TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #53

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Lol...you don't need to say anything when you quit your job, you can just leave if you want to. Its not like they are going to drag you back and chain you to your desk if you don't say "I quit".


Thanks Tugela.. thats hilarious.. and absolutely true...

My brains fried from this case..:crazy:
But was meaning more like that he lied about any/all of those things happened that he claims
Still rollling laughing on the "they won't drag u back in and chain you to your desk".
That is not the issue. SA originally said he was fired after a blow up. Then he said he quit. But originally he said nothing at all and just pretended he still had the job. That is the issue imo.

That is so odd, he was at his job, saw his boss smiled, drank a Dr. Pepper and just left. Wonder if his boss said anything to him. My boss would have asked me where i was going. That is one of the craziest scenerios I have ever heard.:waitasec:,
That is not the issue. SA originally said he was fired after a blow up. Then he said he quit. But originally he said nothing at all and just pretended he still had the job. That is the issue imo.

True - got me off track for awhile. He didn't fess up to BD until Wednesday right? Cuz she would get mad....

That's what I recall anyway.


I "pondered" on here a week or so back about the possibility that SA.s employer had security cameras over the enter and exit doors...then whatever SA had been wearing upon entwering, and what he may have been carrying out upon exiting would be on those tapes. Wondered if he had work clothes. Well...seems that he "returned" his coveralls on Monday when he "quit". Somebody on here posted that one. Good, good! Did he start to report to his boss, look down and see some stains, and quickly exit. Did the employees wear "work boots"? Has the clothing he walked in wearing to work been examined by LE? I asked before if he had a locker, that was also answered, he did. Now, new question: has it been examined by LE?

I really don't think LE is going to give BD any updates on what they have discovered. It appears that she has a personal interest in the investigation - she has a second loved one that is presently missing from her home.

There are many clamoring for answers, and I hope that LE is accumulating them, and I can wait. I want them to have undeniable evidence, and we must be patient. I think that there are some answers from trusted sources that we haven't been made aware of yet. Go get 'em.
Darn this "he said she said" line that we have to listen to from SA/BD.... who is speaking the truth? "He didn't tell her about the job till Wednesday, cause she would gert mad?".
So how many mis-truths did BD speak in the meantime between Monday and Wednesday or Thursday? How convenient to say "I did not know that" when a contradiction becomes obvious. Makes me grit my teeth. I really feel sorry for LE having to trudge through all these cow patties.

GRACE: Well, I don`t know what to believe, either, because I`m getting all these different stories about you having a New Year`s Eve party, and you`re high when you go take the polygraph. Let me ask you this. Let`s get back to the facts. When was the last time you absolutely are positive you saw Hailey?

BILLIE DUNN: I saw her Sunday night.

GRACE: What time, 10:00 PM?

BILLIE DUNN: Probably around 10:00.

GRACE: Now, was that when you looked in her room and it is was dark and you thought she was lying in her bed?

BILLIE DUNN: I did see her in her room, but I saw her watching TV. Monday morning, I looked in her room and it was dark and it looked look she was laying in bed. But I didn`t go touch her, make sure that was her. I just peeked in to make sure she was in bed to ease my mind and...

GRACE: And so no one for sure saw Hailey from, like -- that was 6:00 AM in the morning when you left...


GRACE: ... until the boyfriend gets home and he says she`s there at 3:0 o`clock and then she leaves at 3:15. So if you were not correct at 6:00 AM, for all I know, she`s been gone since 5:00 AM in the morning.


Based on this line of questioning from NG - it seems that NG was questioning the timeline of the last sighting of HD & the alleged reported events following HD's disappearance, as well, IMO.

ETA: In response to NG's question to BD: "When was the last time you absolutely are positive you saw Hailey?"

To which BD replied: "I saw her Sunday night."

Bingo! I stated that BD had added in the peeking in on her Monday before work..That in the beginning it was only her sighting after DD left Sunday night..IMO she added this in for the same reason that she's done alot of things..To make her look like a better more attentive mom..

I think throughout the many interviews that LE were hitting her hard with "you hadnt seen your daughter since Sunday night.but didnt report her missing until Tuesday.. "I think after that being said over and over with someone asking "well why didn't you go check on her monday before work."..
and at some point she adds in the detail of seeing Hailey in bed that morning and someone asked earlier why her story changes about TV on or off..was it dark or light.. when she peeked in and thats because she has no true memory {due to the fact it never occured}..therefor she has no memory to draw upon and give an honest answer..its a complete fabrication..
I know I agree. What I tried to say is that I went back and checked the Hairdresser statement. And according to the hairdresser the timeline was 10:30am to 1:00pm. So I'm not sure how BD zeroed in on noon.

