GUILTY SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #39

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I'll def be on ALERT for anything going on with that family. I saw that SLED said they would go after whoever aided AM in this. That will be wild in itself for sure. Looking forward. Must mean ridding the gun, bloody outfit anything he requested. Hoping too for justice for Steven Smith and Mrs. Satterfield, those both are being further looked into, with Mrs. S even being exhumed. Someone in law there means business.
Oh I missed this!?

I wonder if Alex wanted a speedy trial (usually clients waive that right so their defense can properly go through evidence and present a good defense) so they couldn't really dig up any other dirt, they had to roll with what they had. We didn't need to know how he got rid of the guns, the clothing, etc to know he did it. So I hope they do investigate because I really am not sure what I think of him having help after the fact. I am pretty sure I don't believe he had help before or during, but I don't know if anyone knew about it before hand and I am leaning more toward he did tell someone after and it's possible they either unknowingly or knowingly disposed of things for him. I'm sure he has a lot of things he can hang over those he associates with as blackmail or insurance they will comply or maybe even no questions asked deals he has worked with people. You scratch my back I'll scratch yours.

I would start by looking heavily at those calls he made that day. Who did he call and when. Then look at the movements of those people that day.. not only where they were but why were they there. I see some questionable things.
I haven’t watched the Netflix thing yet, but my son did. He had thought JJM came across as nice on the stand. Mind you he is young and is new to all this. But after the Netflix, he was appalled that someone was right there to clean up the boat before the “poor girl” had even been found. I refer to them a as the cleaner.
Oh I completely understand why he would think JJM came off nice on the stand. He’s got that same way about him where he can come off completely normal, and can even fool people that he could be good upstanding gent, but after watching several documentaries about this family there are so many clues that narcissistic personality disorder runs deep in the blood of that family. Some are able to hide it much better than AM, but that “gene” runs deep.
I hate writing this. But I’m still just so perplexed why SLED did not secure the scene and all of Moselle for at least a few days - especially the area where Paul and Maggie were found. Something does not sit right with me that it was AM’s brother was the one who cleaned up Paul’s remains THE VERY NEXT DAY after the body was taken away. Wouldn’t a double murder crime scene be roped off for some time so that crime scene investigators and evidence collectors could gather evidence? It hurts my mind! Just like it was AM’s brother who towed the boat away (from a crime scene) before Mallory’s body was even located. Seems like Brother is always doing clean up for AM and family. Heck, my neighbor shot a gun from her vehicle (not at someone but into a building - no one hurt) and they took her car for an entire 10 days for evidence gathering. I just can’t wrap my head about the lack processing and securing of the crime scene and have concerns that AM had help after the fact.
The crime scene was the responsibility of local LE. At the is time, they had no idea who shot the victims. I never heard, not once AM or his family did not want LE to investigate.

I've had my doubts about LE, why a forensic team was not called in. I've had questions who else was a suspect? PM seemed to be the first target and most severe, the mother was collateral damage.

Yes, AM had motive, but many others as well.

I’m hung up on his use of “intentionally”. I believe in his twisted mind, he thinks something caused him to HAVE to kill them which was just purely an unfortunate circumstance. Otherwise, he surely would have never ever have intentionally hurt them otherwise. Is it the pressure of money as we suspect, pressure from unknown persons, MM and or PM. Idk, but something made June 7 the DAY he truly flipped his lid.
Because narcissists always blame someone else, they’re perpetual victims.

ETA: they never take responsibility
I haven’t watched the Netflix thing yet, but my son did. He had thought JJM came across as nice on the stand. Mind you he is young and is new to all this. But after the Netflix, he was appalled that someone was right there to clean up the boat before the “poor girl” had even been found. I refer to them a as the cleaner.
Yes! Randy wasn't there because he knows better…smarter…he understood. IMO, everyone knows when you have a relative who is deceitful, untrustworthy, and trouble. You don’t admit it to the world outside, but you know. Randy knows. JJM was used because he couldn’t, avoided the reality. He knows. Buster knows. That’s why none of them spoke today. They could not betray Maggie and Paul. I give credit to them for that. AM screwed so many people over. Spiritually. The judge gave him a chance today to free them all. As usual, he just lied.
One thing that struck me during sentencing was Buster’s expressions. They seemed to go from defiance to slightly smiling to a flat out smirk. I haven’t seen all of the footage from the trial, but had not noticed those expressions before.

