ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 41 *ARREST*

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I’m wondering if this was his first and only murder. Was there trial runs? Killed or robbed before?
I think we need to look for missing and murdered folks in the area who might attract less attention: unhoused folks, sex workers, MMIW, "runaways," people experiencing disordered substance use. In ID/WA and PA. Because yeah, you literally cannot choose more high-profile victims than these. And four at once? "Practice" crimes seem logically likely.
I'm kind of in love with Chief Fry right now.

He held his poker face when he needed to, despite intense pressure from the media and public, publicly asked for help locating the Elantra but gave away nothing else, and allowed himself just a tiny smile yesterday.

Then today at the presser he kept his professionalism, back to the poker face when the reporters immediately starting asking about facts that LE and the prosecutor had said they legally could not talk about.

Kudos to those here who yesterday said the Chief looked more relaxed and that you hoped it meant they knew something!
Love this (BBM):

"Sources said the FBI had been watching the house for several days before a specialized team of state troopers and federal agents moved in around 2 a.m. Friday."

LE "moved in" on him in the middle of the night, taking a page out of his own book...

Idaho murders: 28-year-old grad student arrested in Pennsylvania

And if they were watching his house for a few days before arresting him early Friday morning, this could be why Chief Fry looked so happy in his last "appearance" on MSM I saw -- he maybe knew they "had their man"!

LE did such great work, so thankful for the families & community that their methodical approach and diligence has paid off in such short order! MOO
IMO he’s the only perp and he’s trying to create reasonable doubt, but doing a poor job at it. I’d be pretty shocked if someone else ends up being involved in this.

Yeah, a really poor job - <modsnip: not victim friendly>

Probably typical. Probably blames his own parents for what he did (and I think the look on his face in the mug shot is one that those close to him have seen before and it's intended for them). No shame, no embarrassment. Arrogant steely expression in the face of a quadruple murder charge, on his way to a cell - for life.
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It was well-deserved. Far too many people online post wild and speculative things about people they have never met and know nothing about without care for the consequences to those people.
Outside social media sites.
Not here.
And we don't bring other social media sites' content here, either.
There's nothing wrong with private sleuthing/speculation as long as people don't post it publicly.
The reason for this site is sleuthing, and sometimes the WS-ers' here are spot on.

It looks like LE were miles ahead of everyone and they did their job efficiently.
So many kudos to them !
I'm wondering if this is not his first rodeo.

Stabbing four people to death for your first violent crime is is some debut.

I'm sure LE will look into the unsolved Travis Juetten murder which appears to have a similar MO
JMO - but he was attending college in PA at the time of those, LE has stated no connection. Appears he just moved to this area this fall given May 2022 masters graduation.

Lot of sick people out there though. Glad this one is in custody for the new year.
It feels a bit fateful that he was arrested around 3am when that’s around the same time he committed the murders. I hope he had no idea they were coming for him and was scared shitless.
Law enforcement often arrests suspects during the wee hours so they can catch them off guard, i.e. while they're asleep.

If he doesn't obtain counsel, and no criminal atty takes it pro bono, then yes, he'll get a PD. 6th amendment. This is going to be a mega-high profile case. I wonder who will step up?

Four possible guesses:
1) Gerry Spence
2) Jose Baez
3) Robert Shapiro
4) Anne Bremer

Defense attorneys love publicity, so he will probably be able to pick his dream team.

ETA: I just read that Gerry Spence had publicly stated that he was retiring from trying cases, so you can probably scratch him off the list.
If they matched his DNA it would have to be in an existing database right? so I wonder which database it was in and why was it in there.
They may have gotten DNA in the last 4 days, sounds like. <modsnip: quoted post removed>
If the FBI had been tracking him for days, it feels like the SWAT team raid time early morning hours was deliberate, no? Catch him off guard so there's less of a chance of an incident.
Or get him in his bed the same way he murdered 4 people in their beds at 3 am?
If they never listen to news, then probably not. Maybe it was normal for him to drive home at the end of the term. Maybe they lacked all curiosity about him if arrived earlier than that.

Perhaps they had no clue that Idaho was right next to Washington, or that Pullman was just 10-12 minutes from Moscow. Or that 4 university students were slaughtered in their sleep very close to where their own son was living in student housing. Or that an Elantra was sought.
I do wonder if there is a Unabomber moment in this with his family.
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Hi everyone! This is my first post on this forum. Happy to be here. I have been following various threads over the past few months and the Idaho murders is the first one that compelled me to join and enter the conversation.

I am watching the press conference by James Frye (Moscow Chief of Police) and he seems like such a genuinely good man. A soft-spoken, sensitive, clear-headed fellow. He is the big winner today, imho.

I have nothing but empathy for the victims' parents, and I imagine it must have been achingly painful to be in the dark for almost two months. However, Steve Goncalves publicly shaming Frye and alluding to the fact that he wasn't "Alpha enough to handle the case" was a low-point in this whole saga. We live in a world where many people equate strength with brashness, where "alpha" means stomping around and reaching conclusions without much regard for truth.

Today, quiet decency won big.
With all due respect, I feel sure that the Chief of Police Frye knows how parents racked with grief react. I don't think he took it personally.
Question: if it was by court order, someone would have to request that order wouldn't they? A court wouldn't just arbitrarily issue an order halting a crime scene cleanup on it own, right? Could it have come from the Idaho AG's office in anticipation of an extradition fight by BK and the IAG needed to view the crime scene in person as part of the extradition request from the governor's office?
believe it was stated in press conference the order came from the county prosecutor's office. In previous cases (i.e. Parkland) the scene has been maintained for a jury viewing.
Question: if it was by court order, someone would have to request that order wouldn't they? A court wouldn't just arbitrarily issue an order halting a crime scene cleanup on it own, right? Could it have come from the Idaho AG's office in anticipation of an extradition fight by BK and the IAG needed to view the crime scene in person as part of the extradition request from the governor's office?
The Prosecutor may have asked for it when they filed the charges as part of their requirement to turn over exculpatory evidence to the defense. The state likely wanted to make sure anything the defense could consider "evidence" was not intentionally removed or destroyed.

I don't think it has anything to do with the extradition but rather the state now having notice that someone was arrested and the need to preserve evidence to turn over to the defense.
[redacted by me], a graduate student in the criminology and criminal justice department at WSU, described Kohberger as confident and outgoing, but said it seemed like "he was always looking for a way to fit in."

"It’s pretty out of left field," he said of the news Friday. "I had honestly just pegged him as being super awkward."

[] started the program in August — along with Kohberger, he said — and had several courses with him. He described Kohberger as wanting to appear academic.

"One thing he would always do, almost without fail, was find the most complicated way to explain something," he said. "He had to make sure you knew that he knew it."

I have seen people on this forum claiming that a Brian Entin tweet says BK asked LE "Did you arrest anyone else". <modsnip>

Regardless, even if those are BK's words, I would not consider it evidence of someone else's involvement.

Well, obviously not. But surely it is something that will cause people (like us) to speculate? <modsnip>

Why would anyone consider a murderer's words upon arrest to be evidence of anything at all? Except, perhaps, concern about what's happening to his own family. That was my point.

And I think the concern might be real, if they did indeed knowingly help in any way after the fact. That's where my mind went, as well as minds of other persons. Not as evidence for anything - but of his concern (and to me, his longterm desire to blame someone else for everything that goes wrong in his life).
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