Honestly, I think (MOO) that she wanted to put Hailey back at the house in time to be seen on the phone at noon... I'm not bashing Billie, I don't even know that it was intentional, as the printed timeline says 1.
I recall SA and Billie saying it was worrisome that Hailey took nothing with her....scary, even. But, Billie told NG that it was normal for Hailey to go spend the night with friends with "only the clothes on her back"...so, which is it?? Normal or scary? :waitasec:

Normal for a sleepover, but not what you'd expect of a runaway. She is scared because she KNOWS Hailey did not leave (for this long) of her own free will. The question is (as BeanE says) whether or not she walked out the door...
Garcia says on the day Hailey disappeared, Mary beth received a text message that said "what are you doing?"

She says the message was sent from Hailey's mother's cell phone at about 2 o'clock, which Hailey always used, but Garcia says she worries that there is no evidence to prove Hailey sent that message.


About that text message...

Among those who use the texting shorthand (4=for, B=be, B4=before), which was discussed on another thread over a week ago (I have not figured out the Websleuth search functions) U=you. Y=why. Yesterday I heard a radio commercial I have heard for months, and a teen girl is texting back and forth with her Grandmother who is recovering from surgery at Lifebridge Health Systems facility. She's explaining the shorthand to her mother and texts LY4E then tells her mom it means "love you forever", using Y for "you". I don't know how often it is used, but I would have to say it's not unheard of.
About that text message...

Among those who use the texting shorthand (4=for, B=be, B4=before), which was discussed on another thread over a week ago (I have not figured out the Websleuth search functions) U=you. Y=why. Yesterday I heard a radio commercial I have heard for months, and a teen girl is texting back and forth with her Grandmother who is recovering from surgery at Lifebridge Health Systems facility. She's explaining the shorthand to her mother and texts LY4E then tells her mom it means "love you forever", using Y for "you". I don't know how often it is used, but I would have to say it's not unheard of.

I think she would have wrote "wats up" My DD always texts that message to me and me to her. IMO
We dont have enough information to sleuths the needed answers. It seems we are locked in at SA is the only named suspect. Until LE releases another name or more information.

We need LE to to have a presser and let the media ask some questions. These short teaser statements are not very enlightening.

As it is direct statements are picked apart and read 100 different ways by many different people so I think the Sheriffs direct statement and answers would help clear up this mess of what can be discounted and what can be put in Beane's bible timeline.


:waitasec: :floorlaugh:

Why don't you make a timeline that's just exactly what you like? A Soulmagnet Bible Timeline.

:waitasec: :floorlaugh:

Why don't you make a timeline that's just exactly what you like? A Soulmagnet Bible Timeline.
Actually, the "Bible" timeline moniker fits in this case, as we now have several Revised Standard Versions.
Respectfully - BeanE's timeline is not a "bible timeline". It is based upon hours & hours of following a case & researching what has been stated & reported in the MSM, and it is often edited as new information becomes available. It is not written in stone, nor is it held as a holy writ, as the "bible timeline" reference has implied.

I, for one, am thankful that she goes the extra mile to organize the information so that we have it at hand to refer to.

Thanks. My timeline is simply a set of information I've collected from LE's affidavit and MSM news articles and videos. I made it for myself, and chose to publish it on the net, in case anyone else could make use of it, or any part of it, to try to help Hailey.

That's it in a nutshell.

Everyone in the entire world is free to do the same, to build a timeline just exactly the way they want it, a timeline they like, their very own Bible Timeline.

I'm amazed at how few people have. In fact, I haven't seen anyone except me and a few news outlets and... Billie... do it.
That does sound possible. If CD told BD he was calling LE, she may have gone to the station to file the report to keep LE away from the house longer. I don't know either.

I keep thinking of the case - I think the woman's name is Cathy Wolcott. Her husband went to the police station to report her 'missing'. He didn't want LE at the house. They came anyway, of course, and he tried to keep them out.

As soon as they arrived, outside, they saw blood all over the place. When they got inside - same thing - blood all over the place.

Now I know that there have been no reports of blood at Hailey's home, but it just sticks in my mind that I believe there has to be a reason - and none good - why someone goes to the PD instead of calling 911 when their child is missing.

I wonder if LE or CPS questioned Billie about why she went to the PD instead of calling 911, and if that's why she took the pot shot at Clint, saying she 'told' him to and he didn't.

