ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 24

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Does it strike anyone as odd they would make a public announcement about this? Maybe they just want to give the public *some* info because they can't give us much else. Or is this a way to lure in or get some kind of reaction out of a POI?
Probably so people don’t speculate even more or bombard them with questions as to what they are doing there. Also, to ask media to back off. MOO
Greed Sex Revenge Thrill

This is an attempt to organize some of the existing theories of motive according to GSRT. This is in no way comprehensive.

GREED: skipping over this one since there is no indication yet of a financial motivation

-Sex as motive includes the theory of..
-One or more of the girls being targeted with the knife as a kind of sexual weapon. (No one has talked about E being a primary sexual target.)

-The stalker theory (could be long term or short term stalker)

(IMO the killing of 4 people makes the "sex is primary" less compelling. The killer seemed to seek out other victims so I think there is more to the motive. )

REVENGE: Revenge as motive includes a number of theories.
-One or more of the roommates had a personal fight with someone(s) who wanted revenge
-The group was targeted for living a life the killer wanted (the killer could know them personally or not at all)
-The killer felt slighted by the group in some way (either personally or symbolically)
- The killer wanted revenge against one person and killed the other people as a part of the revenge against the intended target.
- The killer primarily wanted revenge against a third entity (the house, the town, the sorority or frat, the school etc)
- The victims knew something and the killer wanted to keep them quiet (more far fetched)
- A third party hired someone to kill a group of people (also far fetched)

Revenge is easily combined with the sex motive. This would include the theory (for example) that K was moving away and a "stalker felt betrayed" .
(( Revenge killing can have a "loud" element such as manifestos, videos, or letters making sure people KNOW about the killer's anger and feeling of victimization. This could be done publicly (Elliott Rodger) or anonymously (Zodiac, Unabomber). The lack of any "noise" from this killer seems important.

If revenge is a primary motive, even with a "quiet killer" I think it's unlikely the killer has never expressed their grievances to anyone either in their life or over social media. I really would suspect this person has some sort of a digital footprint of grievances. ))

IMO, I think almost certainly there is some sort of revenge component based on the killing of 4 people. Either revenge against the group as a whole or revenge against the intended target by killing her friends.

THRILL: Then there is the thrill kill. A post on WS talked about Elliott Rodger who stabbed his friend and friend's parents at night. He claimed no motive although gave indications he despised happy people (some revenge thoughts perhaps), had a desire to kill, and thought killing his friend made the murders more interesting. This Idaho seems to have more in common with that case. The thrill kill is really scary because it could be totally personal or totally random, based on some sort of predatory and psychopathic instinct.

TLDR: MOO it seems as though the motive for these killings could be a combination of thrill, revenge, and sexual fantasy which could be why there are a lot of confounding aspects and why it's hard to formulate a clear direction. However a revenge killer has likely made their distaste known to someone somewhere so that could be important in terms of leads
In my opinion they need to look at those individuals who watched the grub truck's live stream and if possible in the weeks before. There are tips coming in to the truck workers themselves as well as watchers sending in food payments for friends or cute girls they see on the stream.

What if over their years there they had been comped food so many times and at some point in that small town crossed path with one of those stream watchers and wasn't interested in engaging with them in any way? If it were KG and she appears on the stream, might that have inspired the attack later?

When I first saw video I was confused in thinking they were trying to swipe food, but now I think they were so close to serving area to stay on stream hoping meal might be free if more visible to those watching who were watching?

Even if no-one in stream is the perp, I can't help but wonder if it was why someone with ill intent might have seen her back in Moscow after thinking her gone? Even those tipping at the very end just to the truck workers.

All above my own theory, I can only imagine the amount of evidence these LE are working through.


It could well be someone who saw them there, but it seems likelier that anyone with an unhealthy obsession with them would see their very public social media. I don't think they were strategically angling for free food or trying to steal anyone else's order, though, as they already paid before they walk over to wait. They try (and fail) to pay with points and then successfully scan some form of payment on their phone.
I'm not following the case here because the threads move too quickly, and I would never be able to keep up :oops: That said, I watch Inside Edition every day after our 4:00PM local newscast. IE has been featuring the case almost daily, and I feel like I have a pretty good idea what is going on from these reports. Dad of University of Idaho Student Kaylee Goncalves Is Hiring Private Investigator to Probe Quadruple Homicide
You should read the Moscow PD updates that's linked in the first post on every thread. That is where the facts are. Imo.
I've always wondered about the latter question of yours; like if Kaylee was moving to Texas and back just for the weekend, would she still have stuff in the apartment? Like if not, I think that explains why her and Maddie were sharing a bed. But I'm also confused why the dog was still here... Maybe it was an inbetween time and she was slowly getting her belongings? Not sure how relevant that is, but it hasn't really be fully addressed anywhere that I'm aware of.
Visiting for the weekend makes no sense to me. School wasn't even out yet and she was a Senior. Why would she move away before graduation? I thought she was going to travel Europe after she graduated. So many different Darrell would say, "heresay"!! MO
Does it strike anyone as odd they would make a public announcement about this? Maybe they just want to give the public *some* info because they can't give us much else. Or is this a way to lure in or get some kind of reaction out of a POI?

