Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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I've put the photos into a new PB account that has nothing to do with my personal photos. Yeah for common sense!

I also watermarked the photos...not sure what that really accomplishes, but it made me feel better.

The videos are currently not on this site. Not sure what to do about those yet.

Lastly, the account is password protected. Again, not sure what that accomplishes since I have to give out the password for you all to see the photos. But, false security is better than none I guess.


password: nancydrew


Thanks so much for sharing those!! I knew that was the house. You did good!
Could he (DC) have been looking for Caylee's clothes (or were those in the bag with the bones?) or KC's Blackjack (if she ever really had one).
IMO, there is definitely SOMETHING up with this house.

I just don't know if I believe KC used it to stash Caylee alone on a regular basis when she went partying.

But, perhaps it is where KC spent the night of June 15th. Perhaps it is the scene of the crime.

One thing though is that the house is very close to the neighbor's homes. The neighbors came right outside when they saw Michelle and KB there yesterday. Granted, they aren't the most observant people if they were asking Kathi if she were going to buy the house after seeing her tricked-out newsvan. But one would think they would have noticed the comings and goings of vehicles that would have to arrive and depart if KC were actually using this property on a regular basis.

Neighbors need to be interviewed. House needs to be investigated. STAT.
Could this be the house GA had in mind when he went on TV claiming that they were 'close' to the kidnappers and were 'watching' them? Maybe GA was closer to the 'kidnapper' than he thought. LOL!

BTW thanks for the great sleuthing, pics, and sharing! Way to go!
You would not need to see the house....just the street they come and go on. That you could see very well.

Why would you need to see their vehicles if you already know the approximate time that they leave for work? Was that time highly variable?
Hmmmmmmm ... wonder if anybody has looked 'inside' those Pepsi machines???


Which has me thinking at how intently DC was looking through plastic bags - as if he KNEW he would find the remains in a plastic bag.

But ignored the machines, ignored the inside of the home, ignored the shed, the truck parked on the property.

But opened plastic bags with a knife.
Thank you, TexasLil. It is misleading for the media to say it is right in the area where the body was found.

On another note, on our own psychic/dream thread, months ago, there were several people who dreamed of an white, old house. It was only logical to think that such a house could be the place where KC might leave Caylee asleep while she partied.
Do you see the bike behind this " giant metal box"? Did it look like it was still ride-able? Still inflated tires etc. Did the neighbors say they had noticed the PI taking video of the house in the past?
It looks like perhaps the back of a vending machine which kind of fits with all the Pepsi machines in the yard. They could have been in the vending business.
I wonder if the vending biz has a connection to the "security" biz? It would seem to me that people who do vending use nights/weekends as a time to service or to collect money from those machines. They were in the biz over a year ago. Was George working at all then?
It looks like perhaps the back of a vending machine which kind of fits with all the Pepsi machines in the yard. They could have been in the vending business.

Wonder if it is the main box of an old furnace? I think you are right, vending machine.
The back of a pepsi machine?

That was my first thought, too, but doesn't it look wider than the other ones? And in the other photos, the Pepsi machines have logo(s) on the sides as well. There are some on the porch, though, that possibly don't.

AARGH!!! I wish I had paid more attention! :banghead:
This house is also not that far from where Lee used to live, before he moved home. As for the neighbors not seeing a car, I would imagine parking in the driveway wouldn't be too smart, so I would imagine Casey (or whoever) would park on the street, no doubt on the opposite side to throw off any suspicion.
That was my first thought, too, but doesn't it look wider than the other ones? And in the other photos, the Pepsi machines have logo(s) on the sides as well. There are some on the porch, though, that possibly don't.

AARGH!!! I wish I had paid more attention! :banghead:

If we knew what the labels on the back said.
That was my first thought, too, but doesn't it look wider than the other ones? And in the other photos, the Pepsi machines have logo(s) on the sides as well. There are some on the porch, though, that possibly don't.

AARGH!!! I wish I had paid more attention! :banghead:

You can always go back. :wink: Ha!
You did a great job! I'm sure your heart was racing.
That was my first thought, too, but doesn't it look wider than the other ones? And in the other photos, the Pepsi machines have logo(s) on the sides as well. There are some on the porch, though, that possibly don't.

AARGH!!! I wish I had paid more attention! :banghead:
It is probably the "guts" that fit inside and is interchangable. It could also be the type of vending machine which has chips, candy, etc. Probably nothing to worry about missing there. Don't hurt your head over it! ;)

Curious if you saw the area close to the house where the PI moved the brick and was digging in the soil. From the video I couldn't tell if it was close to the bags or not.

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