Jim Lichtenstein - Movie Deal?

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Jan 29, 2009
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Decided to start a thread on the "mysterious" Jim Lichtenstein. We have all seen him accompany Cindy Anthony to all hearings in the case and some have speculated about whether he is engaged in some type of media deal with the Anthonys.

Why is he finding it necessary to travel from Chicago to Orlando to attend every hearing (including status hearings) IN PERSON?

Why is he always seated directly next to Cindy? Is it in order to hear all her mutterings and comments?

Why does it appear he takes absolutely NO notes?

And why does it appear through his twitter that he has a close working relationship with Martha S?

Does he have a working relationship with Marinade Dave as well?

He has stated he is the producer for their Today Show appearances, but there have only been a handful of those, so why all the expense and effort to attend every single hearing, especially since he could easily watch these hearings live via internet for the cost of a cup of coffee. I imagine his expense report is quite lengthy with all the hotel and airfare accommodations from Chicago to Orlando.

And then a very smart friend who is very internet savy discovered this link and it certainly opened up speculation in my eyes...

So to begin...


But a more recent idea, this time coming from Chicago producer Jim Lichtenstein, has captivated the high-profile attorney's attention.

Zellner is on board with plans for actress Jessica Biel to portray her in "Privileged Information," the title for a film Biel is making with Lichtenstein and other co-producers. The lawyer said she has signed a contract with the producers, selling her movie rights to the story of a case that she has long identified as the one that transformed her career.

The concept for a feature-length film that would focus more on the psychological dynamic between client and lawyer -- and the issue of the privileged information she was holding on to -- rather than on gory details of horrific murders is what sold Zellner. "It seemed like something good could come out of the movie," she said. "One is to shed some light on the pressure and dilemma for an attorney of having privileged information, and also to shed light on, really, the psychological profile of a serial killer."

The producers' focus, however, helped her make up her mind to forge ahead. "the focus of the story is, I think, something very interesting about revealing the situations that attorneys are put in, and their ethical obligations," Zellner said. "The producers decided to take that angle on it -- not to make a slasher movie. I think that's a good thing."

Lichtenstein, who had worked for many years at WLS-Channel 7 as an assignment manager, remembers covering the Eyler case. When he came to learn about another twist to the story, that it was rumored that the Eyler accomplice had sent an escaped inmate to kill Zellner, the producer said he knew he had the makings for a movie -- with little need to "pump up" the facts for the big screen. "ere are so many great details just with this one story," Lichtenstein said. "The story is so strong on its own that it'll carry most of the day." The movie project is in the development stage.

Lichtenstein said his team of producers is searching for the right writer to pen a script they could take to the studios. " a perfect world, if things move along swiftly, it's possible we could be shooting a year from now," he said. Lichtenstein, who said he hopes the filming of the movie would take place in Chicago, said production could take about 18 months. The movie, he said, could reach cinemas by 2011

So now I am wondering if Cindy Anthony's "story" could be only a small part of this speculated deal....could Jose be involved as well? What about others who seem to be instigating themselves into this case (to some of our opinions)?

Worth speculating on but will do that in separate posts so this doesn't get too lengthy...

Thoughts? :waitasec:
Decided to start a thread on the "mysterious" Jim Lichtenstein. We have all seen him accompany Cindy Anthony to all hearings in the case and some have speculated about whether he is engaged in some type of media deal with the Anthonys.

Why is he finding it necessary to travel from Chicago to Orlando to attend every hearing (including status hearings) IN PERSON?

Why is he always seated directly next to Cindy? Is it in order to hear all her mutterings and comments?

Why does it appear he takes absolutely NO notes?

And why does it appear through his twitter that he has a close working relationship with Martha S?

Does he have a working relationship with Marinade Dave as well?

He has stated he is the producer for their Today Show appearances, but there have only been a handful of those, so why all the expense and effort to attend every single hearing, especially since he could easily watch these hearings live via internet for the cost of a cup of coffee. I imagine his expense report is quite lengthy with all the hotel and airfare accommodations from Chicago to Orlando.

And then a very smart friend who is very internet savy discovered this link and it certainly opened up speculation in my eyes...

So to begin...


