SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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I see that people are confused as to whether TMH is a POI or suspect in this case (or not).

LE is playing a game, if you will. YES they consider her their lead suspect (I mean, it's obvious to me they do), BUT, the way the game goes they are not going to say anything to indicate her status. Why? Well, part of it is legal and part of it is psychological. They don't want her to 'lawyer up' and they hope to keep some sort of dialog with her so they pretend she's not really a suspect in their minds and of course won't say anything to the media either.

This has become a fairly standard investigation tactic across most law enforcement organizations. Once someone is named a 'suspect,' then other things happen, like lawyers getting involved and interviews/polys being stopped. Now, any person can simply refuse to talk to LE, they can absolutely refuse to take a poly, etc.

But make no mistake about it: TMH is considered a POI/suspect by law enforcement but you will not hear them admit this officially!
I must have missed something and hope it's okay to ask. Was ADD suspected? After 3 grandsons with it, I can hardly believe that a child with such a good project, and such good behavior has ADD! This is becoming very chilling. It's getting hard to take after noticing how much Kyron looks like one of my grandsons.

And why would a teacher need to be filling out paperwork (assuming its for ADHD) at the END of the school year? Aren't ADHD'ers supposed to take a drug holiday during summer break? Seems like the ADHD paperwork would be the beginning of the year, or anytime certainly besides the last few weeks. I would love to know exactly what the paperwork entailed, if it actually exists.
From a mom with an ADHD kid (now grown) and 3 ADHD grandkids....FWIW...
Actually, no one would have had to see her leaving if they didn't leave together. For instance, suppose she said, let's play a little game, you get in the truck/car and hide, then I'll come out and we'll go have ice cream, to the beach, whatever, and come back later. After all, we already walked around and saw all the projects.

Just a thought and :cow:

This has been my theory from Day One.
When I read your quote of my post, I was puzzled. I said, "This is the only time I can recollect in which questionnaires were used in this fashion."

This morning, when I read it again, it looks like I said I recall another time when questionnaires were used, just not in this way.

Well, this is the first time I've heard of questionnaires being used at all, so I wondered if I am going senile. What that sentence means, and should have said were I more nimble with my phrasing, was: This is the only time I've ever heard of questionnaires being used in a case.

I was just going off your post...:innocent:

I went on a search and can not find a questionnaires being release to public like this. Not that they are not use in mssing persons cases just that we are not privy when they are.
I was just going off your post...:innocent:

I went on a search and can not find a questionnaires being release to public like this. Not that they are not use in mssing persons cases just that we are not privy when they are.

I wonder if info is being released in this fashion because fairly young children could be witnesses. So much easier to show kids a picture than to get THEM to describe what they saw, heard, etc. that day.
I wonder if info is being released in this fashion because fairly young children could be witnesses. So much easier to show kids a picture than to get THEM to describe what they saw, heard, etc. that day.

Makes perfect sense!!!
Here I am thinking again, that if my stepson or even boyfriends child or friends child were missing I would have them plastered all over as the MAIN picture for my FB or MS pages (which I don't use) to get their photo out and seen. I would not be going to they gym any time soon that is for sure. These are just things I would or would not be doing and everyone is different but I guess it is what makes me personally lean towards looking at SM a little closer, always has since Kyron has been missing.:twocents:
Still going off of the article from lastnight with the friend interview, since this is a thread about the stepmom and the investigation. I said this lastnight but I just do not get the total lack of concern for Kyron, it is EXTREMELY odd to me. Not one single appeal for his return, not once has anyone spoken to Kyron except the "we will bring you home buddy" from the sheriff. Even Ron Cummings made a vague attempt at a plea for Haleighs return
And why would a teacher need to be filling out paperwork (assuming its for ADHD) at the END of the school year? Aren't ADHD'ers supposed to take a drug holiday during summer break? Seems like the ADHD paperwork would be the beginning of the year, or anytime certainly besides the last few weeks. I would love to know exactly what the paperwork entailed, if it actually exists.
From a mom with an ADHD kid (now grown) and 3 ADHD grandkids....FWIW...

I would think any parent of a ADHD kid would know what this paper work is if the doctor is worth anything. I wouldn't trust a doctor that would put my son on medication without some type of documentation other that what the parents say.

We actually got 2 set of forms, The parents form is 48 questions and the teachers 28. The teacher could not fill out at the very beginning of the year as she would not know the child's normal behavior then, ours were done at the end of the first grading.

If a child is newly diagnosed I could definitely see the doctor wanting one at the end of the year to see how he did that year in case the dosage needed to be changed.