Makes perfect sense to me why he didn't - she wasn't going to the PD right away. She was going back to the house to see if Hailey had come home, then going to a few friends' houses to see if Hailey was there or they knew where she might be. *Then* she was going to the PD.

Her avoidance of getting LE involved troubles me.
I keep thinking of the case - I think the woman's name is Cathy Wolcott. Her husband went to the police station to report her 'missing'. He didn't want LE at the house. They came anyway, of course, and he tried to keep them out.

As soon as they arrived, outside, they saw blood all over the place. When they got inside - same thing - blood all over the place.

Now I know that there have been no reports of blood at Hailey's home, but it just sticks in my mind that I believe there has to be a reason - and none good - why someone goes to the PD instead of calling 911 when their child is missing.

I wonder if LE or CPS questioned Billie about why she went to the PD instead of calling 911, and if that's why she took the pot shot at Clint, saying she 'told' him to and he didn't.

Makes perfect sense to me why he didn't - she wasn't going to the PD right away. She was going back to the house to see if Hailey had come home, then going to a few friends' houses to see if Hailey was there or they knew where she might be. *Then* she was going to the PD.

Her avoidance of getting LE involved troubles me.

This particular "targeting" of CD by Billie really reeks to me. Why would he call 911 or any other police number when she was still not even sure that Hailey was even missing? She was going to do some more checking with friends and go back by the house....what was he going to tell them? "my ex hasn't talked to our daughter in DAYS, she's gonna look for her for a bit and then MIGHT come by to report her missing???" and if HD had showed up in the meantime, what then? The whole thing just seems an obvious attempt to make sure that CD was the first person for LE to focus on....because the first thing she walked in and said in her police station report was "the last place SA knew she was going was to her father's house." CLEARLY, they were aiming LE at CD from the beginning....have him make the first call, accuse him of being the last to see her, send the first investigators straight to his house to look for her.


Okay, maybe I can see doing these things first IF she hadn't told Clint to call the police station to announce to them that she was on her way to file a report???

Checking at home, texting her friends, and even going to some of their houses first might be 'consistent' with their fairly lax supervision of Hailey and the responsible thing to do before going to LE. I dunno, maybe LE would have thought that to be the responsible thing to do also.

But WHY have CLINT call LE to announce HER impending arrival, and then purposefully delay that arrival? Is this grandiosity, OR is this a strategy designed to set Clint up? Did she prompt him to "start the chain of reaction" with LE and then get busy herself doing things to make herself look like the "responsible one" between the two of them?

MOO, but one of the first things LE will ask is ... "Have you checked at her friends' houses? Did you make any calls or go around looking for her? What have you done so far to try to find your daughter?"
A town that small probably does not have an officer at the station all the time, so it would take a little time to get one there. By asking Clint to call, that freed up a few minutes for her to go around checking out places Hailey might be. D had her phone, she told him to hand it to his dad.
My question would be, why didn't Clint make that call?
Thanks. My timeline is simply a set of information I've collected from LE's affidavit and MSM news articles and videos. I made it for myself, and chose to publish it on the net, in case anyone else could make use of it, or any part of it, to try to help Hailey.

That's it in a nutshell.

Everyone in the entire world is free to do the same, to build a timeline just exactly the way they want it, a timeline they like, their very own Bible Timeline.

I'm amazed at how few people have. In fact, I haven't seen anyone except me and a few news outlets and... Billie... do it.

I started off trying to keep one, but as I noted early on, I was erasing holes in my paper (Closer suggested using disappearing ink). BeanE, you've put your heart into your timeline, and I have every faith in it, so I'm perfectly comfortable using it for reference. I imagine I'm by no means the only one that feels that way either, as indicated by the numerous thank-you's and you-rocks posted through these 50+ threads. So just keep doing what you're doing, and know that the effort is not in vain.

And oh yeah, it bears repeating:
At the PC, didn't Billie say she called her coworker Monday morning at 6:20 am ?

On Monday, December 27, Shawn left the house at 5:30. My alarm was going off around the time he was telling me ‘bye’. I got up and got ready for work. I usually leave the house by 6:20.

When my ride didn’t show up, I called her to see what was keeping her. I peeked in at Hailey because I’m used to seeing her asleep on the couch. She wasn’t there. I remembered ‘oh yeah, she’s in her room’. I peeked in and it was dark, but her TV was on, and it definitely pacified me. I didn’t touch her, but I seen my daughter and felt good. I came in the living room to wait on my ride.

I left the house around 6:30 and got to work about seven.

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