Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #141

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Does anyone feel it's weird that Casey seemed to work as a band promoter / street team member? It fit her character PERFECTLY . . . Their whole purpose is to basically flirt with people and invite as many people to events as possible.

In other words, lay as much bullcrap down so the club and band make money.
In other news . . . LP has invited the mobile band back over to the house and has volunteered his services as lead vocalist.

Funny how all the usual posters that sort of defend Casey, Cindy, and George are absent tonight huh?

I would guess they are heart broken. I know I tried to keep an open mind, I wanted to believe for so long that there was a possibility that she was alive, but the lies and the tales and the 400 pages were just overwhelming. You can not defend the indefensible unless your HoseA, (I've been wanting to type that for a while now).
I just got an email from Thomas Franck... you know... Event Director, E. Coast Ops...

Hello All,

NBC has called in another favor. Big Labor Day gig at Studios next week. Dress formal (aka, "sexy").

Also, I need someone to fill in for Casey. She's going to be out for umm... 6 years-to-life. I'm really looking for someone who looks good draped in nothing but an American flag.

I'll be back in the office around 6.

Weird, huh?
In other news . . . LP has invited the mobile band back over to the house and has volunteered his services as lead vocalist.

ROFL!!! Now I have Mountain Dew all over my screen!
8. Zanny The Invisible Nanny And How I Met Her

9. Tony, TonE, and Ricardo

10. My Fake Emails

11. Who's Your Daddy?

12. I'm Getting The House

13. The Shed And The Shovel

14. Receiving the Mother of the Year Award

15. Why Does America Hate me?
I would guess they are heart broken. I know I tried to keep an open mind, I wanted to believe for so long that there was a possibility that she was alive, but the lies and the tales and the 400 pages were just overwhelming. You can not defend the indefensible unless your HoseA, (I've been wanting to type that for a while now).

I'm heartbroken over it too; the people that believed Casey guilty and Caylee dead care just as much about it as the people that didn't.
time to sneak back into my little hidey-hole for the night.

I have a very cozy little nest in there, and a couple of magnificent Belgian Malinois to keep those dang cats away!
I just got an email from Thomas Franck... you know... Event Director, E. Coast Ops...

Hello All,

NBC has called in another favor. Big Labor Day gig at Studios next week. Dress formal (aka, "sexy").

Also, I need someone to fill in for Casey. She's going to be out for umm... 6 years-to-life. I'm really looking for someone who looks good draped in nothing but an American flag.

I'll be back in the office around 6.

Weird, huh?

It's odd you received this... because I received this:

From: Sports
Subject : Labor Day

would you mind working labor day? You can work some inventory also
I am just reading and learning this horrible development for the past hour and I am thinking how wonderful it was that I was oblivious to this awful news for most of the day. Had I known this earlier I would not have been able to enjoy the brownies that my 11 year old son baked...His first time...and they were delicious. He amazes me. That being said...I cannot fathom a mother doing what Casey did. I am absolutely sick in my heart. Please, please, please hug your children a little bit longer tomorrow...cherish your loved ones ...count your blessings...I agree with some of the previous posters that CA is a monster through and through.
Sorry I offended your senses with my having a glimmer of hope last night.
I hope you feel better now.
Drip, in all seriousness, I would have loved for you to be right. Caylee would have loved that. Everyone here would have.
Saw Lenord say on NG that she has not said one word to him...her mother.... her father... or her brother this whole time while at home! :eek:
I also still don't understand the "bra" on the front of the pontiac.. didn't those go out of style in the 90's??
I just got an email from Thomas Franck... you know... Event Director, E. Coast Ops...

Hello All,

NBC has called in another favor. Big Labor Day gig at Studios next week. Dress formal (aka, "sexy").

Also, I need someone to fill in for Casey. She's going to be out for umm... 6 years-to-life. I'm really looking for someone who looks good draped in nothing but an American flag.

I'll be back in the office around 6.

Weird, huh?

Wow your on the email list to :Banane37: You may not be able to fill those boots :Banane21:
allegedly from sources air samples are back from the UofT bodyfarm that show compounds consistent with human decomp. that were taken from Casey's car.

Tonite on NG (thank you pattyg for the video links and your taping of the show!) they discussed the validity of air samples in a trial.

One of the points brought up was the chain of custody with air samples and as a medical professional I found this quite interesting.

For example, in a murder trial....if this evidence is presented... they will have to prove that the chain of custody of AIR was not compromised...(ie, the air sample was not mixed with room air, with other air samples in the CSI bay, ets).

I only bring this up because I bet you gazillions that HoseA will use this as a defense.

It is a relatively new technology (albeit coming from the best in the World). And exactly how do you keep an air sample from being mixed? for thought.

IMO, that is a bit ridiculous and I wouldn't be hanging my hat on it...chain of custody...smelt like death at tow yard, at anthony's house, then seized for testing. They can't say someone interfered and somehow got the smell of decomp somehow transferred into the air in the trunk during the transport from the anthony's to the body farm, unless they allege dishonesty on the part of police and accuse them of putting a body in there in between, which won't fly, because we have Cindy, George and tow truck driver all saying it smelt like death. IMOO
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