Lee's Testimony at the 911 tapes hearing

LA and his girlfriend could have taken clothes to work to change into for court.
This is just another sign of disrespect shown to authority.

Remember GA testified once in shorts and flip-flops.

He said to his mother when she threatened to call the police, "We don't do that."
Even in a situation where a child has been missing for 31 days, Ica isn't giving any info and the car reeks?
He really thought calling the police was the wrong thing to do?

They really do make your head hurt don't they?
No logic at all.
Respectfully snipped.

I think they feel they are doing what is right. We all know they share a great burden of guilt, which really I hope they can overcome one day. We know they are a dysfunctional family (what family isn't really). But I truly think they believe this is what is the "right" thing to do.

Have to say, my family would never stand by me in this situation, or any situation that landed me in jail or shamed them in any way. I admire this one aspect of the Anthony family. (Not the lies, the unconditional love they are showing for KC.)

I see what you are saying, but I just believe there must be some limits to even otherwise unconditional love, or it renders love meaningless. For me, there are standards that mean more than blood bonds. (ETA: Killing your offspring seems to be a reasonable limit there, to me, and not too strict an expectation, IMO.)

However, this is a totally subjective and idiosyncratic thing, so I know we all have different answers to this - just saying, I am baffled by that element of this case.

Thanks for replying.
I wrote before that I would reserve judgement on LA until we actually saw him emerge from behind the scenes again-Here's my latest deal with him:

The "I love you"-This is LA romanticizing. He has stayed away from the hearings probably in part because it is not an easy thing to watch. He must have anticipated yesterday with mixed/high emotions and he had an over the top moment when he did the I love you thing....must have bounced right out of his mind that KC said he molested her, not just in letters, but to other people going back a few years now. He cannot for one moment think that KC doesn't belong in some sort of trouble, but maybe he disagrees with the death penalty being used on his sister, dunno. Maybe he thinks she has a mental illness (he would know better than we) and he finds the whole thing cruel.
One thing is for sure, he did not give me enough to love him or hate him yesterday (I already knew he was going to be Giggles McGee)-But he might at trial time when LDB or better, JA, get a little more fiesty and pointed....and he certainly will feel the love in the civil case. JM will remember that LA said he was trying to get the truth out of KC, and clearly ZFG was not the truth. That might be when it all comes out, what exactly is on LA's mind about this whole thing. It might be less controversial than we think, or he might be as diluded as his mother.
It is easy for the A's to get on the stand and reveal nothing, I am finding out....if they are just asked about their part, the truth is that they had no part in the actual death-Easy answers....At trial, if JA can get into some of the finer points that we have gone through here, may be when the A's gets squirmy. But LDB did not get to any of that yesterday. For instance, LA was not yet asked about his cooperation with LE, his converstion with TL, or what he may have had to do with DC going to Suburban. Thinking more like a juror than a Websleuther, LA could actually walk away without having told us anything significant at all.
LA and his girlfriend could have taken clothes to work to change into for court.
This is just another sign of disrespect shown to authority.

Remember GA testified once in shorts and flip-flops.

He said to his mother when she threatened to call the police, "We don't do that."
Even in a situation where a child has been missing for 31 days, Ica isn't giving any info and the car reeks?
He really thought calling the police was the wrong thing to do?

They really do make your head hurt don't they?
No logic at all.

I chuckled when he said that- he must have forgotten about all the other previous 911 calls made to Police from their house...
You'd think a man like CM would be able to afford top quality hearing aids, but apparently not. The noise was hearing aid interference.

As for your second bold. she did cry, but it only lasted less than a minute. I guess that's how long she's able to have emotion or something. I almost felt for her, and then it just stopped like she turned the faucet off.

I'd bet money that CM knows exactly how those hearing aids effect the microphones and audio equipment. I'd bet he also only wears those particular ones to court. Remember who/what you are dealing with with this man. Just sayin'.
I was fascinated by many aspects of yesterday's hearing- and even though I'm on the West Coast, I'm certain some of my fellow sleuther's across the nation heard me scream out in frustration when CNN cut out, just as Judge Perry left to make his decision.

What I found most fascinating though, was Jose Baez' reaction to Lee Anthony on the witness stand.

Immediately after Lee mouthed the words "I love you", and Casey burst out in tears, Baez was glaring at Lee- I mean truly staring daggers into him.

