2011.06.01 TRIAL Day Seven (Afternoon Session)

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Right about now does the jury remember Casey's lies in the video with Melich? Or are they wondering more about Dick Tracy Orlando?
Ok ok ok I am just going to see if this works.
That was a crazy ambush JB tried, although I don't know why I should be surprised
wait.a.minute. If thats the case why cant they bring in all the blogging that miss anthony did from jb office that she wasnt supposed to be doing. I mean that I THINK she was doing. imo! ugghh! HMMMMM??? no time to look over jail visitation videos but enough time to print out ws postings??? waste time and money much, jb??
Tricia just got her opening line for radio on Sunday nite - Baez disses WebSleuths in Casey Anthony trial Courtroom - HHJP NOT amused....
:lol: Perhaps JB wants to talk about how many times HE has been reprimanded by the court, the bar, hmmm....

We'd be here for days!
Oh Lordie! HLN just announced Websleuths! We are now a part of this trial and will be sleuthed out by the Nation!

Welcome New Peeps!!!

That really doesn't sound like such a good thing to me. What Melich posted here could either be used to impeach him, or in the future for appeal purposes. Not good.
Right about now does the jury remember Casey's lies in the video with Melich? Or are they wondering more about Dick Tracy Orlando?

Since JB can't mention anything else about it, they might think his cheese has slid completely off his cracker. I wonder if he wishes he could take it back.
Does anyone think there are more crazy tricks up their sleeves?
Baez waste an awful lot of time. I wonder if the jury is getting tired of him. I know we are. I still say he needs to get some contempt charges on this. None is this time would have been wasted if he obeyed the first "Sustained"...
When all else fails...bring out the "blogs"?! This is just sooooooo sad.
After 3 years of watching Jose, his MO is: whenever there is damning evidence in view, deflect deflect deflect. Look somewhere else. Remember every time a doc dump came out? Just before the doc dump, the defense would come out with something outlandish. In time, we came to recognize the pattern and knew, just like the weatherman, something big was coming down the pike. Yuri's testimony *must* be terribly threatening and damning to this defense and Casey. Bring Yuri back on and let's get this show on the road!

And furthermore, us Sleuther's here must also be terribly threatening to the DT. Good job, fellow sleuther's!
WS also became a part of the recently concluded Brad Cooper trial in NC (resulting in a guilty verdict). Two witnesses had posted on WS -- one in the early days of the case, and another, right after he testified. Both witnesses' posts were used to impeach.
JB is a genius. Hate to say it, but look what he did....he shattered the momentum the prosecution had going with the ICA Lie-A-Palooza.
Yuri made about 36 posts and all innocuous, the defense team have got nothing, nothing.
I might just be a nerd, but it really bugs me that JB refers to this forum, and Dick Tracys posts, as "blogs". It's a FORUM, Jose! Not a blog! :banghead:

In other news, there is a tornado nearby, I just heard, and I'm furious at mother nature that I might have to miss some of this!!!

Maybe since the blogging excuse got rid of Judge Strickland he decided he's going to use it everywhere he can.
JB wants an A-HA moment so bad he can taste it. But too bad for him he's thwarted by either HHJBP, JA, LBD, FG or sometimes even his own foot in his mouth at every turn!

There will be no A-HA's JB....GIVE.IT.UP!
everyone please remember the rules during the rest of cross... we can do this!
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