Although many do, my child does not take the medication during the summer. We not a big follower of the drugs and try to work on other ways to help him control his ADHD then and it does seem to work to an extent.
I see that people are confused as to whether TMH is a POI or suspect in this case (or not).

LE is playing a game, if you will. YES they consider her their lead suspect (I mean, it's obvious to me they do), BUT, the way the game goes they are not going to say anything to indicate her status. Why? Well, part of it is legal and part of it is psychological. They don't want her to 'lawyer up' and they hope to keep some sort of dialog with her so they pretend she's not really a suspect in their minds and of course won't say anything to the media either.

This has become a fairly standard investigation tactic across most law enforcement organizations. Once someone is named a 'suspect,' then other things happen, like lawyers getting involved and interviews/polys being stopped. Now, any person can simply refuse to talk to LE, they can absolutely refuse to take a poly, etc.

But make no mistake about it: TMH is considered a POI/suspect by law enforcement but you will not hear them admit this officially!

Actually, no one would have had to see her leaving if they didn't leave together. For instance, suppose she said, let's play a little game, you get in the truck/car and hide, then I'll come out and we'll go have ice cream, to the beach, whatever, and come back later. After all, we already walked around and saw all the projects.
Just a thought and :cow:


One thing I've been tossing around is could SM have offered to go buy a real tree frog that a.m. for the science fair? Could she have told him, "OK, the pet store doesn't open until 9 a.m., so first we'll take evrything to school and set it up, and then we'll go buy a tree frog when the pet store is open." Then when they were at the school, she could have told him to go ahead back out to the truck, she would tell the teacher, and then she slips out herself. Alone, like she said.

Maybe I should be posting on the other thread, but I wanted to respond. I agree it would have been easy for her to get him to leave the school. Had he presented his project yet at that point? Science fairs that I was in and attended with my daughter required giving an oral presentation of the project to some judges. Kyron would have been delighted to leave to go get a tree frog.
I saw the questionnaire late last night for the first time. Seeing her two photographs, the picture of her truck and then the questions makes me think there is no way she isn't their POI. They just haven't come out and told the public yet.
Correctomundo TakeNote, :blowkiss: It is too bad that SM term took over on the forums which kind of removes her in a way from the motherhood of Kyron, A technicality for sure, as she did raise him from babyhood. I think the media started that to make things more understandable, don't know, but it stuck.

Raising him since birth would still not make her his parent, since his real mom is alive and involved in his life, unless Terri had legally adopted him.

I figured out the SM early on, but still confused why some refer to her as TM... since Horman is her last name, not Moulton. It would really help a lot of us who are not on these threads 24/7 to have some consistency with each person's handle. The other day I was agonizing over who BM and BD were... until I figured out it was for "bio mom" and "bio dad."
I wonder if info is being released in this fashion because fairly young children could be witnesses. So much easier to show kids a picture than to get THEM to describe what they saw, heard, etc. that day.

I still say get all the parents who took pictures that morning at the science fair to take their cameras to LE so their pics can be scrutinized, never know what they might have gotten a shot of 'accidently'. Maybe LE has done this, I dunno.

I used to let each one of my 3 kids play hooky one day each school year, it was one on one time just me and that child, we would go to the zoo, out for ice cream, etc, fun stuff all day. We'd pick a day when no tests were going on, etc, and it was their special day.
Certainly no "game" was made of it though, like "go sneak into the car and we will just leave the school" etc, I just didn't send that particular child to school that day. And SM doing something like this on a day when Kyron was in a talent show later on in the day- nah, not plausible IMO.
And, my kids were always accounted for at the end of their "special day".

Re: that talent show...I know all families are different, but recently my oldest g'son was in the school talent show. Hes always been a shy boy and when he announced he wanted to be in the talent show we were all plesantly surprised.
Myself, his other 2 grandparents, his mom, his dad, his step dad, his aunt and his little brother (only 2 yrs old) all showed up to the talent show. It was held in the cafeteria/ auditorium and there was plenty of room for all the parents and guests. I can't imagine Kyron was "thought to be in school" by his SM and yet she didn't bother to attend his talent show performance? That just baffles me to no end. She had to know he wasn't in school, she was home on FB at the time the talent show started. THAT was her priority, if she had no involvement in his disappearance and she assumed he was in school that day???? Being on FB and not being at Kyron's talent show performance? Unbeleiveable.

