2011.05.28 Sidebar Thread

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One question...After all HELL broke loose and KC left Tony's apartment Tony L asked KC how long she had known the Nanny and he stated KC told him the Nanny used to take care of her friend, Jeff's (I think thats his name) child.. Hasn't it been proven her friend Jeff didn't even have a child...

Right, Jeff did not have a son named Zachary that was around Caylee's age. All a big story. mo

eta: Hi, Em!! :wave:
Does anyone else besides me think it is utterly ridiculous when JB gets up and asks a witness to agree, "isn't it unbelievable that she thought this way, believed these things or acted this way"? (something to that affect). Insinuating that only a crazy, delusional, abused person living in a 'fantasy world' would act this way!

Ummm NO ! A lying psychopath who murdered her daughter and didn't give a **** could act this way!

I'm telling you, the people on that jury are not going to fall for this. They KNOW people lie to cover their crimes EVERY DAY! We all know people do this. Even if some of the people on that jury are not avid readers they will have watched a movie or many movies that show this very same thing; Murderers attempting to get away with... well... MURDER!
I'll say this again- I always thought ICA would be convicted and sentenced to LWOP, I now think the jury will seek the Death Penalty. MOO!

I find this really annoying as well. Baez and his " Casey's World " BS is very aggravating. He is trying to imply that she does not know any better.

I really wish we could have just one look at the jury to see how they are responding to this charade the DT is attempting.
Does anyone else besides me think it is utterly ridiculous when JB gets up and asks a witness to agree, "isn't it unbelievable that she thought this way, believed these things or acted this way"? (something to that affect). Insinuating that only a crazy, delusional, abused person living in a 'fantasy world' would act this way!Ummm NO ! A lying psychopath who murdered her daughter and didn't give a **** could act this way!

I'm telling you, the people on that jury are not going to fall for this. They KNOW people lie to cover their crimes EVERY DAY! We all know people do this. Even if some of the people on that jury are not avid readers they will have watched a movie or many movies that show this very same thing; Murderers attempting to get away with... well... MURDER!

I'll say this again- I always thought ICA would be convicted and sentenced to LWOP, I now think the jury will seek the Death Penalty. MOO!

BBM.. I would be in contempt in a New York minute because I wouldn't agree with any of his manipulative tactics...I would tell him first off there isn't a damn thing wrong with her reality.. She is just a narcissistic sociopathic pathological liar who gets her kicks from lying to and about people...JMHO
I did catch something in that video ... she says something about her mother not even trying now and she says something about three years and nothing.

I wonder if the SA's could hear her.
...and really p$ssed that her mother didn't look at her. Poor Casey!
Ya know what's really sad...I think Casey could care less about ever seeing her family again once this is over. I don't think there is ANY love there. Their purpose in her life was to serve her. They can't do that anymore. Wonder what will happen when her lawyers are no longer filling that position? Will she be writing to members of her team?

PS- how come Mallory never made an attempt to visit Casey? She made it seem like she had this insider's view of what was going in the home. Her depo, however, did not reflect that, IMO.
Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone.

Naw, don't worry, I took no offense from it. I earned every one of my gray hairs. And yet unlike CM, who is younger than me, I don't use it as an excuse for rude and poor behavior. That is unexcused in my view.
Is Jeff Hopkins on the witness list? I can't open the document that has the witnesses listed.
I had never seen "Narcissism" (Axis II) personality ever diagnosed. I've seen Borderline Personality as an Axis II. W/O an Axis I, you don't really have a mental illness.

I've been out of the field for some time now. That Borderline Gig did me in...LOL

I have seen narcissim Axis II DX but it's not often, like maybe a handful in the last 10 years. HOWEVER, it'd always been with an Axis I that I can recall.
I don't think that a mentally ill person , or deeply disturbed person has the organizational skills that Casey exhibits...her stories are highly organized and if she was functioning in a true fantasy world, she would not be able to keep it all straight for as long as she did...

as jessie grund said..diabolical...

I had never seen "Narcissism" (Axis II) personality ever diagnosed. I've seen Borderline Personality as an Axis II. W/O an Axis I, you don't really have a mental illness.

I've been out of the field for some time now. That Borderline Gig did me in...LOL

years back a was an assistant for a lcsw and her specialty was multiple personality, sex abuse and grief . she , the lcsw, passed away or i bet she would be right beside me in court or be called to submit her expertise!! i learned so much from her and i saw so much, read the charts and we even did a family tree of a multiple listing all her persons. there were over 16! some were child, man , woman. i asked at time how could this woman multipe function as all these and still get a college degree ? i asked what does her husband do when she turns into a child or man? she said the one did the college only! i was so amazed to hear her the lcsw say that he stayed away from her when she became others, would not have sex with her unless she understood she was his wife!! he was a saint to stay with her -lol.
so- one day she, the multiple, comes in our office and does not recognize me at my desk, i say hello and i felt a chill as i then knew she was not who i knew as the client of lcsw. she was a child! she came up to me and crawled under my desk and suck her thumb. i really felt i could not have any clue who this was as i knew of woman our client. this was first time i saw her change. i was not a lcsw but her assistant but that job taught me so much. i respected her and admired her!

casey should be considered to be a multiple by her defense if they had a brain - they would use it whether its true or not. who knows what level of truth or lie is in the defense thoughts and said as such.

the multipe i knew functioned well on each person she became but her family went nuts trying to deal with her 16!!! thats why she and them came for help. the lcsw was going to write book with her but because she ,the lcsw, died i do not think it happened . i have looked on google- but do not know of any book under her legal name ,
I think Baez made that snarky remark to TL about "why didn't she just kill her parents..." Anyone have the transcripts?

