State vs Jason Lynn Young 6-10-11

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Ahhh, little transplant Gracie, huh, bless your heart!

IMO, unless we are trying to be polite or proper, we use "cuss" instead of "curse." As in, "He cussed me out," or "I started to cuss him out, but decided not to because..." and so forth. That's not a plus for us, but it's very common....

She said that she didn't put up with that (swearing) anymore after her marriage dissolved, that her husband 'cussed her out'.
Thanks. I'm horrible at this. I thought borndem was a guy too until this thread. Am I right in thinking you are a guy?

Yes, I am a female. Thanks for the chuckle, ncsu!!!
In the NC/BC trial, one juror said there were 5 pieces of criteria that had to be met in order to have reasonable doubt. Does anyone know what those are? I was a juror here in Michigan, and we did not have an explicit list... although much deliberation fostered around the topic...

Don't know about reasonable doubt criteria, but there are 5 criteria for 1st Degree Murder...
I've wondered whether Jason knew that the security cameras only captured an image every 10 seconds. Could he have gone down 4 flights of stairs and not been seen on camera? Were there cameras on each floor in the stairwells in 2006?

I think he could have explained the jeans, if anyone asked, by saying he wanted to eat breakfast first - at 6:15 am.

Not sure how JLY could possibly know anything about the details of the recording capabilities of that system?

There is a single stairwell camera at the bottom of the stairwell. So yes, it would be possible to avoid that camera during the delay cycle (stroke of luck).
I agree -- I will add that for me, one of the differences in the testimony of RZ vs. Gracie is the weight I give to likelihood of possibility of the event; "cleanliness," i.e. no taint, bias, witness gain (reward, attention, praise), or bias; believability of witness; and type of event. I think RZ's testimony may have been unintentionally biased because of the posters & signs with NC's picture everywhere, and the low likelihood of RZ being dead-on accurate since she did not know NC, and had never before stood beside her (for height, build, distinguishing characteristics, etc.). Gracie had a much better shot at ID-ing JY because of the length of time she saw him and that she saw him twice, and the event that made her specifically remember the event.

And, as many others have stated, I have waited on a couple of customers in my high school and college summer jobs, and I am more than 30 yrs removed from them, and I still remember a few azzholes I encountered "across the counter." Grrrr. IMHO -- that's just me.

I meant to say here, "saw him twice as long or more than RZ saw whoever she saw." Duh. Sorry.
For me the Gracie testimony held weight because

1. She didn't know about the crime, and continued to know nothing about it for at least a year or more.

2. She correctly ID'd the color of the SUV and gave a physical description that matched JLY, at least on a cursory level, 2 days after the murder

3. She has a receipt showing the exact transcation of cash $20, $15 worth of gas, and person never got their $5 change.

4. JLY in his usual charming way, made himself stand out by his behavior and swearing @ the attendant. I would remember such a person too.

5. This was not a daily occurrence for Gracie. This was the first time a customer had ever cussed her out. It was out of the ordinary.

6. Their interaction was not just a brief second or two "Hi" like RZ and their distance to each other was much closer.
BBM - IIRC, P, T and C were RPD investigators. The Young case is in the hands of the WCSO because their property is in WC but not in Raleigh.

I read the book, too. Drew Planten was arrested about 1/2 mile from where I live. Horrible crime -- Planten was a weird one, huh? Very interesting to me was their quest for his DNA -- he foiled them once (putting his straw in his shirt pocket when he went back to the buffet bar -- remember??) but the way it was finally obtained was quite simple and very damaging to him. Yeah, odd dude....

I read both of Amanda Lambs crime books, and found them both to be great, filled with information, tidbits, I hadn't heard anywhere else. I think she is an excellent crime writer, and already have her NC book in my Amazon wish list. In sending her my compliments on the Eric Miller book, I mentioned to her 'I certainly hope you will be writing a book on the Michelle Young case'....... We didn't live as close as you did, but the Stephanie Bennett/Planten case was in our general neck of the woods before we moved out here to the country. Our kids went to Lynn Road School way back when it first opened. That too was a particularly gruesome murder, and Plantan, he also had a brother who was involved in *sex crimes*. I'd always wondered what the third Planten brother was *like*. The brother I was referring to was the one arrested in the mountains for putting camera's in womens bathrooms, wasn't it?
Ahhh, little transplant Gracie, huh, bless your heart!