But a more recent idea, this time coming from Chicago producer Jim Lichtenstein, has captivated the high-profile attorney's attention.

Zellner is on board with plans for actress Jessica Biel to portray her in "Privileged Information," the title for a film Biel is making with Lichtenstein and other co-producers. The lawyer said she has signed a contract with the producers, selling her movie rights to the story of a case that she has long identified as the one that transformed her career.

The concept for a feature-length film that would focus more on the psychological dynamic between client and lawyer -- and the issue of the privileged information she was holding on to -- rather than on gory details of horrific murders is what sold Zellner. "It seemed like something good could come out of the movie," she said. "One is to shed some light on the pressure and dilemma for an attorney of having privileged information, and also to shed light on, really, the psychological profile of a serial killer."

The producers' focus, however, helped her make up her mind to forge ahead. "the focus of the story is, I think, something very interesting about revealing the situations that attorneys are put in, and their ethical obligations," Zellner said. "The producers decided to take that angle on it -- not to make a slasher movie. I think that's a good thing."

Lichtenstein, who had worked for many years at WLS-Channel 7 as an assignment manager, remembers covering the Eyler case. When he came to learn about another twist to the story, that it was rumored that the Eyler accomplice had sent an escaped inmate to kill Zellner, the producer said he knew he had the makings for a movie -- with little need to "pump up" the facts for the big screen. "ere are so many great details just with this one story," Lichtenstein said. "The story is so strong on its own that it'll carry most of the day." The movie project is in the development stage.

Lichtenstein said his team of producers is searching for the right writer to pen a script they could take to the studios. " a perfect world, if things move along swiftly, it's possible we could be shooting a year from now," he said. Lichtenstein, who said he hopes the filming of the movie would take place in Chicago, said production could take about 18 months. The movie, he said, could reach cinemas by 2011

So now I am wondering if Cindy Anthony's "story" could be only a small part of this speculated deal....could Jose be involved as well? What about others who seem to be instigating themselves into this case (to some of our opinions)?

Worth speculating on but will do that in separate posts so this doesn't get too lengthy...

Thoughts? :waitasec:

Wow! :bow: Do we have an icon for a bomb exploding????:fuse:

Does Cindy suspect she is being used as a kind of a guinea pig, I wonder?:waitasec: because there will be a lot of :argue: from her when she finds out it really isn't all about her!
Thank You Kentjbkent ~ Very interesting, isn't it.

The article you linked was wrote in Oct of 09 ~ So, this movie will soon be wrapping up if it went ahead.
We should start seeing "trailers" for it soon, I would assume.

So, Jim has taken a differant look from an angle that no one else has attempted to do.

What I found strikng was the fact that this woman attorney, also kept "secret", facts that would have made a differance to a case, much like Andrea Lyon did years before her. I understand and appreciate the client/attorney privledge, the need for it, etc, but, in circumstances such as what this woman was faced with, and, Andrea Lyon; it's wrong, IMO.

At any rate, here we have seen Jim L, as you point out, at every hearing.
Taking it all in without benefit of notes, etc. {though it is easy enough to get your cliff notes afterwards by watching the videos afterwards}
Keeps his mind open, and his emotions in check so to speak?

So, is this "story" going to be written from Cindy Anthony's point of view, feelings, trauma, lies, on and on?
It would appear so, IMO.
And, no one can deny that she is one charactor that someone could really get their teeth into, I might add.

He is side by side with Cindy at these hearings, or very close by, observing her and her reactions. {his job is to figure out her emotions as being crediable and true}
To take that step over the line to get inside her head {Good Lord}, and try to figure this woman out.

There will be many stories about Casey ~ We have speculated in that arena, of course the entire Anthony Family would have "bit parts".
But, realisitcally, who has really had the most media attention, even more than her accused daughter?

I wonder who Cindy wants in her part.........Wow.....you could have opened their little secret, or, a major part of it.
Thanks Again.
Localgirl ~
Maybe I completely read kent's article completely wrong {wouldn't be the first time}.

I assumed that it would be from Cindy's point of view.

Baez, and everyone else involved in this have had their "papers signed and sealed" a long time ago, IMO.
Everyone would expect and assume that their movie deals and books were long ago taken care of.

