Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #141

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This is just my hunch, and not based on anything other than my intuition.

If George and Cindy get in trouble with LE or the FBI, it will be because of the June 9th dates they pushed, along with Casey's June 9th date.

I know Cindy has an excuse. I listened to her video on the stand, and heard her try to dissemble/excuse her "confusion" once she got caught in a lie.

But, I am not sure the FBI is going to cut her that much slack.

Think about it, friends. Did her explanation of how she got Father's Day confused with her vacation make any sense? And, how convenient that it matched up with Casey's dumb lies?

Maybe it is too late at night, and I am befuddled from trying to follow the dem convention speeches (total waste of time) and this sorry spectacle of people lying about a precious little girl.

Better go to bed, before I embarrass myself!
Girl, you are preaching to the choir here! We have a whole thread of Cindy's "inconsistencies" as we so politely call them!! They are still adding up. Her total is going to be astronomical by the time this is over!

*Did ya like the way I threw that one in there?! LOL
I just saw this video which was updated late tonight. In this report, it states that the Anthony family is disputing the findings, saying Caylee hasn't been found yet. :mad:

Denial is the first stage of grief, or so say the experts. It is actuall like being in a coma and lasts about 6 months (for me it did anyway).

Who would win in a fight between Tom Manley and Thomas Franck?

I'd go with Manley -- he's shorter than Franck -- but he's incredibly quick.
(big and green is mine)

And yes. I agree. And I also am adopted and found my birthmom after 1 and a half years of searching in my early thirties...

And let me just set the record straight on adoption.... it is the most selfLESS thing any idividual can do anywhere at any time. EVER!

The mere fact that Casey did not want her child....but did not push for adoption (I mean really...the girl is hardly letting her mother push her around now nor in the past....look at her manipulative behavior)....just paints her MORE AND MORE SELFISH.

She would never, imhoo, have the heart and mind it takes to do adoption. And she was too self centered and controling (per her mother's wishes to keep the baby and SHE would raise it), to let that go... So she has the baby and pretends to be the complete mother...not monitarily, not emotionaly, list goes on.....

After the first few years she gets sick of keeping up the charade and does something to her child....better than ever having her mother take over the care. I bet in Casey's mind her child was better off dead than with her mother......because then casey would not be controlling the situation.

Again imhoo... but this woman has shown ZERO compassion, caring, etc since she has been in the media eye....and I am sure it is NOT NEW BEHAVIOR. I am sure she did not turn off a nurturing mother switch like that. And CYNTHIA KNOWS IT.

Sorry to rant. I just think THIS COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED IN SO MANY WAYS AND ON SO MANY LEVELS BY THE ADULTS IN CASEY'S LIFE! She should have been in counseling and perhaps a group home YEARS AGO! So freaking sad!

I agree! The cycle continues when no one pays attention
This is my first time posting though I have been reading about this case on your site for several weeks. Maybe this has already been said but could Casey have given Caylee too much Xanax to keep her knocked out, asleep and quiet so that Casey could party or be with her boyfriend (hence Zanny the Nanny referring to the anxiety drug Xanax). then having found her daughter dead due to overdose, she tried to concoct a story she thought that her parents would believe. I'm sure she never in her wildest dreams believed that the story of her lost beautiful child would become a national story. This time it's not just her parents who are confronting her with her inconsistencies and bare faced lies.

Welcome to WS Bobjanie. I keep thinking that the Zanny has some connection to Xanax too.
I was wondering that also. And wondering if maybe he DID know but denied knowing it? How could he not know? :confused: And why was LE in his office if not to tell about the DNA? I don't get it.

Don't tell me he caught the A's denial flu too?
I find it interesting to view the differences - almost like polar opposites of each other. One willing to die for their child, and the other willing to kill their child.

Yes! They are more similar than different imhoo. Casey developed her personality traits from someone...and Cynthia is my personal bet.

Let's just take a peek at Beth Holloway or any other miriad of parents or grandparents with a missing child... Does Cynthia fit that bill? heeeeell no! She is more like doing a 'susan smith' or a 'melinda duckett'
I am not mad at Leonard or Tony at all. They Definitely erred but how many of us have erred on the side of the Constitution? Had Baez been honest with them at the start they would have never put C on the street. I think LP may want to choke a lot of people at this point but knows he can't. She will be in the hoosegow no later than Tuesday and possibly tommorow night.
I've been thinking about that. I wonder since they were talking to Cindy and not Casey maybe they feel that they will have to have cooperation from Cindy to get Casey to take the deal. And maybe the FBI people that were there were from the lab to explain the test results to Cindy.
Would FBI even be allowed to discuss Casey's federal case with a mother. Casey is of legal age.
Just thinking with you. Maybe credit card fraud involves the FBI and Cindy.
You can believe what you like...but one thing I saw without fail was that he brought up Caylee and finding her. More than Cindy or George ever have!! More than anyone else in this circus ever did!!

You are 100% right. BH Padilla constantly spoke about Caylee and always bringing up the fact that there is a reward. He repeated it over and over again, and when pounced on he insisted he get his voice out there.

BH Padilla took some really nasty hits especially through FOX by Bo Diddly or whatever his name is and BH Padilla was deeply hurt by what was said.

I, personally wasn't thrilled they came and how it all started out, but as days went on, you could clearly see what BH Padilla's intentions were ... for Caylee.

When BH Padilla mentioned if he wasn't there, there would be no news coverage and he is right, to a point. There would be coverage but the coverage would be spinned out of control like it is even today and what we all have seen when the Anthony's were talking.

At least when BH Padilla is on air, you get straight facts and you can clearly see the pain in his soul knowing now he has to look for Caylee in a different manner.
I think he was nowhere near prepared to discuss it. He may comment after official discovery.

OR else he was just in a hurry to get in the house and be the first to slap the taste out of that demon's mouth.

I bet he needs a drink and a life vest. He is in over his head now
yes indeedy.. and I bet he will say "OMG CASEY, DEFENDING YOU IS A WASTE, A HUGE WASTE."
Yes! They are more similar than different imhoo. Casey developed her personality traits from someone...and Cynthia is my personal bet.

Let's just take a peek at Beth Holloway or any other miriad of parents or grandparents with a missing child... Does Cynthia fit that bill? heeeeell no! She is more like doing a 'susan smith' or a 'melinda duckett'
Who said that the other night on national tv? Someone called her a sociopath just like her daughter. memory is going...
Casey killed Caylee because she was in her way. Casey killed Caylee because she was out on her own for the first time and couldn't handle the pressure. Casey killed Caylee because she never wanted her to begin with.

Occums Razor

I want to add...

Casey killed Caylee because she was jealous of her.
Casey killed Caylee to get back at her mother.
Personally, I don't believe there is any way Cindy or George could have smelled that car and not feared the absolute worst.

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who knew and loved this little girl - and all those who only came to know her after she disappeared.

If Caylee is in fact, dead, the person or person(s) responsible should be held accountable to the full extent the law allows.

For Caylee - gone but not forgotten - I'm sure she's in the arms of the angels who came right away to bring her home.

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