Greece - Caroline Crouch, 20, Murdered, Athens, 11 May 2021 #3 *ARREST*

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Good article, and a reminder of how "reliable police sources" anonymously promoted the criminal migrant boogie man and media all went wild with it. "A short one and two tall ones" haha.
Now the police say they knew it was the husband from day one, I guess the racist scapegoating was just their regular old side game, "let's beat it out of them anyway!"
The Georgian without proper papers now asks, how many more migrants are in prison for crimes committed by the local citizens?

And remember how Babis recognized the language because he's such a worldly helo traveler?
They were speaking Albanian! Bulgarian! Georgian! Let's throw in some "Gypsies/Gyftoi", a favorite scapegoat, they were speaking Balkan Romani! The press named them all.
All these languages are distinct linguistically, the only thing they have in common is an ugly stereotype.

And btw, Georgia man is in the infamous Korydallos, Babis' new home.
OMG - they are prison neighbours? Hahaha Karma at Its best:) :) I love it!!!
You know - I would take his words with a pinch of salt. If you ask whatever prisoner about his guilt they always claim they are innocent. Didn't LE say his DNA was connected to brutal robbery where an old man later died? I bet sb informed Police about this guy, thats why he was caught at the border. Fake documents? :) I dont think Greek police use torture - it is Europe for God's sake!
Oh, that's right, I forgot that was the case in which the victim later died at the hospital. Yes, they did find his DNA at the scene. So technically he could be charged with attempted murder. He also apparently had a criminal record so probably never should have been released in the first place. I don't think it's right for police to torture suspects to get information, but I also don't have much sympathy for gang members who commit violent crimes, robbing and torturing innocent people.

And yes, he was caught trying to flee the county with a fake passport. Imo
Here is the DM link.

C was apparently a very talented girl growing up, both intellectually and with athletics (out running the boys, kick boxing). She even spoke her native Philippine language, Tagalog, along with Greek, English, and French. One thing that stands out for me is that her father, David, was an oil exec, which means money - and, B is quoted in other articles (not this one) as feeling humiliated by C for noting that his parents didn't make all that much money. His father was an engineer and his mother a teacher? Of course, since B said this, we truly don't know if she ridiculed his family finances or not.

Caroline lived her short life to the full, with many talents, interests, and travel. I don't know if that's much consolation, but I suppose it's better than the alternative.
From the above mail article:

Meanwhile guards at Athens Police Headquarters, where Anagnostopoulos was being held, told Greek news site Ta Nea that he has show little remorse or regret for his actions during his time behind bars.

They said he woke up on Saturday - the day after his confession - 'quite cheerful' and told them that he should be allowed to continue raising his daughter instead of ending up in jail.

Rather than showing concern for his murdered wife or her family - whom he lied to for almost six weeks while playing the grieving widower - his only concern is said to be for baby Lydia.

He has even told guards that he would like the 11-month-old to be raised by Caroline's parents and his parents as part of a joint custody arrangement - at least until he walks free and can care for himself.

Guards say he remains calm and composed under the watchful eye of 24-hour security cameras fitted in his cell.

Since the confession, he has been visited by his brother who brought him a book and clothes, and has used a phone card to call other relatives.
Still no news? It's been more than six hours if they started at 10:00 am. I assume since this is the preliminary inquiry it's not open to the public? I'm curious about the new evidence or information the defense was planning to present.
OMG - they are prison neighbours? Hahaha Karma at Its best:) :) I love it!!!
Yep. That's how it goes.
Actions, meet consequence.
Αυτό κατήγγειλε το βράδυ της Παρασκευής 18 Ιουνίου ο ίδιος ο Γεωργιανός στο δεύτερο δημοφιλέστερο κρατικό τηλεοπτικό κανάλι της Γεωργίας (Imedi TV).
36χρονος μίλησε στις ειδήσεις του «Imedi TV» μέσα από τη φυλακή του Κορυδαλλού, περιγράφοντας τον εφιάλτη που έζησε.

This was reported by Georgianos himself on the night of Friday, June 18, on Georgia's second most popular state television channel (Imedi TV)..
The 36-year-old spoke on the news of "Imedi TV" through the prison of Korydallos, describing the nightmare he lived.
Oh, that's right, I forgot that was the case in which the victim later died at the hospital. Yes, they did find his DNA at the scene. So technically he could be charged with attempted murder. He also apparently had a criminal record so probably never should have been released in the first place. I don't think it's right for police to torture suspects to get information, but I also don't have much sympathy for gang members who commit violent crimes, robbing and torturing innocent people.

And yes, he was caught trying to flee the county with a fake passport. Imo
So far, he's only been charged for the fake passport and burglary.
We heard that B and C put their wedding rings on a little plate at night, also C's engagement ring. Have these ever been found? I am wondering if they had to be "stolen" because perhaps C flushed her rings down the toilet?
I hope he's charged with intentional murder and the case goes to trial because I don't like the sound of his story. I meant to reply to the last post where he described C throwing the baby in the crib and punching him but I don't know how to quote it on this thread.

Anyway, it appears he is trying to paint himself as the victim and he shouldn't get away with it. This case needs to be decided by a jury.

I wonder why they haven't announced any charges yet. This is very unusual.
By no means defending him but in Caroline’s reported diary entries she states she hits him. The relationship was utterly chaotic.
You know, on UK tv/comics, they used to call cops 'Bobbies'. Here in Canada, they're called 'the pigs'. So Bobby? Pig? It's the slang in some regions.

Bobbies used to be a popular nickname for the police in the U.K deriving from Robert Peel who founded the first police force.
A term of abuse for the police is also pigs in the U.K
Why do Greek mainstream media try to “defend” Caroline ‘s murderer?

The “interesting” phenomenon is that some Greek media are trying to white-wash the murderer of British-born Caroline Crouch, a mother of his 11-month-old daughter.

Greek media, some more some less, are trying to portray the murderer husband as a “remorseful and devastated husband”, an example “dad” who only wants to take care of his baby.

A panel of journalists at Skai TV set part of its audience in outrage on Monday morning, when a journalist, a court reporter, defended the man, Babis Anagnostopoulos, who strangled to death his wife in her sleep, killed with his hands also the family dog and hanged the puppy from the staircase and concocted a cover story that a gang of burglars was to blame for the crimes.

“At least he didn’t cut her up and hide the parts,” the court reporter said referring to an older femicide case in the country. “He is not the type for blood. The formation of his personality did not allow him to do such a thing [to dismember the corpse], he is not for the blood.,” she said.

Another journalist, the show host, hastened to agree with the journalist saying with emphasis “he tried to bring her back [to life].”

Social media users in outrage lash out at the journalists in particular and Skai in general. It was the same medium that first published excerpts from an alleged diary of Caroline. The excerpts were part of the file Police had prepared for the judicial authorities. The selected published diary parts appeared to shed a rather bad light on the young victim and alleged that she abused her 12 years older husband.

Why do Greek mainstream media try to “defend” Caroline ‘s murderer? - Keep Talking Greece

So they dropped the "bodily harm" charge? Even though the victim died? They really do seem to be light on criminals in Greece. Babis may end up serving four years after all.
You know - it is humane approch to criminals. Hope for rehabilitation. Also prisons are overcrowded - the place where B is staying was meant for half the number of inmates it currently houses. Prisoners are jammed - 7 people in 1 small cell. It was reported in one of the articles. But you should read about Scandinavian prisons - they are like SPAs.
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