GA - Zachary and William Zulock charged for sexually abusing adopted boys and producing CSAM - 1/21/23

BBM That’s awful. I hope people aren’t automatically turned off because it’s about gay men. People need to realize Pedophiles will try to piggyback onto any legitimate movement.

A quick glance through their social media would have picked up the pedophilia references. ANY ADOPTION AGENCY should have picked up on the pedo references. ‘It’s okay if you’re not ready yet” and “Love is love”. Pedo phrases.

Oh and notwithstanding the fact one of them had already been accused of raping a child! FFS!
'Love is love' is something that's been used in the LGBT community forever to mean that homosexual love is just as valid as heterosexual love (referring to consensual relationships between adults). It's been coopted by pedos and other disgusting people, but the phrase on its own isn't a 'pedo thing'. And the 'it's okay if you're not ready yet' post seems to be about coming out of the closet- That's how I would have interpreted it if anyone else had posted it. Given the context we have now, it's definitely questionable, but I don't think the first two images would have been red flags. The third one ABSOLUTELY, but I'm not sure if that's actually something posted on the IG page or something you added as an example of pedos using 'love is love'.
It's definitely a tricky issue because as much as this case needs exposure, there's definitely some people who will use it to demonize gay adoption (or gay marriage/relationships as a whole).
To me this is case isn't an example as to why gay adoption is bad (it isn't), it's an example of how adoption agencies need to be a LOT more thourough with background checks- It sounds like these guys were never charged with anything but the rape accusations should have been though to stop the agency from placing kids with them. I see so many horror stories on here about adopted kids being harmed or killed and it makes me wonder how the 'parents' were even allowed to adopt in the first place. It seems that a lot of them have violent backgrounds or accusations of violence against them but since they were never charged/convicted they're all clear to adopt kids.
It's definitely a tricky issue because as much as this case needs exposure, there's definitely some people who will use it to demonize gay adoption (or gay marriage/relationships as a whole).
To me this is case isn't an example as to why gay adoption is bad (it isn't), it's an example of how adoption agencies need to be a LOT more thourough with background checks- It sounds like these guys were never charged with anything but the rape accusations should have been though to stop the agency from placing kids with them. I see so many horror stories on here about adopted kids being harmed or killed and it makes me wonder how the 'parents' were even allowed to adopt in the first place. It seems that a lot of them have violent backgrounds or accusations of violence against them but since they were never charged/convicted they're all clear to adopt kids.
To me, this case is about 2 filthy pedophiles that went shopping for 2 little boys to victimize and financially profit from.
They just dressed it all up in a way that no one in society would dare question their motives or intentions.
They should never walk free again, but rot in cages where they belong.
I'd prefer the DP for predators of children but until that's a thing, rotting in cages works just fine.

Were these images really on their social media? “Pedophiles are people too?”

I don’t believe in the death penalty - apart from for pedophiles. It is the only way to protect children. These two don’t deserve to be alive.
I didn’t see “pedophiles are people too” but “Love is Love” was in glowy lights in of the boys bedrooms, plus in a lot of hashtags. “ Love has no age” was in a lot of hashtags.
It's definitely a tricky issue because as much as this case needs exposure, there's definitely some people who will use it to demonize gay adoption (or gay marriage/relationships as a whole).
To me this is case isn't an example as to why gay adoption is bad (it isn't), it's an example of how adoption agencies need to be a LOT more thourough with background checks- It sounds like these guys were never charged with anything but the rape accusations should have been though to stop the agency from placing kids with them. I see so many horror stories on here about adopted kids being harmed or killed and it makes me wonder how the 'parents' were even allowed to adopt in the first place. It seems that a lot of them have violent backgrounds or accusations of violence against them but since they were never charged/convicted they're all clear to adopt kids.
There should never be a sacred caste who we can’t talk about, no matter the reasons. Catholic Church ring a bell? We need to talk about it, we need to scream about it.
There should never be a sacred caste who we can’t talk about, no matter the reasons. Catholic Church ring a bell? We need to talk about it, we need to scream about it.
I absolutely agree (and I'm LGBT myself). These monsters shouldn't get any special protection because of their sexuality. I apologize if my initial post came off as confusing. I was just worried that it might get twisted into a gay adoption/marriage issue when the real issue here is pedophilia. That doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it, though. All pedos are equally disgusting and deserve equal punishment regardless of sexuality. I hope these two rot for life and the kids end up somewhere safe and are able to heal.
Were these images really on their social media? “Pedophiles are people too?”

