Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #12

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Was there any evidence of DNA under Meredith's nails? Skin? Hair? Did she fight her attacker(s)? A lack of such evidence could indicate it was more than one attacker. If Meredith had been attacked by one (man)as some theories state, it would reason she would have fought back, and there would be evidence. I have read that as a theory and I agree.

Per Meredith's father, she knew some martial arts.

The defense team tried to have someone scale the wall, but failed.

The glass inside the room proved the widow(glass)had been broken after Meredith was attacked.

Amanda and her boyfriend turned off their phones right before the time of murder, both Amanda and her boyfriend's phones were found "tossed in a yard."

Amanda accused an innocent person. Good, innocent PEOPLE not just girls, American's, etc. do not do such things. Not because they are "high" or upset or feeling "confused." You are either a good person or you are not. Good people when being accused of a horror like the bloody brutal murder of your roommate do not-would not IMHO-ever resort to accusing anyone. IMHO, someone who would do that is a guilty person. An innocent person has the truth-that has been said before on WS and it wasn't me who said it first. If you are innocent you would never give up your credibility like that...

Amanda and Meredith's blood is co mingled in more than three places in the apartment, the crime scene.

Amanda wrote a short story about a young woman who is brutally raped(and killed)by another woman. She gives details about the victim breathing in their own blood. This is what happened to Meredith.

Amanda testified in her own words what Meredith sounded like as she lay dying. "Yucky" is the word she used to describe Meredith's last breaths.

As I have learned in the Anthony case, when you have no case-attack the police. Which the defense has, and also like the Anthony case-the defense is playing the "don't hate her because she is beautiful card." She claims she was scared, intimidated and confused by the officers. Amanda plays naive and scared yet is capable of holding sex parties that are considered scandalous by wild college students and bed three strange men all before having taken a class in Italy.

I believe Amanda Knox is guilty of the murder of Meredith and so did the jury in Italy. Maybe Amanda will be released upon appeal, and have that spa day with her mom. Maybe Amanda will be released upon appeal and hurt someone else, I also see in Amanda Knox what I saw in Joran Van der Sloot.

Many people, GVS included, believed he was innocent in the disappearance of Nat Holloway. Now he sits in a Peruvian prison accused of the brutal death of another young woman. Some people will always say he is innocent, I guess.

Maybe Amanda will be freed, I wonder if she will come back to America? :innocent:

I find it almost impossible to listen to anything Amanda says, her lies are obvious. She has changed her story, she has accused the authorities of abusing her and their power. She has accused an innocent person of murder. She acted flip and glib upon learning of the brutal murder that took place. Why did not one other person, any of the friends(young folk, students)any other single (innocent)person involved in this have a reaction like Amanda?

Sociopaths have used the excuses for their cold behavior as if there is an excuse for cold behavior. Human beings feel. Anything else is an excuse from a cold killer. IMHO.

I feel strongly about speaking out for Meredith. She is the victim.

Posted by SMK:
Wow, it looks like they are postponing due to issues of contamination! I will read more, thanks for posting this, Miley! as per the link to Perugia Shock:

Stefano Conti and Carla Vecchiotti, who were supposed to deliver their study on knife and bra clasp to the court next May 9, just asked for a postponement. It seems that their attention is now towards a possible contamination occurred outside the test. They are right because, as we know, that DNA doesn’t fit any logic, it simply can’t be there. Non-blood DNA on the blade requires another explanation than the knife being the murder weapon. And even for the bra clasp, as we shall see, there are some problems...

Its been insinuated before that the dna was planted, I don't know but you can tell Frank is obviously irked by all of this:
(snip)Their claiming of having not contaminated the bra clasp, implies another admission. This time they are forced to confess that during six weeks and three inspections they weren’t able to find the bra clasp!

(snip)The work of the scientific police was finished in November, so the devastating, non-scientific inspections could take place. And during those three long inspections we don’t know what happened.... After that, suddenly, the scientific police, which had finished, is instead called back!

