2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

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I was thinking the same... it also seems to give a little credence to the fact that the area was flooded. Doesn't that mess up their SODDI defense where they claim someone put the remains there after KC was arrested? :waitasec:

SOD guy must have laid the body on the left side for a couple of months in a "mud hole" somewhere else until KC was hauled in for good...then moved the body and placed it securely in an upright position--under the the knee-deep water making sure to weave the roots and weeds into the proper places to make it look good enough to fool LE and Dr. G and all the FBI folks. But, of course, there is no fooling this dream defense team! They spotted that bogus plot right off the bat!! JMO:seeya:
So Mason signed this motion and not Baez. And yet aren't the sanctions personal to Baez? Mason even stood up in court and said HE'D never be sanctioned.

How can he answer for Baez on this?

This motion is reading to me as if it was written by Baez, for example, he states he told the state if they have any questions ask me, then paraphrases it a little later and refers to the defense and then has Baez in parenthesis. I was like 'huh?' when I saw Mason's signature at the end. IMO, they made an 'oopsie'.
don't post here must but follow along religiously.

as per today:

way to go Jose... maybe this one will work ((not))

and also another aside:

what is casey anthony thinking? does she REALLY think Jose can defend her? is this part of her appeal plans?

because at the rate they are going they are going to need some...

Oh wait.... !!!! foresight into the future as pertaining to the defense? What am I THINKING...!!! Obviously the future is not a thing to partake in here..

All well and good. It is all about a child who was murdered in cold blood after all... what were we expecting?
This motion is reading to me as if it was written by Baez, for example, he states he told the state if they have any questions ask me, then paraphrases it a little later and refers to the defense and then has Baez in parenthesis. I was like 'huh?' when I saw Mason's signature at the end. IMO, they made an 'oopsie'.

No, it was more like, "Please, Mason, please sign it! It's more professional with your signature on it, like it's actually a good motion! Come on, help a guy out!"
CRAP! I'm just getting back!!!!!! I had a ridiculous meeting.

Just read the motion but I'M PEEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For one this motion was brought forth by CM and not JB. JB should have manned up and filed this himself. And CM has the cajones the size of CHINA!!!!! He's out and right saying the Court was in error in it's ruling.

and I'm also PEEVED to no end about what I beleive to be the intentional misselling of Haskell!!!!!!!!!!! CM spelled it HasKILL. :furious::furious::furious:
You know, I would cringe being one of their experts. They consistently use such demeaning and insulting wording when it comes to what people are testifying about. I know that the defense experts, of course, are going to be in opposition of the prosecution experts. But Baez is so schoolyard with the wording it's coming off more like these experts are going to be bullies instead. I would not like that if I was one of their experts, just sayin...
Did the investigators and prosecution experts really claim the body had been left in an upright position? How did I miss that? Was it in Dr. G's report?

When she was a body it is possible she may have been upright. Once the animal activity started I doubt there was much left in the bag to kept the remains upright so the skull probably did end up on it's side. Not sure I'm getting the good doctor's point here. Wouldn't the mud be deposited after there was no more tissue? He certainly did not think the skeleton remains would stay upright after being in the water? If that is all he can testify to, good luck with that. jmo
Bottom line I guess this isn't about $$$. They simply want to continue to play this trial by ambush. They absolutely refuse to turn over any written reports.

Bottom line I guess this isn't about $$$. They simply want to continue to play this trial by ambush. They absolutely refuse to turn over any written reports.


Next think you know, they're going to ask for a mistrial because they can't adequately defend their client. Watch. It's so going to happen! I'm actually starting to think that a mistrial is what they are going for.
Bottom line I guess this isn't about $$$. They simply want to continue to play this trial by ambush. They absolutely refuse to turn over any written reports.


Maybe this kind of recalcitrance is more common than we think. I'm starting to feel queasy about the whole network of defense attorneys and how judges might overlook a heck of a lot on a regular basis.

If this is TRULY out of the ordinary... how DARE Baez and Mason behave this way?

I'm flummoxed.
WOW that must have been some traffic jam...especially BEFORE holiday tourists arrived...that it took the afternoon to drive to Orlando from Kissimmee and arrive at 5:02pm

I hope some gets their hands on FDOT I-4 Cameras..I think I counted about 22 traffic cameras along his route on the WESH check Traffic page..

Or the cell phone pings of "Mr William Slabaugh, esq, of the Baez Law Firm," who I'm sure just loves being designated scapegoat in a court motion in such a high profile case.
Bottom line I guess this isn't about $$$. They simply want to continue to play this trial by ambush. They absolutely refuse to turn over any written reports.