But taking it from the angle of the accused mother's, mother, and just what an "out there" personality she is.....I think this may be where Jim L is going to go with whatever he has been doing all this time.

Course, I may be wrong?
Another piece of the puzzle??????

Remember when Marti Mackenzie resigned as spokesperson for Baez Law Firm and it was announced that LIZ BROWN of the Depaul University College of Law Legal Clinic would take over as spokesperson? Depaul is also the university where Casey Anthony's death penalty qualified attorney, Andrea Lyon, teaches as a professor


All efforts to find any references to this person were stonewalled?

Wonder if THIS is Liz Brown who became "of the Depaul University College of Law Legal Clinic" when she took on the role of spokesperson for the defense?

Where is she anyway?

HMMMM...... Jim Lichtenstein = Liz Brown = Andrea Lyon = Jose Baez ??

Dateline NBC: When Caylee Vanished

Episode 2 | Season 18 2008 - 2009 | First Aired: 12/12/2008
Caylee Marie Anthony, the missing two-year-old girl, and her 22-year-old mother Casey have been the subjects of a many conversations. Tonight, the grandmother of missing toddler Caylee Anthony discusses why she decided to call police and report suspicious circumstances surrounding her daughter and granddaughter. Next, Ron Stucker, Chief of the Criminal Investigative Division at the Orange County Sheriff's Office, discusses the holes in Casey Anthony's story.
cast + crew

Dennis Murphy

Ann Curry

Sylvaine Rameckers
Associate Producer

Liz Brown

Leonor Ayala
Associate Producer

Katherine Chan

Esther Zucker

Fred Rothenberg

Jim Lichtenstein
Booking Producer

Yep...let's remember that Jim L. lives in Chicago. SO.......to have a call made to and left for Liz at the Depaul Law Clinic, could easily be returned for public comment (PR) by a Liz Brown associated with NBC. If they became a spokesperson for a while.

..and there we have it folks. Money coming down the pipeline for everyone closely connected to the defense of Casey Marie Anthony. Specifically Cindy and George (selling of naming rights to make the movie), and Jose Baez. Not unexpected but sickening none the less.

A movie of pure fiction, but no doubt full of hints, rumours and unfounded allegations which will keep conspiracy nuts active for years.
..and there we have it folks. Money coming down the pipeline for everyone closely connected to the defense of Casey Marie Anthony. Specifically Cindy and George (selling of naming rights to make the movie), and Jose Baez. Not unexpected but sickening none the less.

A movie of pure fiction, but no doubt full of hints, rumours and unfounded allegations which will keep conspiracy nuts active for years.

Oh, I don't think it is going to end there....I think it is very possible that "others" are going to be compensated for contributing their expert opinions of various aspects of this case....
Localgirl ~
Maybe I completely read kent's article completely wrong {wouldn't be the first time}.

I assumed that it would be from Cindy's point of view.

Baez, and everyone else involved in this have had their "papers signed and sealed" a long time ago, IMO.
Everyone would expect and assume that their movie deals and books were long ago taken care of.

But taking it from the angle of the accused mother's, mother, and just what an "out there" personality she is.....I think this may be where Jim L is going to go with whatever he has been doing all this time.

Course, I may be wrong?

I read it the same way, but jumped to the conclusion that if it was from the angle of the accused mother - and using Cindy as a role model, there is no way it would be flattering - I mean - :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:get real!

So, I was suggesting he hasn't told her :croc: or when she actually watches herself portrayed :waitasec::crazy: he'd better :yow::Bicicleta: out of town or :beamup: before she catches up with him and :furious::argue::rage::hopping_mad: :slap: lets him see just what kind of a temper she does have.

Of course I willing to be wrong, maybe he's portray her as completely sensible.:innocent:
Localgirl ~
Maybe I completely read kent's article completely wrong {wouldn't be the first time}.

I assumed that it would be from Cindy's point of view.

Baez, and everyone else involved in this have had their "papers signed and sealed" a long time ago, IMO.
Everyone would expect and assume that their movie deals and books were long ago taken care of.

But taking it from the angle of the accused mother's, mother, and just what an "out there" personality she is.....I think this may be where Jim L is going to go with whatever he has been doing all this time.

Course, I may be wrong?

