2011.06.01 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Seven

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Obviously LA hasn't prepped with the SA on his testimony. A direct should run very smoothly like a nice dance routine. This is NOT what we're seeing. I'm a little concerned. But we'll see how it goes after the break.
Bill S saying DCS will do cross, and that is most likely because of JB's near disaster yesterday!

Okay...I must ask...
WTHay...is Mason (the most experienced and a DP qualified attorney on this team that I have "heard" is a great attorney) doing on this team? What is his role?

He mostly sits back in his chair, stares at the ceiling, attends the sidebars, threatening the court with a mistrial or filing a complaint because ICA's constitutional rights are being violated
Perhaps....if twit rumors are true....and Lee is going to drop a bombshell....FG is trying to back his way into the comments?
All of Lee's interviews and the depositions followed the exact same lines - and he even acted like he was a super sleuth if you'll recall, in the FBI interview.

Now he's not sure, cannot remember, refers to depo with SA "if that depo says so" ....... WTH is going on with him?

He knows he worked with LE to try and get ICA to talk - he knows he worked with FBI to try and get ICA to talk -- and HE KNOWS SHE LIED HER PATOOTY off and refused to help find Caylee.

He is very nervous and seems to be having trouble focusing - I wonder if he knows that the chit is about to hit the fan and its blowing in his direction?
I noticed he did not look at her when he left, is that what you all saw?

Maybe Mr. George has to use the bathroom. Maybe that's why he needed a break. But he is the weakest of the state's attorneys, IMO and I would use him for people like 911 operators, etc., people that are not wild cards and who are used to testifying.

I don't know what to think of LA. I guess he is conflicted but he is bugging me. Then again, he always has bugged me.
Hey, can someone answer a question for me regarding Lee? In opening statements JB said that Lee didn't deny the molestation accusations and instead said they would talk about it when the time was right. When did he say this? Was this in one of his depo's or something? Does anyone have a link? I'd love to read it and see if JB twisted the context or anything.

Thanks! :)
Where is Baez - I haven't seen him since Amy left...want to find out before I might get locked out.....
I watched Lee as he walked by ICA. this may be totally off the wall, but it looked like he pulled something out of his pocket and then put it back in as he walked by her. although it could have just been him placing a handkerchief or kleenex in his pocket. IMO.

to clarify, I thought whatever he pulled out of his pocket was for the benefit of ICA to see it. Again, may be totally off the wall on this, just thought I noticed it. Not starting any rumors, IMO.
On wftv Bill S is saying that Mr George is off his game today.
Me thinks Frank is more than frustrated with Lee as Lee is shying off from the preparations they did for his testimony.
anchors thinking on wftv that they will switch to ashton for questioning of LA.
IMO I think Lee doesn't want to be there. I don't think he prepared by reading his depo. I also don't think he's been spending years looking for a nanny like Cindy. His testimony simply seems reluctant, somewhat faded and jumbled as most memories are.

I will not be shocked if he admits to sexual contact with his sister
I'm not willing to get on Lee at this moment. I think that it is a lot different to be answering questions during a hearing about whether or not you were an Agent of the State. It is a completely different thing to be sitting there on that stand during a 1st degree murder trial, with Judge and jury, a room full of spectators after being accused, in open court just last week and for the world to hear, of the worst thing anyone can be accused of. Sexual abuse/Incest.

I will say that I am not looking forward to DCS??

Me either. I don't quite get why so many folks are. :waitasec: I don't think he has done anything wrong.
#CaseyAnthony seemed to have smiled at her brother before the break. She watched him walk out. -fellby cfnews13casey via twitter at 8:11 AM

#caseyAnthony Casey looked at Lee and smiled. He did not -by bobkealing via twitter at 8:10 AM
I think the defense is using DCS because Lee responded well to LDB at the hearings. He can't stand JB and he is the one throwing out accusations of SA at Lee and George. JB is very arrogant. I don't understand why LDB or JA isn't doing the direct for Lee. JA did beautifully with GA.
In session showing photos of people running and cheering to get in line to get intothe trial, waiting as early as 5:30 this morning.
Is it too early for Mr. George to declare Lee a hostile witness if he is not answering the questions. Seems he will have to keep showing Lee the depo, and Mr. George is getting frustrated. I know you can declare someone a "hostile witness" for your side, and then ask "leading" questions.

When closing the trial threads...can we get about 3 minutes after break is called for last minute posts?? Daily, I get screen caps before the cameras go to Eagle....but by the time I hit post after uploading them...the thread is closed...

that said....

HHJP was reading a note...
View attachment 16016

then he was showing it to the DT before the camera cut to Eagle.

some of the best pics are in that few minutes after the break is called.

I agree. There's no time to discuss the body language of a witness as they are leaving the stand. A smidgen more of time would be wonderful.
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