TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged with Murder - #9

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I made my statement solely based on what we all are hearing via press conferences, timelines, evidence they stated they took and so on.

I don't find "reasonable doubt" to be a strange statement especially with the timeline of events from 1:45 PM to a little after 2:00 PM.

All it takes is ONE JUROR to have reasonable doubt!

i think texas jurors can sort fact from fiction when all the EVIDENCE is presented to the jury. there will be plenty of forensics to nail the guilty party, whoever it is.

however, at this point, i see no reason to suspect someone else of being involved. i have more reasonable doubt there could be any other party involvement unless that is proved, based upon the press releases and detectives statements
:waitasec: but I think someone else IS involved and that person killed Jonathan!

I'm ready your post as you feel it was Mona alone! Am I correct in my thoughts?

just curious, you offer that you think someone else was involved and THAT person killed JF? what are you basing this conviction on, may i ask? how can you believe someone else (and you have a someone else in mind, i presume?)committed this act with absolutely no evidence to support that theory? where is the reasonable doubt?

according to all reports and official sources, EVERYONE else is cleared, they believe she acted alone.

and i agree, not guilty until proven otherwise in a court of law. i think there will be plenty of forensics for a conviction of the guilty party
This interests me, because it says whatever was on Jonathan's body linked Nelson - not her home, or her car, etc, but her - and whatever it was gave LE that link with no extensive and time consuming forensic testing.

All I can think is that it must have been something highly personal of hers, that they could quickly prove was hers.

I would almost think her hair, but that would have to be tested.

Any ideas on what else this linking evidence on Jonathan's body may have been?

Police tell us Mona Nelson is an acquaintance of Jonathan's mother and stepfather and that evidence on Jonathan's body linked Nelson to the crime.


I think this evidentiary item may be the smoking gun. LE went to the DA and got charges for capital murder, in what has to be record time. Whatever evidence they have must be impressive. They slam dunked her arrest. No small feat for capital murder.

Motive: Perhaps IMN was rebuffed by her kids and was given harsh words that she could not come over to spend christmas with them or christmas eve. She is way upset, drives over to the apartments maybe to speak to SE but SE isn't there, she sees tree, presents and here is a sweet boy who probably said "Merry Christmas" to her and she went off.

After all, her sister did state that she spent Christmas day with her. Why not her kids, grandkids?
This interests me, because it says whatever was on Jonathan's body linked Nelson - not her home, or her car, etc, but her - and whatever it was gave LE that link with no extensive and time consuming forensic testing.

All I can think is that it must have been something highly personal of hers, that they could quickly prove was hers.

I would almost think her hair, but that would have to be tested.

Any ideas on what else this linking evidence on Jonathan's body may have been?

Police tell us Mona Nelson is an acquaintance of Jonathan's mother and stepfather and that evidence on Jonathan's body linked Nelson to the crime.


I think this evidentiary item may be the smoking gun. LE went to the DA and got charges for capital murder, in what has to be record time. Whatever evidence they have must be impressive. They slam dunked her arrest. No small feat for capital murder.

You are right! It had to be placed/fell on his poor little body after he was burned to be traced to MN.
just curious, you offer that you think someone else was involved and THAT person killed JF? what are you basing this conviction on, may i ask? how can you believe someone else (and you have a someone else in mind, i presume?)committed this act with absolutely no evidence to support that theory? where is the reasonable doubt?

according to all reports and official sources, EVERYONE else is cleared, they believe she acted alone.

and i agree, not guilty until proven otherwise in a court of law. i think there will be plenty of forensics for a conviction of the guilty party

If you click on my name and then select all posts by me, you will get an idea of my thoughts regarding the case.

Motive: Perhaps IMN was rebuffed by her kids and was given harsh words that she could not come over to spend christmas with them or christmas eve. She is way upset, drives over to the apartments maybe to speak to SE but SE isn't there, she sees tree, presents and here is a sweet boy who probably said "Merry Christmas" to her and she went off.

After all, her sister did state that she spent Christmas day with her. Why not her kids, grandkids?
Probably because she assaulted her daughter when she visited last Christmas. I just read the interview with her family. I'll try to find the article. It's somewhere among the 20 or 30 tabs I've got open.

