TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged with Murder - #6

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I'm not sure that Jonathan went anywhere to get video games, wasn't that discredited as well (so confused at this point).

Also, if he did go to the SF's to get a video game, why did he check on Jonathan? Did he walk Jonathan to the cottage where JF was staying at 1:45? I thought many media sources (I realize that there as so many problems with these sources now) stated the the SF last saw Jonathan at 1:45 and that he had checked on him. JMO

ITA. I feel he never left the home at all. She says the TV was on and a video game was in the computer.

WHY did mom and SF make up this story of him leaving to go get a video game? And the SF say he was the last one to see him. Its driving me crazy.
ITA. I feel he never left the home at all. She says the TV was on and a video game was in the computer.

WHY did mom and SF make up this story of him leaving to go get a video game? And the SF say he was the last one to see him. Its driving me crazy.

I think the mom didn't want anyone to blame her for something happening to him because she left him alone. As for why they said the SF saw him last? That's a good question!
I think to you or I - and most people - that would seem logical: why cover up a small crime with a murder? But it's reported often - that someone comes home to spoil a burglary and are killed. First of all, I don't think most criminals are very intelligent and don't see the logic the way we do. But, secondly, I wonder if someone with a criminal record knows what one more crime will do - probably land them back in the slammer. And being seasoned criminals, they see the person as an obstacle in their path rather than a valued human being. So they get rid of the problem... :(

I agree, most criminals are not very smart. But it is a good point that she may have been thinking of long incarceration and panicked. And did the next "logical" thing and killed a kid. I'd think a seasoned criminal would know a plea down on B&E or burglary would be preferable to capital murder. OTOH, maybe she thought she'd get away with it. IOW, I doubt I'll be able to wrap my mind around this one anytime soon.
If drugs are involved it will end up making even less sense...

We are not winning the "war on drugs" btw...
ITA. I feel he never left the home at all. She says the TV was on and a video game was in the computer.

WHY did mom and SF make up this story of him leaving to go get a video game? And the SF say he was the last one to see him. Its driving me crazy.

It doesn't make sense, not at all. Just came back to this thread after watching Celebrity Rehab. Right or wrong, I'm interpreting some of their actions as addicts behavior.
As LE has said numerous times, they've had a difficult time gathering the facts of this case because so many of friends and family stories keep changing or contradict one another. It appears some friends and family have reasons to cover something up or shade the truth.

ETA: I have a hunch LE has known about MN for a while, that's why they moved quickly once the body was discovered and the video revealed. Big question, though difficult to ask, how long did MN keep JF alive at her apt.?

I keep thinking she did not do this by her wee silly self. Problem is, we gotta sort thru the crap to get to the truth. Once again, it seems we care more than the ones who should have. This reminds me of the Haleigh Cummings case. Everyone so concerned about covering their own arses, the child ceases to be of any importance.
My hat is off to WSers and LE! My heart is so broken.
Really people? Are drugs that much more important to you than this precious baby? I hope you are reading here!!
I see a Time out in my near future.
Good post and I have thought about this.... imo, the above is plausible if JF was in the apartment when Mona entered. however if he walked in on her with whatever she was taking that changes the scenario - she is red handed with something and panicks not wanting to go back to prison.

I hope LE looks if there have been a rash of burglaries in the apartments she manages. Especially if she has keys to all of them!


That's plausible. I'm also not ruling out a sexual motive yet either. It's unusual but not unheard of for a female perp (Melissa H with Sandra Cantu). Mona could have already assaulted Jonathan when she realized Angela was almost home so panicked and took him with her.
ITA. I feel he never left the home at all. She says the TV was on and a video game was in the computer.

WHY did mom and SF make up this story of him leaving to go get a video game? And the SF say he was the last one to see him. Its driving me crazy.

Because she is covering for the freaking SD!! MOO
ITA. I feel he never left the home at all. She says the TV was on and a video game was in the computer.

WHY did mom and SF make up this story of him leaving to go get a video game? And the SF say he was the last one to see him. Its driving me crazy.

I truly think this was the truth. That JF went to DD's apt to get a video game, and that's where he saw DD. DD sent him back to SE's house around 1:45. JF found Mona there, and chaos ensued. Or he arrived, popped in the video game, and Mona came back to look for SE again but took JF instead?

If DD and AD are completely innocent in this case, they were frantic to figure out what happened, and to also make sure everyone knew they were innocent. They've had run-ins with the law. AD knows she is not believable, due to her past history. So they try to piece together an alibi of somesort for DD, but end up making a real snarl. JMO.
As LE has said numerous times, they've had a difficult time gathering the facts of this case because so many of friends and family stories keep changing or contradict one another. It appears some friends and family have reasons to cover something up or shade the truth.

ETA: I have a hunch LE has known about MN for a while, that's why they moved quickly once the body was discovered and the video revealed. Big question, though difficult to ask, how long did MN keep JF alive at her apt.?

Yep...and IMO that's why the "room mate" articles were taken down so quickly...never to be mentioned again.
So one of these two scenarios may have happened - and at this point it's not clear:

1) JF never left the house, and both MN and DD stopped by at some point (different times).

2) JF did leave the house, possibly to go to DD's to get a game or play a game or something. DD never went to the house.

I'm leaning towards #1 b/c of the plural "people" that AD uses in one of the above quotes about telling LE which "people" stopped by that day.

Also, I wonder if when SE says that they know JF was gone from 1:30 to 2:30, she may be saying that he "disappeared" sometime between 1:30 - 2:30, not that he was gone for that full hour... Does that make sense?
I wonder if Mona thought JF could take her to find SE and she brought him with? Then Mona finds out LE was called quickly and it's now a kidnapping and things go down from there?
I truly think this was the truth. That JF went to DD's apt to get a video game, and that's where he saw DD. DD sent him back to SE's house around 1:45. JF found Mona there, and chaos ensued. Or he arrived, popped in the video game, and Mona came back to look for SE again but took JF instead?

