2011.05.13 - Jury Selection DAY FIVE Afternoon Session

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Each side has 10 strikes they can use without cause.

No. They can use their strikes without cause as long as it does not pertain to race. The state has used their strike. It has been denied due to race.
ITA. Her answers went from what she thought to what she thought everyone wanted to hear. She's a pleaser.

It might depend on the foreman, she might not respond well to one of those starchy men we listened to today and yesterday.

That's the problem. She's not going to want to judge people based of other people's accounts. She said she doesn't like to judge others from what other people say. And that's EXACTLY what jurors do, and what they're supposed to do.

I'm not very worried about this. I hear people say all the time they don't judge others, but in my experience, that is just not true.

I just got the feeling the PJ meant she wouldn't judge based on what someone said, and that is IMO a good thing. This trial is not going to only be people taking the stand and saying ICA is guilty. There is plenty of evidence to go along with what is being said.
Not exactly true, I guess. Judge can ask the reason, which he did...and here we are, he disallowed it as racial.

I don't understand what was racial about it at all? I didn't even know she was African American - I was worried about her feelings about "judging" people.
They are all discussing soemthing in notes. RB keeps taking Sims seat when she leaves. To me that is inappropriate. MO

JB is texting.
Please address the professionals in the court room with their PROPER names. Rosie is Rosie, or any form of her name and nothing else, etc.

A little self-editing will keep this thread moving forward.

Can we still use abbriations?
I am an attorney and am shaking in my shoes. She, IMO, a classic wildcard who could hang the jury or, at best, cause a lot of frustration and discord. I would have done a WHOLE lot more to get her off the panel. But I also can't think what arguments are being made at sidebar? any idea what you could say at this point to the court? Are they trying to bring her back? I don't think that would help remove the taint.

Unfortunately I have to agree. I am seeing the possibility of a mistrial very likely.

ETA: Due to jurors specifically.
IMO they have no case so they were shopping for a wild card juror... She might be happy because they just might have been dealt one.
Forgive me...I was catching up on housework. Was the juror just on the stand the one from a few days ago that said she didn't want to judge people? Or is this a different one? I'm really concerned about this. :(

Yes, but then she agreed she could. State did not believe her, tried to use a strike, judge said no because others have changed their answers who were not AA and allowed through.
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