Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #78

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Why would you say that? Guilty people hire attorneys all the time. SB has nothing to worry about and has not committed any crime. In fact, cases where an attorney represents someone who is guilty is not the exception, but rather the rule. SB has already stated that he does not know if BL killed Gabby. Whatever story BL told him is client-attorney privilege and SB doesn't have to reveal that to anyone. Worst case scenario, the notebook contains a confession which will explain what happened and why. SB has nothing to fear from that. There is no murder indictment for BL much less a plea that SB had to file with the court. With luck Gabby's remains had physical evidence that will prove who killed her. Then the case is over.
What about a Wrongful Death suit -- if Federal law allows them?
Would that be a possibility without a prior conviction?
Obviously, IANAL.
I'm not really seeing the coincidence here. They knew where he was. They told LE where he was. They searched where knew he was. And there he was.

Its not like they stumbled across the items and remains in a corn field in Iowa. He was exactly where they said he was from the start. jmo

How did the parents know where he headed to? Did he tell them exactly where he going?
I could never figure that out. He must have given them a head's up.
It doesn't matter when the reserve was opened to the public, IMO, except for water levels.

LE would never have turned the Laundries down had they approached LE and told them they could probably find BL's things quickly, as they actually did with the beeline.

I just don't think they "waited until the reserve was open" (to approach LE for a search for their only son). IMO

They waited for some other reason, ie thinking that he wasn't still in there. IMO

Yes and just because it opened that day doesn’t mean that the water was still high the day before. As in someone didn’t have to necessarily be wading in water to drop things there.
I'm not sure why he would do any of the things he did? He could have just stayed at the scene of the crime with GP and ended his life then. Whatever his COD is determined to be, I'm not sure they could dismiss the fact that someone may have found him first and killed him. Be it vigilante or someone known to him. Whether it was a gunshot or slit wrists or death by consuming something, every last one could have occurred while he was at gunpoint and forced to do so. IMO.
And, if he didn't need guidance and assistance, he could have fled from Wyoming. MOO
I appreciate everyone’s thoughts and dissections of SB’s interview(s) last night. I’m flabbergasted at his demeanor. I also don’t understand why he is doing this world tour of interviews so immediately in the aftermath of his clients losing their child. After watching 2 interviews, I’m still unclear what he is trying to accomplish. Once again, he could exercise his right to not speak and nobody would have any of this nonsense on film. He complained about how he was tired from all the interviews and it was causing him to misspeak… then why not just not accept the interviews. Take a few days, allow for the grieving process, and decide together with the Laundries what the best strategy is going forward because his current strategy sucks, IMO.

I think BL's parents just wanted him found, and were convinced BL was in there.
The re-opening of the park was a sign that the FBI intensive search was over (and they may even have been told the big search was going to conclude).

For example (among many), I remember Matthew Leveson's parents went out - once the police search for their son concluded - and searched for Matthew a lot. I don't think continuing the search for your child ever really ends, until they are found.

This is my view, as well.

Since Gabby and Brian are both dead, the searches are over, there's not much left for us to dissect except the Laundries and their lawyer. This seems to be the dominant theme in the threads now.

It feels to me that SB has played and continues to play an outsized role in this tragic saga. He's the story right now. That's partly because he's our only conduit to the Ls and to Brian, since he spoke to them all and we haven't heard from them.

Yet IMO he's everywhere at once, on every news outlet, and he's embracing the fame/notoriety that he's receiving. I understand he has a practice on Long Island, but in as gigantic a situation as this became, I don't understand why he didn't fly down to Florida a few times to interact with the Laundries in person. Maybe if he'd talked to Brian face to face he may have been able to persuade him to surrender to LE. Or in a more hands-on situation he'd have been able to persuade the Laundries to handle it differently, or follow Brian to the park, or anything else where the interaction in person would be more effective than long-distance handling. He certainly had no other case that was bigger than this, though I know he has a duty to his other clients on Long Island.

IMO this guy is a certain type, a type I know very well. Obnoxious big-mouth who doesn't care that he's berating a female journalist on national TV. He cares about his reputation but likes having the tough guy image. Any battles he's previously had in local real-estate were relatively nothing compared to being famous and on TV.

I agree that he's lost sight of his priorities, which should have been a different resolution for the Laundrie family and for Brian in particular, and not the self-aggrandizing <modsnip: removed derogatory reference> he's apparently thrilled to portray. Otherwise he'd decline these interviews. And show more respect to the Petitos.

He did fly down at least once from what I recall, but Brian pretty much went missing almost as soon as the case blew up huge, I think it was maybe just the weekend prior it caught nat'l attention and he was gone on the Monday. Nevertheless, he's a ginormous douche.
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Re privilege in general

If someone contacts an attorney for an unpaid consultation and poses a what-if scenario, then later hires that attorney for the same scenario, does a/c privilege start from the first contact or when a retainer is signed?

I know when I was looking for a divorce attorney someone told me to schedule a consultation with as many as I could so that they wouldn’t be able to represent my ex if he contacted them later.
It would definitely be good if the notebook contained a confession or explanation or something. But given what (admittedly little) we know about BL, I suspect it's just drawings. Waterlogged drawings. MOO

If it contains a confession and apology to GP's family, that is a good thing. If it contains an exoneration of his parents, how much weight can we really give it? The answer to this I think lies in his time/date of death. MOO
I'm not really seeing the coincidence here. They knew where he was. They told LE where he was. They searched where knew he was. And there he was.

Its not like they stumbled across the items and remains in a corn field in Iowa. He was exactly where they said he was from the start. jmo

Law enforcement had also searched in the area and yet they did not find anything after multiple days of searching. However, the L's on the other hand, went there one time and in less than an hour found his bag which led LE to the backpack and remains shortly after in the same area. Too much of a coincidence IMO.
Or, his lawyer ?
I think SB may be more involved than he's letting on.

Gotcha, because if he told his parents where he was going and was suicidal maybe he wanted or hoped his parents show up to talk him out of it?
I appreciate everyone’s thoughts and dissections of SB’s interview(s) last night. I’m flabbergasted at his demeanor. I also don’t understand why he is doing this world tour of interviews so immediately in the aftermath of his clients losing their child. After watching 2 interviews, I’m still unclear what he is trying to accomplish. Once again, he could exercise his right to not speak and nobody would have any of this nonsense on film. He complained about how he was tired from all the interviews and it was causing him to misspeak… then why not just not accept the interviews. Take a few days, allow for the grieving process, and decide together with the Laundries what the best strategy is going forward because his current strategy sucks, IMO.


You're preaching to the choir as far as I'm concerned.
I cannot see BL ever admitting what he did to Gabby -- to anyone, either in conversation or in his notebook. JMO.

I'm curious why BL chose the evening or early morning of Sept 13th to go to the reserve then. What triggered it then?
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