2009.02.19 1:00 pm Haleighs family press conference

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Just caught the last few seconds....wow, that is one pi$$ed off dude. Was he like that during the entire thing?
I wondered when the plea for money would come! Guy from a funeral home? IMO, they should have just left this sentence out!

Ronald could not be more wrong that this is not about his life or private life.

Misty is with detectives right now. Time for her to tell the whole truth. It should not be that difficult. You can recite the truth over and over with no variations.

I don't believe any of them any longer.
Sorry, Ron, but you and your family/associates' lifestyles are extremely important to this case IMO. Associating with known criminals, SOs, druggies, etc is pretty crucial. Yes it seems ugly but how can you not pick apart these lives when trying to find a little child? What else is there to go on?

Yes, but as long as he's giving that info to the police, I'm happy. I wouldn't air it out in the press either, really, might lose sympathy, cause people to stop looking/start suspecting him.

I do agree with you, though.
It's none of our business as long as he is being candid with LE. He owes us nothing.

I wonder why Misty was taken away again.

Why is it okay to pick apart the A's but not this family? The child is missing, irresponsible people were in charge of this child. Stories are changing and not making any sense.

I think the public is allowed to talk & discuss. He can say anything he wants, it's his words, LE isn't confirming or denying. How do we know he's not trying to hide something? Are we getting too close?
He was very humble thanking all the law enforcement people, volunteers, and TES, I know Tim Miller had to be a big comfort to him
When the reporter asked if Ron believed Misty was telling the truth, and if he believed she was at hme, he answered"I believe she is telling the truth" (Did not specifically say he believes she was home, or anything about being home)
He said "I dont know whats what"
"Concentrate on my daughter missing, not whats goin on in my life"
"No fight, no cousin, no gun"
Reporter:"Do you have another child besides Jr and Haleigh?" pause........"possibly"
Thanks everyone for the recap on the presser.
No, at a bank:) Bank of America, right?

Was typing as it was live...yes they said the account was at boa...but buttons and t shirts are at funeral home and are available for donations.
Me either LaLaw.....me either.

I think everytime that Misty is with detectives Ronald is worried.

I also think Ronald was trying to work up some real tears and couldn't quite do it.

IMO, this presser was for the sake of asking for money.

This is just the way I see it. My opinion.
Has anyone else noticed that Misty is at police station more than she is not? What does that tell ya?
He is in a tent donated by the funeral home on property someone is letting him use, and someone has provided him with a flat screen tv, and allowed him to run cable to it, so they can watch television.
Before the presser, in the video that showed the inside of the tent, Misty had just left with detectives, and she was in the house across the street. It looked to me like the house on Chelseas myspace. The one where the Christmas lights are on the front porch. FWIW
I think we'll see charges in the next 48 hrs. or so.
Why is it okay to pick apart the A's but not this family? The child is missing, irresponsible people were in charge of this child. Stories are changing and not making any sense.

I think the public is allowed to talk & discuss. He can say anything he wants, it's his words, LE isn't confirming or denying. How do we know he's not trying to hide something? Are we getting too close?

Well, I never really agreed with "picking apart" the A's, but I think he's avoiding the same mistake they made. They answered questions publicly about all sorts of stuff they shouldn't have talked about, and a lot of the focused was shifted to them, publicly. I'm not saying this is wrong, I'm just saying from THEIR standpoint, they would have been better to keep the focus on Caylee, and not answered nanny questions, Casey's lies, etc.

So I really feel like if he knows he has nothing to do with Haleigh missing, he's trying to keep the focus on her.

I don't see anything wrong with it. He's doing what people begged the A's to do all along: shut up and focus on your (grand)daughter.
Well, he couldn't be more wrong that it's not about his life. His life and the people and the choices he has made for his children are the main reason this girl is missing. She was put at risk by that lifestyle and his choice of a caretaker.
Has anyone else noticed that Misty is at police station more than she is not? What does that tell ya?

It tells me that she has inside information that is valuable to LE. Also, that she would be the easier one to "break".
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