Was this simply because Lee caused Casey to lose her composure in court?

Was it mad jealousy over Lee on Jose's part?
(It seriously almost looked like it, lol).

Maybe Baez was looking at Lee with such hatred because Baez was worried Casey might now change her mind about using Lee as a scapegoat at trial?
I wrote before that I would reserve judgement on LA until we actually saw him emerge from behind the scenes again-Here's my latest deal with him:

The "I love you"-This is LA romanticizing. He has stayed away from the hearings probably in part because it is not an easy thing to watch. He must have anticipated yesterday with mixed/high emotions and he had an over the top moment when he did the I love you thing....must have bounced right out of his mind that KC said he molested her, not just in letters, but to other people going back a few years now. He cannot for one moment think that KC doesn't belong in some sort of trouble, but maybe he disagrees with the death penalty being used on his sister, dunno. Maybe he thinks she has a mental illness (he would know better than we) and he finds the whole thing cruel.
One thing is for sure, he did not give me enough to love him or hate him yesterday (I already knew he was going to be Giggles McGee)-But he might at trial time when LDB or better, JA, get a little more fiesty and pointed....and he certainly will feel the love in the civil case. JM will remember that LA said he was trying to get the truth out of KC, and clearly ZFG was not the truth. That might be when it all comes out, what exactly is on LA's mind about this whole thing. It might be less controversial than we think, or he might be as diluded as his mother.
It is easy for the A's to get on the stand and reveal nothing, I am finding out....if they are just asked about their part, the truth is that they had no part in the actual death-Easy answers....At trial, if JA can get into some of the finer points that we have gone through here, may be when the A's gets squirmy. But LDB did not get to any of that yesterday. For instance, LA was not yet asked about his cooperation with LE, his converstion with TL, or what he may have had to do with DC going to Suburban. Thinking more like a juror than a Websleuther, LA could actually walk away without having told us anything significant at all.

I truly think come trial LDB will go in for the kill on his testimony---this wasn't as big of a deal breaker as some of the other things he may know....It did seem like she wasn't going to call him to the stand at first but then gave it a run thru--they know where he is and how he will testify a little bit more---they can gage their arguments better now....

I was thinking CA was going to get away with that poor I don't remember mode--but LDB had her figured out and knew what to say and how to present it....she did good!~~
CM's hearing aids. I have known several people that use them. No matter what kind all create issues, and yes, the even had the very top brands.

Baez glaring. I don't know, but I did see some flirting in the first 10 minute break then he had to turn away from her and talk to the guy behind him. Nothing wrong with KC crying, just why over Lee and not over CAYLEE! Good grief, they mentioned death smell, getting Caylee's things out of the car, lots of stuff, and no tears then. Just an observation.
I chuckled when he said that- he must have forgotten about all the other previous 911 calls made to Police from their house...

I'm not on here as often as many of you so I didn't know there WERE other calls?!

Adding to my post about calling the police-
Did this family think they were a kingdom unto themselves and that they and only they would handle things "in house?"

CA only called the police as a power play move to get Ica to give her what she wanted: Caylee.
When the police didn't give her Caylee but instead went after Ica accusing her of murder, CA went back to don't trust the cops, don't tell them anything mode.

When LA said at the memorial, "This family is united."
I have to ask, What keeps them united?!

I have seen better families than this implode during a crisis situation not as serious as this one, and fall into pieces, NEVER to be made whole again.

So what makes this family so different that they remain "united" through all of this?!
How can that be?
If someone has an answer I would love to hear it and learn.
One word to describe Lee yesterday, inappropriate.

Inappropriate face time mouthing; "I love you" to Casey especially when he did not publicly show that same devotion to his slain niece, inappropriate in the way he threw his mother under the bus without elaborating; "we were all upset, Casey could not produce Caylee, we were frantic." instead, he made Cindy out to be the running joke between the siblings the night she called 911, inappropriate in the way he referred to Casey as; "my sister" again and again but didn't refer to Caylee as his niece, inappropriate laughter, inappropriate attire, inappropriate to constantly look up and pause before answering most questions.

I guess we have to accept at some point which CMA he will be keeping that promise to :furious:

I also think the tears were phony, again.
If (big fat if) they were real, they are for herself. She probably recognizes how difficult it would be to unconditionally love someone who is capable of hurting the people who love her most the way she has done over and over. She sure dried those eyes quick :waitasec:

I'm not on here as often as many of you so I didn't know there WERE other calls?!