AM’s guilt was sealed for me after seeing the body cam footage from officers at the scene the night of the murders. The only thing he was interested in was establishing an alibi, from the very first moments they encountered him. Not something that an innocent person who was distraught about the loss of his family would even be thinking about.
I hate writing this. But I’m still just so perplexed why SLED did not secure the scene and all of Moselle for at least a few days - especially the area where Paul and Maggie were found. Something does not sit right with me that it was AM’s brother was the one who cleaned up Paul’s remains THE VERY NEXT DAY after the body was taken away. Wouldn’t a double murder crime scene be roped off for some time so that crime scene investigators and evidence collectors could gather evidence? It hurts my mind! Just like it was AM’s brother who towed the boat away (from a crime scene) before Mallory’s body was even located. Seems like Brother is always doing clean up for AM and family. Heck, my neighbor shot a gun from her vehicle (not at someone but into a building - no one hurt) and they took her car for an entire 10 days for evidence gathering. I just can’t wrap my head about the lack processing and securing of the crime scene and have concerns that AM had help after the fact.
SLED was impeded by Alex having called family and friends/lawyers, asking them all to come to the house. HE wanted buffers against the Law overall. A few he called were Local LE, where he had much influence, and even a few LE friends he had loaned money to, who were from Other jurisdictions. Some SLED who arrived first were young, and when a Police Chief or Big time lawyer starts taking over and bossing you around, it has to be tough. Like being ganged up on. It was raining as well, and with so many people walking all over that huge property, so much got messed up and lost, or not found possibly. MOO

Court is now in session.

Lead prosecutor Creighton Waters says the state has no victim impact statements to offer this morning.

Waters on the evidence: “It shows this man to be a cunning manipulator, a man who placed himself above all others, including his family, a man who violated the trust of so many - including his friends, his family, his partners, his profession, but most of all Maggie and Paul.”

Waters asks for two consecutive life sentences for Murdaugh. “A man like that should never be allowed to be among free, law abiding citizens again.”

Waters offers his condolences to the Murdaugh family. On Maggie and Paul: “Both of them, like everyone else, was unaware of who he really was.”

Waters: No one really knew this man. “I’ve looked in his eyes. He liked to stare me down as he walked by me during this trial. And I could see the real Alex Murdaugh.”

Waters reiterates that none of Murdaugh’s relatives want to speak today.

Murdaugh’s attorneys say they have no comment. But Alex Murdaugh himself stands to speak: “I’m innocent. I would never hurt my wife, Maggie, and I would never hurt my son Paul.” That's it.

Newman: This has been one of the most troubling cases that I’ve handled. “We have a wife who has been killed, murdered, a son savagely murdered, a lawyer - person from a respected family who has control of justice in this community for over a century …”

Newman: "... - a person whose grandfather’s portrait hanged at the back of the courthouse - that I had to have ordered removed in order to ensure that a fair trial was had.”

Newman: “It’s also particularly troubling, Mr. Murdaugh, because as a member of the legal community … you’ve practiced law before me, and we’ve seen each other at various occasions throughout the years. It was especially heartbreaking for me to see you go in the media from …”

Newman: "... being a grieving father who lost their wife and son to being a person indicted and convicted of killing them.”

Newman: “And you’ve engaged in such duplicitous conduct here in the courtroom, here on the witness stand.”

Newman: “Appeals are probably expected or absolutely expected. I would not expect a confession of any kind." Newman notes this case qualifies for the death penalty, though the state did not seek it here.