I think it might've been a little more complex. She was obsessed with SE and didn't like the new living arrangements, ASSumed it was a romantic relationship. SE babysat frequently, so I'm wondering if MN had seen her with Jonathan looking too happy. KWIM. Around noon on Christmas Eve, she goes to the apartment looking for SE, and like you said, saw a cozy setting, Christmas presents, a tree, and it drove her into a bitter, jealous rage. She tries to call SE, calls AD, makes some threats, and leaves. But the anger swells into a rage, so she returns and kills poor little Jonathan. I would think anyone who could take a welding torch to a child's body that way would have to be in a psychotic frenzy. That's my thought for the moment.

I do have to say, though, that I'm bothered by the fact AD didn't call LE immediately upon arriving home and finding Jonathan gone since she claims she was on the phone with the "raspy voiced woman" and heard Jonathan's voice before the line went dead just moments earlier while driving home. Why would she wait? Not making accusations, but it raises questions in my mind.
This interests me, because it says whatever was on Jonathan's body linked Nelson - not her home, or her car, etc, but her - and whatever it was gave LE that link with no extensive and time consuming forensic testing.

All I can think is that it must have been something highly personal of hers, that they could quickly prove was hers.

I would almost think her hair, but that would have to be tested.

Any ideas on what else this linking evidence on Jonathan's body may have been?

Police tell us Mona Nelson is an acquaintance of Jonathan's mother and stepfather and that evidence on Jonathan's body linked Nelson to the crime.


I think this evidentiary item may be the smoking gun. LE went to the DA and got charges for capital murder, in what has to be record time. Whatever evidence they have must be impressive. They slam dunked her arrest. No small feat for capital murder.
A handprint? I wonder if there's anything distinctive about her hands (besides fingerprints, naturally). I can't stand to think about this, but is it possible to leave a fingerprint on burnt flesh?

Or, a piece of her clothing she used to gag or blindfold him? But would that be any more valuable than the match on the twine?

One officer said on Friday that the autopsy has ruled out any trauma on the child's body. There were no broken bones or any signs of strangulation or head wounds, so officers said it now appears the child was killed with a welding torch that could be capable of 6,000-degree flames.

"I've never seen burns like this," said one officer who viewed the boy's body after it was found in a ditch off the Hardy Toll Road on Tuesday.

He said that killers often try to cover their tracks by burning the victim's corpse, but in this boy's case, the burning was so intense and thorough that many veteran homicide investigators are struggling with the notion of such a grisly and painful way to die.
A handprint? I wonder if there's anything distinctive about her hands (besides fingerprints, naturally). I can't stand to think about this, but is it possible to leave a fingerprint on burnt flesh?

Or, a piece of her clothing she used to gag or blindfold him? But would that be any more valuable than the match on the twine?

Well, when I first read it, I thought the twine, but it kept sticking in my mind, since other articles said twine right out, and this one didn't. So I was noodling on it, and I think the twine is impersonal, and links to her house, rather than to her. Also, the testing and chain of evidence and all that stuff to prove twine or tape (such as in Caylee's case) came just from a person's home, let alone that they are the one who bought or acquired, let alone used it on the victim, well, all that testing and establishing takes forever.

And this was done quickly. So I obsessed on it, and decided it wasn't the twine, but something more personal to account to the link to her, but not so personal that it required a lot of time consuming testing.

Of course, it's only in this one article that I've seen, so it could just be this one reporter chose to word it this way, and to make it cryptic.

But I'm fascinated by how very quickly and easily the DA coughed up *capital* murder charges. Look at Ethan Stacy's case - it took days and a long presser with a long explanation for that DA to decide to go for capital charges.

This DA is unusually and extremely confident of a *capital* conviction. He's got something big in his hot little hand. And when I go through the news articles, this undefined piece of evidence, *on* Jonathan's body, and linked directly to this woman, smells like a smoking gun to me.
One thing I'm wondering about since there's been so many changing stories is did stepdad DD see Jonathan at 1:45 PM on Christmas Eve? Who did this come from? Did DD go to SE's place where Jonathan was staying or did Jonathan go to the apartment to get a video?