Adding to my post about calling the police-
Did this family think they were a kingdom unto themselves and that they and only they would handle things "in house?"

CA only called the police as a power play move to get Ica to give her what she wanted: Caylee.
When the police didn't give her Caylee but instead went after Ica accusing her of murder, CA went back to don't trust the cops, don't tell them anything mode.

When LA said at the memorial, "This family is united."
I have to ask, What keeps them united?!

I have seen better families than this implode during a crisis situation not as serious as this one, and fall into pieces, NEVER to be made whole again.

So what makes this family so different that they remain "united" through all of this?!
How can that be?
If someone has an answer I would love to hear it and learn.

That baffles me too. Okay, so you don't call the police on Casey, and Caylee remains missing. Did he think no one would notice Caylee missing? Did he think no one would get suspicious and then call the police? Did he really think no one was going to question them about her whereabouts? I just don't understand his anger. Casey was going to to get into trouble regardless of if Cindy called the police or not. This wasn't something that could be swept away under the rug for the rest of their lives. LE would be seriously incompetent if they just said, "okay, she's missing, whatever, we'll let the family handle it". And yet he's angry that LE didn't do just that, that his sister got into trouble for a "family matter" in the first place.

However, he knows how LE works! This isn't ignorance of LE procedure! He said in court that he told Casey the police would make her take them to Caylee. So he does have an understanding that police are not like the family, that they are going to demand evidence of Caylee and where she is and what happened to her. But he's mad that they got involved and dare to get his sister in so much trouble that she's now facing death? I just don't get it.

And he seemed totally okay with throwing his mother under the bus for how she acted that night. The only thing that makes a minutia of sense to me is that he knows what it was like to grow up with Cindy as a mother. Maybe he thinks Cindy should be blamed for what happened to Caylee and not Casey. Maybe he thinks it's unfair how much his sister is suffering when in his mind, she wouldn't be where she is without their mother in the first place. Maybe he wishes LE and SA would make his mother suffer for this and not Casey.

I do think that he thinks Casey has mental problems, and he probably thinks that because he probably has mental problems of his own from being brought up by Cindy. I see it as more a sibling solidarity sort of thing, an "I know what what it was like, and no one else can understand Casey the way I do because no one else had to deal with a mother like Cindy like Casey and I did."

It still doesn't explain how Caylee gets lost in all of this like she never mattered to Lee. That I really don't understand at all. Like someone else said, trying to figure out this family really makes my head hurt.
Yes, he did. It didn't sit well with me either. But LDB's response was priceless...I want to get the exact quote and maybe put it in my siggy...:angel:

Hi Mamabear,

I did not see the beginning - can you tell me what LDB's response was to his mouthing I love you to Casey. Thanks much.
Does anyone have a link to Lee's testimony and CA co-worker? I can't seem to find it on WFTV

Thanks ever so much:)
Thanks, but I meant a video link of yesterday's hearing...I've seen Cindy's.

I can't find it either. The one station has CA as part 3 and part 4...this is so unorganized and frushtrating ugh.
He is one strange man, Lee. I cannot fathom not being enraged if my sibling accused me of molesting them. Whether true or not! Can you imagine what people will think of him for the rest of his life? I mean, it's common knowledge now that she said that!

The entire family looks haggard. No matter what kind of parents or sibling Lee, George and Cindy were/are they certainly did not deserve any of this. How can Casey sit there mostly stone faced knowing she has destroyed the four people that loved her the most? Her mom, her dad, her brother and of course, her innocent daughter. Two year old children love their parents unconditionally.

I feel sorry for all of them but her. I feel total disgust for her. I hope the rest of her life is as miserable and terrifying as Caylee's last moments were. I can't even imagine what that child went through and how confused and frightened she must have been.

Hell is too good for Casey.
How in the heck do mouth "I Love You" to someone who killed your OWN niece and accused you of molesting them???????

I would have given her two fingers!

This whole family is twisted.
Hi Mamabear,

I did not see the beginning - can you tell me what LDB's response was to his mouthing I love you to Casey. Thanks much.

LDB says "I'm assuming you were'nt speaking to me just now."

Lee replies "absolutely not."

LDB "I didn't think so."

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