WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #2

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Nice to meet you, Cold Case Lady! This case sure is a baffler! It would be such a relief to finally find out who this mystery man truly is even if we will never know why he took his life.
suicide is definately a difficult area to wrap your head around.i had a family childhood friend that committed suicide a few year's ago.I had not seen him for a few year's so when i found out i was in shock!A person wanting to do this and i mean DO THIS.Is not going to let anyone that can in anyway prevent this from happening know what they intend to do.Depression is something that if you have never experienced it and therefore never ever had thought's about committing suicide is very hard to understand.
While I am sure that is true in far too many cases, this particular case has a small element of him waiting for something to happen, imo. They place him beside the highway pacing back and forth at one point. Who or what was he waiting on? A person to arrive, a letter, or something else? Could this have prevented his suicide? I would like the answers.
my point being.He used a false name and address,he didn't do this where a family member would find him.People suffering with deep depression very rare to tell people of their plan's.I have two older brother's two younger brother's and three younger sister's.two sister's and two brother's have the same father who committed suicide twenty year's ago.he left two week's before and went to the other side of the country.know one had any idea that was about to happen.I think that the maid's recollection of those few day's is very unreliable.How do we know it was him pacing the road.Why didn't anyone think to ask him if everything was ok?didn't she notice the belt he was hanging from when she walked into the room on the 17th and his knee's where not touching the ground.
didn't she notice the belt he was hanging from when she walked into the room on the 17th and his knee's where not touching the ground.

I thought that was a bit odd, but then she could have been looking at him at certian angle or direction
I do understand what you mean.I just thought that considering he was obviously behaving very strange and then seeing him apparently praying.those kind of hotel's are pretty small,it's highly improbable that she didn't see anything wrong.this case has created more question's than answer's.
I think ColdCaseMan mentioned earlier that the maid did note something was wrong with the man to be "praying" as she stated and why she immediately contacted the manager to check the room. She may have emotionally blocked the image of him hanging. I am sure it was quite traumatic for her to find him.

I believe he was pacing by the highway and they did notice it was him for certain. He was quite a distinctive man, imo.

If the man had recently found out his partner or himself had AIDS, he would not have wanted his family to find out and could be a reason he went to extremes to cover his identity. In the early part of the AIDS epidemic, the shame was intense and it was deemed a "death sentence".
I wonder if informational fliers were sent to the tribal authorities in Southern Alberta about this case?


I also have some knowlege of northern Montana and many of the people there actually speak with an almost-Canadian accent.

It would be worth a try to send informational fliers to these tribes too, if it has not already been done:


Here's an update on my idea about fliers.

I was talking to a friend of mine who manages a local office supply store about this case. She offered to copy fliers for me for free and also gave me two large boxes of envelopes FOR FREE too! So here's what we've done:

We made a flier out of the Doe Network page about Lyle. At the top of the flier we printed, "Do you know this man?" My friend COLOR COPIED it so the photos at the top of the Doe page look really good. We highlighted the contact information for the Detective in Gray's Harbor county at the bottom of the flier. (Coldcaseman, if you're reading, be prepared in case you get some calls.)

We then went on the web and searched for all the tribes in Alberta, B.C., Montana and Idaho. (We did not print labels for WA tribes because we assume that LE has already tried searching there.) We got all the addresses for the tribal authorities and printed address/mailing labels for every indian tribe in British Columbia, Alberta, Idaho and Montana. We have about 100 labels. There are a LOT of native tribes in British Columbia in particular.

We mailed out fliers to all the Idaho and Montana tribes today. We also mailed about 10 to tribes in Alberta and part of British Columbia too.

The problem is the POSTAGE. It costs 69 cents to mail each letter to Canada and that really adds up. I am going to continue to stuff envelopes to the remaining British Columbia tribes until I'm done. What I'd like to ask (if this is allowed) is that if anyone here is interested in helping, you can buy some 69 cent stamps for Canada and mail those to me. I will take any stamps folks are willing to buy and donate. If you are interested, PM me and I'll send you my mailing address. If I am not able to get any stamps donated, I will buy them in small batches and keep mailing these fliers until I'm finished.

I think it's important to try to do this now, since the anniversary of his death is approaching.
a few different people from different tribe's and people with knowledge of them have wanted nothing to do with approaching these tribe's with a photo of him.this may be a pandora's box you might be better leaving alone.ccm went down that road at the time,with no luck.
I made this info poster for Lyle on my computer:

