Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #154

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I read somewhere that the bonding company would decide next week wiether to reinstate the bond ?????????? this is strange Do you all think they will?
If the Anthony's believe Caylee is still alive, then why is George working on the lawn anyway? Why isn't he out hunting his grandbaby? Who would even care about the lawn in this situation?
It gets him out of the house ?
This has bugged me for a long time - does Cindy not understand the purpose of 911? It is for life threatening emergencies!! Not a stolen car, not "my daughter needs to be arrested" (missing child - definitely call 911!) and NOT for protesters! Cindy uses 911 as her personal hotline to police. Mr. Litig8r is a firefighter, and you would not believe the stupid calls they have to respond to (I have a headache, my knee hurts, etc.) 911 IS FOR LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCIES!!!!!
I take 911 very seriously but I don't think "life threatening" is the only criteria for calling 911.
So let me get this straight...According to Cindy, LE broke into her house, without a warrant, and told her they were going to take Casey somewhere safe. Bizzar that.
They also do not need a warrant if the person is out on bond. Seems to me, LE is treating this family with kid gloves. No, they don't need a warrant or a search warrant if someone is out on bond as they are technically still under arrest. They are NOT free people like most. They are prisoners who have been give a small amount of freedom, that's all. They have no civil rights as most people know them.
Please can anyone tell me about the deleted photos? Did Casey delete those on July 16? Could they contain info as to where her daughter is? Can LE know what photos were deleted first?
This has bugged me for a long time - does Cindy not understand the purpose of 911? It is for life threatening emergencies!! Not a stolen car, not "my daughter needs to be arrested" (missing child - definitely call 911!) and NOT for protesters! Cindy uses 911 as her personal hotline to police. Mr. Litig8r is a firefighter, and you would not believe the stupid calls they have to respond to (I have a headache, my knee hurts, etc.) 911 IS FOR LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCIES!!!!!

The police office when I've called their administrative line about neighbors fighting, etc. They've told me to hang up and call 911 because they have no way to dispatch though the admin line. So I'm sure it depends on the city.
You cannot help anyone with an addiction until they first admit they have a problem.
Cindy and George are addicted to the drama Casey causes.
They will never change, IMHO, unless they admit that they have enabled her and go on to get some help.
I know of more than one family with grown kids in their fifties that they still enable.
Sad, yes...but that's the way life goes. :blowkiss:
Off Topic..but on weather channel..the hurricane hunters are IN Gustav and they said that it is 10 mph away from being a CAT 5.
Please be safe my southern friends! Please get out! I am praying for you.
Not so odd.... several of Cindy's tirades at the press have said things that we've discussed on here that weren't being reported by any press we could find (while we were discussing them). I'm SURE they are on here reading what we say. JB would be stupid if he didn't especially considering we've been mentioned by the press on national news websites.

There was a post yesterday that struck me as sounding like it could have been written by Cindy. So much so that I almost asked! Then the same poster last night was saying how the arrest was nothing more than a "crowd pleaser" to please protesters. I think I remember who it was, but I am not sure, so I don't want to say the posters name in case I am wrong. I could go back and look, but I admit, I'm lazy.
Not directing this at anyone in particular, but in case anyone has knowledge about the TES search. DO NOT POST SEARCH LOCATIONS, they keep it discreet to avoid perpetrators moving the body where they have already searched. Since we don't know for sure there is no accomplice lets not discuss locations.

Good point............
I find it a little odd that the protestors happened to start showing up around 7:30 pm and then the "cavalry" showed up within the hour for the round up. Leak perhaps? The timing seems strange to me.
Protestors were there much earlier than that. There's video of Cindy being confronting by one in broad daylight.
The media and our attention needs to be on the searches and off
the wingnuts using all of us to further their lies and personal agenda.

They are never going to tell anything either on purpose or slip up
and reveal one thing that will help locate that little girl . The last
30+days have proven that beyond any doubt.

Caylee and the legitimate efforts to find her needs to be the center of attention here ...........

Show them the same neglectful disregard they have shown that poor child .

Those despicable people's 15 minutes needs to be over .

Please can anyone tell me about the deleted photos? Did Casey delete those on July 16? Could they contain info as to where her daughter is? Can LE know what photos were deleted first?

I am pretty sure that they were deleted on the 16th. No one knows for sure what was in them. I do think that LE can and has recovered those. It's not hard.
However, seeing as I have finally reconciled myself to the fact that ZG probably doesn't exist, if any of those photos show the Nanny I will need to be hospitalized because I will officially lose my mind.
from what i understand in cases like this where someone in the family may be the reason why the person is missing. i don't believe LE wants the family to actually be searching because it would be easy for them to mess up any evidence that could be at the scene. where the LE knows its someone outside of the family the chances of the evidence being purposely tampered with is less likely. and lets face it, this family DEFINITELY would tamper with the evidence if they were to find least one of them MAY have already, who knows.
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