2011.01.03 - Motions Hearing

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video will not open up for me..says connecting...I need another link nevermind got it
Message for defense--map to find mute button on mic (BUTTON IS IN RED):

[ * ]
I wonder if that person who ran in to get a seat was a WS'er! lol

Respectfully Quoted :)

That tickled my funny bone like crazy! I think that is the sweetest thing I have heard in a long time. Really, I'm not being funny. I don't have children but I get that, I get that you thought about how your child would feel without your undivided attention. It made me smile and giggle. Thank you.


Aw, thanks now I'm smiling. I'm in a hot wheels coma, he is 3 1/2 and his sister started Kindergarten this year. He is lost without her. It's totally sweet. I'm streaming him "HowTo Train Your Dragon" and I've got him hooked up with a blanket and pillow next to me for rest time!:seeya:
TonE's lawyer on TruTV; he is no fan of Ms. KC... "Use your common sense!" regarding the relevance of the shovel-borrowing...
Is he allowed to blog live?

Sure think there should not be electronics in court room - could easily be used to communicate with witnesses waiting whom are not to hear testimony. JMHO
I'm going to need to break down and get a mini-fridge for my home office. Even getting up and running to the kitchen for food/beverage refills makes me nervous that I'll miss something important.

Got to get on that before May!
Where the heck is the defense team?? It's 5 minutes to the hearing! Why aren't they as excited as we are?? :)
I'm serious, and I know no fun for us if that is the case. It was just MOO
Love that I have 2 screens here at work...I can watch the live feed and websleuth! Woohoo!
Thanks for whoever posted the media player link. I'm watching on my 21 inch monitor, I can see nose hairs YAY!
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