Geraldo 10/19

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If Baez is so anxious to move forward with this why didn't he file for a speedy trial?
I doubt you will miss much, it sounds like he's only doing a 3 minute piece
like he did last week. Tonight, "Another Exclusive Interview with Baez".

This story is going to die down now until the trial unless Caylee's remains are found

My personal experience with people like Cindy--it will not die down as she will become the issue and the focal point. Normally in a case like this it would die down till the trial BUT this is the Cindy Show and learn.....People with Cindy's pathology do not go away quietly---Cindy will not be going home to a quiet home with Casey gone and Caylee gone and Lee back at his house........NOPE Cindy will make waves big ones.....everything will be about Cindy with her attention seeking behavior and micro managing style- IE control freak.......jmho.......
I will come unglued if this doesn't go to trial!! OMG! :eek: That means we will NEVER hear the evidence or know the real story!

Lol, well, I dont think that is true, I dont think she will get a deal without all of the facts coming out, there would be no incentive.
I am so sick of this crap. Obviously he means KC's story is now different from the one she told police--so I guess now she's admitting she made up the whole Zany zanni story. Hmmm, why then does CA persist in the kidnapped by babysitter story? Did KC neglect to tell her the latest version? This has to be the biggest crock ever concocted by a defendant.
I so agree with you! Just when I think this case can't get any more bizarre JB or CA opens their mouth. Are they trying to one up each other in the stupid comments arena? :banghead: :furious:
As near as I can tell...YES! YES, they ARE! :dj::cursing::talker::turkey:
I get so tired of hearing him say that we will understand when she goes to court. If she is innocent in all of this then why in the heck would they not just sit down with LE and tell them this story and get on with the business of finding Caylee? Why all the chaos? I wish they would quit blowing smoke up my butt and tell it already.

There is only one reason to keep up the charade and go to court and that would be to benefit JB's career but I have to tell him that if he doesn't come up with a huge BOMBSHELL, his career is out the door and down the street. If he was my lawyer, I would just plead guilty to whatever they wanted to charge me with to get away from him.

Of course, just like everything out of KC's mouth, it is all just pure, unadulterated BS!

If JB comes up with another lie that Casey tells and it is obviously a lie it makes him look even more stupid. If he knows at this point and doesn't say yet is kicking back and watching all the moeny spent on this case go out the window I would wonder why he couldn't be charged with obstructing justice also.
I remember, but they actually brought her car around, it had not been parked there originally, she had asked for that during the interview.
Good Memory Muzik!

Your memory is even better Blink! You are right, one of the lady officers brought the car around. Was unusual.

I'm getting a little early senility... heh
I get so tired of hearing him say that we will understand when she goes to court. If she is innocent in all of this then why in the heck would they not just sit down with LE and tell them this story and get on with the business of finding Caylee? Why all the chaos? I wish they would quit blowing smoke up my butt and tell it already.

I think it's because they have not yet come up with the story she will tell in court. That is why they were spending all that time in his office. They have to come up with a story that incorporates all the lies she has told so far - and this has got to be a tough job! Think about trying to make all the different kidnapping scenarios, left at Sawgrass, taken at park by toddler gang and my sister Sam, taken by whomever GA was watching, along with good reasons for partying, decomp smell in the trunk, etc. etc. etc. I am almost hoping this does go to trial just so I can hear what they come up with! Can a judge remove a juror for laughing out loud at the Defense Attorney's opening statement?
Didn't you listen? Baez has instructed her to wait for the right time and place. :waitasec:

And I would love to ask him, just exactly when and where that is. On her walk to the chair?

He is gonna get her @ss fried for sure.

Hey KC, just a tip, you might want to consider a much, much, much better lawyer than what you got now. Maybe a deaf, least they wouldn't be able to hear her BS or blurt out stuff that makes her look even more guilty.

Hey JB, you really need to quit talking out of your butt. A few more well placed past tenses and your client won't have a snowball's chance in he!!.
Come on! We all know he can't put Casey on the stand! So how is she going to "tell her story" anyway? Through his opening and closing remarks? Oh, that will be sooo convincing.
When Geraldo asked JB about the dress, he replied "CA went on the today show with the dress that belonged to Caylee." Interesting use of past tense. Another member of defense team admitting Caylee is no longer with us?

The other comment that struck me was when JB said KC has wanted to talk but he told her there is a time and a place. Then he said "We're excited to move forward (smiling.) Bravado? Or stupidity?
Good catch about "belonged." He could try to claim that it's just one little word and not important, but he'd never have said "belonged" if he thought she was coming back.
The defense people keep forgetting that they're supposed to act as if she's alive.
A few more well placed past tenses and your client won't have a snowball's chance in he!!.
I think that snowball has already hit the wall and melted as it rolled downhill quickly from her opening statement of "31 days".
But was it confirmed?

Casey denies any wrong doing regarding Caylee and guess how much I believe that.

LOL about as much as Geraldo had nothing to do with LP.
Good catch about "belonged." He could try to claim that it's just one little word and not important, but he'd never have said "belonged" if he thought she was coming back.
The defense people keep forgetting that they're supposed to act as if she's alive.

I caught that too, immediately. Past tense as in "when she was alive, it was her dress." Does this man not understand he is defending the most hated woman in America. He's an idiot!:furious:

I think that snowball has already hit the wall and melted as it rolled downhill quickly from her opening statement of "31 days".

You know, I have decided that it is truly sad that I find myself trying to give the accused and her defense team advice because they are totally clueless. Know what I mean?
Good catch about "belonged." He could try to claim that it's just one little word and not important, but he'd never have said "belonged" if he thought she was coming back.
The defense people keep forgetting that they're supposed to act as if she's alive.

Caylee hasn't fit in the dress in 18 mos or more. In this case past tense wasn't inappropriate.
You know, I have decided that it is truly sad that I find myself trying to give the accused and her defense team advice because they are totally clueless. Know what I mean?

Please don't give them any assistance...they have drug this out long enough...let them wallow in this crap.:banghead:
Wait, you all missed the Baez sidestep! To me that was most important.

Geraldo says to Baez: "Well, isn't the prosecution making you put up or shut up? Meaning if Caylee is alive then you will have to show proof or produce her?"

Baez: "As I said from the beginning, proving Casey is alive or having Caylee show up would be the best defense. HOWEVER, in a court of law, it is the states responsibility to prove that Caylee is dead and we're in good shape there."

Kimberly G. Newsome said "And we heard that in the Scott Peterson case"

Baez sidestepped the question. He didn't say he could produce Caylee or that Caylee would show up, rather he put the responsibility back on the state. He was lawyering it up.

This response was very telling. He just gave away his defense. But it was just so disingenuous.
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