(snip)How is it possible that they, whose job is finding evidence, didn’t find the bra clasp during the three inspections? They didn't find it but the biologists (!), who came from Rome, immediately spotted it out! And just while a camera crew was filming...

(snip)They show up all perfectly suited (for no reason, since the house had been completely devastated by non-scientific inspections). They go into Meredith's room (for no reason, since officially they had returned to run tests outside the room), and immediately they find the bra clasp!
Posted by Nova:
He makes a number of good points. I'm not usually one to believe conspiracy theories, but why did it just happen that TV cameras were running when the bra clasp was found? Especially considering so much of the investigation wasn't taped!
I'm trying to get this straight.. so the local police asked the "scientific" police (from Rome) to return for new testing... did they actually do new tests outside of Meredith's room- or was it just a ruse?

and really, why weren't the "three long" (previous) non-scientific inspections filmed? And why was this last inspection video-recorded and aired live on tv?!
You've made a few factual errors in your post which unfortunately I can't address right now...

and for whatever its worth, I never followed the Anthony case so I can't comment.. however, as far as Joran Van der Sloot is concerned.. I always thought he was guilty.
Its been insinuated before that the dna was planted, I don't know but you can tell Frank is obviously irked by all of this:
(snip)Their claiming of having not contaminated the bra clasp, implies another admission. This time they are forced to confess that during six weeks and three inspections they weren’t able to find the bra clasp!

(snip)The work of the scientific police was finished in November, so the devastating, non-scientific inspections could take place. And during those three long inspections we don’t know what happened.... After that, suddenly, the scientific police, which had finished, is instead called back!

(snip)How is it possible that they, whose job is finding evidence, didn’t find the bra clasp during the three inspections? They didn't find it but the biologists (!), who came from Rome, immediately spotted it out! And just while a camera crew was filming...

(snip)They show up all perfectly suited (for no reason, since the house had been completely devastated by non-scientific inspections). They go into Meredith's room (for no reason, since officially they had returned to run tests outside the room), and immediately they find the bra clasp!

Just a thought as I have not read the article yet and am at the office, but they did request the .fsa files I believe it was either last week or the week before. Maybe they got they got them.

Interesting and thanks Miley
You've made a few factual errors in your post which unfortunately I can't address right now...

and for whatever its worth, I never followed the Anthony case so I can't comment.. however, as far as Joran Van der Sloot is concerned.. I always thought he was guilty.

Respectfully Quoted miley

If I have made factual errors in my post, I ask that I be corrected. TIA.
Below, an excerpt from Hendry's professional analysis, it is a re-enactment theory which in part explains the jacket and its sleeves. It was an Addidas sweatshirt/jacket.

Following is what appears to have happened:
After entering the cottage at about 8:50 pm, Rudy begins to go through Filomena Romanelli's room. He also takes a quick look in Laura Mezzeti's room, where he leaves a drawer partly open. While looking around in the place, he realizes he needs to use a toilet, so he goes to the nearby bathroom. After a couple of minutes, he hears a sound at the front door and realizes someone has come home. Meredith Kercher arrives at the front door of her apartment flat at about 8:55 pm. She is wearing a blue zippered Adidas jacket over a thin, off-white long sleeved sweatshirt with a tee shirt overlay. She is also wearing blue jeans and red and white Puma shoes. Meredith is carrying an off-white shoulder bag, which contains, among other things, a book she has borrowed from a friend. Upon entering she locks the door from the inside and walks straight to her room.

There, she walks to the far wall and turns on the overhead light. She tosses the borrowed book and a notebook on the bed and hooks the shoulder bag on the desk chair. It is 8:56 pm. Meredith now gets out the cell phone she uses to call her family and friends in the UK, sits down on the edge of her bed, and initiates a call to her mother.

