TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged with Murder - #6

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[ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=8829+allwood,+houston+tx&daddr=800+Oak+St,+Houston,+Harris,+Texas+77018&geocode=FX1ZxwEd96pR-intXz2JirlAhjHzijbFa16vcQ%3BFaFBxwEd5h1Q-imhnJ3LlcdAhjG5Y1ih6OPbkA&hl=en&mra=pd&mrcr=0&sll=29.707986,-95.300599&sspn=0.500972,0.891953&ie=UTF8&ll=29.825902,-95.385876&spn=0.125095,0.222988&z=13"]8829 Allwood St, Houston, TX 77016 to 800 Oak St, Houston, TX 77018 - Google Maps[/ame]

Link to picture of house via google Earth

http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c271/Lera213/crime stuff/perphouse.jpg Google Earth image dated Jan. 2010
The only good thing out of this entire mess is a quick arrest. Look at the Baker case, still no arrest!
an actual arrest with an actual charge consist with the crime!
not trafficking, not writing bad checks
Houston LE isn't "trying to build an airtight case so the DA doesn't have to take chances the case will disintegrate... so frustrating in other cases
I don't think she wanted the number either...I do however, think she wanted to call from the house when she found out SE wasn't there...I think SE had been avoiding her and I think she'd been calling SE and SE hadn't been answering.

But, what do i know...i'm so sleepy and tired now, i'm probably not making any sense.

good night all...going to try MS again and then hit the sack.

Prayers for Renee and all of of Jonathan's family friends and loved ones.

Thanks for the link, Lera.

I wonder if the white truck off to the right is MN's that was seen in the surveillance camera footage? Looks like it has tinted windows, which IMO allows for more clandestine activity at times for certain people who don't want to be seen...

Thank you, was having an awful time with the embedding and am too tired to mess with screen shots and photobucket.
This is the alleged crime scene.
Maybe some locals can tell us more about the neighborhood, I was "walking" around with the street view and imo it doesn't look to be the greatest neighborhood. I wonder if MN had any roommates. It is not secluded-wonder if anyone saw JF with her, any fires?
Does anyone know where SE and/or AD are employed at?
What is their occupation?
Where was MN at when she was taken in for questioning by the detectives?
I was thinking it was at the apt. complex the news reporter was at. Am I wrong?
Any news footage of her home on Allwood being searched?
I forgot to add between the time LE went to the apartment in mid afternoon and the time the MP report was entered into NCIC, LE told AD she had to go down to the station to file an official MP report.

trigger, is it SOP for LE to not take a MP report when they arrive at the home of a missing child? And request the parents go to the police station to fill out the report?


Never heard of that ever being done. LE has laptops in their cars and or cell phones now. They get a case number right away. No need to go into the Pct. And ESPECIALLY since it is a 12yo child who is on medication. OMG ITS UNTHINKABLE...OUTRAGEOUS.
I'm extremely suspicious of parents who lie about the circumstances of their children going missing. It's strange that their 1st thought is to protect themselves, rather than give the police accurate information. Inaccurate info can only slow down their case. If the mother left him on his own, why is she more concerned with her own welfare and lying so she doesn't look bad. Most parents would put their children 1st & not care about themselves at times like this. I'm not saying she's involved, I just don't understand how a decent parent would do this.
I would be fired if it took us that long to put the alarm out. (NCIC)
The Desk Officer would be screaming at the cop to finish the report so the alarm can by put into the system.

The post from Cubby says LE was at the boys "apartment" not mom's cottage! Maybe at the time of the call, mom was still claiming to live at the apartment with DD! That coincides with what Aunt Renee said!
Bottom line, according to facts, MN was known by SD and new roommate, so I have to believe MN was known to AD as well. This timeline given by those who were supposed to care STINKS!
Never heard of that ever being done. LE has laptops in their cars and or cell phones now. They get a case number right away. No need to go into the Pct. And ESPECIALLY since it is a 12yo child who is on medication. OMG ITS UNTHINKABLE...OUTRAGEOUS.

I have a feeling AD said she would come down to fill out report. anything to get LE away from the residence. MOO
(OT: Sorry to intrude but I know there are alot of you still up late on this thread. I need some help: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=123893"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] Thank you!!!)
Thanks for the link, Lera.

I wonder if the white truck off to the right is MN's that was seen in the surveillance camera footage? Looks like it has tinted windows, which IMO allows for more clandestine activity at times for certain people who don't want to be seen...

image date on google earth stated Jan 2010
respectfully snipped and BBM. A woman who takes her child and leaves her husband because the husband slapped the child is NOT the kind of woman who is gonna cover for the step dad.


Re-read my post - I never implied she would.
:waitasec::waitasec: ?????
The post from Cubby says LE was at the boys "apartment" not mom's cottage! Maybe at the time of the call, mom was still claiming to live at the apartment with DD! That coincides with what Aunt Renee said!

Let me clarify. By apartment I meant home- the place he and his mother where staying. Which was with the friend. I've seen it be refered to as a cottage, apartment, and townhome. My apologies. I should have been clear and stated home initially.
Re-read my post - I never implied she would.
:waitasec::waitasec: ?????

I didn't mean to imply the contrary. I fully agreed with the remarks you made about step mom.

It was meant to be in support of your post.

The post from Cubby says LE was at the boys "apartment" not mom's cottage! Maybe at the time of the call, mom was still claiming to live at the apartment with DD! That coincides with what Aunt Renee said!

TY I didn't know that.
so we can believe Angela Davis has a cell phone
can we believe Angela does not have her cell phone on her person at work?
I wish we knew how many times Angela got personal calls at work and how many had come from her son in the last few weeks

That, but also the times don't jive!
From the article, http://www.39online.com/news/local/k...,3306091.story

"He was here by himself and he was gone between 1:30 and 2:30 [p.m.], that's all I know," said babysitter Sharon Ennamorato, whose house Jonathan was last seen at. "We know a lady answered my phone, we don't know and there was supposed to be nobody in this house."

:waitasec::waitasec::waitasec::waitasec::waitasec: Hummmmmm......
"Concerned, Davis called the house phone again and again as she drove to the cottage, she said. Someone picked up just minutes before she pulled up around 2 p.m."
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