2009.07.28 Prosecution Deposes Cindy Anthony: Any thoughts??

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Not as big a deal as you might think! I spent a whole week of my life last month entering that same building every single day (jury duty). Those sensors are just incredibly sensitive. One day it buzzed me over a freaking foil gum wrapper in my pocket!!

In that case IF CA has her gum stash that machine should go off like crazy!

Here is another link to Kathi B's report if someone missed it:


I love Kathy and the way she stays on top of this case!! :blowkiss:
Or it could be a little Jello pudding thing..I can see her claiming she has to eat something due to her health...whaaaa...

I wouldn't put it past her about the recorder, but I wouldn't think the court would allow it, but she probably wanted George to hear how smart she sounded..NOT..I bet he was home on pins an needles not being able to be there...:woohoo:I wonder if they will call him..??? I hope she didn't take a recorder then they would practice what he should say...:bang:

All parties involved are entitled to record the depo if they choose to. It is not unusual.

She is most likely being deposed because the state is narrowing in on how they are going to pursue prosecution and what facts they are going to try to bring via witnesses. Pinning Cindy down now in a depo will either prevent her from changing those answers at trial, or if they do change puts her in conflict with sworn testimony.
Is it customary to take a depo in the courthouse? I am just curious-I mean you can't really expect a judge to sit in on a deposition, right?? That has to be biased, especially given Cindy's bizarre behavior in the Morgan one.

The Prosecuters office may be in the courthouse,or they may have requested a room there for security purposes.
All parties involved are entitled to record the depo if they choose to. It is not unusual.

She is most likely being deposed because the state is narrowing in on how they are going to pursue prosecution and what facts they are going to try to bring via witnesses. Pinning Cindy down now in a depo will either prevent her from changing those answers at trial, or if they do change puts her in conflict with sworn testimony.

#1- I hope CA recorded this, it will make her past mis-truths easier to keep up with.
#2- I hope what CA said today, under oath to the SA was the Truth and the SA can prepare the case properly.
#3- I hope the definition of PERJURY was fully explained to CA, she fully understood, had the concept and the consequences of doing so under oath.
#4- I would bet money when it comes time to testify at trial, in front of a jury and more important, in front of KC, CA's answers will change, oath or no oath, threat of perjury or contempt of court, they will change. If she testifies at all. JMO.
Member when GA and CA were possed to go back and chat with LE and they never did. Wonder if this is kinda like a back-up to all that.
Morgan and Mitnik also wanted to depose the senior Anthonys before the judge and at the courthouse. The depositions would have been more orderly and the deponents more responsive if they had. A postponement or two or three or four affected the plans.

The State of Florida is deposing Cindy on matters that pertain to her daughter and granddaughter in the criminal case; therefore, Jose B. has a legitimate interest in being there. As you note, her testimony fluctuates, so Jose can never rest on the fact that what she has to say is settled. Since it affects his client, he needs to hear it. That's why we all thought Jno Kasen was irresponsible in failing to attend the civil case depositions and some hearings.
Just loved seeing KBelich there today, bopping around, acting as a sort of unofficial meeter and greeter. Must have riled Cindy up big time. I really wish that I was a fly on the wall for this one - this is a definite must see. I imagine the State was able to twist Cindy into a pretzel with all of the mistruthing she's done from the onset AND she has to go back again tomorrow. Double fantastic!!!
Interesting timing. First they take it all the way to a court hearing to get the docs. CA now on notice that they mean business. Immediately they then have the depo. CA story is now officially on record. Changing it could mean charges against her.

I have a question. Is it normal for the state to depo a witness in a murder trial? Or is it as I suspect only used when the state is not sure the witness will testify truthfully? Will the state be doing depo's for all the other witnesses?

Second question. Why are the witness interviews subject to the sunshine law and available to the public, but not the sworn testimony that would come out in the depo? Somehow that seems backward to me.

Media says that CA left with a little smile on her face. So does that mean the depo went well in her eyes? Maybe they didn't ask the questions she doesn't want to answer. Or does it mean that she thinks she manuvered the questions well, didn't let anything slip? Or does it just mean she finally learned that she has to hide her feelings in front of the media? Agghhh I wish I knew what she was thinking!
Just loved seeing KBelich there today, bopping around, acting as a sort of unofficial meeter and greeter. Must have riled Cindy up big time. I really wish that I was a fly on the wall for this one - this is a definite must see. I imagine the State was able to twist Cindy into a pretzel with all of the mistruthing she's done from the onset AND she has to go back again tomorrow. Double fantastic!!!

That's what me thinks!
Did she really tell investigators when they served the December search warrant on the house, that she "in fact" had noticed that a "winnie the pooh" blanket was missing?

