Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #16

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Poor sweet Gabby. So many of us wish we could have taught her to drive that van by herself without fear or at least how to walk away from a toxic relationship before it was too late. I’m glad her body will be able to tell at least part of the story that BL has refused to tell.
Can we please keep this thread constructive?

I’m curious if anyone was able to figure out the relative area in which the body was discovered? And in relation to when the YouTube video shows the van?

It was reported here that it was approximately 1000 feet. I've seen no official confirmation though. think that Gabby (found 200-300 yards from the van) wandered off and died. Okay.

But why didn't Brian report her missing? That's the lowest level of involvement.

How did he know she was dead rather than lost? He must have had some reason not to report her missing. Slightly higher level of involvement.

But how is he not involved at all? He was her fiancé, they were together far from home. They both had phones (and hers, according to LE, was with him in FL). So he took her phone.

That's not involvement? Why did he not alert other people at the campground? She. was just yards away from two different roads.

Are you thinking it was assisted suicide?
Nowhere did I say Brian wasn't involved.

You've misconstrued my comment and blown it up into your own agenda.
I would not be so quick to blame B.L's parents.What if they had really tried to get the information from him but he just would not talk about it.You can't force someone to talk.Maybe they tried and tried and just could not get him to talk about it.
If he said absolutely nothing, then why get him a lawyer from NY immediately?
LE has now moved from setting a line on the street of BL residence to closing the street completely. Could be simple matter of public safety with nightfall. Could be the parents will be getting a visit from LE. But if anything happens, reporter Brian Entin is there, camera set up and all. The next door neighbor gave him permission to be there. Pretty crazy. I think he is the only reporter still on the scene. TY to those neighbors.
Do we know what the text to her mom on Aug 27th said? Is this being confused with the snapchat the uncle talks about? In the timeline they are two different things.

We know that she “supposedly” (most likely not her) texted her mom on the 27th and 30th. We know what the text on the 30th said. Interesting why they might be holding this back or maybe I missed something.
Sorry for this insensitive question but I'm confused...was she or wasn't she buried? I've seen claims of both. Was she partially buried? What does that even mean...that perhaps an animal had dug up her once-buried remains? Was she "buried" in the sense that she was covered with brush/debris/rocks? Have they even released this information?

Apologies for the gruesome nature of the question.
So very sorry to hear they found Gabby today. I am late to this case. I did read the timeline at the top. If anyone would be kind enough I don’t understand understand a couple things. When BL returned to FL (without Gabby) what vehicle was he in? Because the white van remained in the mountain west region, right? What is this detail about BL’s parents going to pick up some type of car? BL came back to his parent’s house for at least a day, right? He doesn’t have his own place? And what type of car did he supposedly leave his parent’s house in? Is the current issue with the parents … that we think they know what happened, or hid him for a couple days, or what exactly? Thank you. ❤️
I just saw some photos of the snow in West Yellowstone that a weather guy posted on FB. It is breathtakingly beautiful to this LA (lower Alabama) girl! It made me feel very thankful that Gabby was found before the weather made it impossible. It's just awful what has happened but I am very thankful that her family can now put her to rest in a proper and loving manner.
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