Elementary Students Make Pig Noises at Classmate, Teacher Suspended


When nothing is certain, anything is possible.
Oct 14, 2010
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I read about this, this morning on Dr. Lillian Glass Body Language Blog:

Child May Be Psychologically Traumatized Forever By Toxic Teachers Abuse Calling Boy Pig and Encouraging Other Students to Do The Same

And it infuriated me that this teacher only received a 1 day suspension!!

Here's another article about it:

"Tennessee elementary school was suspended one day without pay, after she reportedly had students surround another child to make pig noises at him because he's messy.

April Norris, a parent at Bowers Elementary in Harriman, says her son's teacher, Debbie Hayes, told students to surround the boy and make noises like "oink-oink" in an effort to get him to clean up his area, according to CBS affiliate WLVT."


(If I made the title of this thread wrong, sorry in advance! Pls fix)
Its infuriating isn't it Noetic? And you can thank the teachers union for her one day suspension. That's why these unions have to be busted. They only protect the "unusual" people like this teacher. She should be fired - immediately!!!!

I'm willing to bet the farm that if you called this school district and asked why she only got one day suspension - the answer you'll get will be "its in the union contract".
Apparently unrelated, but in today's paper, so I'm posting it in the spirit of synchronicity (and yes, the teacher ought to be fired).

“Piggy Nation” on a crusade to end rude behavior
Oklahoma City-born author created “piggy tickets,” a children's book and a musical as an entertaining response to rude behavior.
The book has become somewhat of a light-hearted crusade for its author, Oklahoma City-born Richard Rosser, 49, who has taken his “Piggy Nation” children's book and turned it into a musical with original songs, presentations for elementary-school children and an opportunity for people to issue their own “piggy tickets” to express frustration over etiquette breaches. In return, sometimes they hear about their own violations.
(the rest at Daily Oklahoman link above)
Its infuriating isn't it Noetic? And you can thank the teachers union for her one day suspension. That's why these unions have to be busted. They only protect the "unusual" people like this teacher. She should be fired - immediately!!!!

I'm willing to bet the farm that if you called this school district and asked why she only got one day suspension - the answer you'll get will be "its in the union contract".

Infuriating indeed! I cannot imagine what that teacher was thinking. I mean .. bullying is rampant enough between the children for crying out loud! Teaching little children to be bullies. Makes me want to SPIT (and spitting is one of my biggest pet-peeves!)

Apparently unrelated, but in today's paper, so I'm posting it in the spirit of synchronicity (and yes, the teacher ought to be fired).

“Piggy Nation” on a crusade to end rude behavior
Oklahoma City-born author created “piggy tickets,” a children's book and a musical as an entertaining response to rude behavior.

(the rest at Daily Oklahoman link above)

The Education system in the US certainly needs a good examining that's for SURE. Oh. Wait. We're too busy running everyone else country and paying for oil wars--to worry about properly educating our children.

Meh. I'm so disgusted today with this. :banghead:
Its infuriating isn't it Noetic? And you can thank the teachers union for her one day suspension. That's why these unions have to be busted. They only protect the "unusual" people like this teacher. She should be fired - immediately!!!!

I'm willing to bet the farm that if you called this school district and asked why she only got one day suspension - the answer you'll get will be "its in the union contract".

The teacher unions don't only protect the unusual people. It's just that the unusual people protected by the union are the only ones reported on by the news. Instead, plenty of excellent teachers are protected every day by unions from mediocre staff who are envious of their skill or who don't understand their excellence.

Busting the unions is not the answer to this issue. Outrage and demands that abusive teachers be fired is.

These people are with our kids more than we are during waking hours. They go through incredible work to be the best they can be - for our kids. It baffles me, the anger towards those who have our kids' futures in their hands (and towards the establishments that protect them). I feel they should be revered, like they are in other countries and paid a hell of a lot more than they are. Higher wages would allow more competitiveness for jobs and allow hiring staff to be even more selective so wackos like this teacher would not be hired as often.

There are multiple ways to ensure that unusual people like this teacher are not allowed to continue teaching our kids. Busting the organization that protects those who have dedicated their lives to educating our kids is not one of them, IMO. Without unions, we would have many more mediocre teachers around, from what I have observed, as the ones who are the best are often hated the most by those who have the power to hire and fire.
The teacher unions don't only protect the unusual people. It's just that the unusual people protected by the union are the only ones reported on by the news. Instead, plenty of excellent teachers are protected every day by unions from mediocre staff who are envious of their skill or who don't understand their excellence.

Busting the unions is not the answer to this issue. Outrage and demands that abusive teachers be fired is.

