FBI finds letters from Zahra to her young friend that EB and AB never mailed

darlin gal

New Member
Aug 25, 2008
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Link to video. Partway in is a little boy Zahra's age, Jonathan. He met her in Maiden @ the American Legion and was her dance partner. He said she could twist. :) She said she was happy being around him.

He wrote her letters to keep in touch and the FBI interviewed him today because they found letters from Zahra to him, that her parents never mailed.

This makes me happy and sad. :(

Sad that he has lost his friend, sad that he never got those letters from her but happy that Zahra had one true friend.
Breaks your heart. I wish I could have adopted her, or taken her in as a foster child. What a sweet child she was. AB how could you?
I hope she was given the letters he had written to her. Hopefully the letters were dated.
...i'm so glad she had some happy times with jonathan-----( i'm livid that her "parents" didn't send her letters on to him.....)

...getting a visual of zahra dancing----
It is heartbreaking - Zahra had a beautiful light inside her shining outward...even the young could see it, like her friend, Johnathan.

I believe Johnathan will remember Zahra for the rest of his life - he's so young to be learning about losing a friend.

And I'm glad to hear a little more news about potential evidence - although it's just so cold-hearted of AB/EB to have not mailed Zahra's letters!....can hardly wait til LE has this case put together & there's justice for Zahra.
When I saw the sadness on that lettle boys face and read that he wrote to Zahra and she had written back to him but her parents had never posted them, I wanted to scream. I think it is one of the saddest things that I have read about this dreadful case.

To me it is just another nail in AB's coffin, his total indifference to the welfare and happiness of HIS child, who had been through so much pain and suffering in her short life and he couldn't even post a couple of letters to her friend. I could understand EB not posting them, she couldn't care less whether Zahra was happy or not but he should have cared. :furious:
I hope she was given the letters he had written to her. Hopefully the letters were dated.

If he wrote letters to Z wouldthey have been sent to her previous address or returned to sender?

I hope the letters were dated too. It is sad that nobody posted the letters for her.
Link to video. Partway in is a little boy Zahra's age, Jonathan. He met her in Maiden @ the American Legion and was her dance partner. He said she could twist. :) She said she was happy being around him.

He wrote her letters to keep in touch and the FBI interviewed him today because they found letters from Zahra to him, that her parents never mailed.

This makes me happy and sad. :(

Sad that he has lost his friend, sad that he never got those letters from her but happy that Zahra had one true friend.

Now how sad is that! they couldnt even mail her letter! Each day that passes something else comes out and just when you think it cant get any worse it does.

Jail is tooo good for ppl like this.
This just makes me incredibly sad and furious at the same time.

He!! is too good for these two people!
This makes me so sad. My best friend moved away and we kept in touch through the mail and are still very close. Her letters brought me such joy.
It's ironic we are reading letters EB has written in jail when she wouldn't let Zahras be read (by not posting them).
I had a feeling this was going on -witholding letters Zahra had written friends and family- based on the MS comments on AB's bro's page.

The way EB wrote "I will post-mark them this week"...was just really off to me. ....(as opposed to "I will post them this week") I just knew that was a slip up.

I wonder if EB had cut off Zahras contact with family in Oz to stop her from telling anything...even as innocent as saying she missed them and wanted to go back 'home'?

If the letters were written and then thrown away or destroyed by EB, family will be able to tell LE if they ever recieved the letters that EB claimed to be posting that week, which was way back on Feb 11th.
Well we couldn't expect them to waste 44c on a stamp could we? Too much effort to send the child's letters to her friend? Overwhelming disgust piling on top of disgust here.
I think EB's letters should be stopped asap...............
no communications..........just like she did to Zahra!!!!
WHY ISN'T AB in jail???? for his other lesser charges atleast.
He needs off the streets. He needs to tell ALL.
I really look for someone to lynch him and then
we will never know the whole story!!!
This marriage wasn't for love, the common bond was saddism.
The video won't load for me. Just as well I guess. Better on the blood pressure.

Did anybody else have issues getting it to load?

I'll try again later.

ETA: Nevermind, it finally loaded.
These two adults are the absolute WORST! I can't even begin to describe the feelings this video has evoked in me. Salty tears again! I often wonder if AB's and EB's families ever knew the extent of the evil that existed in them.
I think EB's letters should be stopped asap...............
no communications..........just like she did to Zahra!!!!
WHY ISN'T AB in jail???? for his other lesser charges atleast.
He needs off the streets. He needs to tell ALL.
I really look for someone to lynch him and then
we will never know the whole story!!!
This marriage wasn't for love, the common bond was saddism.

I hate to disagree with you passionflower let her letters keep a comming the more she spills the deeper her grave... we need to know what she did to Zahra

HUGS !!!!

Oh one more thing i think he married her so he could come to the USA i think maybe he paid her to marry him but thats just my opinion.
Awww poor little guy.

So sweet.

I just don't know what to say.
This tidbit just absolutely breaks my heart. How freakin' sad that they couldn't be bothered to mail her letters to her friend.

Words (that are acceptable in Websleuths terms) fail me.
Link to video. Partway in is a little boy Zahra's age, Jonathan. He met her in Maiden @ the American Legion and was her dance partner. He said she could twist. :) She said she was happy being around him.

He wrote her letters to keep in touch and the FBI interviewed him today because they found letters from Zahra to him, that her parents never mailed.

This makes me happy and sad. :(

Sad that he has lost his friend, sad that he never got those letters from her but happy that Zahra had one true friend.

I find this very interesting. DH and I are active in the American Legion here. We go every week - pitch horseshoes. I've found this group at our Legion very friendly, caring and "protective" of its members.

The question I have is WHY was Zahra at the Legion? From the article its kinda obvious it was a "dance" of some kind (he was Zahra's dance partner).

I don't think Zahra was there alone or even "dropped off". As we welcome kids at the Legion - a parent usually stays with them.

AB and EB don't look like "dancers" to me - or even they type to socialize with anyone - much less people at an American Legion.

Would like to hear more about this "dance" and the Legion. What did other members say? What type of event was it? Who took her there and why?

So many questions. I was glad to see that Zahra had a moment of sunshine - even if it was only a fleeting one.
I think EB's letters should be stopped asap...............
no communications..........just like she did to Zahra!!!!

<respectfully snipped>

Oh passion, I share your mixture of outrage and sadness. :mad:

However, based on what we've seen so far of EB's letters, I'd almost be willing to send her the paper and stamps myself. Her absolute narcissism and lack of concern for Zahra simply oozes off the pages.

I hope those letters come back to bite her in her goth fairy backside ten-fold. She deserves to spend an eternity in the darkness she so craves! :furious:

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