Cindy's eulogy for Caylee

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I don't understand why they published a eulogy. This isn't an obit. Give the eulogy at the service. Don't get it.
I changed my post a bit, but yes...unfortunately the backhanded jabs were still there at people she doesn't like and listing all of those things were a request for even more donations. I didn't expect to see it in Caylee's eulogy. I would have expected to see nothing besides sweet things about Caylee.

Agreed...I feel exactly as you stated! Backhanded jabs...I just wish she would've made it more about Caylee instead of about who knew her better, blah,'s not a competition...or shall I say, it shouldn't be a competition...not a "one up"...her family knew her better than all of you strangers. Maybe she wasn't being tacky with that statement, but as I see it was tacky!
OT but my dad used to fix the cleft palates for the little ones at Shriners :)
Such a worthy cause.

He sounds like a wonderful man. You must be very proud of him.
Is this like when they distribute the text of a presidential speech to the press in advance?
What a great example you set ! I appreciate your doing that. I know how hard it is...I really do. And yes, it's hard enough to do an obit for a parent. And under these circumstances, what the he** do you say in it?

Anyway, I wanted to give you a pat :)

Well...thank you very much! It is extremely difficult. I realized my initial post was raw emotion and uncalled for...thanks for the pat!
Why were donations even mentioned more than in one sentence? I give her some credit tho, it is nice...but she could have stopped at "in lieu of flowers donations can be made to:...

I really hate to complain but that is what I thought, why mention donations or foundations at all, just this once make it ALL about Caylee and the loss of Caylee, her life, the joy she brought to you and GA and your loss and your pain at having to live without her. But otherwise it was good.
I don't know really what to make of it, part of me wants to believe CA wrote it with a "pure heart" but part of me wants to wonder why I feel like the real point of it was to discourage those who didn't know her from physically attending. It was nice to recognize that people who didn't know her came to care deeply for her, but a bit irritating to suggest their grief isn't real and she would easily be forgotten by those same people. Anyway, that's what I got from it.
wow this is a tough crowd.:rolleyes:
I thought it was very heartfelt and beautiful.
How did you all feel about her sentiments regarding caylee?
The seven sentences she spoke about Caylee were lovely:

On Aug.9, 2005, God blessed this Earth with one of his most beautiful children. Caylee Marie was born at 7:14a.m. in an Orlando hospital. From the moment she was born she forever stole the hearts of her family. Caylee was not only a beautiful baby, but she had a beautiful spirit that will live on in those that truly knew her and loved her.


Caylee's life may have been short-lived on this earth, but her life will not have ended without a purpose. She will be sadly missed but never forgotten. Caylee Marie Anthony now has her angel wings and will be watching over so many other children.,0,6952778.story
I don't know really what to make of it, part of me wants to believe CA wrote it with a "pure heart" but part of me wants to wonder why I feel like the real point of it was to discourage those who didn't know her from physically attending. It was nice to recognize that people who didn't know her came to care deeply for her, but a bit irritating to suggest their grief isn't real and she would easily be forgotten by those same people. Anyway, that's what I got from it.

ITA-I got the feeling that CA was saying thanks for caring but you'll get over your grief-we won't. Which is true-but did it need to be said in a eulogy? Still, considering everything - CA did a good job.
How did you all feel about her sentiments regarding caylee?
i thought they were beautiful and true jb .. just everyone dislikes her so much now she cant do anything right
I don't understand why they published a eulogy. This isn't an obit. Give the eulogy at the service. Don't get it.

My thoughts exactly. I'm feeling pretty confident the bracelets are about to go on sale, so they wanted everyone to know they are doing good things with the donated money. Plus, they seem to refer to the new KFN project helping the teenage girls, so maybe they'll be asking for donations for that at the service. Maybe they just wanted to make sure anyone not attending the service knew where to donate??
I just pray the memorial goes smoothly, with no drama, and it is a tribute to Caylee and nothing else.
I guess it was Okay, but from a grandmother I would have expected a little more personal feel. Such as we shall miss her giggles, and sparkling eyes.

Just my opinion but I can't imagine writting one for my grandson.

The parts of the eulogy specifically about Caylee are lovely.

I am still digesting the part about the Caylee Foundation and I believe I will need an antacid soon. I am very sour on the way the Anthonys jumped right into creating a foundation while they were still professing Caylee was alive, but that's for some other thread that is probably locked and dead now.

Cindy's restraint does deserve some admiration, in regards to the fact that she mentioned Casey only once and in a formal manner only, as a survivor. Casey, the survivor... there is something a little Freudian in that somehow. Anyway, Cindy did show restraint in not bringing up anything to do with Casey being innocent or how she "loved that child" etc. I don't know if that was her intention or her attorney's influence.
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