What's in this cellar room photo?

I believe the pink item is a small blanket. Still think there is way too much fabric there to be a nightgown. Also, the gown could have been there and not shown up in this photo.

That is what I am wondering too...it could be under the white blanket..maybe. Maybe there was no Barbie nightgown at all, maybe that is just what they THOUGHT it was...and this is why John said...when told about the nightgown...."that's not supposed to be there". Maybe because he didn't put a nightgown with JB's body. Almost like he is saying..."Huh...how the heck did THAT get there?")
I guess not. Where are we on the pink blanket versus a pink barbie nightgown, since there has been no mention ever of a pink blanket anywhere?

I reckon we have a slightly altered scenario now, The addition of a doll(s) suggests that either we have a doll staged to mirror JonBenet's post-mortem posture or she was playing with a doll prior to her death, since there is no need to bring a doll down the the wine-cellar?

If that is the pink barbie nightgown then it looks more bloodstained than I first thought it might be. This suggests to me JonBenet was wearing it originally, then she was cleaned up and redressed in the white gap top. It also dispels the notion that the barbie nightgown arrived in the wine-cellar by accident, clinging to the white blanket. Since how come the white blanket appears blood free e.g. no citation of a blood sample being removed for dna testing, whilst there was for the barbie nightgown?



Everyone sees blood on that pink "article" but me. I can't see any blood...where is it??
I recall Patsy claimed she tore a few because she couldn't remember what was in them.

She tore a few looking for those wrapped size 12 Bloomies...to put on JB, after her death. IMO
I see what could be blood stains on the pink item.But it would be too much than what they claimed they have in evidence.I also think the pink item is too much fabric to be the gown or the pajama bottoms.
Everyone sees blood on that pink "article" but me. I can't see any blood...where is it??

Ok so it's not just me that's blind LOL. Can someone please point out the bloodstains and also exactly where the 'doll' is they can see?
Ok so it's not just me that's blind LOL. Can someone please point out the bloodstains and also exactly where the 'doll' is they can see?

No...LOL...I have been looking and looking, and squinting and turning my head sideways, etc. But, I just do not see any blood stains. I do see what looks like a doll, but...no bloodstains.
This is the doll that I posted a picture of a few posts back. ITA with you!! I can even see the gold from the doll's dress in the photo.
OK,sorry.I didn't read thru the whole thread.yes,the colors and outline sure do appear to be the same.
Guys,what do you think about this piece of conversation?.....IMO it's obvious from it that there was blood on that pillow(why else would he ask about the bleeding).Whenever there's a subject that they remember "nothing" about ....

TOM HANEY: That I couldn't tell you right at

19 this moment. Do you remember any staining on that

20 pillow the night you put her to bed?

21 PATSY RAMSEY: No. It was dark in there, you

22 know.

23 TOM HANEY: When you put her to bed did you

24 turn on any lights that night, Christmas night.

25 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't think so. Maybe. I


1 can't remember
. I remember dressing her, her pajamas

2 pants on her. It was dark. I didn't turn on the

3 bright lights because I didn't want to wake her up.

4 TOM HANEY: But back up. John had carried

5 her up and put her on the bed, and then you took it

6 from there?


8 TOM HANEY: But you never turned on the

9 light?

10 PATSY RAMSEY: I probably turned one on in

11 the bathroom looking for the pajamas. I would have

12 been in there.

13 TOM HANEY: How about this pillow, when is

14 the last time in the daytime would you have some time

15 on Christmas day gone in there to put away Christmas

16 presents, to do anything?

17 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't remember.


15 TRIP DEMUTH: Did JonBenet ever have nose

16 bleeds at night?

17 PATSY RAMSEY: Not that I remember.

18 Sometimes she might pick her nose, maybe cause it to

19 bleed, but she wouldn't have one of those, you know,

20 dry, you know, to hold her head back kind of thing.

21 TOM HANEY: How are we doing?

22 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know about you, but I

23 am exhausted.

And there was some conversations re the boys (Burke and someone called Evan?) and them not flushing the toilet in the basemement.Why do you think LE insisted on that subject?

Did they ever take a DNA sample from this Evan?

7 TRIP DeMUTH: A couple of questions

8 Tom. With Evan Colby, was there ever a time

9 when Burke and Evan were under the porch without

10 their clothes on something, like that?

11 PATSY RAMSEY: (Nodding).

12 TRIP DeMUTH: Can you tell me about

13 that?