I have the same question about "did DD see Jonathan at 1:45 PM on 12/24/10?" During the presser, it was stated in the timeline that DD went to the house at 1:45 PM, however, they did not elaborate on whether or not DD saw Jonathan; at least I didn't hear it!

I'm still confused myself regarding the video and IF Jonathan actually went anywhere to get a video OR was this part of the "conflicting" statements made early on that Jonathan was with the babysitter when he was actually home alone.

I haven't read all the articles and perhaps it is in one of them somewhere that would clear up the questions.
I'm sure this has been posted in an earlier thread, but I had not read it until this morning. The children were not targeted in this attack, but it's another example of her propensity for violence and supports a jealous rage theory, imo.

In 2001, Nelson was charged with three counts of injury to a child. All of the children were under the age of 14.

According to the police report, a woman named Dxxxx Mxxxx said that Nelson broke into her home through a window by breaking it with beer bottles. Morris told investigators that she tried to escape with the three children she was babysitting at the time, but Nelson caught her in the front yard and beat her.

"I fell and the kids tried to help," Morris said. "She pushed them out of the way and started kicking me in the head and stomach. She banged my head on the road."
I'm sure this has been posted in an earlier thread, but I had not read it until this morning. The children were not targeted in this attack, but it's another example of her propensity for violence and supports a jealous rage theory, imo.


In the end, Nelson was not prosecuted on those charges because the district attorney said it could not be proved that the children were hurt when they were pushed out of the way to get to Morris.
Hi everyone....I started reading this case when it first broke and like others blamed stepdad...we have just spent a couple of days away for New year and I have just spent 4 yes 4 hours catching up. To say this took a totally unexpected turn for the worst is a massive massive understatement

First of all to Reneelovesyou, who hasnt posted in awhile (understandbly), if you do read through these posts, I would like to say from the other side of the world how much others are feeling for you and your family. What has happened to this innocent child is just so sad and horrible and not many of us can say we can be understanding how you are feeling, it is gut wrenching. Renee I would also like to say you must be a very good woman to take on your husbands sisters children when you have a number of your own (i did not understand about the custody issue of the twins, but am assuming you took them on as well). I know how good you are as I have been in this situation and did not handle it well.

2ndly everyone please do not take this as some form of a put down, but I have to say how shocked my husband and I were to read that in one city alone (and I realize it is a BIG city pop 2500000?) in a couple of days 3 or 4 bodies were found!!!!!

In Australia there would not be that number in a week. Of course our population is only 22 million, however they say Australia is about 20 years behind America with crime etc, I think it is more like 10 these days, so it does scare me. We of course have a drug problem here (worst probably heroin) but I truly beleive your country is being destroyed by drugs, not only the crime rates and murders but the breakdown of families and irresponsible parenting caused by drug addiction. Crack for instance is not a big problem here but seems to destroy whole communities there..is this correct? I really hope this problem can be fixed and you come up with a solution, for your country and for us, we here years down the track tend to follow your trends. (as do countries such as UK).

I am totally shocked by this murder. I dont however think she is a serial killer (not of children anyhow). ImpatientRedhead I liked your post re the roommate SE tho I dont think she took part, I do think this is something to do with/or about her. I think the lovely Mona may be a serial killer in the fact that she may have inadvertently killed others because she is full of anger and is sadistic. I am betting she had a shocking chilldhood full of abuse and putdowns. She has been charged with the battery of her own children, we know of the case where she pushed kids trying to get to their mother, and on facebook a friend asked for her help because she had been abused by a man, this to me said a lot, I bet the friend wanted Mona to "touch up" said man. I think SE and her had a run in, or SE owed her drug money, rebuffed advances or just didnt want her around anymore, MN was resentful/angry/jealous and poor little jonathon was the one at the house when she got there, so he copped it. poor poor little boy.

