IL IL - Debbie Fijan, 10, DuPage County, 11 Feb 1966 - #2

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Looking south on Fair Oaks from the intersection of Fair Oaks and Big Horn Trail in front of what was the Schofield homestead. As you can see Fair Oaks curves a bit prior to reaching the intersection of Fair Oaks and Lies. It is not a straight shot and there is not currently a clear view of Fair Oaks and Lies from directly in front of the old Schofield homestead. It is unknown how much of this land was cleared and used as farm land in 1966 and whether or not there was a clear view of Fair Oaks and Lies in February of 1966. The Schofield home would be on the left or west side of Fair Oaks in the following map link.

fair oaks and lies carol stream - Google Maps
Palm Sunday is a week away. I find myself wondering, how close to a half decade later one could not come forward and clear their name.

Sure we all make mistakes. We all have chances for penance and reconciliaton.

I wonder how, how could one let an unsolved murder of a child just barely 10 go on for close to 5 decades and stay silent about the murder of a babe.

I wonder what reconciliation means to the one still named the primary suspect almost 5 decades later.

I wonder how perhaps the primary suspect may have convinced himself in a number of ways how he paid penance. And then I ask and remind myself there is no fooling or hiding behind or moving mountains to hide our sins.

Mr. Schofield - How will you recall Debbies murder this coming Easter?
When you think of your beliefs and face your maker how will you share your story with Christ regarding Debbies case?

Are you comfortable and confident when you are face to face with our Lord you have done ALL you can and have honestly shared ALL with regards to Debbies case?

You don't have to account to me, or anyone else, but when you face your maker are you confident and read to say - Yes, Lord, I was fully honest with regards to what occured and what caused Debbies untimely murder a few months after her 10th birthday?

It's not too late to tell the truth, if there is any truth you have yet to share. After all, Christs blood was shed for both Debbie and yourself. If you have anything to share, any burdens weighing on you please do so now and make this Easter Season your first with full reconciliation cleansing yourself and fully receiving what Christ gave up for you.
It's Good Friday. I have not forgotten you Debbie. I've been praying all this Holy Week for resolution and closure for my 4 pet cases. Yours, Bob Harrods, Anna Waters and Phylicia Barnes. We found Phylicia this week.

This week a 35 year cold case was solved. I have no doubt yours will be solved.

My Holy Week, Good Friday Easter prayer and request of/to the accused, come forward. What do you have to lose if you are innocent? Why not take another poly, insist DNA evidence clear your name? Is it that easy to turn your back on a family suffering for 45 years? Do the right thing, you trust in Christ, no? Why not let Him lead the way?

If you can help clear your name what is holding you back?

If you are in fact the person responsible, what do you really have to lose? Honestly more in the next life than this, so if the next life is where your faith lies - come forward. Clear that way to ensure what you have professed with faith these last 6 decades and ensure you reap that reward by fully confessing.

Heck, I'd bet Debbies family would be far more willing to close this case and see some kind of justice than never knowing. I do think something- some kind of deal can be worked out IF you chose to come forward.

Wouldn't an enormous weight be lifted by coming forward? No more doubt, no more trying to convince yourself.

do the right thing, the Lord did..... and he did it for both you and Debbie.

I don't know if you all knew this but after going over my notes on Sally Kandel and Debbie Fijan murders I found that their bodies were found in the same cornfield 200 yard away from each other 6 1/2 years apart. NOW being the fact ROM was connected eventually to the Kandel murder why did LE not connect the dots to Debbie Fijan's murder???
I don't know if you all knew this but after going over my notes on Sally Kandel and Debbie Fijan murders I found that their bodies were found in the same cornfield 200 yard away from each other 6 1/2 years apart. NOW being the fact ROM was connected eventually to the Kandel murder why did LE not connect the dots to Debbie Fijan's murder???

Good questions. I don't know that DuPage has ever recognized the state of IL 'overturned' Milones conviction in Sally's case. I don't know much about the details with Milone other than what has previously been posted matching the bite marks on Sally to Macek by his former dentist?

I recently spoke with the DPC ME regarding using NamUs ( the newer national database for UID's and missing persons) and we breifly spoke of Sally's case. A little bit into the conversation I realized he was talking about Milone and I was talking about Macek. But being the current ME, I dont' know that he would have had reason to know of the conviction being overturned? Forgive me I am not recalling the exact details with what occured with Milone when the state of IL overturned or exhonerated him? Perhaps you can refresh my memory and post again regarding what finally concluded that chapter with the Milone/Macek info on SK's case.

