Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #13

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I've seen posts with cheering, jeering Gazans and posts with mad-as-he!! Gazans. I think at this point we have a divided population in Gaza, which could get interesting, come election time...jmo
Election time? I wonder what that means for Gaza. If Israel does topple Hamas who will hold the elections? The PA leader pretty much indicates he wants no part of Gaza after the war - they don’t want to have to go in and clean up the mess - politically or physically. If not Hamas and not Fatah, then who? Who will run? Who will try to organize and hold these elections? Will Gazan civilians step up to the challenge of starting all over again? Will they be those who believe the Hamas rhetoric and align with the Hamas goal of killing Jews? Will they be those who have watched as Hamas has plunged Gaza deeper into despair and what will be the chance that any new leaders of Gaza might become potential partners for peace with Israel? Or will the pain of this war be so heavy on their hearts and minds that no matter what view they had before this war they now seek vengeance on Israel for the lives being lost and the homes and property being destroyed? Yes, quite likely a divided population in Gaza before this war and perhaps still now but will this war bring them together against a common enemy? Will they still be divided by the time any kind of elections can be held? Will another terrorist organization step up to take the place of Hamas and if so will they even allow elections?
Hamas was at the border every single day trying to break it down. There is no reason not to imagine them coming over. Many times they came over with weapons. Every article and video is from prior to Oct 7th.

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So because HAMAS did this or tried to breech the fence before Oct 7th, Israel should have anticipated that HAMAS was planning what they did on Oct 7th?

Anticipating them breeching the fence still does not equal them breeching the fence and committing the atrocities they did that day. Who thinks people will breech the fence to attack, rape, murder, and abduct civilians?

We had planes get hijacked before 9/11, but I don't think it would be fair to say we should have known terrorists would coordinated the hijacking of 4 plans to hit 4 buildings and kill 1000s of people just because we know hijackings happened.

People breech the US/Mexico border daily.. multiple times daily, but if a drug cartel decided to do what HAMAS did on Oct 7th.. coordinate and come flying across and send bombs over, etc. we should somehow expect that because they have successfully breeched the fence before?

I've said it before, but it's worth repeating. Those preventing terrorism have to get it right 100% of the time and those committing terrorism have to get it right once.
I’m sure it is very troubling for the FAMILIES of the remaining hostages, but the hostages themselves already know what they’re experiencing. It‘s also likely that they have no idea what’s being said about them in public, being that they are isolated in captivity.

If your point is instead that they will be treated even worse because the freed hostages stories are being shared, IMO Hamas is going to do what it’s going to do, regardless. They’re not exactly trying to follow the Emily Post rules of etiquette.

IMO you have to really reach in the effort to condemn Netanyahu in particular for what the hostages and their families choose to reveal.

Israel is a democracy, the only one in the Middle East. Netanyahu can’t tell them what to say or do.
It's Hamas/ilk specifically reacting to what hostages relatives are saying and the relative hostage paying the price and getting special attention.

Where did you come up with the condemning of Netanyahu?

What does Israel's being a democracy have to do with Netanyahu if he thought that during negotiations it was unwise for the freed hostages to tell the media the atrocities they experienced out of concern for the held hostages and to refrain.
Obviously they can tell the media whatever they want

RELEASED: Ditza Heiman, 84, beloved ‘savta’ returned in a wheelchair​

Capture of Kibbutz Nir Oz resident, who lives alone, was filmed by Hamas terrorists during the terror onslaught on October 7​

Hamas was at the border every single day trying to break it down. There is no reason not to imagine them coming over. Many times they came over with weapons. Every article and video is from prior to Oct 7th.

View attachment 464436

But up until the 10/7 massacre, the 'attacks' were smaller, sporadic incidents. I don't think IDF ever imagined such a well coordinated, well manned effort, with so many invaders, coming in so many various ways---motorcycles, stolen trucks, paragliders, rafts, by foot, etc. And by the thousands.
So because HAMAS did this or tried to breech the fence before Oct 7th, Israel should have anticipated that HAMAS was planning what they did on Oct 7th?