In the beginning, this is what I assumed as well.....that Jim L had a deal with Cindy to write a book (or produce a program) from their standpoint of the road to this trial, but as time went on, this was no longer making sense to me. Jim L certainly seems to be well experienced in this area and surely he has a good grasp of the reaction of the public every time the Anthony's appear before the public, surely he can't be disillusioned enough to believe that a project speaking on their behalf would be profitable? Just can't buy that...so decided to dig deeper....then deeper...

If this project is in the works, I do think that Cindy's perspective will be included, but I think this may be more of a collaborative effort on various aspects of the case, with commentary and opinions from various people...not just a retelling of the story and case.

I recently revisited all the books written after the OJ trial to determine which were deemed "successful" in rankings and sales, and of those that were in the top 3, what angle the writer approached. Vincent Bugliosi had one of the most popular books and his was from the stance of a defense attorney commenting on what he perceived the mistakes of the defense, and most especially, the prosecution were that prevented a conviction.

But a book that includes first time commentary and opinion from Cindy Anthony, Jose Baez, Cheney Mason, the media (Martha S/WESH), bloggers (MD), Andrea Lyon, and a defense attorney who feels he could have gotten Casey Anthony off (to name a few)......that book would sell!
Think about this...

Some are speculating as to why Dorothy Sims would agree to join the defense team under very limited conditions on a pro bono basis. She is apparently an "expert" at cross examining medical doctors in regards to mental health issues (although I have yet to find any credentials apart from a "yahoo" from R Hornsby)...

But would it make sense to agree to this minimal participation (without compensation) if part of the deal was later compensation for contributing to a book deal where you discuss your opinion on how and why the State was wrong? How much would that be worth?
Think about this...

Some are speculating as to why Dorothy Sims would agree to join the defense team under very limited conditions on a pro bono basis. She is apparently an "expert" at cross examining medical doctors in regards to mental health issues (although I have yet to find any credentials apart from a "yahoo" from R Hornsby)...

But would it make sense to agree to this minimal participation (without compensation) if part of the deal was later compensation for contributing to a book deal where you discuss your opinion on how and why the State was wrong? How much would that be worth?

I'd be more interested in a comment from Dorothy Sims on what mistakes the defense made - only because I think Baez will really narrow her area of focus and not give her much room to make suggestions or have any definitive input.

Are you suggesting that there is anyone of this team of mixed professionals who actually thinks there will be a not guilty verdict?
.....so even though he has the co-operation of Cindy, George, Baez, anyone else who has signed on the dotted line, he retains full editorial rights to write from whatever angle he chooses. I likey, I must admit, I would be interested to see behind the curtain. I am not exactly happy about extra monies going to some participants, but would be interested in seeing what went on behind the scenes. And would be interested in some commentary about how the media influences a high profile case, and how that spotlight effects the players involved.

Would be even more interested if he starts shooting before the trial to be honest. Am thinking of The Staircase http://www.peterson-staircase.com/, or Paradise Lost http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117293/.

Access to Casey herself during the trial.....GOLDMINE.
I'd be more interested in a comment from Dorothy Sims on what mistakes the defense made - only because I think Baez will really narrow her area of focus and not give her much room to make suggestions or have any definitive input.

Are you suggesting that there is anyone of this team of mixed professionals who actually thinks there will be a not guilty verdict?[/QUOTE]

Oh absolutely not! I think the only thing they are seeing is $$$$$$$$$$, especially since KC has given them absolutely nothing to work with sticking to her BS stories...
.....so even though he has the co-operation of Cindy, George, Baez, anyone else who has signed on the dotted line, he retains full editorial rights to write from whatever angle he chooses. I likey, I must admit, I would be interested to see behind the curtain. I am not exactly happy about extra monies going to some participants, but would be interested in seeing what went on behind the scenes. And would be interested in some commentary about how the media influences a high profile case, and how that spotlight effects the players involved.

Would be even more interested if he starts shooting before the trial to be honest. Am thinking of The Staircase http://www.peterson-staircase.com/, or Paradise Lost http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117293/.

Access to Casey herself during the trial.....GOLDMINE.