At any rate, she tried to destroy them (break their hearts) when she first took Caylee away, then when she told lie agter lie about what happened to Caylee, she tortured the entire family, community, etc for nearly three years with her lies as to what happened to Caylee. When everyone survived, even George after his suicide attempt, then she halted all communication with all of them. Now, she says it was all lies, Caylee was dead from the day they last saw her and to add the nail to the family coffin, brother included, she will say they molested her. The only evil lie she hasn't perpetrated on this family is to accuse her own Grandparents of similar abuse. But we all know she had no regard for them either as she stole $$$ from grandma's account, too.

This is the first time that I have felt true empathy for the Anthony family. They all lived in their own worlds and tried to project the perfect family image to the world. And, that reminds me, Cindy didn't even want to admit to herself that Casey wasn't just pudgy she was nearly SEVEN MONTHS PREGNANT when she came to work and told her mother AT WORK. Guess old Casey had thought that the Jessie G card was gonna pan out and she would be free and live off of him...maybe there was a cinch in the armor of that relationship as Casey grew bigger with the baby and now she had to get old Mom & Dad to foot the bill for this plan gone awry. Even Jessie G thought, for a time, that Caylee was his baby.

When Jessie lost his job as LE maybe Casey had to set her sights on the COLLEGE BOYS. HEll, even Cindy mentioned that guy Jeff? from Universal and that he was financially set and that Casey thought he might make a good like partner.........emphasis on security & money!

It's obvious that all of the Anthonys have issues but Casey's behaviors epitomize the worst of the worst of all them combined and magnified.
Wow. I did not hear the movies mentioned! I could be wrong...I might have zoned out...seriously. :yes:

So, I said they did not state what movies were rented on June 16th by Tony and Casey but I don't think I am correct.

I will go back over that video and see.

:tyou: RR0004
Chiquita...just basing it on what we already knew...didn't see AL's testimony. Don't give yourself any more work...you have already gone above and beyond and have been way too kind to us WSs.
Originally Posted by tlcox
LBD with her examination of CA has shown a loooong standing practice by ICA to lie regularly to her parents. Long before Caylee was ever missing. the cross on Tuesday will be ugly. JB will attempt to tie that loooong standing pathological need to the penis excuse and claim that she is this way because of the abuse and CA allowing it and failing to protect her.

JB will go for the jugular on Tuesday, mark my words. Lucky for Caylee, I think it will backfire bigtime. All the jury will see is that he is picking on a loving grieving gramma.

my own feel for it of course.

The word "could" was used in the context of what 13 yr old Casey "could" do ...Baez said this young girl "could" have her father's penis in her mouth in the morning, then go to school and play with her friends and act as if nothing had happened....

I agree that Baez will be merciless on Cindy on Tuesday.
Maybe CM will do the cross?
I don't think the Myspace post is a huge loss. I think HHJP didn't let it in because it was too prejudicial. The State has a plethora of evidence. Cindy's testimony completely sunk the DT. The Myspace showed Cindy's state of mind, but the jury saw her state of mind in heart-wrenching detail today. The Myspace post was icing, but not needed. LDB was able to establish Cindy posted the Myspace, looking for Caylee; that's all she really needed to do.

My opinion...
...and really p$ssed that her mother didn't look at her. Poor Casey!
Ya know what's really sad...I think Casey could care less about ever seeing her family again once this is over. I don't think there is ANY love there. Their purpose in her life was to serve her. They can't do that anymore. Wonder what will happen when her lawyers are no longer filling that position? Will she be writing to members of her team?

PS- how come Mallory never made an attempt to visit Casey? She made it seem like she had this insider's view of what was going in the home. Her depo, however, did not reflect that, IMO.

Baez will be next on her hit list after she is sentenced. And she will go after him HARD. It will be dirty and delightful to watch!
i think the defense is going to go after Cindy, saying she condoned the sex abuse her husband commited on Casey for years. If they do, that could get real ugly.

Fortunately Cindy got to testify before Jose could implant prejudice.
Baez will be next on her hit list after she is sentenced. And she will go after him HARD. It will be dirty and delightful to watch!

That is one match I am looking forward to seeing...I guess I am a baaad person...but JB just gets under my skin and I wanna smack him.
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