Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

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I didn't say anybody gets a free pass to act any way you choose. I'm just saying that there's no particular way of responding to a tragedy or loss that's the 'correct' way. And I'm certainly not going to judge anybody's grieving based on what the media feeds us about them.

I don't know if Cindy's a good person or not. I know next to nothing about her.


I'm not "FED" anything. I'm basing my judgement of Cindy Anthony on a series of actions, statements and testimony from Media, family insights, eye witness accts, court transcripts, police reports and countless paid interviews.

I'm not being snarky but why do you defend a person that you know next to nothing about? Let me in on what redeeming value Cindy has, AND what non-media source did you learn this from.
Something I wanted to comment on but exceeded my download before I could find it.

When the felon was being interviewed at Universal, she said she felt bad for using CA credit card when she had her own money. She referred to spending money on "stupid things"...then she listed 3-4 things she had spent money on...shopping, hanging out with her friends...the last item mentioned was Caylee. I'm not totally sure if she used the word "stupid" but the point I was going to make was this statement stood out to me like a sore thumb because the felon had put Caylee at the END of the list. Speaking in regards to the unconscious mind, the felon shows where Caylee fell on her list...LAST!
Maybe someone remembers what words she used to describe this action, It's driving me crazy!
I normally find myself nodding yes while reading your posts, but now you reference Hercule Poirot? I'm starting a logicalgirl fanclub right this minute.:crush:
Hmm, taking a cue from the A's 'retirement' schemes, wonder how much I could charge for membership?

LOL - Love my Hercule and Detective Superintendent Frost - two completely different characters with the same results!

I'm not "FED" anything. I'm basing my judgement of Cindy Anthony on a series of actions, statements and testimony from Media, family insights, eye witness accts, court transcripts, police reports and countless paid interviews.

I'm not being snarky but why do you defend a person that you know next to nothing about? Let me in on what redeeming value Cindy has, AND what non-media source did you learn this from.

I have the same opinions as you....THANK YOU.
Thank you Hope4More - I wish you had been here. You see before you many many broken hearts. And knowing the invested time and hope, helps to understand the very deep anger that will linger for a long time. Many posters just did not return after the verdict - posters who were deeply involved for all that time. And we still miss them but understand why they just can't bear to come back.

Yes, that's very true. I think about musicman. He went to the court house countless times and spent who knows how much money (much of his own) to buy the documents and hours of his time to download them for US. I bet he is just beside himself for investing so much of himself in this case to be slapped down with the verdict. There are so many people I miss here and I hope all of them are healthy and happy in a personal sense.
I don't believe in a time frame for it, either, and also won't judge someone because they haven't followed some sort of timetable.

You seem to define Cindy Anthony's outrageous behavior in terms of "grieving".

I'm not "FED" anything. I'm basing my judgement of Cindy Anthony on a series of actions, statements and testimony from Media, family insights, eye witness accts, court transcripts, police reports and countless paid interviews.

I'm not being snarky but why do you defend a person that you know next to nothing about? Let me in on what redeeming value Cindy has, AND what non-media source did you learn this from.

I'm with you on this one coco puff! All those hearings, depositions, unrehearsed clips, statements, her own lawyers comments, court watching - my opinions are from me watching her - I could care less what the media says or the talking heads for that matter. If HLN was taken off the air it would take me years to notice.
Something I wanted to comment on but exceeded my download before I could find it.

When the felon was being interviewed at Universal, she said she felt bad for using CA credit card when she had her own money. She referred to spending money on "stupid things"...then she listed 3-4 things she had spent money on...shopping, hanging out with her friends...the last item mentioned was Caylee. I'm not totally sure if she used the word "stupid" but the point I was going to make was this statement stood out to me like a sore thumb because the felon had put Caylee at the END of the list. Speaking in regards to the unconscious mind, the felon shows where Caylee fell on her list...LAST!
Maybe someone remembers what words she used to describe this action, It's driving me crazy!

..kc @ universal.

Q-How did you take advantage of her?
A-By using credit cards. When I had my own money, I still used some of her money. I went and bought
material things for nothing.
A-Whether it was things for myself, going out to eat.
A-Spend a little bit of time with friends, or went and took Caylee shopping. For whatever reason, I was
extremely selfish.

---kc--universal interview--
Yes, that's very true. I think about musicman. He went to the court house countless times and spent who knows how much money (much of his own) to buy the documents and hours of his time to download them for US. I bet he is just beside himself for investing so much of himself in this case to be slapped down with the verdict. There are so many people I miss here and I hope all of them are healthy and happy in a personal sense.

Me too - and plus Muzikman, I miss Chiquita76 - all that tremendous work she did with the actual hearings and trial....loved her!
IMO having no money doesn't = she didn't have a job, it could also = she spent her paycheck on beer and food for Tony's apartment and stole from others when her paycheck ran out.

pssst. KC didn't have a job. Didn't get a paycheck. She stole money from her mother's account to live off of. The money she used to pay for food at Tony's came via AH's checkbook. She stole for a living. jmo
bolded by me and with all due respect to your post, there is nothing about Casey Anthony that is "fascinating." I admit that this story may end up on a "most fascinating" things that happened this year from a probable psychopath baby killer getting acquitted by the means of an incompetent lawyer point of view. But, Casey Anthony is not fascinating.