I will never be able to look at a tree frog again, ever, without thinking of Kyron. Bless this little boys heart, and :furious: the person who has caused him to disappear.
Just a random thought:

Has anyone considered the possibility that Terri drove Kyron to Sauvie's Island, not to dump a body but to meet up with an unknown 'someone' to drop him off with? It's a far-flung theory, but something that just popped into my head.
all outward appearances of her seem to be a supermom.

I think she appears to be a normal mother, not a supermom. Certainly everything you listed is true of every stay at home mom I know, except the ones I know have all of their biological minor children living with them.

Her situation is a different than any I've ever known of personally, in that she was raising her stepson even though he has a mother.

I don't think that makes her a supermom since she agreed to do it, and I'm in the more-the-merrier camp when it comes to children.

I do think the situation had to be difficult. I cannot imagine a positive, pleasant, situation in which a bio mom would choose to have her ex-husband's wife raise her child. I watched the family at the press conference, and my impression of Kyron's mother was that she was the most distressed person there and that she did not take comfort in SM's presence.

Whatever the reason, SM was stuck in the middle between the bio dad and the bio mom vis-a-vis raising the child. It must have been stressful at times, especially if either of the bio parents ever criticized her parenting of Kyron. She might have felt like a martyr, for all we know. Maybe she felt unappreciated.

It can be a difficult position to be in, having all (or most, or some) of the responsibility for parenting a child, but none of the rights associated with parenthood.

Maybe, if SM is the perp, she did it out of anger towards the bio parents, for revenge. Maybe she was angry with Kyron for taking her time and energy when she wanted to spend that elsewhere or on her own baby. Perhaps her idea of what having a child is like didn't mesh with reality, and she resented Kyron.

It doesn't matter if her anger was justified or aimed at the proper person; what matters is that it fueled the fire.

AGAIN, as soon as this went publicly to a criminal investigation, why oh why has no one been BEGGING for whoever has Kyron to drop him off at a church, firestation, busy mall ANYTHING?!
This picture -


Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. KH (IMO) is showing disgust/contempt and TH shows fear and "reflection".

This was at the second presser. IMO they are "tired of it all" and "just want everyone to go away".

I've seen another close-up of this pic showing just KH and TH - every time I see it - my skin crawls.

Thank you for posting this. I caught the "disgusted look" on KH too. I was trying to figure out what that was all about. Just glad to know I'm not the only one who saw that.
I have five children ranging in age from newly graduated down to kindergarten and I have NEVER had to fill out any sort of paperwork regarding a child's appointment -- and definitely not BEFORE the fact (a note to the teacher letting him/her know in advance, yes, but never something the teacher had to fill out). Doc/dentists these days now automatically print off a confirmation slip for Mom/Dad to give to the school on the day the child arrives back. Do the schools do things differently there in Oregon? This claim has me stumped.

ETA: I can think of one scenario in which this might happen: if Kyron had a psychological appointment of some sort -- then, perhaps, the teacher's observations and opinions would be requested prior to the initial appointment. That would add a new dynamic IF true (not to say Kyron had ANY psychological issues...but that SM could have been trying to go down 'that' road).
Paperwork...usually a type of rating scale, is routinely filled out by the teacher if the child has ADD/ADHD. This is done when newly diagnosed...or if they are changing meds, etc. The teacher fills one out, and the parent usually fills one out too. I am an elementary counselor and sometimes help my teachers with this process. This paperwork is handed to the teacher before the scheduled appointment. I always mail the ones my staff that way a parent could not change any answers the teachers marked. (Yes, I had a parent who really wanted their child diagnosed as being ADHD. In that case we felt he was wanting the drugs for his own use as the child showed no symptoms of the disorder and the parent had a drug history.)
Has anyone considered the possibility that Terri drove Kyron to Sauvie's Island, not to dump a body but to meet up with an unknown 'someone' to drop him off with?

That would be great if it meant that Kyron is alive and unharmed.

I think that scenario, if it occurred, would definitely fit into the truth is stranger than fiction category.
WOW the part I bolded just jumps out at me because when it comes to all of the family they certainly have been getting ALL the attention.

Does he think this person is angry because all the attention has been on the Harmons and other POIs or potential suspects haven't even been hinted at.

So many sociopaths love to be the center of attention and when they think they aren't getting it they become very frustrated and angry. Many of them will write LE telling them what buffoons they think they are or may even try to contact the victim's family.

They don't like being ignored.

So if this were so, say SM is being thrown under the bus to encourage this person to come out of hiding? That would mean that she is actually quite noble, and could explain the look on her husband's face. No man likes to see his wife be attacked, even if it is for a good reason, as it would be in this case. Just a thought. It would actually explain a lot.
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