Information Needed

Did You Know This Man in 2001?
Last Seen: Between September 13th-14th, 2001
Date and Place Located: September 17, 2001 in Amanda Park, Grays Harbor, Washington
Age: 20 years old- Mid 30s (Estimate DOB around 1966-1981)
Height: 6'2
Race: White/Native- Possibly Hispanic
Appearance: Black Hair, Hazel Eyes- Sparse Facial Hair
Weight: 140 lbs (He might have weighed 30-40 pounds before his death
Clothing: Fruit of The Loom shirt (Gray), Blue Plaid Shirt (Maker Unknown), Levi 550 Jeans (Blue, size 36-34), Leather Belt (Black) and Timberland Boots (Black, Size 10M)
Other: He Had No Ear Lobes, An Appendectomy Scar and A Small Mole On His Chin. He Might Be From Canada and Spoke With A Slight Canadian or Similar Accent
NCIC Number: U-960002335
Agency Case Number: 01-7870
This unidentified man was found on September 17th, 2001 in Amanda Park, Grays Harbor, Washington- He had checked into a Quinault area motel under the name "Lyle Stevik" on September 14th, 2001- the man gave his address as 1019 S.Progress Avenue, Meridian, ID (Idaho). He possibly came to Washington by bus despite bus drivers being unsure of him being a passenger on their busses. The man was originally going to stay for only one night, but on 9-15-01 he told the hotel's maid that he was going to stay a little longer. He was found dead on 9-17-01 by the maid having commited suicide. The unknown man had left behind some money and a note saying "For the Room", his only possesions were a tooth brush and toothpaste.
If you know this man's identity or anything about this case- please contact:
Det. Steve Shumate
The Grays Harbor Sheriffs Department @ 360-249-3711 x574

Steve Shumate is the new detective working the case. As for the age range, I put 20 years old- mid 30s because an online article (someone posted it here) put his age between mid 20s-early 30s
a few different people from different tribe's and people with knowledge of them have wanted nothing to do with approaching these tribe's with a photo of him.this may be a pandora's box you might be better leaving alone.ccm went down that road at the time,with no luck.

I'm not quite sure what you mean? Can you post some information about tribes expressing no interest in identifying this man? I live in the same state (and general area) where "Lyle" was found. This is an area with many tribes and I find them to be caring and compassionate people who care deeply about their communities. I also believe it is very possible he came from Canada. The reason is because there are over 100 different native tribes recognized in British Columbia ALONE, many of them very remote in location. It is possible they are looking for him and just don't have the resources or a knowledge of where to BEGIN.

I sent him a PM a long time ago and he didn't reply, so I'm not sure if he's active here anymore. I think he retired.
Dearest Rmf,:)
Please read back on his posts. He states when he "retired".
Only my opinion, I do not believe that this person was ever active on this case. But that is just my opinion.....
Ah, so you think the poster was really not who they claimed to be?
Dearest Rmf,:blowkiss:

I hope that I am wrong. I read in a news article awhile ago about the Detective on the case.
I was concerned when I saw this;
The Detective on the case stated this;

“He left money on the night stand with a note that said, ‘For the room,’ ” the detective said. “Who does that?”

When I questioned the money on the stand on this thread and stated that it could have been murder, the poster coldcaseman stated this on post #767;
I doubt a murderer would leave $120 on the nightstand with a note that read "for the room".

After that post, he has not posted on this thread, he just lurked.

I hope that coldcaseman comes back here and

Here is coldcaseman's first post in this thread; he states in that post that he had just retired a few months prior. So anything he did after that as far as looking into the case was "on his own", so to speak.

You can also click on his name to bring up all his posts. I went back through and found this article about him and the Lyle Stevik case:

I think for him, this is one of those cases that sticks with you even after you retire.
I'm not quite sure what you mean? Can you post some information about tribes expressing no interest in identifying this man? I live in the same state (and general area) where "Lyle" was found. This is an area with many tribes and I find them to be caring and compassionate people who care deeply about their communities. I also believe it is very possible he came from Canada. The reason is because there are over 100 different native tribes recognized in British Columbia ALONE, many of them very remote in location. It is possible they are looking for him and just don't have the resources or a knowledge of where to BEGIN.

I agree, there are so many tribes I'm sure that LE only scratched the surface. ColdCaseMan says in this post:
that he did not send to the tribes in Canada, just the RCMP.

Posters were sent to the local tribes. Probably just WA.

RMF, thank you so much for what you're doing. You're really good at this. I tried searching for a map of tribes in the NW U.S./SW Canada yesterday and had trouble finding anything! Actually I found a map showing different tribal languages, but it said that was different from actual tribes. I'm glad you have some knowledge of native tribes...that is a great asset to this case! :)
Yes, the detective was working on this case but he retired a few months before writing this message and as he had an interest in this case he kept a copy of this file.
I made this info poster for Lyle on my computer:

Steve Shumate is the new detective working the case. As for the age range, I put 20 years old- mid 30s because an online article (someone posted it here) put his age between mid 20s-early 30s
To my very dearest Outofthedark,:blowkiss:
You did an beautiful job.
Thank-you so very much.

All of my Love and Respect to you,
I am not shocked though that he left money. When you go in the other world you better not have anything on your conscience if possible, and not paying would have been theft.
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