"Fascinating" would have been realizing she was a psychopath and giving her child to her parents while she went off to get some help. Killing her daughter, throwing her away like garbage, partying it up, and then being acquitted for it is not "fascinating" it's disgusting and imo would not bring in huge ratings.

and, a later post stated that JB was misquoted about partying on a Monday night in Orlando... again, with all due respect, even if he said something to the effect of it being a Monday afternoon and something as innocent as renting videos ---> other than being hit by a car and laying unconscious in a hospital bed, if my child had drowned or been kidnapped, i wouldn't be renting videos or in a bar forced to be in a hot body contest... a parent who loves and wants her child would have been screaming and crying and pleading for help, period!

TA..I think the Conrad Murray trial will over shadow the felons trial ten fold.

Myself I didn't start watching this case unfold because I was fascinated, I was shocked! I could see where Ba Ba Walters might include it in her list but hopefully she will know better.
pssst. KC didn't have a job. Didn't get a paycheck. She stole money from her mother's account to live off of. The money she used to pay for food at Tony's came via AH's checkbook. She stole for a living. jmo

pssst. I'm well aware she didn't have a job. I was replying to another post.
bolded by me and with all due respect to your post, there is nothing about Casey Anthony that is "fascinating." I admit that this story may end up on a "most fascinating" things that happened this year from a probable psychopath baby killer getting acquitted by the means of an incompetent lawyer point of view. But, Casey Anthony is not fascinating.

Good points (I just snipped the rest for length). Now that I think further about Walters' 'fascinating people' show, I've decided she won't include Casey. But she will include somebody from this trial. Now I'm betting it'll be the jurors. She has done groups of people as one 'person' before. Either that or the lawyers. I can't seeing her picking Ashton over Baez or vice versa, but I can see her naming the lawyers in the trial as a group.


I'm not "FED" anything. I'm basing my judgement of Cindy Anthony on a series of actions, statements and testimony from Media, family insights, eye witness accts, court transcripts, police reports and countless paid interviews.

I'm not being snarky but why do you defend a person that you know next to nothing about? Let me in on what redeeming value Cindy has, AND what non-media source did you learn this from.

I'm not defending her.

I'm not "FED" anything. I'm basing my judgement of Cindy Anthony on a series of actions, statements and testimony from Media, family insights, eye witness accts, court transcripts, police reports and countless paid interviews.

I'm not being snarky but why do you defend a person that you know next to nothing about? Let me in on what redeeming value Cindy has, AND what non-media source did you learn this from.


You should ask Nancy Grace that same question.
Good points (I just snipped the rest for length). Now that I think further about Walters' 'fascinating people' show, I've decided she won't include Casey. But she will include somebody from this trial. Now I'm betting it'll be the jurors. She has done groups of people as one 'person' before. Either that or the lawyers. I can't seeing her picking Ashton over Baez or vice versa, but I can see her naming the lawyers in the trial as a group.

I'm not defending her.

You're not attacking her, so you must be defending her. At least that's how I took that comment.
..kc @ universal.

Q-How did you take advantage of her?
A-By using credit cards. When I had my own money, I still used some of her money. I went and bought
material things for nothing.
A-Whether it was things for myself, going out to eat.
A-Spend a little bit of time with friends, or went and took Caylee shopping. For whatever reason, I was
extremely selfish.

---kc--universal interview--

Thanks so much lauriej !
I disagree, human evil is not always or even mostly associated with death.

It is always associated with lies and the intention to deceive. To exploit and take advantage of, and divert attention away from the perpetrator of the "evil deed".

There's a continuum, of course. Any time a person lies to divert blame from themselves onto another person is "evil". Children do this, like, all the time :D but I'm talking about adults who know exactly what they are doing.

A great example of human evil is when Cindy began pointing her finger at Jesse Grund. She KNEW Casey was responsible, she cleaned out the trunk of that car! Yet she was willing to cause unreal harm to an innocent young man to divert the attention away from KC (which diverted the attention away from Cindy).

I think perhaps I am using the term "evil" to characterize a much wider scope of behavior than murder.

As far as denial, I disagree with your application of that word too. I think
the state of "denial" does not precisely mean a person who is 100% oblivious of their responsibility in an act. In psychology, denial means the person KNOWS but puts a ton of mental energy in refusing to know.

So based on differing interpretations of two different words, I have a very different conclusion about Cindy. She acted with intention. She is not psychotic or mentally retarded. She did what she did and the result was BAD.

At the same time, I believe her mental disorder is such that she could not have behaved any other way than she did. She is an emotionally and mentally "dangerous" person. She will hurt you to preserve her image, and the lengths to which she will go are astonishing.

John and Patsy Ramsey did the same thing and I am sure there are many others who do it when caught in a corner, they freeze and try to blame others.

Cindy was very good to Caylee and loved her dearly. I cannot apply the title "evil" to Cindy - Evil is left for the likes of Manson and his idiot followers who did what he wanted.

But we disagree.
Casey regrets doing "this" to her father?!! You have got to be kidding!!!
Sorry...I have to go do something productive...listening to this interview for even 15 minutes made my ears bleed.

What and who said this? PLEASE
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