14 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I think

15 Cynthia Savage, my housekeeper-nanny, told me

16 about that one time. They were, there isn't a

17 porch to be under, but I think Evan taught Burke

18 that it was easier to go pee-pee outside than to

19 take the time to go inside to go pee-pee, so he

20 sort of taught him how to go behind the tree.

21 Evan is a little guy.

22 TRIP DeMUTH: How little is little

23 Evan?

24 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I want to say

25 Burke was probably six or seven, Evan was 7 or


1 8, or something like that.


10 TRIP DEMUTH: Who used that bathroom?

11 PATSY RAMSEY: The boys. You know, Burke and

12 Evan were down there playing with the trains. They

13 would go in there and use it.

14 TRIP DEMUTH: What do you mean that they had

15 not flushed that toilet, what do you mean by that?

16 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I think someone had gone

17 to the potty and hadn't flushed it. It was there for

18 several days.

19 TOM HANEY: Are we talking urine?

20 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know. It was just

21 reported to me. It was, mom, the bathroom is pretty

22 yucky, and Linda took care of it is the way I think it

23 went.

24 TRIP DEMUTH: How common was it for Evan and

25 Burke to not flush?


1 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, Burke is pretty well

2 trained, because that is one of my big pet peeves, but

3 Evan I don't know about.

4 TRIP DEMUTH: What does that mean, Patsy,

5 when you say you don't know about?

6 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know whether he

7 flushes regularly.

8 TRIP DEMUTH: That could imply, I don't know

9 about him because he doesn't flush, or I wanted to

10 clear that up.

11 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know. I would believe

12 it was Evan that used it and didn't flush rather than

13 my son. I would like to believe that.

14 TRIP DEMUTH: Was it a more than one-time

15 occasion in this bathroom down there?

16 PATSY RAMSEY: I just remember that one.

17 TRIP DEMUTH: When was that? It doesn't have

18 to be precise, I mean how long before Christmas?

19 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know. I don't know

20 exactly. I just remember it happening.

21 TRIP DEMUTH: Right before Christmas?

22 PATSY RAMSEY: I just can't remember. I just

23 remember the event that there was a dirty bathroom bowl

24 and obviously the boys were down there using it and not

25 flushing.


1 TRIP DEMUTH: Do you know, did Linda clean it

2 up, do you know?

3 PATSY RAMSEY: I -- I am sure she did, but I

4 didn't go down there and double check it.
OK,sorry.I didn't read thru the whole thread.yes,the colors and outline sure do appear to be the same.

Girl, no need to be sorry....that's okay if you posted the same picture, I was just agreeing with you...we are ALL here for the same reason. Justice for JB!! Am I right???
Guys,what do you think about this piece of conversation?.....IMO it's obvious from it that there was blood on that pillow(why else would he ask about the bleeding).Whenever there's a subject that they remember "nothing" about ....

TOM HANEY: That I couldn't tell you right at

19 this moment. Do you remember any staining on that

20 pillow the night you put her to bed?

21 PATSY RAMSEY: No. It was dark in there, you

22 know.

23 TOM HANEY: When you put her to bed did you

24 turn on any lights that night, Christmas night.

25 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't think so. Maybe. I


1 can't remember. I remember dressing her, her pajamas

2 pants on her. It was dark. I didn't turn on the

3 bright lights because I didn't want to wake her up.

4 TOM HANEY: But back up. John had carried

5 her up and put her on the bed, and then you took it

6 from there?


8 TOM HANEY: But you never turned on the

9 light?

10 PATSY RAMSEY: I probably turned one on in

11 the bathroom looking for the pajamas. I would have

12 been in there.

13 TOM HANEY: How about this pillow, when is

14 the last time in the daytime would you have some time

15 on Christmas day gone in there to put away Christmas

16 presents, to do anything?

17 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't remember.


15 TRIP DEMUTH: Did JonBenet ever have nose

16 bleeds at night?

17 PATSY RAMSEY: Not that I remember.

18 Sometimes she might pick her nose, maybe cause it to

19 bleed, but she wouldn't have one of those, you know,

20 dry, you know, to hold her head back kind of thing.

21 TOM HANEY: How are we doing?

22 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know about you, but I

23 am exhausted.