For reasons only Rudy knows, he makes the decision to go to Meredith's room, neglecting to flush the toilet lest he lose the element of surprise. Armed with a sharp pocketknife, he bursts into the room and confronts Meredith. She stands up, but Rudy grabs her before she can react defensively. She pulls away, but he turns her around and brings her flush against his body. This early struggle results in lateral contact with the bed frame and mattress and possibly the corner of the nightstand.

Once Rudy has Meredith under control from behind, he positions the tip of his knife against the right side of her throat. He makes three knife wounds to the right side of the throat during this initial phase of the struggle, with one being a stab wound that penetrates about 1-1/2 inches. Meredith instantly begins bleeding and raises her right hand to the wounds.

Rudy’s intent with these initial knife wounds may be to subdue and control his victim rather than to kill her. But as the struggle moves across the room toward the window near the desk, it becomes more violent. Either Rudy is consumed with an urge to kill, or he cannot control Meredith any other way, or he realizes she has recognized him.

Eventually Meredith falls to her knees. Rudy, still on his feet, straddles her from behind. From this vantage point, he grabs her jawbone with the fingers of his left hand, pulling her head back Then, with his right hand, he stabs her throat and drives the knife blade to its full depth. He pulls the blade upward until the wound is 3 inches in length. Large quantities of blood immediately flood onto his hand and his pants.

Rudy releases Meredith’s head and steps back as she collapses and begins to eject a large volume of blood onto the floor in front of the wardrobe closet. The initial blood deposits are likely oriented in the direction of the nightstand. Meredith attempts to crawl in a clockwise direction, propped on her right hand while clutching her left hand to her throat. She probably remains fully conscious for only a minute or so.

With the struggle over, Rudy seizes the collar of the blue sweatshirt Meredith is wearing and pulls her toward the nightstand, leaving a heavy trail of blood. After moving her upper body for about 1-1/2 feet in a counterclockwise arc, the jacket begins to come off, and she is caught up in the mat on the floor, so Rudy tosses it toward the desk. . . .
The bloody hand swipe markings seen in the photo above were likely left by Meredith’s left hand in a final attempt to stand up.

Rudy begins to disrobe Meredith. He pulls the blue Adidas sweatshirt downward until it comes off, turning the sleeves inside out. He then removes her shoes and socks before rolling her onto her back, at which point she aspirates some blood onto the side of the wardrobe.

wanted to bring this forward so we can keep talking about the jacket.
Was there any evidence of DNA under Meredith's nails? Skin? Hair? Did she fight her attacker(s)? A lack of such evidence could indicate it was more than one attacker. If Meredith had been attacked by one (man)as some theories state, it would reason she would have fought back, and there would be evidence. I have read that as a theory and I agree.

Per Meredith's father, she knew some martial arts.

Because you asked to be corrected, I point out that all this in the quote above are suppositions. There are many crimes in which little DNA is found. She did have hair in her hands, as I understand. There was controversy over whether it was her own or RG's, if that hair speculation is true. I reason that she would have fought back in some manner no matter how many attackers were on her and the lack of evidence that she was over touched by AK and RS is startling. There is NOTHING but a contaminated bra clasp that places RS in the room and NOTHING AT ALL places AK in the room. If AK and RS had been holding her down, on her body and clothes would have been the same amounts of DNA as they found from RG.

The defense team tried to have someone scale the wall, but failed.
Please cite a source that indicates the defense failed here. Thanks.

The glass inside the room proved the widow(glass)had been broken after Meredith was attacked.

Glass being clear across the room indicates that the rock was thrown in the same direction that the glass flew. Had it been broken inside, the glass would have been against the wall and all in front of the wardrobe. There is a lot more I can say here, but I suggest you read Hendry's theory on how RG got in the window. It's very insightful. However, it is quite possible, though improbable that RG staged a break-in after he killed MK by himself.

Amanda and her boyfriend turned off their phones right before the time of murder, both Amanda and her boyfriend's phones were found "tossed in a yard."

MK's phones were the ones found in a garden that is located about a 3-5 minute walk from RG's house. Their phones were not turned off right before the murder as the TOD has been disputed to have occured anywhere from 9pm to 1am.