IF, and I know he has been cleared so this is a big massive if, the stepdad was involved I think it was in the context that he asked Mona to punish mum in some way for leaving. It just seems odd that mum moves out about 3 weeks ago and he knows her for 2 weeks and then this happens, but like I said that is a big if. One thing she is a weird sadistic, violent angry woman, I have no doubt of that. RIP Jonathon.
In the end, Nelson was not prosecuted on those charges because the district attorney said it could not be proved that the children were hurt when they were pushed out of the way to get to Morris.
That's true, but the children were not relevant to my point, Patty. That's why I said they weren't targeted. Breaking the window with beer bottles and beating the woman (while surrounded by the frightened children) is what I found significant
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

- Police and Equusearch say until the child's body is identified, they will continue their search for Jonathan, who was last seen inside his apartment playing video games.

- Jonathan was last seen Friday night at his home on Oak Street near Garden Oaks. He had run home from a babysitter's house in the neighborhood. He was home playing video games when his stepfather says he stopped in, but Jonathan was gone just 25 minutes later when his mother came home from work.

- The FBI and Texas Equusearch are assisting in the search. They spent time this morning mapping out search strategies. They're starting their search at the apartment complex where Jonathan lives and then expanding from there.

- They're looking for any clues that may lead to his location, including a portable or cordless phone which is missing from the home.

Probably because she assaulted her daughter when she visited last Christmas. I just read the interview with her family. I'll try to find the article. It's somewhere among the 20 or 30 tabs I've got open.

I think it might've been a little more complex. She was obsessed with SE and didn't like the new living arrangements, ASSumed it was a romantic relationship. SE babysat frequently, so I'm wondering if MN had seen her with Jonathan looking too happy. KWIM. Around noon on Christmas Eve, she goes to the apartment looking for SE, and like you said, saw a cozy setting, Christmas presents, a tree, and it drove her into a bitter, jealous rage. She tries to call SE, calls AD, makes some threats, and leaves. But the anger swells into a rage, so she returns and kills poor little Jonathan. I would think anyone who could take a welding torch to a child's body that way would have to be in a psychotic frenzy. That's my thought for the moment.

I do have to say, though, that I'm bothered by the fact AD didn't call LE immediately upon arriving home and finding Jonathan gone since she claims she was on the phone with the "raspy voiced woman" and heard Jonathan's voice before the line went dead just moments earlier while driving home. Why would she wait? Not making accusations, but it raises questions in my mind.
according to her myspace she is obsessed with a 19 year old girl named Star,I don't think SE is her type....
Hi OCB! What soot would there be from an oxy-acetylene torch? With your husband having such extensive experience with these types of torches.. what would his opinion be about the presence of "soot" from the oxy-acetylene torch?..TIA

**Thank you for giving us your insight from your husband's experience..it's greatly appreciated because what can be found, googled, and read over the internet usually doesn't suffice with the details many of us sleuthers are wanting to know..:)

Im just getting caught up this morning so not sure if this has been answered.

My ex was a welder and I worked in a trailer factory for several years. A cutting torch when used to cut metal lets off a thick black smoke, that leaves a oily gritty residue. I personally think its from the metal compounds though. What it does when burning flesh I would have no idea. I do know the flash from a welder and heat from the torch cause a sunburn effect on exposed skin. HTH JMO

an acetilene torch can cut through 1/2 inch iron in a matter of a few second.
What we know LE does have per their words are:

1) Security video of MN truck and her disposing of precious Jonathan at 6PM on Christmas Eve.
2) Burnt carpet in her home.
3) Welding equipment found at her home.
4) The obvious smell that this burning had occurred in her home.
5) Bags of evidence taken away that we saw but do not know all of the exact contents.
6) Twine found on Jonathan matched twine found at her home.
7) Various witness statements putting her at Jonathan's home.
8) The raspy voiced female on the phone who was heard making threats toward Jonathan.
9) Her own admission that she was at the site and disposed of contents in a plastic container which she was paid $20 for by SD. :rolleyes: on this obvious embellishment on the truth given by MN

I am sure I have left out numerous items but I consider the above more than enough for capital murder charges and I am very happy LE acted quickly in this and the appropriate charges were filed.

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