father, Jean. [sic: should be Gene]
And you know,
this is an 87 year old man who's suffering from cancer
and he gets a phone call from his son-in-law
and he's basically said,
what was told to me
was that, "I loved your daughter
and I need you to sign some papers."
And basically it was the guardianship
and Jean essentially said,
"What do you mean you loved my daughter?
Where is she?
We're gonna find her."
And, "No I'm not signing any paperwork." bbm
What is great about this new information is that his vehicle information did not only disclose gps coordinates but how fast it was driving! Plus, we now know he had his phone on! Barry: you are the gift that keeps on giving!

So let's say BM had his phone off from 12:30 AM to 4:00 AM early Sunday morning. Then his phone powers on and is pinging at 4:02 AM. That's powerful circumstantial evidence when paired with other evidence LE likely has.

This type of evidence was used in the Heather Elvis case, along with security video to pinpoint the whereabouts of the Moorers.
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just a quickie:
I remember the camping trip being pondered over (about with whom) -- but missed any definite answer.

In this Dr. Phil interview,
AM said it was a camping trip with their church.

So, it wasn't a spur of the moment thing.
This may have already been confirmed here, but if so, I missed it.
(And of I missed it, maybe some others have too.)

Church camping trips are generally organized way in advance.
Plenty of time to know.
just a quickie:
I remember the camping trip being pondered over (about with whom) -- but missed any definite answer.

In this Dr. Phil interview,
AM said it was a camping trip with their church.

So, it wasn't a spur of the moment thing.
This may have already been confirmed here, but if so, I missed it.
(And of I missed it, maybe some others have too.)

Church camping trips are generally organized way in advance.
Plenty of time to know.

First MSM confirmation.
A camp, not camping.
Not the kind of trip to take a cooler on.
@3:20 Andy is describing the three locations the dogs hit on. The third location is described as "an addition being put in and the entrance area as blocks".

Is he talking about the river job-site where the concrete was cut out and removed?

What Dr. Phil Said.
Sorry to repeat part of post but ----
From the text below, as Dr Phil summarized, not clear to me whether the papers or paperwork actually related to gdnship for SM and thue to closing the IN home sale.
Could papers have been for something else, say a bank or brokerage account, regardless of 'location' of acct?

Still curious about when the convo took place.

From today's promo vid clip, Dr Phil w P/Evil hosts (at three dots... 'open transcript' starting at 04:03)
"...her husband had had
with Andy's father, Jean. [sic: should be Gene]
And you know,
this is an 87 year old man who's suffering from cancer
and he gets a phone call from his son-in-law
and he's basically said,
what was told to me
was that, "I loved your daughter
and I need you to sign some papers."
And basically it was the guardianship < did BM say this? Did GM repeat? Or did Dr Phil conclude?
and Jean essentially said,
"What do you mean you loved my daughter?
Where is she?
We're gonna find her."
And, "No I'm not signing any paperwork." bbm
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Not sure why but that term, "Incapacitated" bothers me so much ! :(

Graphic comment follows :

It sounds like someone who has been struck in the head, strangled, or otherwise immobilized.
Made to be helpless, and unable to respond to anyone.
As in a semi-comatose state, near death but not deceased yet; the way someone might have seen Suzanne in her final moments ?
Chilling to the core.

Remember that reward BM offered, which was doubled by the friend's additional offer ?
For her safe return with no questions asked.
For all BM knows-- a kidnapper could have her and she could be unsafe and traumatized but in her right mind and wanting to escape.

So why did BM use that specific word ?
Imo that's b/c the last time he saw her she was incapacitated or dead. :(
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I this this is more BM's style:
So Barry, when did you leave on Mother's Day? I left at 5AM.
So Barry, how come your truck GPS and cell phones shows you on the road at 4AM? I'm sorry, did I say 5AM? I keep thinking I'm in Indiana, Central Time, I keep forgetting. You're right 4AM, next question?

Although, it's possible he did leave the house @ 05:00...

He may have been out at 04:00, rambling and texting and calling, then after doing whatever he was doing, went back to the house to get/do a few things, and left at 05:00.

So, he's thinking technically he left @ 05:00 to go to Broomfield.
He just left some other stuff out.
...and SM was euphamistically "sleeping".
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This is an interesting point. Abandoned mines and mine ventilation shafts have been used to dispose of bodies over the years. PA has tons of abandoned coal mines with their ventilation shafts located deep in woods, scrub etc. Dropping a body down a mine vent shaft comes about as close to the perfect disposal as is possible. State Bureau of mines may have maps that show the locations of some, but not all of the local mines. Hikers and hunters on occasion find these vent shafts and mine openings by accident deep in the woods. They are unmarked and poorly covered for the most part. It might be worth while to see where the local abandoned/closed mines are located in proximity to where the bike was found and other areas of interest,

This was exactly my thoughts when this all started. IMO, hunter BM stumbled across an abandoned mine shaft at some point in time. Took note of it and filed it for future reference.
How convenient, for some possible nefarious activities in the future. JMO. MOO. MOO
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