OK OK, Veronica Butler 27 & Jilian Kelley 39, Vehicle Abandoned, Texas County, 30 Mar 2024 #3 *Arrests*

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Wonder why Cora and Cole each got their own phone, but Tifany and her boyfriend would share a phone? I'm thinking each couple shared a phone - accounting for two of the phones - and the 3rd phone went to the other person mentioned in the AA.
From the AA, we know Cora's daughter saw two burner phones charging on Cora's nightstand. We also know Cora and Cole were driving separate vehicles (pickup and flatbed) on the day of the murders, and probably needed two burner phones to communicate with each other.

Although TA was found to have purchased the three burner phones, I doubt Tifany wanted the burners linked to her, period!

Also from the AA, one burner phone number seemed to be following TC and no mention of TA (or the third person) in the same area.

Seems to me, the burners were pretty much accounted for by LE. JMO
I think she pulled her gun. I think the tasers were there to subdue these women so they could be transported elsewhere, but they were forced to use the hammer when they fought back. She draws the gun, a struggle ensues, and blood is drawn.

Assuming the gun was kept in her purse, then it would otherwise be there. There is the possibility it's missing because it was on her person (holstered), but I tend to think that's not the case.
I agree I thinks he pulled her gun. If she didn't, then why is it missing? I doubt these 4 were going to wait around and dig through the car and purses for items to steal. I think if they wanted to steal things, they would just take the entire purse, but it just mentions the gun being missing in the AA. I'd say she pulled it and they got it away from her and took it with them.
Wonder why Cora and Cole each got their own phone, but Tifany and her boyfriend would share a phone? I'm thinking each couple shared a phone - accounting for two of the phones - and the 3rd phone went to the other person mentioned in the AA.
I think that works. Then for some reason, the other person had no need of the phone, so the Twomleys got one each because they were in separate vehicles - the Chevy pickup and the flatbed.
Can someone explain what went "awry" in their plans? What had they intended to happen, as opposed to what did happen? Thank you

It’s not been reported exactly what their plan was but I think it’s a safe bet the plan went ‘awry’ because the four didn’t expect to be linked to the two missing women or be subsequently arrested.
because the four didn’t expect to be linked to the two missing women or be subsequently arrested.
Which is incomprehensible. You're in the middle of a pretty lengthy and contentious custody battle and your unfit son's been in prison and then shipped out to rehab, yet you assume no one will suspect you? You didn't think it'd go farther than the standard interview/questioning everyone gets when someone goes missing?

I'm sure there were other people that were questioned as possible suspects, perhaps like ex-boyfriends or disgruntled ex-employees (for examples), but you're the only one with the strongest motive. True paragons of intellect here.
Did they fail to predict that JK's husband would be aware she went missing while in her official capacity as a visitation supervisor? Or that VB's family would be aware of her travel/visitation plans? No one was going to notice they vanished?

Why didn't one of these braintrusts drive VB's vehicle away?

The whole plan, ill conceived.

And evil.

It’s not been reported exactly what their plan was but I think it’s a safe bet the plan went ‘awry’ because the four didn’t expect to be linked to the two missing women or be subsequently arrested.
My theories are one or both: 1. Did not expect anyone else to come find the victim's vehicle as quickly as they did so there was not time to move and dispose of it 2. One of the victims seems to have had a firearm. Whether they managed to use it is not known but it's possible that the perpetrators were not expecting that and things went sideways because of that.

Then there is that 5th person named in the warrant as being involved but not arrested. Maybe this person was shot by one of the victims?
Did they fail to predict that JK's husband would be aware she went missing while in her official capacity as a visitation supervisor? Or that VB's family would be aware of her travel/visitation plans? No one was going to notice they vanished?

Why didn't one of these braintrusts drive VB's vehicle away?

The whole plan, ill conceived.

And evil.

I agree...it is absolutely wild that they thought there was any way they would NOT be caught. It was so obvious from the get go. Once I read the docs released yesterday it was almost cringeworthy how careless they were. And yes, so evil.
I think the biggest thing that went wrong was that they left evidence of foul play at the crime scene, which immediately made this a *big deal* investigation instead of just a puzzling little head-scratcher. I think the reason they brought tazers instead of guns was that they didn't want to leave a big bloody mess for LE to find- they wanted to stun the women and drive them away to kill them elsewhere, leaving a mysteriously abandoned car in the middle of nowhere. Maybe they thought the women would even come away willingly because they were outnumbered and knew they couldn't escape.

Instead, it seems likely that Jilian drew her weapon, which they probably did not expect a sweet little preacher's wife to have, and everything spiraled out of control from there. They ended up leaving blood all over the place, Veronica's glasses, Jilian's purse- it was immediately obvious something terrible had happened to these women. The killers hadn't made a plan for disposing of the vehicle, apparently, so they just left it there as a big ol' neon arrow pointing right to themselves.
Can someone explain what went "awry" in their plans? What had they intended to happen, as opposed to what did happen? Thank you
Just my guess, since it isn’t stated in the AA. I think they may have wanted to subdue them with the stun guns and take them alive. I assume this method would leave little evidence- if they actually had 2 brain cells between the 4 of them to think this out. It seems likely the women fought back or were harder to subdue and they possibly ended up killing them at the car instead.
I think that they were planning to get rid of VB's car.
I'm not sure they were. They had enough people there at the scene to drive the car away if they had wanted to. They knew enough to get burner phones because they knew phones could be tracked, so I think they probably realized cars could be tracked as well. Veronica drove a Kia, so the Kia Connect system could have led LE right to the car if they had taken it. And if they drove it somewhere and ditched it, they'd risk leaving DNA and fingerprints in the car.
Hi everyone,
I believe TA wanted VB alive so she could force (VB) to sign a document giving up her parental rights, or create a video as proof. Hence, the taser gun. JK as coerced witness. Unfortunately, VB got shot on scene (plus someone else,) and poor Jk was no longer of any use. In court it would come down to VB's family vs Granny Gruesome. Hmm? We know who had the most power in the situation.
Did TA lure VB there under the pretense of a freebie visitation? Didn't expect a supervisor at all?

Was she going to force VB to sign away her parental rights, then say she was up and leaving to go live out her days on some other continent? So TA could kill her but no one would come looking for her?

They seem to have operated without a plan.

Allegedly, there was a plan in Feb to kill VB using an anvil through her windshield but VB never left home. LE corroborated this plan after linking it to TA's searches about how to get someone out of their house.
I'd really like to know what their plan was to accomplish that. I know some people have dropped large rocks off overpasses on oncoming cars, but a ranching anvil weighs around 70 pounds. Lacking an overpass to drop it from, what was their plan? To physically throw it through her car's front window? That would be quite the physical feat!
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