CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #1

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O/T:Thanks Kat....I slept a few hrs, but my good ole fibro pain woke me up again. Sleep off & on 24/7 just not for very long. Going to do some reading till I can fall asleep again! :wink:

Good night Kat! :blowkiss:

:praying: that Hassani is found today!

AWC....thanks for the shirt video. I would have just hit the 'thanks' button but it appears to be broken....LOLOL!
Hmm, Monday may have been a set up as well. Who/when was Hassani last seen by someone other than "family"?

Light the way to you Hassani.
Hmm, Monday may have been a set up as well. Who/when was Hassani last seen by someone other than "family"?

Light the way to you Hassani.

Reportedly, the last sighting, still by 'family', was August 5th or 6th IIRC (that we're awaree of). The media, as far as we know, haven't even managed to find anyone in the apartment complex or by the shoe store who claim to have seen this child.
Hmm, if we are going to look at LWR with an objective eye. Might I make the suggestion also that we view JC with an objective eye as well?

Just because LWR has chosen to place himself in front of the media, we still have JC who has refused a LDT. Just a thought rambling through my head. We have seen stranger things happen haven't we elepher?

We sure have seen stranger things happen - JC needs to be held to high scrutiny as well. There are varying reports on whether pregnant women should or should not take LDT's and she is not before the press as much as LWR.
Anyone else wondering where JC & LR were over the weekend of the 8th & 9th? Also, is their house near other houses---neighbors seeing the kids getting in or out of cars--sorry if I missed comments about this. Where did their cellphones ping over that weekend? Did they go on a roadtrip somewhere? Maybe that explains the search areas.
I thought one of the articles said there was a family get together of sorts on the 5th or 6th--where was it and who was there?

I also wonder if LE has asked LR why Hassani was crying in the car at the junkyard? (if he was really in the car) Wish there would be a press conference or something!!! My frustration meter is going up!
We sure have seen stranger things happen - JC needs to be held to high scrutiny as well. There are varying reports on whether pregnant women should or should not take LDT's and she is not before the press as much as LWR.

I haven't said it before now because I couldn't figure out how to say it without coming across as condescending and rude. Here goes. Maybe it's just me but I've watched the interviews with JWR, JC, SC(the bio-mom) and PC( the mother of JC) about a dozen times and I get the impression that JC may suffer from some degree of learning disability. I think PC has some 'issues' as well and of course we know that SC does because of the CP. But perhaps there are other reasons, such as heredity. JWR's remark indicating that "JC doesn't drive" made me wonder even more. JC seems very child-like to me for a 30 year old woman. Quite a stark contrast between she and JWR, don't you think? Is it me, or does JWR seem to have surrounded himself with people who seem, ummm, intellectually inferior to himself?

But FWIW, I do believe JC knows what happened. Whether or not she participated or is to blame I can't say. But I have no doubt that if all of this is scripted, JWR is the one running that production company. No doubt in my mind that he rules the roost. Especially after the " Hassani WOULD NOT wander off!" Yikes. The only way a child that age wouldn't wander off is if he were petrified of the consequences if he did or if his little legs didn't work at all IMO.
And I believe that directly or indirectly, LE is going to get the truth from JC.

Not sure I understand---who do you think this is? Hasanni's bio dad, or LR with another name?

If you think it is LR, I just watched the video of LR and JC, and honestly, I think LR's skin tone & texture, his eyes (shape and how they are set in his face), ear shape and size, are all different from the person in this mug shot. Not him. JMO and of course I could be wrong!

I guess it would explain why there is no LWR in any databases....
Anyone else wondering where JC & LR were over the weekend of the 8th & 9th? Also, is their house near other houses---neighbors seeing the kids getting in or out of cars--sorry if I missed comments about this.

The houses are very close together on their streeet.

Not sure I understand---who do you think this is? Hasanni's bio dad, or LR with another name?