You know...I have noticed that when Patsy is asked a question about something that she doesn't want to answer...she stalls. Haney asked her about the red turtleneck, and showed her a picture...and for some reason...Patsy says..."OH GOD, the crown!".....(HUH?)....and starts crying and needs to take a break. Like she saw one of JB's pageant crowns in the photo with the red turtleneck...and it upset her. I mean...of ALL of the pictures that she has been shown at that time, of JB's things...she gets upset about seeing a Crown...no....she just used that to stall. So, Haney lets her take a break...and when she comes back...he forgets to question her anymore about that turtleneck. So, that tells me that the turtleneck played some sort of role....like she was wearing it, for example...when she was killed. And in this piece of interview that you posted...she is "EXHAUSTED"....Exhausted?? They are questioning her about her daughter's murder...and she is exhausted???!!?!?! Whatever. Just another stall tactic. I believe there was a bloodstain on JB's pillowcase. IMO...after she was pushed or shoved into whatever it was that caused the head injury...she was knocked unconcious...of course....Patsy screamed...the scream that the neighbors heard...John came running...and they picked her up and placed her on her bed trying to revive her. After a severe blow to the head...you bleed from either/or all the above place...your ears, nose, mouth. This..imo...is where the blood came from on the pillowcase. It has some significance, otherwise Haney wouldn't have brought it up.
You know...I have noticed that when Patsy is asked a question about something that she doesn't want to answer...she stalls. Haney asked her about the red turtleneck, and showed her a picture...and for some reason...Patsy says..."OH GOD, the crown!".....(HUH?)....and starts crying and needs to take a break. Like she saw one of JB's pageant crowns in the photo with the red turtleneck...and it upset her. I mean...of ALL of the pictures that she has been shown at that time, of JB's things...she gets upset about seeing a Crown...no....she just used that to stall. So, Haney lets her take a break...and when she comes back...he forgets to question her anymore about that turtleneck. So, that tells me that the turtleneck played some sort of role....like she was wearing it, for example...when she was killed. And in this piece of interview that you posted...she is "EXHAUSTED"....Exhausted?? They are questioning her about her daughter's murder...and she is exhausted???!!?!?! Whatever. Just another stall tactic. I believe there was a bloodstain on JB's pillowcase. IMO...after she was pushed or shoved into whatever it was that caused the head injury...she was knocked unconcious...of course....Patsy screamed...the scream that the neighbors heard...John came running...and they picked her up and placed her on her bed trying to revive her. After a severe blow to the head...you bleed from either/or all the above place...your ears, nose, mouth. This..imo...is where the blood came from on the pillowcase. It has some significance, otherwise Haney wouldn't have brought it up.

Not necessarily. There wasn't any blood in her nostrils, mouth or ears.

If there was blood on a pillowcase, in her room, it would mean the sexual assault started there. IMO The only place she bled from was her vagina
And there was some conversations re the boys (Burke and someone called Evan?) and them not flushing the toilet in the basemement.Why do you think LE insisted on that subject?

Did they ever take a DNA sample from this Evan?

Did they ever take a DNA sample from this Evan?
Not that I have heard.

Why do you think LE insisted on that subject?
Since if the toilet had been used but not flushed then whomever it linked to, assuming Patsy states that it was flushed and cleaned, can be placed at the crime-scene!

Not necessarily. There wasn't any blood in her nostrils, mouth or ears.

If there was blood on a pillowcase, in her room, it would mean the sexual assault started there. IMO The only place she bled from was her vagina


Or her ears particularly after a head injury.

Guys,what do you think about this piece of conversation?.....IMO it's obvious from it that there was blood on that pillow(why else would he ask about the bleeding).Whenever there's a subject that they remember "nothing" about ....


Tom Haney is trying to lock Patsy into a version of events that they know never took place. This is why Patsy develops ramnesia as we term it. She also knows her version of events is inconsistent, so her legal adviser will have told her to forget the answers to any surprise questions.

Everyone sees blood on that pink "article" but me. I can't see any blood...where is it??


Its the dark patches, that do not seem to be distributed in accordance with the light from the flash. Also the pink barbie nightgown was cited as the source of blood sample for dna-testing whilst the white blanket received no mention at all, neither does a pink blanket.

Also I cannot see a doll anywhere.

If this is a repeat, sorry, trying to read quickly today.

There was blood-tinged mucus on her face and the upper sleeve of her top. You can actually see a drop on her face in one of the autopsy photos.

She also had saliva that drooled out of her mouth and down the right side of her face, which is how we know she was unconscious or dead before the duct tape was placed on her mouth. You can see that as well in an autopsy photo of the side of her face.

But how much blood was found on the pillowcase? That's the question.
was the basement toilet ever checked to see if any evidence had been flushed down it?
I think Patsy was questioned about an open drawer in the bathroom, and medical items,such as gloves and gauze,so it appears any blood on JB may have been cleaned up.
was the basement toilet ever checked to see if any evidence had been flushed down it?

I have no idea but my guess would be not....they didn't even bother to collect some of the evidence right under their noses......

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