cadaver dog hits in Irwin home~search warrant served on family home #5

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So help me....................

If this baby is found with black garbage bags and tape and..................

I will Scream...................!!!!! :cry:
i wonder if a cadaver dog also hit on the freshly turned dirt???

I'm still trying to find "freshly turned dirt" in the warrants. Anyone see this or know where it came from? TIA.
Thank you, thank you. I feel the exact same way. JI just seems HINKY to me. That's why my main question is who, outside of the family, last saw Lisa and when.
Missing baby, drinking, this the first Anthony copy cat case? "She got away with it, I just might too..." :furious::furious::furious:

And remember Casey told her parents Caylee was alive, she was with the babysitter, she knew where Caylee was all along.
I never can keep up with posts when they start flying at this rate, so I'm going to jump ahead for a second.
JMO - For those who think there was an accomplice who took Lisa away for disposal... I posted earlier on the sighting at 4am thread... Where MT saw a man with a baby in only a diaper at 4am is a short distance from one cemetery + a couple others nearby.


It is extremely unlikely an "accomplice' is going to walk around for hours and hours while holding a baby.
I never can keep up with posts when they start flying at this rate, so I'm going to jump ahead for a second.
JMO - For those who think there was an accomplice who took Lisa away for disposal... I posted earlier on the sighting at 4am thread... Where MT saw a man with a baby in only a diaper at 4am is a short distance from one cemetery + a couple others nearby.


I think there was more than one.
You know the baby could have been killed the day or two before. Very easy for the Mommy to tell neighbors, kids the baby is sleeping, she has a cold, don't wake her up.

Going to the store to buy wine was her part to stage.

Inviting the neighbor over to drink wine was part of her alibi she thought!

That's what I was thinking about the baby food and wipes. A big deal was made of the fact that Casey Anthony never bought anything for Caylee on her Target runs. DB probably knew that .
If Lisa died before 6pm that night,who's involved? DB's brother? dad? neighbor? or just Deb?
I expect some finger pointing ,soon.
Just for clarification, the cadaver dog hit was Monday, October 17. The massive search was Wednesday, October 19. Some media reports are claiming that the cadaver hit during the big search, which is not the case.
Who thinks investigators did find some remains in the back yard during their exhaustive search?

They have a labrador who lives in the gated backyard. I don't think they could have buried anything there and not expected it to be 'undug' immediately. My old lab hardly let us plant new flowers before he began happily and enthusiastically digging them back up for us.
Too much for my heart today...I am just is so not right!

Off to hug my children and be mom for awhile.

Dear, dear, Lisa, this "Amma" is sooo sorry. I hope we find you soon
You know LE has never cleared JI either! I believe because without a body they cannot place a time of death. Her death could have happened the day before or even a few days before. JI is suspect, LE might have enough to arrest but they need more to point to which one, DB or JI, or Both! The body will reveal that. MOO

Weren't they all seen at a party? I can't recall when it was though.
i have just fallen off the fence and my thought is that JI knows exctly where he walked Lisa's deceased body to. DB may or may not know that she rolled over and killed Lisa in her drunken blackedout state. Pretty sure we now know what JI came and found when Lisa wasn't in her crib.
I did want to say that my experience is with the bigger tape guns with the handle, not the smaller, handleless ones. The bigger ones click. We have 5 or 6 different kinds with handles at work and they all click if pulled slowly. We also have one of those smaller ones but I have never used it. Does anyone have one of those they can check?

The ones I mentioned that make the ripping sound are the smaller ones with no handle. I've never used the bigger ones. Maybe that is the difference.
Is it? That's an older house. If one of the original/earlier owners had a heart attack or stroke at home -

I assure you a dog would hit in the bedroom of my mother's house.

Time will tell..............
Thank you, thank you. I feel the exact same way. JI just seems HINKY to me. That's why my main question is who, outside of the family, last saw Lisa and when.
Missing baby, drinking, this the first Anthony copy cat case? "She got away with it, I just might too..." :furious::furious::furious:

Let's hope the incredible diligence shown by the many agencies of LE to solve this will serve as a lesson to anyone who tries to copycat the Anthony case.

This one smelled as a hoax from the beginning. They need to nail--and will do so, I have no doubt--everyone involved.

If JI didn't have anything to do with this he needs to get his own counsel. And Pronto.
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