Maybe he's preparing to do an exposé of the Anthony's lies, obstructions, evidence destructions, and other bizarre antics. Now that would be sure to bring in the ratings! Wouldn't that be a hoot? And I wouldn't miss that for the world!
Decided to start a thread on the "mysterious" Jim Lichtenstein. We have all seen him accompany Cindy Anthony to all hearings in the case and some have speculated about whether he is engaged in some type of media deal with the Anthonys.

Why is he finding it necessary to travel from Chicago to Orlando to attend every hearing (including status hearings) IN PERSON?

Why is he always seated directly next to Cindy? Is it in order to hear all her mutterings and comments?

Why does it appear he takes absolutely NO notes?

And why does it appear through his twitter that he has a close working relationship with Martha S?

Does he have a working relationship with Marinade Dave as well?

He has stated he is the producer for their Today Show appearances, but there have only been a handful of those, so why all the expense and effort to attend every single hearing, especially since he could easily watch these hearings live via internet for the cost of a cup of coffee. I imagine his expense report is quite lengthy with all the hotel and airfare accommodations from Chicago to Orlando.

And then a very smart friend who is very internet savy discovered this link and it certainly opened up speculation in my eyes...

So to begin...


But a more recent idea, this time coming from Chicago producer Jim Lichtenstein, has captivated the high-profile attorney's attention.

Zellner is on board with plans for actress Jessica Biel to portray her in "Privileged Information," the title for a film Biel is making with Lichtenstein and other co-producers. The lawyer said she has signed a contract with the producers, selling her movie rights to the story of a case that she has long identified as the one that transformed her career.

The concept for a feature-length film that would focus more on the psychological dynamic between client and lawyer -- and the issue of the privileged information she was holding on to -- rather than on gory details of horrific murders is what sold Zellner. "It seemed like something good could come out of the movie," she said. "One is to shed some light on the pressure and dilemma for an attorney of having privileged information, and also to shed light on, really, the psychological profile of a serial killer."

The producers' focus, however, helped her make up her mind to forge ahead. "the focus of the story is, I think, something very interesting about revealing the situations that attorneys are put in, and their ethical obligations," Zellner said. "The producers decided to take that angle on it -- not to make a slasher movie. I think that's a good thing."

Lichtenstein, who had worked for many years at WLS-Channel 7 as an assignment manager, remembers covering the Eyler case. When he came to learn about another twist to the story, that it was rumored that the Eyler accomplice had sent an escaped inmate to kill Zellner, the producer said he knew he had the makings for a movie -- with little need to "pump up" the facts for the big screen. "ere are so many great details just with this one story," Lichtenstein said. "The story is so strong on its own that it'll carry most of the day." The movie project is in the development stage.

Lichtenstein said his team of producers is searching for the right writer to pen a script they could take to the studios. " a perfect world, if things move along swiftly, it's possible we could be shooting a year from now," he said. Lichtenstein, who said he hopes the filming of the movie would take place in Chicago, said production could take about 18 months. The movie, he said, could reach cinemas by 2011

So now I am wondering if Cindy Anthony's "story" could be only a small part of this speculated deal....could Jose be involved as well? What about others who seem to be instigating themselves into this case (to some of our opinions)?

Worth speculating on but will do that in separate posts so this doesn't get too lengthy...

Thoughts? :waitasec:

First off, thanks for all your research! Very interesting.

BBM-Anyone know if he is legally allowed to record the antics going on in the spectator area?

I'm guessing if this movie deal is in the works, they need to get it done before ICA is convicted of Caylee's murder....for the Son of Sam law will kick in...It doesn't reach out to CA or GA...but it would include the defense team, IIRC...JMHO


The "Son of Sam" Law in Florida is codified at F.S. 944.512.

In Rolling v. State ex rel. Butterworth, 741 So. 2d 627 (1999, FL 1st DCA), Appellee State, pursuant to Fla. Stat. ch. 944.512, sought imposition of a lien against property in an action against appellant, convicted criminal, especially seeking proceeds from sale of a book containing accounts of the crimes for which appellant was convicted. Appellants argued that Fla. Stat. ch. 960.291(7) violated U.S. Const. amend. I and was, therefore, unconstitutional both on its face and as applied to each of them. Under the plain language of the statute the lien encompassed appellant's art, autographs, and proceeds from them, as well as proceeds from his book. Appellant publisher was receiving benefits on appellant offender's behalf and thus the lien attached to the proceeds she garnered from sale of property. Appellant offender could not transfer his property to appellant publisher to avoid the lien.