Yep...then later if I am not mistaken she said she did not SAY that to them and neither did she tell them she had someone walk the area where Caylee was inevitably found. :waitasec:

Gotta see the video of this if published. It's time again for a really good laugh.

Laugh? Don't you mean cut your ears off and run screaming from the agony of suffering to watch it?:rolleyes:

Cindy did not appear quite as confident and cocky as she has in the past when she was presented with such a photo oportunity. She actually appeared to be quite nervous in fact and looked like that was the last place on earth that she wanted to be.

Four hours and counting...this is going to be a doozy!:crazy::woohoo:
I realize this may not shock others, but it does me. The casual wear of CA. The Woman Deputy, or Baliff or whatever her position was dressed in a far more respectable manner as were the young woman who opened and held the door for JB and Kathi B. but CA strolls in with white jeans and a blue shirt like she was going grocery shopping, like this is not to be respected or serious. I don't give JB much credit for anything but at least he did show up in a suit and tie. Maybe it's just me but I think it would have been worth the effort to pull out a nice respectable dress/suit, to show that you are aware of the levity of the situation.JMO.
I realize this may not shock others, but it does me. The casual wear of CA. The Woman Deputy, or Baliff or whatever her position was dressed in a far more respectable manner as were the young woman who opened and held the door for JB and Kathi B. but CA strolls in with white jeans and a blue shirt like she was going grocery shopping, like this is not to be respected or serious. I don't give JB much credit for anything but at least he did show up in a suit and tie. Maybe it's just me but I think it would have been worth the effort to pull out a nice respectable dress/suit, to show that you are aware of the levity of the situation.JMO.

I'm with you on this. What Cindy wore was NOT appropriate for giving a deposition when her daughters life is on the line.
Can anyone get a close up of the jewelry CA was wearing? I caught the long necklace that had Caylee's image on it but I couldn't make out what the other thingy was hanging above it. Thanxs
I'm with you on this. What Cindy wore was NOT appropriate for giving a deposition when her daughters life is on the line.

Thank you. Clothing sends a lot of messages whether people want to believe it or not. So Thank You for making me feel like I'm not some kind of clothing snob.:blowkiss:
This is the most excitment we've had in weeks,on this case.By the way where are the latest documents that were released several weeks ago?I was just beginning to feel all warm and tingly with BC showing up with the computer docs,and now this! Maybe we won't have to wait until Jan to get some satisfaction on this case.
Can anyone get a close up of the jewelry CA was wearing? I caught the long necklace that had Caylee's image on it but I couldn't make out what the other thingy was hanging above it. Thanxs

A silver toned heart necklace and a silver toned cross necklace.
I realize this may not shock others, but it does me. The casual wear of CA. The Woman Deputy, or Baliff or whatever her position was dressed in a far more respectable manner as were the young woman who opened and held the door for JB and Kathi B. but CA strolls in with white jeans and a blue shirt like she was going grocery shopping, like this is not to be respected or serious. I don't give JB much credit for anything but at least he did show up in a suit and tie. Maybe it's just me but I think it would have been worth the effort to pull out a nice respectable dress/suit, to show that you are aware of the levity of the situation.JMO.

I was more shocked over what her lawyer was wearing. HE was also in blue jeans. Faded blue jeans.
Here, you should KNOW what to wear, in other words, your parents should have taught you. In case that didn't happen there is a checklist outside the courtroom, no jeans, no hats, no t-shirts, no short skirts, big long list and if your wearing any of this, you don't go in. You miss your courtdate. Tough chit, you should have known better. You wear to court, what you wear to church, is my thinking.

Here, they tell you what to wear, same as yours. And Heaven forbid, I have seen bailiffs haul people out for chewing gum. I was in one trial and I took a book out of my bag. Silently a bailiff came over and told me I could not read while waiting for the case to end after I was a witness. Hours I had to wait until I could leave.

When we were suing the siding guy who failed to complete the job on our home, I was specifically told by our attorney NOT to wear my diamond ring, nor my diamond earrings into the courtroom. When I said no way was I not wearing my wedding rings, he told me to turn them around so they couldn't be seen.
Serious now, wonder how many times BC objected to questions asked?
I know I showed up once with sunglasses on my head and was told that I couldn't leave them up there. That judge had issues with folks who did that. That is when I learned that Judges can include what ever they want. Which is fine by me.

However, I was shocked to see what folks were showing up in. Shorts, flip flops, etc. Nothing was said to them. But my sunglasses had to go. Maybe in Florida the Judges don't care what folks wear? I don't know, but it was rather shocking.
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