Does George have violent tendencies?

Lee took that hammer out of GA's hand for a reason. I'm guessing he knows if GA has a temper or not
I do believe that george will be arrested before this is over. He has a temper and he is probably taking his frustrations out on the public/protesters when he should take it out on Casey.
Absolutely. And he is used to assaulting people. He has assaulted 3 people so far. I don't care HOW upset he is. That does not give him the right to shove people like he seems to feel he has the right to do. This is an unstable man who was carrying a concealed weapon in his car. Is this a man who would think should be able to carry a gun?
I wonder how George is under normal circumstances. I hesitate to judge him as "violent" under only the circumstances that we've seen as this is probably as far from normal as one can get.

About the gun, I don't know what FL's laws are about concealed weapons or what priviledges he might enjoy as ex LE but I do know that even if he were to flip out while driving, it would have taken him some time to get the gun out from the wheel well in the trunk. Never an immediate danger, IMO. I, for one, trust GA completely. I think he's suffering beyond measure.
im seriously suprised they havnt done worse than a shove .. if you go into a lions den then you should expect to get eaten .. or maimed .. they shouldnt be putting themselves into a situation where they can get hurt by harrassing the anthonys either .. no one should be allowed to violate someone elses privacy or space .. and no one should be physically hurt either .one of his neighbors stated that in the 6years he knew GA he never saw him loose his temper . people have breaking points we all have them .
And some (not all) of the protestors seem to view antagonizing the Anthonys as a sport. They just go on and on and on ...

Like someone else stated, I'm surprised that he hasn't done more than shove. I'm ashamed to say that if it were me, it probably would have gone beyond what George has done because I would have been beyond my breaking point long, long ago.

Amen on the lion's den. Very good point.
BTW,. it's lose, not loose. And he's done it almost daily since this happened. Does he get mad at his daughter for lying about EVERYTHING? No, he lashes out at people he does not know. I have seen him lose his temper daily.

I think he should be locked up. He'd fit right in at jail - it's not his fault. It's never any of the Anthony's fault for anything. They are the perfect family. I'll bet the neighboir who never saw George "loose" his temper didn't know him very well either.
This post borders on obnoxious. I'm sorry but the "loose" is just completely unnecessary. Can we stick to debate and not belittling?
Imagine GA's "SHUT UP!" magnified and aimed at a two year old. Scary.
That's a leap. George losing his temper with people that keep taunting him and asking him horrible questions is most likely quite different from a reaction that he would have displayed over anything that Caylee might have done. We have no indication that GA ever harmed or frightened Caylee. To the contrary, in the videos, Caylee looks happy & very loved. She seems quite comfy with Grandpa from all we've seen.
Exactly. He isn't going down to Walmart shoving old ladies. People are willingly coming into his territory and personal space to purposely provoking him. That's his yard. Maybe he does have violent tendencies. They are crossing the line and I don't feel one bit sorry for them. They can say what they want from the street.
My husband isn't violent in the least, but we are both very protective of our house and family. If that was going on at my house, lawd have mercy, I don't think I'd even have the restraint that George has shown thus far.

I do NOT agree that his reactions to this are indicative of his relationship to Caylee at all. That's so not fair.
If I lost my son, I'd be crazy. I'd be a pyscho hosebeast from hell. (I don't know, I made it up.)

According to the police report (which the link to is on my home PC... but can be found around here on WS) it states that these protesters were NOT on the Anthony property at the time of the assault...
BTW,. it's lose, not loose. And he's done it almost daily since this happened. Does he get mad at his daughter for lying about EVERYTHING? No, he lashes out at people he does not know. I have seen him lose his temper daily.

I think he should be locked up. He'd fit right in at jail - it's not his fault. It's never any of the Anthony's fault for anything. They are the perfect family. I'll bet the neighboir who never saw George "loose" his temper didn't know him very well either.
LOL, locked up for WHAT??? What exactly is he at fault for that he's not owning up to?

About getting mad at his daughter for lying, we are not privy to his feelings about the situation. We can assume that he is angry at Casey just as we can assume that he isn't. Either way, it's just an assumption.
So this gives them the right to assult anyone they please? OMG, I can see it now. Fights in every street and it's ok cuz they just hit their breaking point. Murderers get off an run free.
You know, sometimes people DO get off because they were pushed to their breaking point. Maybe not scot-free but pretty close. Look at the preacher's wife just a year or so ago, (sorry, can't remember her name). Look at how many murders are labeled "crime of passion". Again, there's still time to serve but it's nothing like you get for premeditated murder. My only point is that people should try to be respectful of everyone, regardless. And the people by the Anthony's house ought to be careful because, right or wrong, everyone DOES have a breaking point and if you see someone reaching his, it might be wisest to back off and give the guy a break.
Absolutely. And he is used to assaulting people. He has assaulted 3 people so far. I don't care HOW upset he is. That does not give him the right to shove people like he seems to feel he has the right to do. This is an unstable man who was carrying a concealed weapon in his car. Is this a man who would think should be able to carry a gun?