Anticipating them breeching the fence still does not equal them breeching the fence and committing the atrocities they did that day. Who thinks people will breech the fence to attack, rape, murder, and abduct civilians?

We had planes get hijacked before 9/11, but I don't think it would be fair to say we should have known terrorists would coordinated the hijacking of 4 plans to hit 4 buildings and kill 1000s of people just because we know hijackings happened.

People breech the US/Mexico border daily.. multiple times daily, but if a drug cartel decided to do what HAMAS did on Oct 7th.. coordinate and come flying across and send bombs over, etc. we should somehow expect that because they have successfully breeched the fence before?

I've said it before, but it's worth repeating. Those preventing terrorism have to get it right 100% of the time and those committing terrorism have to get it right once.
However, there was always very large groups. What was Israel going to do with 5,000 Gazans when they breached the fence, as they tried to do several months ago? Large numbers of an angry terrorist mob are freak'n dangerous, whether they knew about what they practicing. This mob was always very angry and full of rage. They're known terrorists. They were constant shooting over rockets. Why would they suddenly show up and not be extremely dangerous and why wasn't the border better protected ?
Gaza normally gets its water supplies from a combination of sources, including a pipeline from Israel, desalination plants on the Mediterranean Sea and wells. Those supplies were slashed when Israel cut off water, along with the fuel and electricity that power water and sewage plants, in the wake of the Hamas attacks.

Do we think Hamas wears same dirty clothes of 50 days?

RELEASED: Ditza Heiman, 84, beloved ‘savta’ returned in a wheelchair​

Capture of Kibbutz Nir Oz resident, who lives alone, was filmed by Hamas terrorists during the terror onslaught on October 7​

My God...the film/video, the text messages. A beautiful peaceful community ravaged by horror.
So hard to watch and follow all this destruction, cruelty and living nightmare.
But must bear witness as much as I can.
What a strong woman Yochaved Lifshitz from Kibbutz Nahal Oz! After being released from Hamas captivity and providing valuable information from captivity, she came tonight to a demonstration of support calling for the release of all the abductees. Her husband Oded has been held captive by Hamas for 52 days
But up until the 10/7 massacre, the 'attacks' were smaller, sporadic incidents. I don't think IDF ever imagined such a well coordinated, well manned effort, with so many invaders, coming in so many various ways---motorcycles, stolen trucks, paragliders, rafts, by foot, etc. And by the thousands.
They're terrorists and their numbers at the border have always been huge. Starting in 2018, on Fridays they have held riots at the fence. The border area was not properly secured. They are an angry terrorist group. What do you expect from an angry terrorist mob which is armed with Iranian rockets and wants to destroy Israel?

Hundreds of Palestinians riot on Gaza border; 9 said wounded by IDF fire​

Military says suspects hurled explosives at fence, tried to cross it; violent protest comes after report claiming Hamas may resume regular marches on frontier​

By EMANUEL FABIAN 1 September 2023, 11:49 pm 11
Weekly protests along the frontier began at the end of March 2018 and continued almost every Friday until the end of 2019, with the demand that Israel lift its restrictions on the movement of people and goods into and out of the coastal enclave and calling for the return of Palestinian refugees and their descendants to lands that are now a part of the Jewish state.

Israel says its blockade of Gaza is necessary to prevent Hamas from freely arming itself for war and attacks.

The protests frequently included violence, including the hurling of explosives, rocks and firebombs at IDF soldiers, as well as attempts to storm and sabotage the border fence, and in some cases live fire toward Israeli soldiers. Troops often responded with rubber-coated bullets and tear gas as well as live fire. More than 200 Palestinians were killed at the demonstrations and thousands were injured.

In addition, Palestinians regularly flew helium balloons into Israel carrying explosives and incendiary devices, sparking fires that destroyed large swaths of foliage.