If you think it is LR, I just watched the video of LR and JC, and honestly, I think LR's skin tone & texture, his eyes (shape and how they are set in his face), ear shape and size, are all different from the person in this mug shot. Not him. JMO and of course I could be wrong!

I guess it would explain why there is no LWR in any databases....

Mornin' picture guru.....elpher meant the bio-dad
O/T: WS's went off line for a few minutes!

Glad it was corrected fast...thank you to the PC techs! :clap:

I want to add that the video I posted above, has a NEW short clip with JC & LR in it.

I just can't get past his choice of wording being in past tense...for example Hassani WAS..... as well as how JC can never look at the interviewers in the eyes directly for very long. Which could very well be due to the stress of the Hassani missing & not knowing where he is or what happened to him.

I do agree with Kat that we all should be looking at both of them. Not just focusing on LR...who knows what happened in the morning or since the last confirmed sighting by a relative on Aug. 6th.

There has only been one statement that at the junk yard a child was seen crying in the car. This may very well have been the baby & they both set up Monday as the day to pull off their story that Hassani was abducted. Which I still don't believe he was abducted, looking at the photos that Columbo posted, & the excellent visual explaination of the area that was given, it just dosen't add up to him being abducted that day in the alley. MOO


I agree! Referring to Hasanni in the past tense was scary and could be revealing. Maybe grammar and such is not important to him so it just doesn't matter to him what tense he uses? So hard to say! I don't know...usually people with a missing loved one are sensitive about this..

He never does look anyone in the eye for long but maybe he is a habitual liar and that is why? It could be stress, too. Who knows?
It was reported the junkyard employees saw Hassani crying in the car. That would have been the last seen of Hassani. Jennifer would have already been at work. That eliminates her IF it's true. I'd love to know why Hassani was crying. That may be the answer and the cause of.....

There's always the possibility that a video may emerge of Ross driving towards College Ave. with or without Hassani in the car. A bank or a parking lot perhaps.

Why was LE searching Robert's Regional Park? It's north east of Fremont off freeway 280. Who is Ross' cell phone provider? There are 100s of towers in that area. LE must have got a hit.

Which route did he use to get to College Ave from home? It's 20 miles away. Did he take 880 or 280 or surface streets?

Where did Ross go after he left the junkyard? Did he go south to Fremont, to home? Or did he go to Robert's Park?

I have so many questions. LE is very tight lipped in CA and I don't think there will be pressers like I've seen in other states.

I've googled a lot of maps of possible routes and distances from junkyard to Fremont and then from Fremont to College Ave. but without confirmed cell phone pings or witnesses it's like searching for a needle in a a hundred different haystacks.

We need an insider. (I need lessons on how to sleuth!)

A great big Thanks to Angel for all the videos. It was such an eye-opener to see Ross sitting on the sofa giving an interview with Jennifer. I wonder how she can do it.
I agree! Referring to Hasanni in the past tense was scary and could be revealing. Maybe grammar and such is not important to him so it just doesn't matter to him what tense he uses? So hard to say! I don't know...usually people with a missing loved one are sensitive about this..

He never does look anyone in the eye for long but maybe he is a habitual liar and that is why? It could be stress, too. Who knows?

IIRC, he said very early on we WERE a family..Dead (no pun) give away imo.
Mornin', Shutterfly! thanks for clearing that up. Is that in fact the bio dad's name?

