2011.06.07 Sidebar (Trial Day Twelve)

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ahhh.. finally the sidebar so I can tell you guys about my german dog, Mister B.... We were stationed in Germany for six years and got him there. He is a Beauceron (french sheppard) but born in Germany and trained in German. I do still use German commands with him but he is, how to say it?, bilingual. I might add that it took him a bit to pick up English as I speak German as well and speak it to him frequently. I also took him to a German dog school so he was further trained in German commands.

Another neat aside on Beaucerons... they are from the beauce region of france and their breed has only been altered a few times. They used to run messages to the front lines in wwI and have just been recently accepted into the american kennel club... they are also used as police and therapy dogs in europe. Amazing dogs...



(((they are also very sweet and loving dogs and great with kids... my dog actually herds/babysits all the neighborhood kids when they are playing outside)))

eta: he does not bark with an accent LOL
LOL. Maybe Casey was telling JB she wants a hamburger too.

Knowing Casey she probably thinks that SHE SHOULD BE ALLOWED to sit with the jurors through a juicy steak and potato meal!
Re: computer forensics

A legal expert on TV (don't remember her name) mentioned that Casey's search for "how to make chloroform" lasted only 20 seconds (correct me if I'm wrong) so it has no value.

I strongly disagree. After the testimonies regarding the levels of chloroform in the trunk it's obvious that there is a relation between the search on the web and the chloroform in the trunk. JMO

Please, please go over to the hinky meter and read JWG's analysis of the computer searches. The latest thing he did shows that there was a HUGE deleted file that was recovered. I don't know if we ever saw anything released in disocovery re that. But it is very, very, very interesting. I cannot wait until the computer experts testify.
Wouldn't it have been easier for the defense to say that after the drowning Caylee was in the trunk of the car at some point rather then try to disprove the K-9 dogs and the scientific evidence that shows that she was. I mean, with the story the DT has come up with, couldn't they have conformed it to include Caylee being there, if even for a short period of time. MOO

I agree. They've already set themselves up for it anyway....though they probably don't realize it.... They've already pointed out the car was technically G & C's AND that they had an extra key.
Re: computer forensics

A legal expert on TV (don't remember her name) mentioned that Casey's search for "how to make chloroform" lasted only 20 seconds (correct me if I'm wrong) so it has no value.

I strongly disagree. After the testimonies regarding the levels of chloroform in the trunk it's obvious that there is a relation between the search on the web and the chloroform in the trunk. JMO

that doesn't say much, the computer search yielded some kind of result, maybe she printed a page and didn't need to look further.

if there were instructions and ingredients, i would print the page and take it with me to buy the stuff. maybe she did the same.
I don't know, but I would suspect she killed her right in her bedroom. I think she used the chorlform to knock her out, stuck duct tape and the heart sticker on and tossed her in the trunk on the 16th. Returned to the house on the 17 to borrow shovel and try to bury her, couldn't...put her back in the trunk...the bag leaked fluid. She got more bags etc... I don't really think ikt matters where she killed her.

IMO Linda7NJ, could very well be. This is the other scenario that seems to make sense to me, other than in the car.

Linda7NJ, if Casey murdered Caylee, do you think it was in an act of rage, or do you think she was unfeeling and methodical?

Two of the sides of Casey we've seen are: rageful and without affect

Sorry if I've missed your post about this.

ahhh.. Finally the sidebar so i can tell you guys about my german dog, mister b.... We were stationed in germany for six years and got him there. He is a beauceron (french sheppard) but born in germany and trained in german. I do still use german commands with him but he is, how to say it?, bilingual. I might add that it took him a bit to pick up english as i speak german as well and speak it to him frequently. I also took him to a german dog school so he was further trained in german commands.

Another neat aside on beaucerons... They are from the beauce region of france and their breed has only been altered a few times. They used to run messages to the front lines in wwi and have just been recently accepted into the american kennel club... They are also used as police and therapy dogs in europe. Amazing dogs...



(((they are also very sweet and loving dogs and great with kids... My dog actually herds/babysits all the neighborhood kids when they are playing outside)))

what a beautiful dog.
i didn't know anything about that broken pipe issue - that's strange.

It made me think that Cindy was passing on a possible scenario to KC to approve. Like this:

I think it could be KC let Caylee drown in the pool while she was busy texting Tony. Father was not involved, she bought Caylee into the house and hid her somehow in her own bedroom (water in bedroom from pool), she came back the next day to find Caylee had undergone the death sigh (jaw falls open even if closed at death due to gases) she then tapes her jaw closed tightly and puts a heart shaped sticker over her mouth and hides her in the garden.

She returns the next day to move her to the trunk of her car until the smell gets overwhelming, she then buries her. Liquid from the body spills into the car on removal and shortly thereafter the decomp continues eventually making it impossible drive, she abandons car.