While Hamas is said to now consider resuming the ”Marches of Return,” as they came to be known, no official statement has yet been published by the terror group on its future plans.
However, there was always very large groups. What was Israel going to do with 5,000 Gazans when they breached the fence, as they tried to do several months ago? Large numbers of an angry terrorist mob are freak'n dangerous, whether they knew about what they practicing. This mob was always very angry and full of rage. They're known terrorists. They were constant shooting over rockets. Why would they suddenly show up and not be extremely dangerous and why wasn't the border better protected ?

If Hamas had done their job as leaders of Gaza, there wouldn't have to be angry rage filled mobs trying to break thru the fences. There wouldn't have to be fences like that if the people had been given ALL of the foreign aid, ALL of the supplies that Hamas actually stole.

It was possible for Hamas billionaire leaders to actually create a nice environment and stable place to create businesses and homes for the people. Hamas blames Israel for their people's poverty but I blame Hamas.
If Hamas had done their job as leaders of Gaza, there wouldn't have to be angry rage filled mobs trying to break thru the fences. There wouldn't have to be fences like that if the people had been given ALL of the foreign aid, ALL of the supplies that Hamas actually stole.

It was possible for Hamas billionaire leaders to actually create a nice environment and stable place to create businesses and homes for the people. Hamas blames Israel for their people's poverty but I blame Hamas.
Still, Israel knew they were angry. Just like we know that drugs are being smuggled in the US. Do we prevent the drugs from being smuggled or excuse it with "If cartels had done their jobs they wouldn't smuggle drugs" and shrug it off as the cartel's fault.

However, there was always very large groups. What was Israel going to do with 5,000 Gazans when they breached the fence, as they tried to do several months ago?

I wonder if Israel really thought Hamas 'could' breach the Iron Wall.

"The barrier, which is an innovative and technologically advanced project, deprives Hamas of one of the capabilities it tried to develop," Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz said, according to a defence ministry statement.

The ministry said the barrier, which includes hundreds of cameras, radars and other sensors, spans 65 kilometres (40 miles) and that 140,000 tonnes of iron and steel were used in its construction, which took 3.5 years to complete.

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30m ago
So far, 150 Palestinian women and children have been released under the hostage swap and ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.

Monday’s releases brought the number of Israeli hostages freed from Gaza to 51, as well as 19 people of other nationalities. The deal contains a clause extending the ceasefire by 24 hours for every 10 additional freed Israelis, in exchange for 30 Palestinians.

The Palestinian prisoners released so far have been mostly teenagers accused of throwing stones or firebombs during confrontations with Israeli forces, although some have been convicted of attempted murder, including stabbings, and manufacturing explosives.

According to UN data, one in five Palestinians spends time in Israeli prison at some point after trials in a military court system with a conviction rate of more than 98%.

Before the swaps began last week, the Palestinian Prisoners Society said that 7,200 prisoners were held by Israel, among them 88 women and 250 children.

Many on the initial list of 300 potential candidates for release are held in administrative detention, which allows for pre-emptive arrest, on secret evidence, and six-month extendable stints in prison without charge or trial.

Israel has arrested an additional 3,260 Palestinians, including 120 women and more than 200 children, since 7 October.
Palestinian Prisoners' Society?
Please note that I said "sort of" in making the comparison.

In the end, Sunni Islam is effectively "sola scriptura"- just like evangelical Protestantism. In both religions, the individual believer is the highest religious authority. Neither has a required teaching authority beyond the individual believer. Rather, the Koran / Bible "means what is says and says what it means".

Meanwhile, Shia Islam, like Catholicism, and Orthodoxy has teaching authorities, continuing authoratative (but not scriptural) revelation from saints, church fathers etc and a religious hierarchy. Thus, none of them are sola scriptura.
Are you saying Iran does not support Hamas with weapons and training?
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