I dunno boss. I'm kinda leaning toward thinking that these people are aliens...of the extra-terrestrial kind, not the illegal variety. They're all fantoms. I don't think elepher ever came up with anything else to bolster that guy in the mugshot is Hassani's dad. It is odd though, his charge was sexual battery and SC said in an interview that CPS took her children because of 'domectic violence' or 'domestic abuse.' I can't remember which now. I know I've looked everywhere I can come up with for days and I haven't come up with POO! It's as if these people existed in a back hole until August 10th. That in itself is really creepy. First the neighbors say they've never seen the we can't find so much as a trace of these people online, in 2009?!?
I haven't said it before now because I couldn't figure out how to say it without coming across as condescending and rude. Here goes. Maybe it's just me but I've watched the interviews with JWR, JC, SC(the bio-mom) and PC( the mother of JC) about a dozen times and I get the impression that JC may suffer from some degree of learning disability. I think PC has some 'issues' as well and of course we know that SC does because of the CP. But perhaps there are other reasons, such as heredity. JWR's remark indicating that "JC doesn't drive" made me wonder even more. JC seems very child-like to me for a 30 year old woman. Quite a stark contrast between she and JWR, don't you think? Is it me, or does JWR seem to have surrounded himself with people who seem, ummm, intellectually inferior to himself?

But FWIW, I do believe JC knows what happened. Whether or not she participated or is to blame I can't say. But I have no doubt that if all of this is scripted, JWR is the one running that production company. No doubt in my mind that he rules the roost. Especially after the " Hassani WOULD NOT wander off!" Yikes. The only way a child that age wouldn't wander off is if he were petrified of the consequences if he did or if his little legs didn't work at all IMO.
And I believe that directly or indirectly, LE is going to get the truth from JC.

I wholeheartedly agree. She seemed so intimidated in the interview with ABC7. Notice also that Ross does look into the eyes of the interviewer when he recounts how many hours they've been interrogated. He was in a rage.

I don't think Jennifer had anything to do with this. In fact, she looks like a frightened rabbit caught in a trap & needs help.
THANK YOU COLUMBO!!! Great pics!!! Thanks so much for taking the time on a Sat. to help give us a feel for the area in question. More evidence why Ross would open up the trunk and hide the back window while he carried the 18mo around to the front.....the child was NOT in that car nor waiting at the back door, nor was a perp waiting around for hours to grab him. MHO

these don't click on...sorry!
You're welcome. Not sure what items aren't clicking on for were able to view my pictures, eh?
I haven't said it before now because I couldn't figure out how to say it without coming across as condescending and rude. Here goes. Maybe it's just me but I've watched the interviews with JWR, JC, SC(the bio-mom) and PC( the mother of JC) about a dozen times and I get the impression that JC may suffer from some degree of learning disability. I think PC has some 'issues' as well and of course we know that SC does because of the CP. But perhaps there are other reasons, such as heredity. JWR's remark indicating that "JC doesn't drive" made me wonder even more. JC seems very child-like to me for a 30 year old woman. Quite a stark contrast between she and JWR, don't you think? Is it me, or does JWR seem to have surrounded himself with people who seem, ummm, intellectually inferior to himself?

But FWIW, I do believe JC knows what happened. Whether or not she participated or is to blame I can't say. But I have no doubt that if all of this is scripted, JWR is the one running that production company. No doubt in my mind that he rules the roost. Especially after the " Hassani WOULD NOT wander off!" Yikes. The only way a child that age wouldn't wander off is if he were petrified of the consequences if he did or if his little legs didn't work at all IMO.
And I believe that directly or indirectly, LE is going to get the truth from JC.

You bring up a really good point here! LR does seem to have surrounded himself with people who are intellectually inferior, and he sounds like a control freak. I think this "wandering off" issue may be key to what happened to Hasanni--I don't even want to think of how he must have been punished the day he wandered to the park near his house.

JC does seem childlike, but she must be sort of "on the ball" if she can get a job at a nice shoe store like Shuz. It is really cool. Given the area it's in & the clientele, you'd think the owner would hire people who are better than average to work there (?) .

Interesting - I guess it is possible he wanted to be stubborn and tried running away (for whatever reason he was crying - dad told him "no" to something, for example), and was kidnapped away from the store.

Kids can pick some pretty awful ways to make their point and "punish" their parents.

I was thinking more along the line of his crying sparking a response in Ross. It was reported that Hassani can't run. So there goes that theory.
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