Amanda accused an innocent person. Good, innocent PEOPLE not just girls, American's, etc. do not do such things. Not because they are "high" or upset or feeling "confused." You are either a good person or you are not. Good people when being accused of a horror like the bloody brutal murder of your roommate do not-would not IMHO-ever resort to accusing anyone. IMHO, someone who would do that is a guilty person. An innocent person has the truth-that has been said before on WS and it wasn't me who said it first. If you are innocent you would never give up your credibility like that...
I IMPLORE YOU PLEASE educate yourself on false confessions. You can start with the innocence project. Not only do people confess to crimes they did not commit, but they do blame others who had nothing to do with it. The Ryan Furgeson case is an excellent example of BOTH these things happening at once.

Amanda and Meredith's blood is co mingled in more than three places in the apartment, the crime scene.

MK and AK's blood were not mingled in even one place. Please cite the source that said it was. In the motivation report, the judge even states that it was MK's blood and AK's DNA, found together in the bathroom, which makes every sense in the world, given that AK showered, brushed her hair, her teeth, and everything else in that bathroom.

Amanda wrote a short story about a young woman who is brutally raped(and killed)by another woman. She gives details about the victim breathing in their own blood. This is what happened to Meredith.
people's creative writing is not an indicator of guilt. I wrote a story about a man who climbed in the rafters of a women's bathroom and watched women urinate. He collected the urine in a plastic bag to save for later. There is also a true story of a man who did this same thing in the united states. It was on the smoking Also, please cite the source for this story, so we can all read it and be educated.
Amanda testified in her own words what Meredith sounded like as she lay dying. "Yucky" is the word she used to describe Meredith's last breaths.

Source for this please.

As I have learned in the Anthony case, when you have no case-attack the police. Which the defense has, and also like the Anthony case-the defense is playing the "don't hate her because she is beautiful card." She claims she was scared, intimidated and confused by the officers. Amanda plays naive and scared yet is capable of holding sex parties that are considered scandalous by wild college students and bed three strange men all before having taken a class in Italy.

AK has been very apologetic to the police, even saying she understood that they had to do their jobs. She insists that her interrogation went the way she said, however. But she hasn't attacked the police. Read her letter she wrote after signing her declaration and you'll see what i mean.

Please cite a source that proves AK held sex parties and had three strange men in her bed. Also please explain how deciding to have an orgy makes her a murderer, if she in fact had one. AK testified to only having 7 partners in her whole life.

She acted flip and glib upon learning of the brutal murder that took place. Why did not one other person, any of the friends(young folk, students)any other single (innocent)person involved in this have a reaction like Amanda?
I disagree with this based on reading her diaries and testimony.

I feel strongly about speaking out for Meredith. She is the victim.

I cry for MK. and I want her to have justice, but justice is not convicting AK and RS of this crime. Justice is somehow getting RG in the electric chair.

I answered your statements very broadly, but there were much more detailed rebuttals I could have given. In the interest of time, space, etc, I tried to keep it brief. We can all go into detail about any topic you wish though. Thanks for giving me the chance to reflect on what I learned about this case.
Its been insinuated before that the dna was planted, I don't know but you can tell Frank is obviously irked by all of this:
(snip)Their claiming of having not contaminated the bra clasp, implies another admission. This time they are forced to confess that during six weeks and three inspections they weren’t able to find the bra clasp!

(snip)The work of the scientific police was finished in November, so the devastating, non-scientific inspections could take place. And during those three long inspections we don’t know what happened.... After that, suddenly, the scientific police, which had finished, is instead called back!

(snip)How is it possible that they, whose job is finding evidence, didn’t find the bra clasp during the three inspections? They didn't find it but the biologists (!), who came from Rome, immediately spotted it out! And just while a camera crew was filming...