JMO. LE must feel the publics consensus is they’re not being empathetic enough to the victims family members. They’re hoping this announcement would help prove otherwise. To an extent anyways.
I've always wondered about the latter question of yours; like if Kaylee was moving to Texas and back just for the weekend, would she still have stuff in the apartment? Like if not, I think that explains why her and Maddie were sharing a bed. But I'm also confused why the dog was still here... Maybe it was an inbetween time and she was slowly getting her belongings? Not sure how relevant that is, but it hasn't really be fully addressed anywhere that I'm aware of.
AFAIK she still had stuff in the house - I think her dad claimed he could see her (still made) bed in one of the crime scene photos.

She shared Murphy with her ex and we don’t know what the visitation arrangements were so I don’t think it’s odd that Murphy was there.

Does it strike anyone as odd they would make a public announcement about this? Maybe they just want to give the public *some* info because they can't give us much else. Or is this a way to lure in or get some kind of reaction out of a POI?
I would say in a normal case it is odd....however, I think I have seen numerous posts throughout the internet with people's curiosity on the subject that they are trying to calm us all down. :)
Does it strike anyone as odd they would make a public announcement about this? Maybe they just want to give the public *some* info because they can't give us much else. Or is this a way to lure in or get some kind of reaction out of a POI?
Likely wanting to let the public know why they are at the house, and what types of things were being taken out of the house. They don't want the 'rumor' mill to go wild with speculation on what is taking place.
Visiting for the weekend makes no sense to me. School wasn't even out yet and she was a Senior. Why would she move away before graduation? I thought she was going to travel Europe after she graduated. So many different Darrell would say, "heresay"!! MO
She was due to graduate in December and had finished classes. She came back to show her friends her newly purchased vehicle. She had a new job lined up in TX after graduation and was making plans to backpack in Europe.

These facts have all been well established by many MSM reports. What part is confusing or heresay and who is Darrell?
Two of the residents in the home when the others were murdered survived (as did Murphy). We don’t know whether the murderer(s) knew the other residents were there or not.

But suppose the murderer(s) DID know they were there. Why spare them? (And thank goodness they WERE spared.)

Possibilities I can imagine:

- the murderer(s) did not know the other two were there.

- something interrupted plans, so the murderer(s) stopped and left before accomplishing plans to kill all people in the home.

- the four students who were killed were targeted because the murderer(s) believed they knew something or participated in something or were a party to something the other two didn’t/weren’t (at least as far as the murderer(s) knew).

- the three females who were killed were targeted because the murderer(s) believed they knew something or participated in something or were a party to something the other two females didn’t/weren’t, and the male was a collateral murder because he was there and a potential threat and witness.

There are other possibilities.

But it occurs to me that the three females killed were close BEFORE college as they all came from the Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls area of northern Idaho. Having a longer standing friendship, they may have shared confidences, friendships and other relationships, and experiences the others didn’t (and the murderer might have been aware of or suspected that). Or, they may have represented something - wealth, social standing, status, success, sexually active attractive female - the murderer felt they deserved but were left out of. If that feeling preexisted these females move to college in Moscow, that may have factored into the murderer’s motive to kill all three of those females, but spare the other two.

Also, KG may have had an experience or interaction (or simply have been seen) while she was recently in the CdA area that resurrected this feeling in someone there, who then pursued KG to Moscow with intent to kill the entire group of three.

So, while looking at the victims‘ close and more distant social circles, LE is likely having to look not just in Moscow, but also in CdA - to any of these three females recent experiences there and back in time to when all three resided there to determine if someone from their past has some personal (and rational only to that someone) motive to kill them.
The search for whoever fatally stabbed four University of Idaho students last month includes examining an enormous amount of biological and digital evidence, a kaleidoscope of potential clues — some obvious, some unseen and some that may lead to wrong answers.

No suspect has been publicly identified, no weapon has been found, and police have said little about what they’ve learned, as the small college town of Moscow has become the focus of widespread grief, anger and speculation.

A break could come at any moment, from a confession or the thousands of tips submitted to police. But in the absence of a sudden development, investigators are relying on forensic techniques to tackle a case, in a time-consuming process that appears unusually complex, according to a half-dozen experts in crime-scene analysis and evidence gathering.

“This is a case that only the most experienced crime techs can solve and answer,” said Jennifer Coffindaffer, who worked 25 years as an FBI agent and investigated violent crimes. “It’s going to take a long, long time.”...
I wish I could find the post from threads ago that had a list about how lucky this killer was that night - So many things worked in their favor to be able to get in & out and now, three plus weeks later, still be on the loose. I’m not faulting LE at all - I think they have an idea of what happened. And I think this will be solved.

(How many threads until we have an arrest? I’m feeling optimistic & will say 52)
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