Greta 8-15-08

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I thought they were putting up the full 500K and they have nothing to lose??? They just said that on Greta.

They have to put up the entire $500,000, ... darn can't think straight tonight. I think, but someone will help here, that $450,000.00 has to be held somehow just in case Casey takes off and can't be found they lose the entire $500,000.00
Exactly. They are mental health holds and we know that when the first appeal was denied the psych eval came into play. If the psych eval is not positive, IMO, there is a big chance bail could be revoked.
Is it possible this may prevent them from bailing her out at all?
I have to honestly say that after today I am taking a second look at Truly's conspiracy theory. I just can't figure out why we haven't had any legit searches in this case. It makes no sense. Along with everything else that makes no sense.
The last I heard she was going to have to stay at her parents house. I don't think that Yahoo can spirit her off to part on yonder because he wants to. It is not a done deal. Judges amend, revoke and revise bond amounts all the time.

Can't have a hearing on it on Monday -- legally, the State's Attorney has to give notice. Even for an ex-parte hearing there has to be some notice to Baez --- often by 10:00 a.m. the day before the hearing. Generally, you will find that requirement in the Court Rules. So, the earliest the hearing could be held will be Tuesday -- to change any bond conditions. She'll be out Monday.
If Casey can lie to her mother, father, brother, friends, lovers, make up a nanny, taking LE on wild goose chases throughout Orlando to where she works, where she left her child, can lie to the FBI, borrow a shovel, return a shovel, and betray her daughter ... a man dressed like a cowboy all in black is not going to scare Casey one bit!!!

*LOL* I don't think he's scary either. Just CREEPY
Okay, so the conditions of bond are already set. What if Cowboy Bounty Hunter tells Casey, "I'll only get you out if you spend every moment of everyday with me", and she agrees. But once she gets home, she refuses. Can he "revoke" her bond?

Yes. He can take her right back to jail for violating the conditions of bail. But I foresee the Aliens, ummm, I mean Anthony's, getting her in the house and letting her get into the car and take off. Or, her killing herself. So, as long as she doesn't leave or kill herself he can take her back to jail.
Well,come to think of it, I might just confess to anything if that was the only way to get out of the room with Creepy Cowboy Bounty Hunter. Maybe this COULD work!

LOL, if it were me, I would stay in jail as opposed to being in this Padilla's company for one moment!

Casey stated at one point she had been up for four days, IIRC. I think that was right after her arrest she said that. Well, these guys are gonna have to watch Casey in shifts!

Somehow I just do not think that Casey will accept this offer of bail. I am watching a rerun of Greta, and a reporter (Holly?) stated that she had texted Lee about this Padilla bail thing, and he texted back that he had not heard of it.

However, it is totally up to Casey, not Lee, or Grandma & Grandpa. After all, Casey is 22 years old. Personally, I wish the jail conditions were more like Sheriff Joe Arpaio's in Arizona!
Okay, so the conditions of bond are already set. What if Cowboy Bounty Hunter tells Casey, "I'll only get you out if you spend every moment of everyday with me", and she agrees. But once she gets home, she refuses. Can he "revoke" her bond?
I don't think so. She would have to break a condition set by the Judge and not the one paying out the bail money. Think of it this way...a pimp bails out his hooker. If she makes him mad...he can't take her back to jail for it and get his money back! Can he? Well...he wouldn't have to since he would just put her in the hospital instead...but you know what I mean.
Okay, so the conditions of bond are already set. What if Cowboy Bounty Hunter tells Casey, "I'll only get you out if you spend every moment of everyday with me", and she agrees. But once she gets home, she refuses. Can he "revoke" her bond?

I gather they would have to have something in writing as part of the condition of the bond. But first the judge has to set the order, well he did that already to "home confinement and ankle monitor. So looks like the Anthony's need to make up the guest room.

This should make for great media coverage with all the media right across the street. Hold onto your hat Padilla a hurricane is coming to Florida.!
Is it possible this may prevent them from bailing her out at all?

Not unless she is a danger to self, danger to others or gravely disabled due to a mental disorder. In the Britney Spears case they called this a "5150" and later there was a "5250" hearing, but those numbers are citations to the California Welfare and Institutions Code. Florida will have similar laws but will call it something else. The other type of mental health hold is to determine if she is competent to stand trial; if she basically understands the charges against her and can assist her defense counsel in preparing her defense. It is a very low mental health standard in most places. So, the short answer is no.
Can't have a hearing on it on Monday -- legally, the State's Attorney has to give notice. Even for an ex-parte hearing there has to be some notice to Baez --- often by 10:00 a.m. the day before the hearing. Generally, you will find that requirement in the Court Rules. So, the earliest the hearing could be held will be Tuesday -- to change any bond conditions. She'll be out Monday.

Good, I hope she is let out only to be yanked right back in. You have to remember she's facing a couple of other charges that could tie her up for a day or so.
Man! I am watching the Greta rerun right now. This Larry Garrison is nuts!
What is wrong with this guy? His mouth is moving and he is speaking words, but his mouth movments do not match the words. Something is wrong with him - really.
Sheesh, Larry is wearing his Caylee bracelet and shaking it in front of the camera proclaiming that he believes "This little girl is alive!"

Larry, have you been under a rock???

This is a freak show. I'm waiting for the bearded lady to appear now...
Yes. He can take her right back to jail for violating the conditions of bail. But I foresee the Aliens, ummm, I mean Anthony's, getting her in the house and letting her get into the car and take off. Or, her killing herself. So, as long as she doesn't leave or kill herself he can take her back to jail.

ROFL.....the aliens part :laugh:
I thought they were putting up the full 500K and they have nothing to lose??? They just said that on Greta.

That's the contract to put up the bond money. However, they are getting something with at least $500,000 or more from something else -- like a book or movie deal -- an entirely separate, but related contract. So, they can't lose (money.)
If the shrinks say she's a harm to herself and others, yes.
As it stands that is the only thing that will keep her in jail. The psych evals are not public knowledge so there is just NO WAY this bounty hunter, Padilla, can have a clue about them. I know that anyone here who has a psych background know that some people are so good at "lying" that without extensive visits with them you are just flying by the seat of your pants in most cases. She seems like someone who could easily coast through a psych eval. IMHO.
Man! I am watching the Greta rerun right now. This Larry Garrison is nuts!
What is wrong with this guy? His mouth is moving and he is speaking words, but his mouth movments do not match the words. Something is wrong with him - really.

LOL. I am watching it too. This guy is a fruit cake.
Yes. He can take her right back to jail for violating the conditions of bail. But I foresee the Aliens, ummm, I mean Anthony's, getting her in the house and letting her get into the car and take off. Or, her killing herself. So, as long as she doesn't leave or kill herself he can take her back to jail.

He can't take her back to jail for violating HIS conditions.
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