I don't agree with you at all. George has no long history of fact, quite the opposite. I think he is a man who is desperately trying to have faith in his daughter, despite incredible odds, simply because the truth is too hard for him to bear. That desperation, the fear it is holding at bay, is wearing him thinner than any human should be worn. And then on TOP of that, he is dealing with people screaching at him and at his wife around the clock. He is dealing with news cameras flashing lights in his windows and eyes everytime he walks out the door. He has strangers---some of whom are obviously completely unbalanced---walking around his yard, blocking the roadway, going through his garbage, etc.

He shouldn't push people, that is true. And he shouldn't have access to a gun right now because the circumstances he's dealing with have surely caused mental instability. But people need to realize they aren't helping to find Caylee by hanging out in this family's front yard. What they ARE doing is adding hurt to hurt to hurt to hurt. It may be shame on him for pushing, but SHAME on those screaming out hurtful things and trying to hide their hatefulness behind a very thin veneer of "I'm trying to find Caylee."
Anyone else see the clip where G is yelling, "You wanna piece of me? You wanna piece of me? C'mon!"

George looked very calm during that part of the video. I have to watch it again because I didn't think he was yelling. Regardless, he was in the process of walking away and someone said something that caused him to turn around and say that. These aren't unprovoked situations. People are baiting him by saying harsher and harsher things until he just can't hold it in any longer. It's quite sad, IMO, that people don't have more compassion than that.
who knows. but I can only imagine how one may easily snap in a situation such as this. It has to be so full of pressure from all angles.
Yet many people have been in that situation. Did the Rocha family ever threaten anyone? Did the Ramsey's? There are many more who HAVE NOT snapped in a similar situation, than have - just proving that it's not the norm to behave like GA is behaving.
A lot of times people lose their jobs in LE for being too shall we say "aggressive" with citizens.
I think from what we have seen and read he has what I term "poor impulse control" I have seen him try to quiet Cindy down at least twice during this case by grabbing her arm in, what I considered, to be a rough manner.
I too think it's a blessing that the gun was taken away. I bet he has more somewhere though.
The above is my own opinion. :)

Thank you! This is what I have been thinking. I wonder if there is any way to find out if he lost his job for reasons such as this. The guy is throwing a fit like a 2 yr. old.
I have said this before but not sure what thread. GA and CA continue to go out in the front yard doing stupid things and it seems to me that by doing that they are fueling the protesters who are very upset because most of them have been searching for the Caylee during the day and are tired. I think if they would stay either stay inside and only go out when necessary things may cool down.
On the one hand, I agree. On the other hand, they should be allowed to come and go and do whatever they please (within the law) on their front lawn. And even if GA and CA were suspected of something, even then it's supposed to be "innocent until proven guilty". They're not even under investigation and look how they're being treated.
I don't agree with you at all. George has no long history of fact, quite the opposite. I think he is a man who is desperately trying to have faith in his daughter, despite incredible odds, simply because the truth is too hard for him to bear. That desperation, the fear it is holding at bay, is wearing him thinner than any human should be worn. And then on TOP of that, he is dealing with people screaching at him and at his wife around the clock. He is dealing with news cameras flashing lights in his windows and eyes everytime he walks out the door. He has strangers---some of whom are obviously completely unbalanced---walking around his yard, blocking the roadway, going through his garbage, etc.

He shouldn't push people, that is true. And he shouldn't have access to a gun right now because the circumstances he's dealing with have surely caused mental instability. But people need to realize they aren't helping to find Caylee by hanging out in this family's front yard. What they ARE doing is adding hurt to hurt to hurt to hurt. It may be shame on him for pushing, but SHAME on those screaming out hurtful things and trying to hide their hatefulness behind a very thin veneer of "I'm trying to find Caylee."
I will ask this for one last time. WHAT have any of the Anthonys done to find Caylee? Have they searched? Have they been honest with LE? Yet people make excuses for them. If that were anyone's grandchild on this blog, we wouldn't be here - we'd be out looking. All the Anthonys have done is insult anyone who has made an effort to find Caylee.

Shame on them.
it's supposed to be "innocent until proven guilty". They're not even under investigation and look how they're being treated.
Only in the court of law. The court of public opinion is allowed to think and say what they please.
A lot of times people lose their jobs in LE for being too shall we say "aggressive" with citizens.
I think from what we have seen and read he has what I term "poor impulse control" I have seen him try to quiet Cindy down at least twice during this case by grabbing her arm in, what I considered, to be a rough manner.
I too think it's a blessing that the gun was taken away. I bet he has more somewhere though.
The above is my own opinion. :)
As far as I know, he didn't lose his job; he retired. I could be wrong but that's always what I've heard.

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