(snip)They show up all perfectly suited (for no reason, since the house had been completely devastated by non-scientific inspections). They go into Meredith's room (for no reason, since officially they had returned to run tests outside the room), and immediately they find the bra clasp!
I had always suspected that planting was possible, it does happen. It should not , but it does, and Frank gives the history, and we know Mignini was indicted for breaking the law and abuse of office. If Amanda and Raff can wear a black hat, so can they.
I'd like to know the home planet of people who believe "good, innocent people" always tell the truth. Nobody tells the truth all the time. Even those of us who normally refuse to lie for personal gain will shade the truth or lie outright if we believe doing so is a greater good (prevents hurt feelings, for example) than brutal honesty.

Now granted, accusing an innocent man is wrong, unusual and extreme, but then the circumstances under which AK acquiesced to that accusation (let's remember, she didn't invent the idea) were also extreme. And let's also remember she would hardly have been the first innocent person (assuming she was innocent) to do so.
I had always suspected that planting was possible, it does happen. It should not , but it does, and Frank gives the history, and we know Mignini was indicted for breaking the law and abuse of office. If Amanda and Raff can wear a black hat, so can they.

If Frank is correct about the special invitation to TV cameras to film the collection that day, then there's no doubt in my mind that the bra clasp was planted.
If Frank is correct about the special invitation to TV cameras to film the collection that day, then there's no doubt in my mind that the bra clasp was planted.
I think Frank - insofar as I can tell from reading what others have said of him - has integrity and is careful about what he says. And I also was always, always suspicious of WHY Sollecito's tiny amount of DNA would be on the tiny clasp, but not the rest of the bra? And no blood, no other DNA on the victim? And the footprint was not proven to be his? And Gude's prints and DNA everywhere including in the poor victim's body? And the clasp found 46 days late?
It is as Franks said: What originally was brilliant ("intuiting" that AK and RS were the killers, and making all fit) later became nonsense (when Guede was caught and confessed to being there, having sex with Meredith, they should have forgotten about Knox and Sollecito. Instead, they formed the idea of the 3 on 1 sex attack).
It had to be planted. Who the hell finds it then doesn't collect it for 47 days!

That was suspicious from the get-go, if you ask me.
It had to be planted. Who the hell finds it then doesn't collect it for 47 days!

That was suspicious from the get-go, if you ask me.
Right---as Frank points out, this probing of the murder of a young University student in Perugia was their job, their duty, to investigate---they leave a part of the girl's bra for 47 days? You would think that room and cottage would have been sealed off, gone over with a fine-toothed comb. Frank may be implying that they had it, but then pretended to "find it" with the dna on it. I was unable to take the time to do more than quickly skim his main points. But it is all fishy.
CPJ posted a response to Kermit. Of particular interest to some of you might be the comments section

"CPJ takes no position as to the alleged guilt or innocence of either of the defendants in the Kercher case. That is up to the courts to decide. What we are concerned about is that the press--domestic and international--is free to report and comment on the case without fear of reprisal. Alternative views, however unpopular or unpleasant those may be, must never result in harassment, physical attack, incarceration, or threats."
CPJ posted a response to Kermit. Of particular interest to some of you might be the comments section

"CPJ takes no position as to the alleged guilt or innocence of either of the defendants in the Kercher case. That is up to the courts to decide. What we are concerned about is that the press--domestic and international--is free to report and comment on the case without fear of reprisal. Alternative views, however unpopular or unpleasant those may be, must never result in harassment, physical attack, incarceration, or threats."
I particularly like Douglas Preston's remarks at the end.
who the heck are cpj and Kermit?

Nevermind. I never knew who kermit was, but going to the cpj site, I figured it out.
Okay, so back to the jacket for a minute. Frank asserts in that article that the jacket wasn't even collected until some time in December 2007.
Okay, so back to the jacket for a minute. Frank asserts in that article that the jacket wasn't even collected until some time in December 2007.
Right. Another absurdity. But from Hendry's POV, the fact that it had its sleeves turned inside out, and was blood soaked in part, indicates she was attacked with her jacket ON, when just returning home, and sitting on the bed to call her Mom before she organized herself ...
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