MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #14

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I don't know anybody who would load a homeless person into the car, drive him to a market, buy him wine and then just send him and the wine on his way. That makes no sense to me at all.


The neighbor said he was clean and did handyman work. If he has been in the neighborhood for a while they might have had him do work for them.
I think one of the bigger lies told by the couple is when Lisa was last seen (alive) by them. MOO.

A key way to possibly find out (according to my theory anyway) is when did Jeremy tell his boss he was going to work the night hours??? (Assuming it was JI idea, not the boss. Is there a boss?)


JI is an electrician. I doubt he decided what hours to work.

The neighbor said he was clean and did handyman work.

And....why would DB or any woman decide to take a "clean" handyman to the store to buy wine? That makes no sense to me.

this grocery store news frustrates me, because i feel like it is becoming hard to separate what we actually KNOW with what can be assumed. i would like to know how the media got this information.

eta: i suppose this is the wrong thread. whoops! getting used to this forum thing. :)
JI is an electrician. I doubt he decided what hours to work.


read in prior posts that he was working on a new Starbucks that required them/contracting company to work at night to accommodate the commercial facility.
Police found a receipt from the Festival Foods Store at I-35 & Chouteau during one of their searches. It gives investigators an idea of Lisa's mother, Deborah Bradley was doing hours before the child disappeared.

Still catching up and 2 pages back.. But after hearing mom and "another" man(not her hubby, not baby daddy) were seen on video purchasing wine earlier in the evening that Lisa "disappeared.. I had to remark that I guess we found out what it was that had momma so dead to the world, comatose sleeping the night her baby "disappeared"..

But now question is what happened in those hours prior with "another" man, enjoying some wine??? WoW oh WoW!! Wonder what daddy, Jeremy's got to say about this new revelation??(if infact it's new info to him??) who knows??

Back to reading 2 pages back to catch up!!
this grocery store news frustrates me, because i feel like it is becoming hard to separate what we actually KNOW with what can be assumed. i would like to know how the media got this information.

eta: i suppose this is the wrong thread. whoops! getting used to this forum thing. :)

You're ok. This is the right forum. Keep talking!:woohoo:
read in prior posts that he was working on a new Starbucks that required them/contracting company to work at night to accommodate the commercial facility.

Yes but I have yet to read anything that even suggests JI decided what hours he would work. I do not believe JI set his own hours and will continue to hold that opinion until there is a link to support he did.

They really, really need to come clean with their timeline!
Sorry, but I doubt LE would consider someone of whom they already confirmed an identity to be a "mystery man." I expect LE to release the actual video shortly and calls will start pouring in with an I.D.


I just re-watched the news story on this and it was said that a source from inside the grocery store said DB was seen with an unidentified man. It didn't say LE said that, which means that even if LE knew who it was the store employees are not at liberty to say IMO
JI might already know this and that could explain why he seems somewhat distant with DB. moo
I just re-watched the news story on this and it was said that a source from inside the grocery store said DB was seen with an unidentified man. It didn't LE said that, which means that even if LE knew who it was the store employees are not at liberty to say IMO

"Not at liberty to say." You can't be serious. It's a SECURITY video.

The news article I saw was clear that there was a video watched by LE.

It would make it easier to follow if we stick to names/initials. JI is the babys father, her dad. Calling him "the boyfriend" seems like some moral disapproval label. DB is a mother, carried that baby in her womb for 9 months. If there is a substance abuse issue, an affair, she's only 25 years old. I'm more than twice her age and when I think back to being a mom of 2 boys (ages 8 and 2) at the age of 25, I sure didn't have maturity, knowledge, self confidence, esteem.

Who can throw the first stone? Compassion for Lisa is strengthened by practicing compassion for these young parents whose lives will never ever be the same--whatever the outcome. So come on, folks. Ferret out facts, speculate scenarios, and ah he**, go back to talking about your pets. But let's give up the crucifixion. It's bloody and violent enough out there.
Whatever the situation is with JI's work, and if he asked to work that shift, I wouldn't take his word for it. LE has probably looked into this angle already.
OK, been busy and have not read through all theories yet, the more I thought about everything, mulled it over, off and on, I think there's a possibility that Mom knows baby Lisa's Dad is a third party. She's known it all along. Because there is a legal assumption that Mom's husband is the father it has to be rectified before she can marry her fiance. This requires a DNA test or for her boyfriend to testify in open court in front of a judge that he claims to be the father of Lisa. I'm not sure of the legality in their state, it may still require an official DNA test. If she knew that test was coming up, very soon, there's a motive to....stop that test from happening. Her whole world would fall apart IF her husband and fiance were not the biological parent of Lisa. Just a theory, as I said I haven't read through the thread so if someone else thought of this first, I agree.

Pardon me :) for reposting my theory :) but, at least in this circumstance there's some hope that Mom passed this baby to a third party until she could sort out her life, figure out what to do next. I hope so.
I'm sorry, but if I thought my spouse did anything to one of my children, I would be upfront about it. Loyalty can only go so far.

Sorry, after reading through 14 threads, I am starting to get a little annoyed with this family.

If it were my child missing, I would be turning over every "stone" so to speak to locate this child. And I feel the same way about the threads for that poor little girl in WV.
There is no way Baby Lisa could have been rolled over in bed and died by accident. She was 30 lbs. Too big for this to happen by anyone named in that bed. Baby Lisa was not an infant, even at infant stages, this would be very rare.

Rare, yes. And yet it does happen. Granted the baby in this article was much younger, but it could happen.
"Not at liberty to say." You can't be serious. It's a SECURITY video.

The news article I saw was clear that there was a video watched by LE.


You are misunderstanding what I said. Yes I know LE watched the video but the reporter said a source from within the store told the news station DB was seen with an unidentified man. He did not quote LE as having said anything. If LE knows who it was they may have told the store employees NOT to reveal that.
JI might already know this and that could explain why he seems somewhat distant with DB. moo

That's an excellent guess. Can you imagine if during questioning by LE, if J 1st heard about his gf and a mystery man buying wine? No wonder J looks like he's in shock.

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