Accident defense.
Wouldn't it have been easier for the defense to say that after the drowning Caylee was in the trunk of the car at some point rather then try to disprove the K-9 dogs and the scientific evidence that shows that she was. I mean, with the story the DT has come up with, couldn't they have conformed it to include Caylee being there, if even for a short period of time. MOO

ITA. I really do not understand the DT's thinking on this. If the baby died in the pool on the 16th, how did she get to her resting place? Why didn't they say she was briefly left in the trunk? That would take the wind out of the state's sails as they put up their witnesses. imo

I think Casey does not want ANY reposnsibility for any of this mess, so she wants everything to be blamed on others--her mom for leaving the ladder up,her dad for the cover up, Kronk for the disposal....it is pathetic, imo/
ahhh.. finally the sidebar so I can tell you guys about my german dog, Mister B.... We were stationed in Germany for six years and got him there. He is a Beauceron (french sheppard) but born in Germany and trained in German. I do still use German commands with him but he is, how to say it?, bilingual. I might add that it took him a bit to pick up English as I speak German as well and speak it to him frequently. I also took him to a German dog school so he was further trained in German commands.

Another neat aside on Beaucerons... they are from the beauce region of france and their breed has only been altered a few times. They used to run messages to the front lines in wwI and have just been recently accepted into the american kennel club... they are also used as police and therapy dogs in europe. Amazing dogs...



(((they are also very sweet and loving dogs and great with kids... my dog actually herds/babysits all the neighborhood kids when they are playing outside)))

I personally just want my dogs to know how to speak english.........put food in their bowl, along with picking up their droppings outside......hmmmmmm theres more but understanding english...like I'm sleeping don't bother me would be good.......as it is since I generaly am food source---one in particular (pug/SNORS & grunts big tme)---can't stand to be away from me.....
Please, please go over to the hinky meter and read JWG's analysis of the computer searches. The latest thing he did shows that there was a HUGE deleted file that was recovered. I don't know if we ever saw anything released in disocovery re that. But it is very, very, very interesting. I cannot wait until the computer experts testify.

Probably a video on how to make chloroform...NAH that would just be too "perfect"...
Do printers have the same type of memory that a pc or laptop might have? Might the printer show what was printed and when? If so, then one could compare her little shopping videos to the print out time of the instructions and ingredients necessary to complete the recipe...
I would have preferred if JA would have emphasized that Vass was testing AIR samples, and FBI guy was testing RESIDUE. I think this information should be broken down to the level a 5 year-old would comprehend. The way it was left created confusion. Even though I understand the facts, my tendency is to think Vass=High, FBI Guy=Low, therefore a conflict. IMO, 99 out of 100 people would remember and give weight to Vass, but we're dealing with the 1 who is going to say, "But, FBI guy said it was LOW".
Where did this broken pipe scenario come up? Link?

Do printers have the same type of memory that a pc or laptop might have? Might the printer show what was printed and when? If so then one could compare her little shopping videos to the print out time of the instructions and ingredients necessary to complete the recipe...
oh I just had a thought that might connect the chloroform search and the Home Depot video? Wonder what she bought there?

Do printers have the same type of memory that a pc or laptop might have? Might the printer show what was printed and when? If so then one could compare her little shopping videos to the print out time of the instructions and ingredients necessary to complete the recipe...

In short - depends. Most little home printers have a sort of flash memory whereas a large office type multi-function printer has an actual hard drive...

ETA - I doubt it...
why would they take it out and toss it in the backyard on the 16th? The dogs hit in the backyard. Probably the scent was left the day Casey borrowed the shovel.

IMO Caylee was killed and placed in the trunk ...first she was not in a bag. Bagging came later. First one bag, then seepage occured prompting Casey to use another bag, blanket, and laundry bag. IMO she moved that body from place to place a bit before dumping her where caylee was found.

BBM: I respectfully disagree because nothing was found on the shovel when it was tested.

- Casey borrowed the shovel on June 18.

- The car was abandoned at the Amscot in late June (not sure of exact date).

- CSI / dogs alert at the A's home on July 16.

So from the time the "shovel" was borrowed until CSI and dogs hit in the yard -- it was almost a month.

My question is this : "IF" Casey "attempted" to bury Caylee in the yard, or even had the decomposing body there in the yard for some time, HOW LONG would the "SCENT" LINGER in the yard for the dogs to "hit on" ?? Also, it was a MONTH later when the dogs hit.

The shovel was tested on there was nothing on the shovel. REMEMBER : ICA is lazy, and does not plan ahead, so I think IF she started to dig in the yard -- oh, it was too hard for her to do, too much work ... and in June it is hot ...

I just don't believe ICA moved the body but once -- from the trunk where ICA put the duct tape over Caylee's mouth -- and then to the woods where she disposed of Caylee.

ICA is too lazy to move the body around from place to place ...

Remember -- ICA "pretending" to work for 2 years -- no JOB ...

So here is my question. I know that the prosecution must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. But, If the jury is like me aren't they thinking that the defenses's theory is so ridiculous that she has to be guilty? It seems like the defense's theory creates doubt in their story and therefore everything else they say seems like BS!!
Please, please go over to the hinky meter and read JWG's analysis of the computer searches. The latest thing he did shows that there was a HUGE deleted file that was recovered. I don't know if we ever saw anything released in disocovery re that. But it is very, very, very interesting. I cannot wait until the computer experts testify.

It was in the docs and written about in the computer forensic thread.. I will see if I can locate it..

Does anyone know if the trunk liner cut outs were sent to Dr. Vass first then to the FBI? TIA
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