Newman: “Over the past century, your family - including you - have been prosecuting people here in this courtroom, and many have received the death penalty - probably for lesser conduct.”

Newman: On the witness stand, you said “oh what a tangled web we weave.” What did you mean by that? Murdaugh: “I meant that I lied and continued to lie.” Newman: “The question is, when will it end? When will it end?”

Newman: “A notice of alibi was filed in this case by counsel in November. We conducted a pretrial hearing in which you claimed to have been someplace else at the time the crime was committed.”

Newman: "Then, after all the witnesses placed you at the scene of the crime, at the last minute or days, you switched courses and admitted to being there.”

Newman: You will reflect on the last time they (Maggie and Paul) looked you in the eyes.

Newman says he is surprised Murdaugh didn’t say more today other than claiming his innocence.

Murdaugh: “I’ll tell you again. I respect this court, but I am innocent, and I would never under any circumstances hurt my wife, Maggie, and I would never under any circumstances hurt my son Paul.”

Newman: “It might not have been you. It might have been the monster you’ve become. If you take 20, 40, 50, 60 opioid pills, you become a different person.”

Newman on the remaining cases in the Murdaugh saga: “But there are other victims whose cases deserve to be heard. This case has jumped some of the other cases.”

Newman: Law enforcement has been maligned in this trial for the past 5-6 weeks “by one who had access to the wheels of justice, to be able to deflect the investigation.”

Newman on the pressures AM was facing 6/7/21. “But amazingly, to have you come and testify that it was just another ordinary day, that my wife and son and I were out just enjoying life. Not credible. Not believable.”

Newman: “You could convince yourself,” but clearly you could not convince anyone else.

Judge Newman sentences Alex Murdaugh to LIFE IN PRISON for the murders of his wife, Maggie, and son Paul. Sentences will run consecutively.
Thank you, @arielilane
Newman: “A notice of alibi was filed in this case by counsel in November. We conducted a pretrial hearing in which you claimed to have been someplace else at the time the crime was committed.”

Newman: "Then, after all the witnesses placed you at the scene of the crime, at the last minute or days, you switched courses and admitted to being there.”

Newman: You will reflect on the last time they (Maggie and Paul) looked you in the eyes.

Newman: “It might not have been you. It might have been the monster you’ve become. If you take 20, 40, 50, 60 opioid pills, you become a different person.

Not until the trial was I convinced AM abused opioids. I don't think he took 1000s of mg almost daily but I do think he could easily take twenty pills or thirty a day. The Judge said as much as 60 tablets. AM said he took them as soon as he awoke, before doing anything else.

Since the drugs disrupt the role of the involuntary respiratory system, one must use caution or else OD. Stop breathing. Seems Alex knew his imitations.
The crime scene was the responsibility of local LE. At the is time, they had no idea who shot the victims. I never heard, not once AM or his family did not want LE to investigate.

I've had my doubts about LE, why a forensic team was not called in. I've had questions who else was a suspect? PM seemed to be the first target and most severe, the mother was collateral damage.

Yes, AM had motive, but many others as well.

The crime scene was the responsibility of local LE. At the is time, they had no idea who shot the victims. I never heard, not once AM or his family did not want LE to investigate.

I've had my doubts about LE, why a forensic team was not called in. I've had questions who else was a suspect? PM seemed to be the first target and most severe, the mother was collateral damage.

Yes, AM had motive, but many others as well.

Very shotty and careless of local law enforcement not securing that scene, but thank goodness for Paul’s video placing AM at the crime scene and for a guilty verdict.
I just got home and am trying to catch up. Did any jurors give interviews other than the one on Good Morning America this morning?
I have a question: When Judge Newman was thanking the jury post-verdict, he alluded to some issue one juror was having at his job. It sounded like the employer was going to fire the juror if the trial went on too long.

Some googling shows that SC, like most states, have laws that prevent jurors from losing their jobs. Anyone have any idea what the issue could be here?
The exception being....hardship on the business.