If DD and AD are completely innocent in this case, they were frantic to figure out what happened, and to also make sure everyone knew they were innocent. They've had run-ins with the law. AD knows she is not believable, due to her past history. So they try to piece together an alibi of somesort for DD, but end up making a real snarl. JMO.

Yeah, this makes sense. If they are users, this makes total sense. You can tell I've been a mod in Haleigh's case for a long time when this is not hard to fathom.

Still catching up on just this latest thread,

BUT, I think this good little, sweet, handsome, smart boy did exactly what he was taught to do: "something is wrong? - call Mom's work".

I pray the persons involved in his demise burn in h**l FOREVER.

Renee & Husband (Glen?), my heart is breaking for you. This situation has hit me sooo hard.

(Sorry everyone , I raised 3 boys and now have 3 grandsons)
At first I thought it odd that Mona would come back that night, and then not so much maybe. I heard Marc Klaas once say that the perps often come back to see if anyone suspects what happened. They have even been known to go on searches. :eek:

I can't fathom it. They must be cold as ice to be able to go on with such a charade.

And I doubt LE does know a motive right now. Mona is probably just saying "I want a lawyer" and that's about it.

I think it's pretty clear LE has no idea of a motive.
Between stepdads visit and moms arrival home, the accused entered the home, made a couple of calls, and left with a child.
No one seems to have seen or heard anything. The parents covered their own shortcomings. The police were a little slow to react (well they told the family to call to the station to file a missing child report), and the world is missing another innocent child.

At times like this, my own faith is questioned. The world is left with less than stellar parents, a killer capable of gruesome acts, and robbed of a child. There is no justice in that picture.

Renee, how I wish I could reach through the screen and hug you personally.

I do not mean to sound so judgmental, I just wish we could unravel the 'why' of such horrors, so that we could somehow prevent them

NSS, I feel your frustration, your faith is yours, keep it strong!
the world has always been filled with less than stellar parents, it's because we are all human, and we have nonetheless raised happy, healthy, productive people and sent them out in this world to enrich the lives of the people around them, you don't sound judgmental. It is my belief we will never unravel the why to these horrors because I don't believe there exists an answer that is suited for the mind to digest.
I will just add that if the parents do have habits, then it could go someway to explaining their CYA statements.
When talking to a user, we should try to remember that we are talking to the drug not the person, the drug will think of itself first, it will attempt to absolve itself of blame, it doesn't hide within its host, it takes it over.

That is why junkies think we believe their tales, the drug has convinced them that what it is saying is true - so the person underneath the drug assumes that it IS true, so we must believe it.

All MHO, and I'm off to be alone with my thoughts for a while.
If that's true, then it would fit with the timeline of the owner of the house saying that JF was gone from 1:30 to 2:30. Now how the owner would know this, I have no idea.

I'll look for that quote...

ETA: Here it is:

She said "no one was suppose to be be at her house", where was Jonathan suppose to be?

This is the article that leads me to believe the police knew about Mona even before they got the surveillance tape. It is JMO though.

I wish I could agree with you.

Here is where/why I think HPD really botched handling this case from early on. First, I will say I am not one on conspiracy theories. Anyone who reads my posts will know that about me....

ok back to the why:
Mom reports telephone calls from her son telling her it is an emergency. LE could verify these calls from whomever took the call at her place of employment. Instead LE focuses on a babysitter and states the child probably ran away. Perp shows up at the house AGAIN later that evening, likely prior to the 9:30pm or so time LE entered the missing persons case into NCIC. That stands out to us as non professionals. Why didn't this stand out to those who are supposed to be professionals? Why was that not alarming to LE? So far, imo, all they (LE) got is the baby sitter. Why the tunnel vision with LE? LE is supposed to look at ALL the facts/details of a possible crime.

According to the following examiner article, LE does not believe Jonathan placed the call.

Jonathan’s mother, Angela Davis, did receive a disturbing phone message at around 1:45 p.m. while she was at work on Christmas Eve. The call came from her apartment.
Police do not know who placed the call and do not believe the message was from Jonathan.
Jonathan’s mother immediately called back and a woman with a raspy voice answered the phone. The woman asked Davis who she was, and Davis identified herself saying she was Jonathan’s mother.
When the woman asked Jonathan if Angela was his mother Davis could hear Jonathan in the background reply “yes,” then the phone abruptly died.


Now why would Mona need to call Jonathans mother at work? Someone she never met? To say, hey I am taking your kid or hey we've never met but I need your roommates telephone number? Very unlikely. There is NO reason Mona would have had AD'sphone number unless she asked for it. What reason would she have to ask Jonathan to call his mom? None that I can think of. I honestly believe it WAS Jonathan who made that first call AD's employer or coworker would NOT put through to AD. Then Mona got enraged Jonathan 'defied' her by calling his mom. AND that LE KNOWS they missed it big time hence as long as they state they don't believe it was Jonathan who called they can cover their arses because Jonathan is no longer here to say whether or not he called his mom.

How I wish Jonathan would have called 911 instead. Perhaps LE would have taken this more seriously in those first few hours which are SO important in a missing childs case. I know, I know, we can't go back. I sure as heck am gonna teach my son to call 911 even if he thinks it is ok to call mom at work when he is old enough to be home alone. I'd rather he make an error calling 911 than to have another needless tragedy like this occur. Please undertand in no way am I blaming the victim here, he was a child and did exactly what he thought best.

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