2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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Good news IS - The Jurors have not been returned to their hotel. Yay. Maybe there IS hope.

It SHOULD only take a couple of hours but I'm sure JB will drag it out. I have a feeling that however long they take HHJP is going to add to the end of the workday.
He's playing the same games he's played throughout the trial. Delay and derail. He's probably not ready for closing and needs extra time.

HHJP said he was going to give them tomorrow to prepare closing arg's. He was going to give them a day off to do so...not now w/ JB's antics.:twocents:
Yes, we love ourselves some Hornsby but we have to remember he is here for the publicity also and self promotion - not just justice for Caylee...
He's been outright wrong a few times also. BS is the most unbiased IMHO. Iornic his initials should suggest otherwise :)
do we have any lawyers on the thread? I don't understand why there is a standstill right now since I thought a rebuttal is exactly what the SA is doing so why does JB require Dep's from these witnesses? i.e. the DT knew that Cindy would say she may be at home & didn't disclose and didn't the Dr. also add new info when he was on the stand?
When the guards testified the other day about Casey is always happy happy happy...
and has a 6 by 8 cell size, I actually got out my tape measure to see how big that really is, holy smokes I have seen dog crates that large.

She sure did not want to go back to the holding cell..can you imagine just sitting for hours with nothing to do, nothing to read.. for me it would be shear torture but I suppose she is used to just sitting hours at a time.

Are you saying her 'holding cell' is that size?
Did anyone else hear BK say on IS that the buzz around the courthouse is that she would not get a first degree conviction but would get a lesser charge? :maddening: But the buzz also was that ICA would take the stand. :waitasec: and that the delay Saturday was due to problems in the DT or a plea.

Unless the buzz is coming from the jurors I think it's pointless. Nobody knows what the jury is thinking (if they're following their oath) or what they're going to do.
What happened to the defense expert Kathy Reichs? Why didn't she testify?
I LOVE JUDGE PERRY ! but I would hate to be his child.

Ha! I've thought about that alot, too. I can't *imagine* being a teenager and trying to get away with ANYTHING in his house!

I'm sure they adore him, though. Kinda reminds me of my mother and her best friend's theory of raising children (my mother passed away early, but her best friend shared it with me). Start your children out by having them in an absolute chockhold. If they're behaving okay, you can start loosening up a little when the child is around the age of 21.
Many of the items of clothing Casey has been provided with for this trial have obviously been SIZES too big for her. In terms of fit, we saw gaping at the neck and shoulder seams sitting down on the deltoid area of the upper arm. To the point of someone on WS commenting that the one sweater- the wrap-around number - appeared to have been left behind by Andrea Lyon!

It has occured to me that rather than purchasing these many garments new, female members of the defense team may have been bringing in items from their own wardrobes? Because if purchasing them new, no one would continue to purchase incorrect sizes again and again, would they?

Casey appears to be doing what she can to make the clothing articles fit better. Psychologically, I guess it just indicates that she is interested in presenting herself in an attractive manner to the world.

I cannot imagine why her defense team would continue to provide her with ill fitting clothing items. Pehaps there is indeed a known trial tactic that advises dressing the defendant in clothing that is too big in order to make them look small and defenseless, I don't know.

But in this case, it just made the defendant tie weird knots and fuss and fuss with the provided clothing all day long!
If there was a theme song (or lyrics) for this case what would it/they be? Should I ask this elsewhere? Is there discussion on this elsewhere?

Some of mine:
"...just my imagination, running away with me..." The Temptations
"...know when to walk away and know when to run..." Kenny Rogers
I grew up in Lawtey (about a mile from FSP) and my dad worked at the State Prison for 20 years. In that time, he obviously was exposed to virtually every prisoner held there, including those on death row. I remember him having to stay overnight at work and when I asked about it, my mom said, "He has to stay with an inmate. He'll be tired when he gets home." I later found out that he was Bundy's "Death Sergeant" and was assigned to spend the last 24 hours of Bundy's life with Bundy, so that he couldn't kill himself before the state got the chance. He's talked about Bundy freely (but not about the actual execution, other than to say, "It was quick."). He has said over and over that Bundy was really smart, seemed nice, charming, and they talked about a wide range of topics (politics, taxes, education, books, etc.) and that if you didn't know who/what he was, you could see yourself easily becoming his friend. I asked my dad a little about what he thought about KC (and compare her to TB), and he said "She thinks she's smarter than she is, which is the opposite of Bundy. He was exactly as smart as he thought he was. She would be better off playing nice to the jury, instead of throwing the dark looks, sneers, and pouts.

Wow. That's a fascinating story. Thanks for sharing it. :)
It's not new, it was submitted via report 2 years ago.

Yep and he knows this. He probably doesn't even have those reports. He probably has no idea where those reports are because we all know how disorganized he is. Always crying about not having enough room for his records or wanting the State to hand him a play by play of every single minute. Since this case started he has wanted the other side to do his job for him. He is so lazy. Like I said before, can you imagine him at home?
People on WFTV are saying that ICA mouthed "I wish you had" or "son of a b&#%" after her dad's testimony about committing suicide. Anyone have a link?
Does he have something personal with JB? He is a lawyer, no? Normally other lawyers don't trash their colleagues in public no matter what their personal feelings are.

Just curious.

Since the beginning of this case RH has found JB to be an embarrassment to his profession ( don't we all?) and doesn't hesitate to say so.
In fact my favorite quote from this whole thing is from RH- "In my personal and professional opinion JB is a moron!"
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