I don’t believe in the death penalty - apart from for pedophiles. It is the only way to protect children. These two don’t deserve to be alive.
Agree 100%. Those poor boys are scarred for life, IMO.
'Love is love' is something that's been used in the LGBT community forever to mean that homosexual love is just as valid as heterosexual love (referring to consensual relationships between adults). It's been coopted by pedos and other disgusting people, but the phrase on its own isn't a 'pedo thing'. And the 'it's okay if you're not ready yet' post seems to be about coming out of the closet- That's how I would have interpreted it if anyone else had posted it. Given the context we have now, it's definitely questionable, but I don't think the first two images would have been red flags. The third one ABSOLUTELY, but I'm not sure if that's actually something posted on the IG page or something you added as an example of pedos using 'love is love'.
The co-opting that you speak of is concerning to my friends, neighbors and family members who are LGB (I'm excluding T cause I don't think I know anyone who is T) JMO
I absolutely agree (and I'm LGBT myself). These monsters shouldn't get any special protection because of their sexuality. I apologize if my initial post came off as confusing. I was just worried that it might get twisted into a gay adoption/marriage issue when the real issue here is pedophilia. That doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it, though. All pedos are equally disgusting and deserve equal punishment regardless of sexuality. I hope these two rot for life and the kids end up somewhere safe and are able to heal.
I see what you mean and I agree. Unfortunately there will be people who use this type of thing for their own agenda. We should reciprocate by loudly proclaiming what will be done to help prevent this from happening again. This certainly must be done regardless, because the safeguarding fails here were jaw dropping. I hope jobs were lost.

Enforcing strict guidelines with no exceptions. (This story seems to indicate guidelines were more lax, because let’s face it, nobody wants to be called homophobic.)
The co-opting that you speak of is concerning to my friends, neighbors and family members who are LGB (I'm excluding T cause I don't think I know anyone who is T) JMO
I'm a lesbian and a good number of my friends are LGBT as well and it's concerning to all of us. It sucks because the phrase came from our community and it didn't mean anything bad. We shouldn't HAVE to stop using it (or have people think we mean the wrong thing) because of disgusting people trying to equate pedophilia with being LGBT. And yes, pedos (of all sexualities) have tried to turn pedophilia into a 'sexuality' to become associated with the LGBT community/try and have the LGBT community accept them. Luckily nobody in the LGBT community actually accepts this and we try to make it clear that pedos aren't, and never will be, accepted by us.
I see what you mean and I agree. Unfortunately there will be people who use this type of thing for their own agenda. We should reciprocate by loudly proclaiming what will be done to help prevent this from happening again. This certainly must be done regardless, because the safeguarding fails here were jaw dropping. I hope jobs were lost.

Enforcing strict guidelines with no exceptions. (This story seems to indicate guidelines were more lax, because let’s face it, nobody wants to be called homophobic.)
Honestly, nobody wants to be the purple-haired incel screaming about "homophobia" from their mom's basement, if anything. Heh.
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is there anything new in the news? so far its really horrible.
nothing really. townhall posted a couple new articles. the one still doesn't have a lawyer. the Judge advised them someone is leaking there convos and not to say too much. but they both continue to talk to the person leaking everything LMAO

There is some stuff about the passed allegations and if it will be allowed in court. Also maybe Z wants to make a plea deal.

MO - These guys are so out of touch with reality.

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