Seeing this motion reminds me of somebody feeding ducks by throwing out a little bit of bread, then a little more, and now, a little more... but leaving most of the loaf for himself.

Does he think Ashton will thank him for a few more crumbs in lieu of what the judge ordered?

Judge Perry made a very specific order, and Baez is still throwing crumbs AND he wants the sanctions to go away.

On the other hand, if Ashton were to say "okie dokie", I'll take it! Then that's ALL Baez' experts could testify to!
From reading the motion by Mason, I interpret it to say the following:

Bock, Fairgrave and Huntington have been deposed by the State, so the defense does not have to do anything else with them, right?

Henry Lee - unlikely to have to testify

Reichs - not anticipated to provide testimony

Spitz - IF called

Furton and Logan - for Frye Hearing - not trial

Leeson - unlikely to be called to testify

Rodriguez - IF called

Eikelenboom - May be required

Freeman - gone with the wind

So out of 12 expert witnesses ONLY the 3 who have already been deposed are definitely going to testify - well of course they are, defense has no choice in those three. Not ONE of the remaining 9 experts will be REQUIRED to testify - meaning the defense does not have to furnish a report from them.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! The names of MOST of the experts have not been withdrawn, so to speak - well, maybe Freeman can be considered to be withdrawn - but aside from the 3 already deposed - Mason does not say that ANY of them will actually testify. Oh why am I not surprised????
Now the forces are speaking to me! I've been away all afternoon and just got back and started in on the motion. I got halfway through the first page and the radio announcer (who I secretly think is Muzikman) said here's a classic you need to hear right now - it's Queen with "Another One Bites The Dust"!
BTW. This situation should tell you about traffic and filings. Please note this was NOT my firm. But it was another very large local firm down in so cal.

They had a motion for attys fees pending. The attys fees were over a million dollars. It came upon their last court day to file their motion for attys fees. The filing left their office late, I mean really late. They didn't request a motorcycle courier to get the filing to the court in time. And since it had to get to LA they hit traffic. It made it to the courthouse at 4:15 pm. 15 minutes AFTER court had closed. So they missed their deadline. The next day they submitted an affidavit explaining their delay due to traffic. The Judge summarily dismissed their motion to accept the late filing. And she refused to consider the motion for attys fees. What did that mean??????

That firm's client ended up getting stuck with over a million dollars in attys fees that they would have paid by the other side had their idiot attys gotten the filing to the Courthouse on time.

Can you say MALPRACTICE?????

End of story, that client never paid the firm for the attys fees. And the firm ended up holding the bag for that very large bill.

Moral of the story. Judge's don't care about your personal issues. Just get the damn filing on the docket on time.
Ha, good! I was worried "circus monkey" was going over the line, LOL.

And I just read the motion, and wish I hadn't. Wow. Everybody ELSE'S fault. They want to play word games, even! "It was subject matter, not substance". OMG, so SCHOOLYARD! And including the email between Baez and Ashton was just TACKY!

I have to say, being an English teacher, that reference to a grammar error was WRONG. Leaving out information you forgot to put in a sentence does NOT make it incomplete. A grammar error is a misplaced comma or not finishing a thought. Sounds to me like they "oops" forgot that information. I wish I could see the original sentence to be sure, but I'm calling a CROCK on their being a grammar error!

And yes, VERY disrespectful wording. Apparently Dr. G is a hack who doesn't know what she's doing and it's the COURT that's incompetent! OMG, who do these people think they are to talk that way? It's one thing to question something honestly, it's quite another to hurl insults like they do. So unprofessional! Oooh, my blood was BOILING with some of that wording!

Please, God, please let this come up at the hearing on Friday. I don't understand how someone can be so unprofessional yet still have a job...

Very disrespectful considering the defense wants to convince a jury that someone else did the crime so why attack the State's experts regarding the way the body was found. Makes no sense. I have to laugh if these experts are reading this motion right now and saying, "That's not what I told him. Where is he getting this stuff???" lol jmo
I have no idea how they came up with that conclusion....maybe this will shed some light later.

Casey Anthony defense experts offer evidence Caylee’s remains were moved


I believe the idea was the roots and plant growth were "holding" the skull flat face up on the ground.

And I can certainly think of a quick answer why there was mud on the inside of the left side of the skull - hey Spitz - how about receding flood water???:banghead:
Or "Mr William Slabaugh, esq, of the Baez Law Firm"(s) cell phone pings. I'm sure he loves being designated scapegoat in a court motion in such a high profile case.

True but he choose to be mentored by Baez and if you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.

A 10 year-old with any sense would know to steer clear of a person like Baez. This young, new member of the bar is already showing extremely poor judgment.
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