The Order was affirmed; imposition of the lien upheld under the statute because upon petition, the court could enter a civil restitution lien against the real or personal property of a convicted offender, and appellant's art, book and proceeds were encompassed by the lien.

Note, the depiction must be of the crime for which defendant was convicted. See Shaw v. State, 616 So. 2nd 1094 (1993, FL 4th DCA).

To determine the value of the lien, see, generally, F.S. 960 et seq. Also, see F.S. 960.291 et seq.


Florida Statute 944.512
944.512 State lien on proceeds from literary or other type of account of crime for which convicted.--

(1) A lien prior in dignity to all others shall exist in favor of the state upon royalties, commissions, proceeds of sale, or any other thing of value payable to or accruing to a convicted felon or a person on her or his behalf, including any person to whom the proceeds may be transferred or assigned by gift or otherwise, from any literary, cinematic, or other account of the crime for which she or he was convicted. A conviction shall be defined as a guilty verdict by a jury or judge, or a guilty or nolo contendere plea by the defendant, regardless of adjudication of guilt. The lien shall attach at the time of the conviction in county or circuit court. In the event of an appeal, the funds will be held in the Revolving Escrow Trust Fund of the Department of Legal Affairs until the appeal is resolved.

(2) The proceeds of such account shall be distributed in the following order:

(a) Twenty-five percent to the dependents of the convicted felon. If there are no dependents, this portion shall be distributed to the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund to be distributed as awards for crime victims.

(b) Twenty-five percent to the victim or victims of the crime or to their dependents, to the extent of their damages as determined by the court in the lien enforcement proceedings. If there are no victims or dependents, or if their damages are less than 25 percent of the proceeds, this portion, or its remainder, shall be distributed to the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund to be distributed as awards to crime victims.

(c) After payments have been made pursuant to paragraph (a) or paragraph (b), an amount equal to pay all court costs in the prosecution of the convicted felon, which shall include, but not be limited to, jury fees and expenses, court reporter fees, and reasonable per diem for the prosecuting attorneys for the state, shall go to the General Revenue Fund. Additional costs shall be assessed for the computed per capita cost of imprisonment or supervision by the state or county correctional system. Such costs shall be determined and certified by the prosecuting attorney and the imprisoning entity and subject to review by the Auditor General.

(d) The rest, residue, and remainder to the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund to be distributed as awards to crime victims.

(3) A judge may place a lien prior in dignity to all others in favor of the state or county upon any financial settlement payable to or accruing to a convicted offender or person on her or his behalf, as a result of injury incurred during or at the time of a violation of the state law, or as a result of an attempt to flee apprehension for the offense for which the offender was convicted. A conviction is defined as in subsection (1). The lien shall be attached by order of the judge at the time of the conviction in county or circuit court. In the event of an appeal, the funds shall be held in the Revolving Escrow Trust Fund of the Department of Legal Affairs until the appeal is resolved.

(4) The proceeds of such account shall be distributed in the following order:

(a) Payment of all medical care, treatment, hospitalization, and transportation resulting from said injury.

(b) Payment to the victim or victims of the crime or to their dependents, to the extent of their damages as determined by the court in the lien enforcement proceeding.

(c) Payment of all court costs in the prosecution of the convicted felon, which shall include, but not be limited to, jury fees and expense, court reporter fees, and reasonable per diem for the prosecuting attorneys and public defenders.

(d) Payment of cost of incarceration in state or county facilities.

(e) The rest, residue, remainder to the injured party.

(5) The department is hereby authorized and directed to report to the Department of Legal Affairs the existence or reasonably expected existence of circumstances which would be covered by this section. Upon such notification, the Department of Legal Affairs is authorized and directed to take such legal action as is necessary to perfect and enforce the lien created by this section.
History.--ss. 1, 2, 3, ch. 77-45; s. 73, ch. 79-3; s. 302, ch. 79-400; s. 8, ch. 88-96; s. 18, ch. 90-211; s. 1653, ch. 97-102; s. 130, ch. 2001-266.
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