We don't know if Macek was incarcerated at the time of Debbies murder?
We don't know if DuP has ever officially ruled out Macek?
We don't know if there is DNA for Macek.
We don't know if prints are available for Macek or once he was deceased all former files including print cards were destroyed and tossed out?

While I think the evidence we are privy too strongly suggests LS as the person responsible, imo there is enough to warrant looking at Macek as possibly being responsible for Debbies murder. I'm sure if LS was ever charged and brought to trial - the defense would be all over the Macek theory as a way to create reasonable doubt. So imo there is no doubt any possible connection to Macek can not be ignored.

Cubby you and are would think so but LE is another story. I have talked until I am blue in the face to people about the connection of ROM to the DF case. There is a like a brick wall built up around him that makes him untouchable. I don't know if it is because he is dead so why waste the time? I don't know but how can anyone in their right mind ignore the fact that Debbie and Sally were found in the same cornfield 200 feet away from each other 6 1/2 years apart!! What are the odds??
From what I have been told by LEA in the past ROM prints can not be found. I don't understand that either. The man was incarcerated in two state prison systems.

As far as Milone being let out. I do not know officially he was exhonorated and his name cleared or not. I do know that with the progression in technology that his bite mark was proven was not the one inflicted on Sally Kandel's thigh. Now if one more step was taken to prove the bite mark was Macek's, I don't know. Honestly, I highly doubt it.
Lucky, IIRC reading back over all I could find online regarding Sally's murder way back in the 70's DuP was given 'expert testimony' from a dental professional indicating the bite found on Sally was in fact from Macek. IIRC Dupage refused to acknowledge that forensic dentists expert testimony. (IOW they dismissed it).

That info/expert testimony was in DuPage's hands and I assume still is. Macek murdered too many people to have just tossed ALL of his info presuming there were no more unsolved murders in which ROM could be tied to. I assume something on him still exists in one of the jurisdictions in which he was convicted.

Now onto ROM's dna. It was my understanding (and I am not 100% certain, but this is what I recall hearing or reading) because ROM is deceased LE would have to obtain a seach warrant to obtain mitochondrial dna from someone in Macek's family to use as comparison. And without having something more than what they hav,e they will not seek that DNA.

Personally, I do not believe DuP' will go that route, so imo, in order to get Maceks DNA into Codis or some national database in which it can be run for a match, another jurisdiction would have to find a strong enough connection to an unsolved murder they would seek Maceks DNA. Which leads us to Betsy Aardsmaa's unsolved murder. The sketch in her case is spot on with Macek. if PA pursues this and obtains Maceks DNA we could then push for DuPage and IL to compare Maceks DNA to Debbies case as well as any other unsolved murders which might tie back to ROM. Or that could possibly be an avenue for DuP to get concrete scientific evidence ruling ROM in or out in Debbies case.

It stinks having to go the long route and out of state, but no stone left unturned so we'll keep digging.

I also think, while Debbies family maybe convinced LS is the one, the last thing anyone would want is any kind of loop hole allowing the defense the opportunity to have someone acquitted - as there is only one shot here.

No stone left unturned for Debbie!

ETA: A link to the post in Betsy Aardsma's unsolved murder which has links to the side by sides of ROM and the perp in Betsy's case. They are spot on down to freckles and birth mark on ROM's left cheek.......

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Betsy Aardsma Murder, Penn State 11/28/1969 - Part 2

Sorry about the little OT - but anyone can see how we may have to take the long route in this case to see about obtaining DNA dup can compare to Macek in Debbie's case.
Another concern I have - and regarding this brick wall. The 'brick wall' may simply be because we are civilians - volunteer advocates and researchers so to speak. anyone who lives in DuP will know how high and deep that brick wall is. DuP doesn't just play close to the vest they are attached to the vest. ;) That vest is another body part, lol. ;)

Anyhoo I hope this fear concern is unwarranted but I can not help but wonder if DuP will not pursue the Macek possiblity because of any potential liability they may have for wrongfully convicting Milone. (I hope I spelled that correctly, I sometimes want to use an A instead of an I).