The person may be a physician, nurse, business co owner, or other professional.
Pleased that justice has been served with the verdict yesterday and sentencing today.

Grateful to see such competent, eloquent and fearless prosecutors win this victory.

Truly sad that there were no victim impact statements.

The lack of impact statements tells me that there is either great fear of going against the Murdaughs in Maggie’s family and beyond or there is huge denial still present.
I can understand Maggie’s sister and parents not wanting to upset Buster- he’s all they have left of Maggie.
It just seems so irreverent though that nobody that knew or loved Maggie or Paul had the guts to say a word to Alex in court.
Maybe only a very select few were given the option to speak and declined.
It’s sad to me that not a single family member or friend of Maggie’s or Paul’s told Alex off.
Either there is great respect for the Murdaugh family members other than Alex that are still left or everyone for miles around is scared ******** of the Murdaugh clan.

Gives me even more respect for the fearless prosecutors including Mark Tinsley who are fighting for justice.

It takes tenacity and great bravery to stand up for what is right and true.
I saw an interview with Creighton Waters. He said he wanted to say this very respectfully or sensitively, but that from the start they provided a victim advocate, I think to both sides, and that it’s a very complex family dynamic.

I don’t know what that means. But there’s obviously a reason that Maggie’s family wanted to stay quiet. Maybe they’re able to forgive in their hearts for the sake of Buster. Maybe they did not want AM to be convicted (hard for me to believe that). I don’t know. I just felt that MGs testimony seemed sad and not angry or begrudged at the same time. I could not tell how she felt. I’m curious about the “family dynamics.” But it’s none of my business.
One thing that struck me during sentencing was Buster’s expressions. They seemed to go from defiance to slightly smiling to a flat out smirk. I haven’t seen all of the footage from the trial, but had not noticed those expressions before.

AM’s guilt was sealed for me after seeing the body cam footage from officers at the scene the night of the murders. The only thing he was interested in was establishing an alibi, from the very first moments they encountered him. Not something that an innocent person who was distraught about the loss of his family would even be thinking about.
Great observations! I felt so much the same. That family is a MOB, and they are sticking together.
They also wanted jury to buy that June 7th was "just another day" after what happened at the law firm. Defense so often asked the jury to believe things that would require you to completely suspend common sense. But the jury was not buying it...not even the tears.
Exactly!! It all comes back to Alex trying to paint a picture that make him look innocent instead of just speaking the truth.

You know what would be believable? Alex saying yes I was feeling pressured that day. I was confronted about these crimes I was committing and my dad was ill. I was feeling pressure and that boat case had me worried. I called my family out to Moselle because it's my happy place. I wanted to ride the property with Paul and forget all about my troubles for the night. Yes, my world was falling apart, but I wouldn't hurt Paul or Maggie not matter how bad it got. I was at the kennel and then left to go see my mom. I wish I would have stayed, I wish I would have known, I wish I saw something off that might have caused me to stay, I must have just missed those evil people it will haunt me forever that I wasn't there to protect them.

THAT is believable if he was there and has no idea what happened. He couldn't admit being confronted worried him, he couldn't admit the boat case was worrying him and he was scared because in his mind he knows that makes it look like he has motive to kill them. Yet, it really doesn't because people have these things happen in their lives and they pay for their mistakes, they lose everything they have, they go to prison for white collar crimes and they don't murder their families. He lied because that WAS his motive and in trying to hide that, he looked even more guilty.
The crime scene was the responsibility of local LE. At the is time, they had no idea who shot the victims. I never heard, not once AM or his family did not want LE to investigate.

I've had my doubts about LE, why a forensic team was not called in. I've had questions who else was a suspect? PM seemed to be the first target and most severe, the mother was collateral damage.

Yes, AM had motive, but many others as well.

You are forgetting about means and opportunity. AM was the only one who had all three ..motive, means, and opportunity. Plus, he was THERE.
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