These people are with our kids more than we are during waking hours. They go through incredible work to be the best they can be - for our kids. It baffles me, the anger towards those who have our kids' futures in their hands (and towards the establishments that protect them). I feel they should be revered, like they are in other countries and paid a hell of a lot more than they are. Higher wages would allow more competitiveness for jobs and allow hiring staff to be even more selective so wackos like this teacher would not be hired as often.

There are multiple ways to ensure that unusual people like this teacher are not allowed to continue teaching our kids. Busting the organization that protects those who have dedicated their lives to educating our kids is not one of them, IMO. Without unions, we would have many more mediocre teachers around, from what I have observed, as the ones who are the best are often hated the most by those who have the power to hire and fire.
But you see, they don't. I have first hand knowledge and sadly, experience with the unions protecting the unusual people. I was heckled, degraded, screamed at and picked on by one of the unusual people - when I went to my union rep to get help - all I got was "just don't listen to him". Come to find out this unusual person had been used as a "mole" to out an even "badder" principal and was, therefore, protected regardless of what he did, said, or how his test scores came out.

After I left the school - I also found out that this same unusual person had been busted for soliciting an undercover cop for sex. Never was an investigation done, never was he removed from his ELEMENTARY classroom, never was he disciplined in ANY WAY for this.

In the bigger school districts its all about the politics and greed than it is EVER about the kids.

I have taught for over 15 years now. I will never join a teachers union again. The only benefit that the union offers is the $1 mil umbrella liability - which now private insurers are offering for less than half of your union dues.

The public school system has to change. It has to. I've lived it for years not only as a teacher but also as a parent.

Our last union president - who had been the union prez for many, many years and was collecting a 6 figure salary was busted for soliciting a minor online and caught at the meeting place! He thought he was going to meet a 14 yr old girl and at the time he had two teenage daughters. He was stripped of his license and is currently serving his time (although he might be out by now).

Call me what you will - but I wouldn't trust my children to this school district ever again and I certainly won't work for them. Most of that comes from the union and the board being in bed together. We have an ex-union official AND an ex-union rep currently seated on the board and they are the most corrupt of them all.
I have said this same statement so many times, I really lose count at this point, but anything that mentally, physically or emotionally damages a child in the school is the schools responsibility - period.

I have had similar bullying issues, not pig noises but similar, and I am so tired of teachers telling me to "find a way for your child to deal with it" or "it's actually an endearing word in Spanish."

Main problem is here, and I have said this too, there are LOTS of kids in the class now that are raised on the tube while there is very little teachers with even less time. I understand that, I really do. But to PUT UP with bullying, to even call it "growing pains" in school.... I mean, has the past era NOT given us any clue to what bullying is capable of - at both ends??


This story just lit my match, sorry for the rant.
IMO the parents of every child in that school should keep their kids out until that teacher is gone. At the very least ,she showed extremely poor judgement,but I fear their is a more sadistic intent ,finding the humiliation of a child entertaining.

Words hurt ,and we wonder why our children are committing suicide .........she needs to go.
MissJames , mom to a fifteen year old son who hung himself.
But you see, they don't. I have first hand knowledge and sadly, experience with the unions protecting the unusual people. I was heckled, degraded, screamed at and picked on by one of the unusual people - when I went to my union rep to get help - all I got was "just don't listen to him". Come to find out this unusual person had been used as a "mole" to out an even "badder" principal and was, therefore, protected regardless of what he did, said, or how his test scores came out.

After I left the school - I also found out that this same unusual person had been busted for soliciting an undercover cop for sex. Never was an investigation done, never was he removed from his ELEMENTARY classroom, never was he disciplined in ANY WAY for this.

In the bigger school districts its all about the politics and greed than it is EVER about the kids.

I have taught for over 15 years now. I will never join a teachers union again. The only benefit that the union offers is the $1 mil umbrella liability - which now private insurers are offering for less than half of your union dues.

The public school system has to change. It has to. I've lived it for years not only as a teacher but also as a parent.

Our last union president - who had been the union prez for many, many years and was collecting a 6 figure salary was busted for soliciting a minor online and caught at the meeting place! He thought he was going to meet a 14 yr old girl and at the time he had two teenage daughters. He was stripped of his license and is currently serving his time (although he might be out by now).

Call me what you will - but I wouldn't trust my children to this school district ever again and I certainly won't work for them. Most of that comes from the union and the board being in bed together. We have an ex-union official AND an ex-union rep currently seated on the board and they are the most corrupt of them all.

I Totally Agree !
What a sick teacher. Sounds something out of Nazis Germany, Stalinist Soviet Union, or Taliban Afghanistan. One has to wonder how Nazis Germany, Soviet Union, and Al-Qaeda/Islamists come about. They had one big bully who influenced others to lockstep with them.

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