I don't know what the statute of limitations might be, or if there is one, for Milone to seek compensation or to sue DuP for a wrongful conviction (or even if he would have the interest). I would hope and pray there is not a soul working with DuP LE that would be willing to sacrfice Justice in Debbies case to save dollars which might be paid out to Milone 'if'.... That would be the most horrible thing I could imagine happening here.

Those thoughts/concerns may be a far stretch but I can not say they haven't crossed my mind.

<snipped> We don't know if Macek was incarcerated at the time of Debbies murder?
We don't know if DuP has ever officially ruled out Macek?
We don't know if there is DNA for Macek.
We don't know if prints are available for Macek or once he was deceased all former files including print cards were destroyed and tossed out?


As far as we could determine from our research at the time, Macek wasn't in jail at this point. If you recall, however, his father had died exactly a week before Debbie was murdered. We had conjectured that the death of Macek's father would have been what profilers call the "stressor" to precipitate such a heinous crime as what occured to Debbie.
IMO Macek did not sexually assualt his victims. He may have removed their underwear or removed clothing to get to underwear or look at it while he was killling them. So it looked as if they were sexually assaulted. He had a thing for women's underwear.
Debbie was fully clothed and not sexually assaulted. IIRC SK was not sexually assaulted.

I wish we knew more about the statements from the witness who saw Debbie talking to a man in a white car. I also wish we had access to DMV records to see if ROM or any of his immediate family members owned a white vehicle at the time Debbie was murdered.

Of course ROM had a borrowed car at the time of SK's murder so the DMV records may only be as helpful as ruling in what kind of cars ROM may have had access to.
Macek was convicted of rape on more than one occasion. There was no mention, however, of a sexual assault in Sally Kandel's case.
Yes, he was convicted of two rapes. Here are two articles that I had posted in the first thread.

Nov. 5, 1977 Daily Herald.

Macek confessed to Lossman, her daughter, Sally Kandel, and Michelle Becker murders. LE would not confirm or deny the confession in the Kendel and Becker case, but McHenry County Sheriff's Lt. George Hendle said, "We negotiated on the plea that Macek went down on. We're going to clear the case on Micelle Becker.

Nov. 4, 1977 Daily Herald

Macek pleaded guilty to the murder of Lossman and was sentenced to 200-400 years in prison. Macek was named in a two count indictment Nov. 19, 1976 for the murder of Lossman and her daughter. In a negotiated plea, the state withdrew the indictment for the daughters murder. Macek will serve the sentence concurrently with a 50-75 year sentence in McHenry county for the 1975 attempted murder of Sharon Kultsek of Woodstock. He was returned to WI to serve his life sentence for 1974 rape-murder of a maid. He is also serving an indefinite sentence in Central State Hospital in Waupon, WI for the rape-murder of a maid.

Bumping for Debbie. Still praying she receives the justice she deserves and still praying the person responsible for taking her life chooses to relieve themself of the heavy burden they've carried for so many decades confesses and pays restitution in this life rather than the next.

Debbie you are not forgotten.
Macek was not in jail at time of Debbie's murder. From what I can find his first time in jail was in 1967 for the assault on an Elmwood Park woman.
Correction arrested 1967 incarcerated from 10/4/1968 until 9/21/1971. Parole expired 3/25/1972 then the whole string of murders in the area! He went on a spree that is for sure.
Macek was convicted of rape on more than one occasion. There was no mention, however, of a sexual assault in Sally Kandel's case.

BBM. True, however, based on the testimony from the dentist who removed Macek's teeth and had Macek's dental impression, I am of the belief that Milone was wrongfully convicted in Sally Kandels case. IIRC correctly, the young girl who witnessed the vehicle seen near where Sally's body was found testified it was not the same car Milone was seen driving. Those two facts, along with the fact ( to my understanding) that forensic dentistry was in it's infancy lead me to believe Macek, not Milone, was responsible for Sally's murder.

IMO, Macek, is still a possible though not likely suspect in Debbie's murder. IMO the evidence against LFS is still very strong and I find myself wondering what, if any, viable DNA is left this many years later. I hope I am wrong with that question/concern..... and that this case, being as old as it is, is still somewhere in line in the crime lab - and either DNA or experts are still reviewing evidence and forensics in this case.


Bumping for Debbie. She is not forgotten. We're still praying Debbie receives the justice she so deserves.
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