IMO, unless we are trying to be polite or proper, we use "cuss" instead of "curse." As in, "He cussed me out," or "I started to cuss him out, but decided not to because..." and so forth. That's not a plus for us, but it's very common....

Well, apparently nobody in the south *swears*. :fence: Up *north* we all swear at each other! :great: teacher: "gracielee, did you swear at borndem?" gracielee: "nope, I never swore at her, she's lying." :seeya:
For me the Gracie testimony held weight because

1. She didn't know about the crime, and continued to know nothing about it for at least a year or more.

2. She correctly ID'd the color of the SUV and gave a physical description that matched JLY, at least on a cursory level, 2 days after the murder

3. She has a receipt showing the exact transcation of cash $20, $15 worth of gas, and person never got their $5 change.

4. JLY in his usual charming way, made himself stand out by his behavior and swearing @ the attendant. I would remember such a person too.

5. This was not a daily occurrence for Gracie. This was the first time a customer had ever cussed her out. It was out of the ordinary.

6. Their interaction was not just a brief second or two "Hi" like RZ and their distance to each other was much closer.

EXACTLY, and bears repeating. You list your reasons so clearly and completely. I attempted to say those same things the day of Gracie's testimony. It wasn't a brief, "Hi" in passing. It was an intense, one on one meeting of the minds, with the exchange of remarks back and forth between the two. Jason Young was intensely *angry* at Gracie, swore at her, and two days later, without any sort of 'missing posters' or 'publicity', when questioned, Gracie remembered it quite clearly and consisely. It was her job, and she would have been held accountable for the money had JY not paid for his gas. Gracie doesn't look like a wealthy person, she probably worked most of the night to earn $20.00.

Thanks Maddy, you are much more level headed and calm with your answers.
Hi folks, I've followed this case since day one but due to personal obstacles I had to catch up on the trial this past weekend and want to say that I appreciate the posting y'all have provided. I also live in North Carolina and grew up about 60 miles from the crime location. I now live on the coast. Just wanted to say Hi!!!!!!!!

Is there by any chance a live broadcast of the trial?:seeya:
Well, apparently nobody in the south *swears*. :fence: Up *north* we all swear at each other! :great: teacher: "gracielee, did you swear at borndem?" gracielee: "nope, I never swore at her, she's lying." :seeya:

Nope... we 'cuss' you out.
Nope... we 'cuss' you out.

And quite regularly, I'd guess! Especially NCSU. I bet he cusses me out a lot. :seeya: And since he said he's a 'big 'un', I bet'cha I'd remember him, but I'd probably say something like 'well, he's a bit taller than me.....' Cause I'm not really good on heights and distances and such. I hate it when somebody askes me 'how far away were you?' Or 'how big is that room, how many feet long?' Unless I can basically walk it out, toe to toe, I have no idea how to guestimate length. And unless somebody is hugging me up close, and I can lay my head on their chest, then I know, 'well,he's probably around the same height as my hubby'. Or, 'he's a short guy, when he hugs me, my head is up there at his shoulder.' I like it when I can rest my head on his chest better, makes me feel all safe. :innocent:
My mother would not hesitate to wash your mouth out with soap if she caught any of my brothers or my sister and me cussing.:crazy:
And quite regularly, I'd guess! Especially NCSU. I bet he cusses me out a lot. :seeya: And since he said he's a 'big 'un', I bet'cha I'd remember him, but I'd probably say something like 'well, he's a bit taller than me.....' Cause I'm not really good on heights and distances and such. I hate it when somebody askes me 'how far away were you?' Or 'how big is that room, how many feet long?' Unless I can basically walk it out, toe to toe, I have no idea how to guestimate length. And unless somebody is hugging me up close, and I can lay my head on their chest, then I know, 'well,he's probably around the same height as my hubby'. Or, 'he's a short guy, when he hugs me, my head is up there at his shoulder.' I like it when I can rest my head on his chest better, makes me feel all safe. :innocent:

I don't curse. But I do facepalm.
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